<<@SargonofAkkad says : Here's some cheery reading for you: https://www.lotuseaters.com/the-english-dystopia-29-03-24>> <<@Semprefi says : I have to assume there are people the Apple ad was made for and that explains the state of music and movies made today. Apparently the missing ingredients in most of the music and movies being churned out today are creativity and soul. It’s obvious now>> <<@Semprefi says : I think that the view of the world a person would need to have in order to dream up the Apple commercial and believe it would resonate with the masses would be the antifa member who was given the regular kool-aid>> <<@Semprefi says : What would Dr.Freud say about the Apple commercial?>> <<@Dazza_Doo says : The sound of silence, the Neon God, that they made.>> <<@JoelGrant-ie4ly says : The AI needed a REAL multi-ton press to crush those REAL analog products. Apple should have realized that the "Grass isn't greener on the other side.">> <<@reinereine1896 says : I diden't understand a bit of what this episode are trying to say me.>> <<@dwwolf4636 says : I still prefer an ebook reader or a book if I really want to relax. Much better readability. Rule books are painfull on tablets....phones no thx.>> <<@abramurbanski1902 says : It is tge destruction of leasure.>> <<@lordscrewtape2897 says : A computer can maybe ( I'm not convinced of this)create any guitar sound you like...the problem is the computer CANNOT be Eddie Van Halen... I'm reminded of a recent story where some producer decided to recreate the late great singer Steve Marriott..it started with his kids saying.. that's not Dad, band mates like Peter Frampton slagging it and the general public ignoring it at best...>> <<@Revolutionary1449 says : Islam is the solution>> <<@karachaffee3343 says : Frank Herbert wrote that the problem with machines is that they increase the number of things we can do without having to think about them.>> <<@Ailsworth says : This could be good if Mr Benjamin had actually had to endure modern tech that he did not buy but was forced to use anyway, such as millions of people do everyday at work. He is almost on to something, but he hasn't fallen into the waters yet - he does not know them>> <<@genestone4951 says : Excellent presentation, thank you.>> <<@TealWolf26 says : We're going to replace ourselves completely with artificial technology and not even realize it happened. Will we remember what we were? Will we even care?>> <<@marqod1437 says : Hats off to Samsung for correctly identifying what Apple got wrong. Most times these out-of-touch global corporations just sneer at the plebians for doubting their expertise and close ranks. Maybe if the prices of their QD-OLED monitors drops to something the lower middle class can afford I could find out what HDR looks like.>> <<@PhattyBolger says : I'm only 29 and I had a discman.>> <<@jadonharper1493 says : This video is so incredibly on point.>> <<@AlphaAurora says : Gadgets of Convenience or Entertainment. What a description for the current spate of technology. No longer used to overcome physical limitations, or increase productivity. Rather, you get the efficiency boom, for mor entertainment or convenience. Perhaps, that effect on the human psyche is terrible.>> <<@lorenzo6mm says : "Techno Feudalism"....>> <<@lorenzo6mm says : Techno Feudalism is on the Horizon. Aldous Huxley "Brave New World" See, 1.6 Birth Rates of World's Middle Class. The Long March of Leon Trotsky's 1938 4th International..>> <<@uppishcub1617 says : 2:19 I was. I hate smart phones because these boring spyware filled glass slabs replaced all the pieces of technology I liked. Technology has soul, or it used to. There was a high degree of skill and artistry that was put into the making of machine. Thought and care went into every aspect of it. These things were made by masters of their craft who really cared about their work. Each device had ots own personality that reflected that of its creator. Modern tech is flat, featureless, and generic do everything devices designed by committee and maintained by underpaid third worlders who don't care at all about their work.>> <<@auraguard0212 says : I remember someone (maybe on here) saying that the ad is infinitely better if you play it in reverse.>> <<@greasybumpkin1661 says : Morgoth's video "The Photographer" is another brilliant take on this topic>> <<@anotherbloodyfanwriter1941 says : I had a discman when I rode the bus as a boy for years. Its in a fucking museum now. I'm not even quite 30 yet.>> <<@AVATARdemon113 says : I think this advert did its job too well. Credit to whoever made it. As an artist, I like it. That doesn’t mean I’m no longer going to pick up a pencil and sketch the faces of my children.>> <<@frikyouall says : I can see where they were meaning to go with this advert. "Everything you enjoy can be found in here!" Apparently, it did not land.>> <<@Winterascent says : In 1994 my parents bought me a Sony R2400 for my 15th birthday. It was great and I was so happy to have had it. 28 years later I was also happy to get rid of it. It basically slowly broke down and all features stopped working. I have not replaced it, and do not miss it. I slowly rid myself of my old CD collection, mostly acquired from 1993 to 2008, and I didn't really want to listen to them. A small thumb drive and songs downloaded from YT has been good enough for my music needs, listened to entirely in my car.