<<@frenchustube says : Well said!>> <<@anonymous-lt3yd says : Free: old sofa, free: used mattress, free: Palestinians.>> <<@marioluigi1979 says : Shalom Shalom yes exactly sad but true>> <<@xninjaprincessx says : There is no way what the state of Israel is doing is justifiable and if you think there is, your heart is dead and you have no humanity in you. My friend who is Palestinian has told me that entire bloodlines have been wiped out. In what world do we live in where you can justify that?!>> <<@xninjaprincessx says : The most unintelligent thing I’ve seen today>> <<@sherrymckay7 says : So true they are ruthless and evil>> <<@yasmineabu5557 says : Israel is doing to Palestinians what Nazis did to Jews. You can’t always be the victim.>> <<@mohdfaizmy says : so, why do you guys bring up the Holocaust story until now?>> <<@donnaschow613 says : FACTS❤❤❤>> <<@TeresaMora-y1i says : What a crock of shit>> <<@gajoahmed2429 says : Lol japan surrendered yet 2 nukes were dropped after they surrendered stop rewriting history.>> <<@Alfiesolomon631 says : Bhahahahahahaha>> <<@michaelipa5280 says : Enough of this Nazi propaganda>> <<@Terrytibbs357 says : how can you say the British bombing Germany was a genocide we had our country having to deal with the blitz which was genocide we had to experience that before the germans my grandfather was a rear gunner on a Lancaster bomber he did many night raids which the brits did American did day raids from england>> <<@marklumley619 says : Logic and facts are lost on the left>> <<@rickflose says : Yes I’m sure this JEW isn’t lying 😂>> <<@causeitsthere says : Ohh now, Israel says the war is over. How many hostages are still captive? Why are the idf getting killed everyday in city’s that were bombed to ashes? How’s that floating barge and new road being built to seperate Gaza in half? To do what? Control the area better? No, it’s to get that oil/natural gas off the coast of Gaza. Jews have lost all credit with this disgusting display of military bombing on civilians.>> <<@batonrouge9982 says : Hamas is genocidal Free the world from Hamas.>> <<@fey9319 says : Hamad do not love their people. They do not care if palestinian people all die. Hamas love islam & money. Islam intent to eliminate Israel. Islam is Iran government, qatar, hesbolah, etc.>> <<@professorrogue3473 says : Israel has been bombing Gaza since long before October 7th. The most recent campaign started in 2008 when ISRAEL broke a ceasefire to bomb Hamas. They left 100 000 ppl displaced. Hamas did not start this. Additionally Israel is using the hostages as an excuse for what they are doing, even though Hamas has offered to release the hostages several times, the most recent of which was only a week ago. I do not support Hamas, but Israel is just as guilty as they are>> <<@deewatt says : This is a false comparison because these examples were nation states on nation states hermas is not a nation state. And it's more ideology than it is a nation you can't bomb an idea out of existence. ask America.>> <<@higgsboson9380 says : What a stupid comparison.>> <<@XrayMike17plus1 says : This is a PR war as much as a real one. Toxic social media needs to be beaten back with enthusiasm...>> <<@Rosesofmoon12 says : absolutely true>> <<@markhatton9952 says : Additionally, the Germans were not charged with genocide for the bombing of London. What they did to the Jews however is a completely different kettle of fish.>> <<@StarsMarsRadio says : You know it doesn't have to be one side or the other. Hamas can be bad and Israels disproportionate response can also be wrong.>> <<@somedude8791 says : But I don't want my tax dollars funding any of it.>> <<@youvasquez says : why is WW2 a standard for warfare? Because it can be convenient for others to use to justify their actions?>> <<@jizzaymz says : 💯% truth! That war would be over if Palestine (aka: Hamas) would quit being terrorists. Search "Isreal" on Google Maps; you'll see it's a real country with border, the letters will be in bold (like all actual countries on Google Maps). Then, search "Palestine" and you'll see that it shows merely a section within Isreali land. No bold letters or anything. Technically, an observer State under Isreali occupation. Hopefully they will be eradicated by Isreal and peace can finally prevail.