<<@MarkDice says : . ⚠ Order your Trump 2024 shirts here: https://www.markdice.shop Get Free Shipping this week with promo code BACKFIRE at the checkout! ⚡ Join my exclusive Locals community here: https://markdice.locals.com/support>> <<@bowfin68 says : The U.S never should have gotten into the Israel/Palestine issue. Truman should have stayed out of it. Would have been better for everyone if we had just sat back and let them all fight it out. Not our problem. Now, it's nothing BUT our problem. We should have cut ties and ALL funding to Israel after they pulled their little stunt with the U.S.S. Liberty! Can anyone explain to me WHY the U.S. didn't do just that? I would love to hear a legit explanation. I have my own theories on why we didn't turn them into a pile of rubble. Does anyone know the "official" story? I was in grade school when it all went down.>> <<@rpfcreates4476 says : I forgot she existed.>> <<@MrsHyde92 says : She sounds just as fake as Kamala!!! 😤🙈🙅 Typical politician... Stay away from her!>> <<@DontKnowDontCare6.9 says : Trump can get more mileage out of a homeless guy for his VP than a career politician thats acts like an amalgamation of Hillary, Kamala, Pelosi and the other crapheads of the "squad.">> <<@jjkhawaiian says : FNH>> <<@amariah1980 says : The King of Jordan refuted what the president said. The Israelis built a nation in a desert.>> <<@surreal6670 says : 🔥🔥🔥>> <<@beetlejuiceification says : Wonder what Nikki says about a Trump presidency now?>> <<@SergeantButters says : Forget any of the names involved, as a principle, why tf would you pick a VP who outwardly opposes your policy decisions?>> <<@adebobolaadegbuyi9014 says : She is a no body. She only has the money bags that hate Trump behind her.>> <<@RoddoRexx says : Maybe Nikki could go get a job working with Sloppy Daniels?>> <<@IchigosBestFriend says : She’s will only undermine him. I hope he steers clear>> <<@bestlifenow777 says : She is a joke!>> <<@mattyd6126 says : She was not born in the USA! Do your own research!>> <<@nickcarroll5034 says : but Mark, Trump is a total Israel shill too...>> <<@aaronferguson1772 says : lol yea she is on no list>> <<@newday2447 says : Go back in history further to 1917 and the Balfour declaration, the then British government literally got a ruler and divided up the region with no regard for towns villages or people in the areas the lines crossed through.>> <<@bo0tsy1 says : Actually scares me Trump would have an avowed Neocon on his team. Hopefully it a friend close, enemies closer thing.>> <<@sectortech12b8 says : Unfortunately she is a Democrat operative>> <<@IanStukenborg says : Are you saying he’s God!?! lol trying to jinx him… but really just really thinks she has to be VP!?! NO FUCKING GODDAMNED WAY MAN!!!!!!>> <<@FriedAudio says : Trans-Jordanians.>> <<@BornJamerican says : Trump made the mistake before of choosing a weak Vice President in 2016. Hopefully he has enough sense not to choose Nikki Haley 😌🤦🏾‍♂.>> <<@maryr8627 says : Amen, @MarkDice>> <<@JeremiahMolyneau says : Another female desperate for attention and money.>> <<@matthiasi8292 says : A Neocon is an AIPAC, Zionist stooge. Basically all of elected losers understand you can't rock this boat.>> <<@obamaissatan590 says : Please go away,nicky>> <<@mayfirst318 says : She should go independent... she would beat trump>> <<@cameronbriffa4302 says : And she’ll spend 4 years undermining him, alongside the Democrats>> <<@demonavarro5011 says : 🐍>> <<@ronatkinson1821 says : Donald Trump is the Head of the Republican Party. RINO’s are done for.>> <<@JerroldGarrison says : So!>> <<@neuro.weaver says : The DEEP STATE Regime wants to place their puppet in the VP position, and then use their political mechanism to impeach Donald Trump - and, TADA!, they have yet another stooge of theirs in the White House. Trump should know that with such a disloyal VP, his days will be numbered and his presidency severely hamstrung and truncated.>> <<@baloo_2228 says : Wow! That video of Truman was seriously incredible. Not sure if it was just his mannerisms in general, but the way he keeps rolling back and forth in his chair as he speaks kinda tells me that he was probably really really nervous about the whole thing.