>> <<@facethemoosikrts6527 says : Technological progress is not moral whatsoever. Meeting basic human needs is not a good in itself. The result of it is simply an increase in population until the resources are spread thinly enough among it to reflect their distribution before the pertinent stage of technological progress. The world still has famines, diseases only more people are suffering. Without selection pressures human beings devolve and degenerate. If you cure diseases then weak people are born who will be susceptible to entirely new health problems. Doing things in the name of convenience is simply the human form of entropy. Besides all this technological progress renders more of the human experience obsolete than it satisfies and what it satisfies tends to be the most animal-like components. The love of technological progress is only expressed on this level by the children of the technological machine who have found a place in it due to the increasing specialization of labour which rewards one-dimensional human beings lost in abstract systems of thought who in fact usually have low genetic health. They dread to think about the days when polymaths were the architects of progress who were well-rounded healthy individuals succeeding in all forms of human endeavor from physical to mental. However we can even take our criticism a step further and state that since there exist a finite amount of phenomena in nature that we can exploit to our own ends - not to mention the finite amount of resources - technological progress will necessarily come to an end. In fact we will go back to pre-industrial standards. This is just the beginning of history with a flash of heat before it reaches a state of equilibrium. Therefore the argument that all ends justify the means when it comes to facilitating technological progress and all standing in the way of it are thus ought to be 'morally eliminated' doesn't hold at all. There will never come a day when humanity will pay off its debts whether we're talking about human suffering or pollution of the planet and it will all be for nothing.>> <<@noupperlobemanify says : Mother Earth is black? lol>> <<@jaredray7034 says : I swear, modern creators of AI are so obsessed with the question of “how can we?“ That they never bothered to ask the question, “should we?“>> <<@balaklava6420 says : Tim Apple.>> <<@morsmagne says : I disagree with this - it's viewing the production of art with rosy-tinted spectacles. To get good, you must practice well beyond the point of enjoyment. For example, think of the pain ballerinas go through during training and practice. Art for personal enjoyment (hobbies) is a completely different subject. Also, it's very early days for AI - it's going to get better at entertaining us.>> <<@Nick-ij5nt says : All this complaining and they're still gonna buy it anyway.>> <<@Tnu1138 says : Heh, second fiddle.>> <<@theblackneon5396 says : Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu, argues that a 'dumb' people led by 'unwise' leaders is the way to achieve a good society.>> <<@ghostpunkkilla says : I still buy DVD's/Blue Rays/CD's.>> <<@newdivide9882 says : In a more in depth and elegant way, you explained why books weren’t overtaken by e-readers. Ask literally ANY reader why they prefer books over e-readers and they’ll tell you almost exactly the same thing: “Books have a soul to them that tablets don’t.”>> <<@Ferrari308-GTSi says : I have fallen on tremendously difficult financial hardships. As such, I have canceled my cell phone service. I still have my phone. In fact, I have a couple of them. I just have no service. It's been this way for months now. I'm tremendously disconnected and didn't realize how much I needed a phone number in order to do things like mobile banking. What's going to happen to me now? Is it possible for me to claw my way back into normal society without cell phone service?>> <<@someman8772 says : I dunno man. I think we're reading too deep into the iPad ad. The point is literally just "look at all the things you can do with our tablet!">> <<@indigenoussober407 says : Same with AI, can we just not do it.>> <<@sweetshell2585 says : So interesting!! Thank you 🖤>> <<@chris-work4470 says : these tech giants are so anti-human and so tone deaf>> <<@charlescawley9923 says : Thank you.>> <<@MisterMunkki says : You wrote the script using your phone? You psychopath>> <<@decwow says : 1:33 Uhh.... no. Apple has not released a first generation device since their earliest desktop computers in the early 90's. Every other device has been at least two tech generations behind before apple released their version.>> <<@WednesdayFin86 says : These corporations are hellbent on making their devices only terminals to their cloud services.>> <<@garrethboland says : Wait, I don't remember the iPhone replacing the Game Boy. Pure blasphemy.>> <<@potatokitty says : Life is but what you need from it. Not what one gives to it.>> <<@NJBeltCimmerian89 says : Working on my car with the sun on my back and my phone in the house is nothing short of pure bliss.>>