<<@whatsaaappthesequel says : men with fragile egos find this offensive especially men who dont know how to act around a woman>> <<@whatsaaappthesequel says : I dont see whats wrong with their answers, I mean shit you gotta put yourself in their shoes, if I was a woman I wouldnt want to be with a man in the woods nothing good ever happens in the woods especially with a stranger, you dont know who this man is>> <<@sacredinsomecultures5592 says : How about this question to women: “if you were in the woods and you came across a bear … who would you hope would come along?” A man perhaps?>> <<@zach6800 says : 3:30 guys fighting hard for just a crumb>> <<@ToeJamminEarl says : how tf do these women think they came into existence?>> <<@heusniet says : It's hilarious that domestic violence is highest among lesbian couples and least under gay men couples. Soooo, the less women in the relationship the less violence there is.>> <<@konstantin.v says : Well... depending on the species, many bears are *easily scared,* as powerful predators as they are. I scared one myself once. I was scared myself, too 😁>> <<@AltairEgo1 says : more men in the west are afraid of women than bears are, so statistically speaking, a man is more likely to run away from you in the woods. Ergo your survival rate around a man is higher. Bears have no concept of consequences, most men understand what happens if they attack.>> <<@briceonyoutube7215 says : they trolling right?>> <<@l77scmaro2 says : Funny how they also leave out the fact that, if you adjust things statistically like they did, a MAN is ALSO many times more likely to be killed by a woman than a bear. Women can be murderer and ra*ists too but acknowledging that fact would mess up the victium/victiumizer propaganda, woudn't' it?>> <<@M3au says : As a man, I would rather be stuck in the woods with a bear than any of the idiot women that voted for”bear” in this survey.>> <<@LadyLibertyBella says : Hey, let the bears eat! They are magnificent creatures and deserve a good meal. Besides helps reduce feminist insanity. As a woman, id rather have a man find me then one of those women. But I do love a good hike with my dog so maybe I’m just weird? Nah, these chicks are crazy.>> <<@eTown-hf2rk says : If you dont feel safe around men who tamed the fing planet your missing chromosome>> <<@eTown-hf2rk says : If 50% of men wanted to hurt you there nothing you could do regardless dummy>> <<@GaryMiller-r3u says : Not a woman one asked if the man in the woods was their man, but they wonder why we take it personally. If you look at men like this you don't deserve a man.>> <<@Bierprofi says : why are their tits hanging out ?>> <<@charleshetrick3152 says : My favorite response to this question is to point out that this is why we don’t want grown men in women’s bathrooms.>> <<@d.p.l9623 says : Do people not realise that a bear will pin you down and take chunks out of you? They won’t even kill you first as they are omnivores>> <<@thENDweDIE says : If a female actually encountered a bear, anywhere...they'd be praying for a man to show up..!!>> <<@thENDweDIE says : A Suger Tits bear...not a Bearing bear..!!>> <<@Mr-Neven says : The fact that these people can vote destroys my mind.>> <<@markkravig7410 says : I’d rather hang out with TWO bears. I’d bet sharing a couple of beers with Bearing and Sugartits on my deck in the mountains would be pretty fun:>> <<@vikteren8723 says : I feel bad for the bear.>> <<@robertmiles1603 says : id choose the bear over a woman too. unlike amber heard a bear shits in the woods, not on your bed>> <<@Tony-hv8wz says : They been saying this for weeks then all of a sudden wade wilson shows up lol. Smh you can't make this up>> <<@knutolavbjrgaas1069 says : How did you manage a whole video about this topic without referencing your channel name whatsoever? (Lmk if i just missed it)>> <<@HammboneBob says : Bro he's an expert on this>> <<@rustyshackleford3862 says : Who would rather tell your feelings to. A woman or a Tree?>> <<@Original_Katros says : "A bear can be reasoned with" Why yes, the wild animal that runs on instinct and is incampable of rational thought, can be reasoned with... But the man can't apparently.>> <<@UnhingedOpsLK says : To start, I don't want anyone to feel offended, I just want to inform people that bears are not as cute and safe as these women think they are. They are beasts driven by instinct. I'm not mad about the fact their mostly not choosing men, i'm not the least bit annoyed lol, it's their belief and I can't change that and they have the right to think that obviously. But not to belittle these women but I really believe their under the false impression that a bear is all cuddly, cute, and small. And it appears in most iterations of this question it's a Brown Bear or a Grizzly Bear. So let me just enlighten a lot of people here as to WHAT a Grizzly bear really is. They are 7-9 feet tall beasts almost reaching 10 feet, that on average and also depending on habitats and the type of bear, i'll go with a Coastal Brown Bear, weigh 800 pounds (363 kg) all the way up to 1,400 pounds (635 kg) with the largest Grizzly Bear ever recorded being 1,600 pounds (725 kg) Not only are these goliaths of a creature unpredictable, they are also extremely brutal due to being so strong. Meaning even if you aren't around their kids or anything else they care about their still likely to attack you. Basically a human like you is not going to scare it due to them being almost double your height, you can't beat it in a hand to hand because they have 2-4 inch claws that are extremely sharp and can decapitate a human in one swipe, you're not going to overpower it due to them weighing almost triple your weight and being 5 times stronger if not more than a human, you also aren't going to run from it due to them being able to run 35 mph with a top speed of 40 mph, and they can run 50-100 yards all the way up to 2 miles without getting tired, 50 yards is 150 feet, 100 yards is 300 feet, you also can't outswim a Grizzly Bear since they can swim at 6 mph, an average human can only swim at 2 mph, and their also one of the most intelligent animals in North America which doesn't really mean much considering humans are way smarter but still. Ontop of all of that.. Grizzly Bears are resistant to being hit with low caliber fire so basically like 9 mm and etc, it wouldn't really matter either way though considering at close range or even a moderate range you're unlikely to hit them as they can run faster than you can and have been