>> <<@davidmcintosh3468 says : *and now it's working out, eventually, I think that we'll have them all satisfied, but it's going to take a great deal of time yet, to get the job done* ... I guess we'll see, maybe Israel could renounce antichrist judaism, and start working for the good of all it's citizens? It appears that antichrist judaism is a CULT made up by "rabbi" Akiba (a witch), the apostate Jerusalem Sanhedrin, and their false messiah Simon Bar Koziba (who would be followed by MANY fake messiahs) back in ~100AD. (I guess they missed the REAL messiah, Jesus, in 33AD). Banning this ridiculous man-made cult with its red cows, political intrigues, insane new "sanhedrin", black-forehead boxes, and leather bondage straps (and all it's evil teachings), would go a LONG ways to removing craziness from Israel, and would remove a lot of evil out of the country. And since, the arab "koran" was created by copying jewish myths, fake science, and evil teachings from the Talmud; islam or "mohammadism" (named after another fake jewish messiah) should be banned too. Two man-made crazy cults designed to mislead and kill people being removed from the land of Israel would do a LOT for peace and better behaviour in the country. And then, maybe they should pray, repent, and ask the Lord God Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, Lord of lords, and King of kings to forgive their sins, so they don't have to die in hell, but can have the blessings of God the Father in Heaven, instead? Sounds like a good plan to me... what do you think? God bless you all! PS: if it works in Israel to ban the two fake "Abrahamic religions", then let's do it in the rest of the world too, the real Abraham of the Bible, put his faith in God the Father and the Lamb of God (Who was later revealed as the Lord Jesus Christ) to take away Isaac's (and Abraham's) sin. PPS: For the Christians who know your Bible and prophecy: Read Jewish Witch Albert Pike's letter "3 World Wars". He is describing the satanists game plan to jewish revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini. You will find out: 1. Who created the Soviet Union via WWI, after the teachings of jewish communism, and why 2. Who created Israel via WWII, after the teachings of Zionism, and why 3. Who wills to create Christian apostasy, via WWIII, after the teachings of Judaism and Islam. 4. Who created the atheists (think fake jewish science from the Darwins and Wedgewoods), and why 5. Who will, via agents, stir up social, economic, moral and physical strife 6. Who will, via agents (fake prophets and fake teachers?), try to remove Christians from Christ and the teachings of the Bible. 7. Who secretly despises the God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) of the Bible, and worships Lucifer (the angel-king of Babylon - Isaiah 14), and will try to force the world to serve Lucifer (think Adolf Hitler's Helena Blavatsky, and the UN's Lucis/Lucifer Trust) AND -- now you know that "freemasonry" and its "Morals and Dogmas" (written by Albert Pike), is ALSO a jewish-made satanic cult - so renounce it and repent if you or your family have had any connection to it (the "hidden hand" means being the agent/agenteur or hidden hand of jewish secret (and satanic) intrigue)>> <<@fixr says : No to nikki>> <<@silverback101 says : What does she want?>> <<@johng7265 says : She's a war head through and through. Zero integrity for me>> <<@donwilson9597 says : She the biggest piece of SHIIIIT for ever EVER... beyond Trump time, ALSO Victoria Nuland MUST MUST EXIT STAGE LEFT>>..good Bye Forever ...we all hope.>> <<@TalklikeAPirate says : She's a weasel and the R party is dead. Congrats Nikki for climbing up the trump ass path.>> <<@ReduesNewman says : Big Mouth made her a liberal toy>> <<@nerdfan28 says : what a donut shes laughably irrelivent>> <<@fabricioemmanuelli1115 says : This is a dog whistle for Trump to sell out 😂>> <<@fabricioemmanuelli1115 says : This lady is out of her mind>> <<@mazzvidz says : Neocon Nicki go home, you’re drunk.>> <<@HC-xk1iq says : Shameless>> <<@ralphreinhardt6020 says : She's the very definition of delusional space cadet.>> <<@NolaNerd says : She is lbj as a woman>> <<@RFazor says : And I highly doubt she will vote for PT; when she goes in to the booth to vote, it will be for herself>> <<@RFazor says : Most of her supporters were Democrats who would have voted for Biden>>