>> <<@rarellanbrasil says : Free the hostages!>> <<@LadyDisdain3 says : If a bad guy uses a child as a shield I do not think it makes it okay to shoot the child to kill the bad guy. We wouldn’t be okay with this in a home invasion, we shouldn’t be okay with this in war either.>> <<@natebarker6464 says : Its hard to feel bad for the people of Gaza. They are so thoroughly brainwashed. Hamas steals most of the aid given to the Gazans. If they can, they used whatever aid to further their terrorist activities towards the very people who provided it. They use the Gazans as human shields and when they are warned by the IDF to evacuate an area, Hamas forcibly keeps them in place so they will die from the bombing so they can say the IDF is indiscriminately bombing civilians. Yet Hamas enjoys just over 70% support from the Gazan people. Their hatred for the Jewish people is apparently so strong that theyll cut off their nose to spite their face.>> <<@euphoricbliss6699 says : Get bent prager 😂>> <<@captainhowdy9174 says : Japan declared their surrender before the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki....>> <<@markchasse8992 says : Oct 7 was a ff executed in order to acquire the oil/gas resources and build a new canal in the region.>> <<@zenomaven5290 says : This dude will go to any extent to justify killings of Palestinians.... Shame on him. ICJ procecuters are more qualifed then this person and they know their shit. So, please stop whitewashing the acts of Israel, because everyone knows, the world knows, more than 180 countries know that israel is committing genocide.>> <<@victorypoints777 says : It's awful. I'm reminded of a scenario within the Holy Bible where it talks about God going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, but was asked if he would spare the land if righteous people inhabited it.>> <<@janedawson1398 says : The bombing is because of the apartheid, oppression and slaughter of the Palestinians by Israel for the past 80 years. Oct 7th is a consequence of that. However, Jews are extremely narcissistic and lacking insight so they will never understand this.>> <<@0Namename says : Thank you for creating this concise message. If people don't respond to this argument I don't understand their ability to think. What am missing in that? I feel like it's a shortcoming that an argument is so compelling I don't think of a counter, or am I unable to find flaw in the logic?>> <<@BanditFlashpoint says : Hamas hides behind civilians like Cowards. What's wrong Hamas? You Yellow? Or you Chicken?>> <<@burtemis1 says : Yeah but didn’t Mossad and US intelligence have ridiculous amounts of knowledge of the music festival far in advance? Idgaf about this conflict and don’t choose sides but I feel like that’s a glaring point which is conveniently overlooked.>> <<@oscarsilva9384 says : All that intel and precise rockets and missiles is why i dont believe these people .. they can take out their communications towers ...this isnt 1950s we have better capabilities today ..stop comparing our military today by our past military>> <<@eilis23 says : We stand with Israel ❤ Am Yisrael Chai.>> <<@CIKcki says : I can't believe they took so LONG to realized this! 🤬>> <<@mikaeldarander3458 says : Both sides are evil. Israel are going too far and in wrong way>> <<@themostoriganalthing says : Hey maybe if the globalist warmongers who sat peacefully on their hilltops in Switzerland during both world wars hadn't convinced the allied powers to jam a Jewish state right in the middle of Arab land we wouldn't be in this mess would we. Blame Palestine all you want, they are wrong too but anybody supporting Israel at this point in history is more wrong.>> <<@PatrickKearns-qy8zx says : The whole world will celebrate soon when every American is forced into reeducation to learn just how wrong and how hated they are.>> <<@h8rh8r says : They hide behind the balls of toddlers. The toddlers have bigger balls than them.>> <<@ImWatchingYou2012 says : Free the hostages>> <<@townrumor says : Y’all some fools he theater 🎭 of war>>