<<@ChuckItUp says : From my experience when I was hurting bad in college, when you pawn something for money they give you X amount of days to pay loan off to get your item back. If you don’t pay by that date then they will sell it. May have changed since then>> <<@jamesnewton485 says : Pawn shops make the most money off items that they give loans on and the customer is unable to pay off the loan and the item is forfeited. A loan against an item is a lot less than outright selling it to the shop.>> <<@4cheese361 says : the loan part is basically they hold ur item for 3 months, and u have that time to pay the loan back with the interest. you can also get a extension as long as u pay the interest.if u dont pay in the 3 months its now theirs.>> <<@peanutbutterdijonnaise says : You could eat soup out of that pawn man’s neck good lord>> <<@br777666 says : You loan or sell your item to the pawn shop. If you sell, you don't get your item back. If you pawn or loan your item, you have 30 days from the maturity date of that loan (which is 30 days) to pay the loan off and get your item back or you can redeem the loan, which is the interest, to extend the loan for another 30 days. Most pawn shops make their money off of customers redeeming the loan, cause they don't have the money to get it out yet.>> <<@tedfeast says : Took a trip to visit thst store. In one of the worst neighborhoods in Detroit. Very nice store. And everyone rolling in was dressed like they were gonna be on tv.>> <<@TSPH1992 says : I know nothing about economics, but if a lot of people are selling valuable items and things like noble metals at a pawn shop out of pure desperation there's bound to be trouble.>> <<@dr.tobiasgoodfellow5174 says : My friends and family must be the exception then. They are all living large. My daughters retired MIL and boyfriend are like on permanent vacation. My daughter, her husband and toddler are leaving next month on a 2 week European vacation. They treat Disneyland like it’s a city park as often as they go. My wife and I, both retired under 60, are doing fine financially, though we just stay home and lead boring lives.>> <<@daywithdave says : Screw Biden.>> <<@anthonyvenney389 says : Bidenomics SUCKS. TRUMP 2024.👍🇺🇸>> <<@k.m.h7480 says : The economy sucks>> <<@denniswilder3014 says : Its so sad that the gullible left actually believe the economy is good and jobs are being created. Yes jobs are being created but they are mostly part time jobs and being occupied by people with full time jobs.>> <<@Docsjeff says : My ex-father in law owned a Pawn Shop and he made a loan on a pair of prosthetic ears!😂>> <<@Docsjeff says : 95% of the added “Jobs” are PART TIME. MSM doesn’t tell us that. People are having to get additional jobs just to buy groceries. These people lie right to our face and walk away laughing at our dumb asses knowing there is NOTHING we can do about it. The MSM is Complicit. These rich entitled politicians don’t feel the inflation.They get their money through corrupt means and the blood of soldiers in foreign countries fighting for the U.S. Military Industrial Complex. We have some sick despicable Reprobate Immoral Demons in our govt.>> <<@thadcrosby3594 says : Last..Week..a..24oz..soda..(in..South..Carolina)..cost..me..$3.oo....Days..before..It..was..$2.69>> <<@mrizzy8914 says : Pawn shops are like rent a center they give you cash for return and you have to make monthly payments on pay it off or you lose it>> <<@leanturkey531 says : American politicians are full of BS they’ve destroyed America>> <<@donaldroberts7242 says : It’s gotten so bad, the local pawn shop by me has stopped doing loans temporarily and the manager told me that they have to start really moving inventory or they might not make it.>> <<@T.R.R.Jolkien says : Biden economics have cost us triple>> <<@RSI24 says : I don't want either of these boomers..one's a senile mumbling fool and the other one is a grifting con artist..FJB and FDT>> <<@JayDominic-d1s says : gotta get rid of dominion vote counting machines or the demoncrats will get in again>> <<@michaelmaas5544 says : As much as I can’t stand Les he’s speaking the truth.