recorded to keep running even after being shot. There's literally a reason why they say Bear spray is more effective than a gun lol. So my point? You're going to die most of the time. "Oh just play dead" Grizzlies have been known to still maul and kill people who have played "dead" Not to mention if you ever do get in the situation you're most likely not going to get out, Grizzly bears have been known to keep attacking until the threat is immobilized or incapacitated, meaning you're odds of actually surviving even WHILE playing dead are close to 0% Even one swipe from a Grizzly Bear is enough to crack your skull, or at the very extreme; crush it. Yes, Grizzlies can quite literally crush your skull with minimal effort. They can also divide you spine with one hit and paralyze you which is another reason why playing dead pretty much won't do much for you, only a small chance of ACTUALLY keeping you alive and even if you do survive the onslaught you're going to be put in a position where you most likely can't reach help in time and die from injures or blood loss. The reason why a Grizzly would be more dangerous is because their not logical like a man is, instinct being the key factor as to why their so dangerous. I think the opening clip does a really good job at explaining what a Grizzly Bear can do to an average human, just toned down a bit, when I say this i'm not exaggerating, the smallest female Grizzly bears could easily drag a 200 pound man with little to no effort, a Grizzlies bite psi is 1,100 - 1,200 psi. They could easily punch holes in you and turn you into a human swiss cheese. Also not to sound like a dickhead but I highly doubt a man would be trying to assault you in the forest, it's more likely he would be trying to get out and escape the active threat of a literal bear or escape the forest entirely. Also that guys statistics are bullshit lol, i'm just going to lay it out flat to anyone who does me the pleasure of reading this comment, maybe they can carry on the message to him but his statistics are bs. Also he didn't talk about men attacking women in the forest statistics. Based on his statistics the likelihood of getting in a forest it's extremely low. Hmmm, 165 million men, 168 million women, only 8,000 attacks? That would make the percentage of getting attacked lets see.. Oh.. 0.00476% Would you look at that! Try again buddy.. And even if you count the 1.6 million nonfatal attacks it's still under 1% It's 0.952% Based on your own evidence. It's so funny how his entire argument just becomes flawed if you actually do research. So yes, the likelihood of actually getting attacked based on his own evidence is lower than 1% This dude's a comedian. But again, I don't want to sound like a dickhead, it's their belief. I again change that, i'm not trying to render their belief "utterly stupid" but the possibility of you actually getting assaulted by a man in the forest is quite low but I could be wrong. Anyways, whoever might be reading this, have a good day or night or whatever, idk.>> <<@chefcamsey1375 says : Humphrey B Bear 😊>> <<@mattbeckley9483 says : So as somone who has been up close and personal with a bear in real life i wasn't too close but a good 20-30ft from me is close enough imo id rather go into the woods with some dumb annoying feminist like Kate braithwait and listen to her shout at me the whole time for being a white man then be mauled by a bear>> <<@mattbeckley9483 says : I'm sure you won't totally misinterpret this is all women wanna sleep with bearing because they chose bear over man 😆😆😆>> <<@baconboyxy says : Someone please get one of these women to volunteer to hang out in a bear enclosure and see how it is lmao>> <<@guerraespiritual8881 says : Holy shit, dumbed down USA. Imagine our ancestors watching that podcast.>> <<@Funfan24 says : I thought about watching this video. Because I have a hard time trusting other people. Then I white knight channel ended up in my recommended in my feed. So I decided to watch this.>> <<@lucifer-ic9th says : What women fail to understand is that given the chance between finding a woman or a bear in the ends men would also chose the bear>> <<@GiovanniAuditore says : Modern women genuinely don't know what a bear actually is. They need to google a grizzly on it's hind legs next to a man. I'd rather get punched in the face a dozen times by Mike Tyson than get swiped once by a grizzly's claws.>> <<@MBLUESFAN says : Being on your period around bears increases significantly your chance of being attacked.>> <<@ericmoeller3634 says : hay let them women be with the bear in the woods it will help humanity a lot they'll regret it or they may never come out of the woods>> <<@1635-g9r says : Chat gpt says: from a legal perspective... Choosing a bear over a man ensures a victory for everyone concerned. The bear gets a good meal, The women is satisfied that everyone believes she is the victim And the man, at the very least avoids being accused of rape.>> <<@fettbub92 says : The argument i get from people is that bears rarely attack humans, and I explained that this is because they rarely encounter humans; if you do encounter a bear, its a different story. Its kinda like sharks. Shark attacks are rare, but tell me you would rather jump in the water with a great white, bull or tiger, over a man.>> <<@Yourequiremoreminerals says : Weird, neither men or bears scare me.>> <<@lihoffman8157 says : Try to ask women that if they were stuck in the woods they would either be with a gay man or a straight man but the gay man was a cannibal and the straight man was married but very loyal to his wife.>> <<@cleanmikeandtheboys3165 says : It's wild to imagine that they thought this was a clever way to make a statement.>> <<@LowLevelWarrior says : Some people are unbearable. But a bear is a *bear* .>> <<@giggyjupiter8246 says : 6:27 "A bear can be reason with." 😂🤣 So what men can't. We are dumber and less civilised than a wild bear.>> <<@Gneepgnorp says : To me it just depends on the type of bear>> <<@Envy-Animations says : If it’s in a forest you can’t escape, I’m going with bear because I read Lord of the flies>> <<@tilkian says : I think another point is that these woman are the ones creating the picture in their minds as they wish, so let's make it more specific and see if the answers still the same, while walking on a forest trail, would you rather cross paths with a man or a beer. This implies that the man is simply walking minding his own business, which most are and might give them greater context......🤔>>