>> <<@JimmyCarterAkaBrandon says : Hardcore pawn is fake it’s crazy that people actually believe this guy I’ve already been losing trust in the right wing media but this is just to far>> <<@anamericancitizen2971 says : People are hurting because of Democrat Politicians Policies, Americans are hurting bad. And Joe Biden is bringing the pain, its hammer time.>> <<@whitechris720 says : My work takes me into people's homes. The amount of people that have admitted to only eating one meal a day is shocking! It's always elderly on fixed income. It's very sad>> <<@TheCalifornioCA says : We need the Latinos for trump to come out. No more fear being called a race traitor>> <<@ebee3522 says : If you’re getting government subsidies the inflation doesn’t affect you; but when your groceries cost 3/4 of a weeks income inflation is pure oppression; people that aren’t typically homeless will become homeless at the rate we’re going; Democrats love financial depression because it gives them more power over the people; FDR turned us all into a number and gave us a mandatory savings plan that never increases at the rate of inflation; Lyndon Johnson’s paying for black women’s household as long as the man wasn’t present gave them control over schools and children leading to indoctrination because a single working mom/parent has to depend on daycare which gives your child to outside influences for four times as much time than the parent gets with the child & this is why these scumbag Marxist professors have such an influence on student body especially those attending colleges on loans and low grade scholarships. It was really ingenious of them to focus on the youth.>> <<@andrewhoover4641 says : Immigrants lower wages. That’s the plan. Yet those who are hurt the worst tend to vote blue..thus undermining any chance of raising wages..>> <<@BrandonnBike says : It's bad. When I got to the store for dinner for two 30-40 dollars. When I go to the fast food restaurant for two 30-40 dollars. Its crazy.>> <<@andy41417 says : Foreign born workers are getting the jobs. Domestic workers numbers down. Many jobs are part time so benefits fill the gap.>> <<@cynthiawilliams1948 says : Politicians use those metrics to brainwash and manipulate the consumers.....they are designed to make things look good but actually it's not......the business term is called windowdressing. Things may look good on the outside but dry and empty on the inside.>> <<@Johnny-vb3dq says : Thats sad , believe it or not i have a friend that thinks brandon is doing a great job even though his taxes and insurance has doubled not to mention food prices ,when he loses his house he can always go to acadamy sports and outdoors and get a new house and refrigerator>> <<@steveminton8329 says : It's doing better for the crooks (politicians) because they are SCREWING Us🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬>> <<@jamesward3254 says : Lying Leftists , NOT realists , im self employed, No Work ,, FK Joe Biden !>> <<@binkwood says : Come Memorial Day, gasoline is going to back up over $4 a gallon and it's pretty obvious what rising fuel costs do to the economy.>> <<@socialstudieslive2969 says : I was I Captain in the army and now I sale plasma to eat>> <<@felixfischer312 says : When do we see Politicians do this or the LEADERS do this.. they are in A PAID FOR BY US SYSTEM ‼️>> <<@sgtsclark1 says : You mean democrats lie? Wow! lol>> <<@shaunrev3184 says : A bag of chips cost 6.00 in nc>> <<@cryptictundra says : Pawnshops are not in business to make money from the public. They do have an alternative way(s) of keeping the cash flowing. As far as how they do it... thats.... ummm ....depends on the owners. Its insane to think a business would prosper from strictly being public reliant. They are definitely sticking their hand in a totally different cookie jar and playing the long game.>> <<@optimusprimer4392 says : Pawn shops do good in economic recessions>> <<@mr.p.4034 says : Bought a piece of 1/4" thick laminate glass (safety glass) at 58" X 42" three years ago for 274.00. Just had to buy another one, 535.00 WTF????>> <<@rubyvolt says : ANY person blaming ONE side or the OTHER is a programmed FOOL. The OWNERS of this nation who own ALL of Washington, UNCLUDING the DUMPSTER, are taking the world to war since the population of this nation are mostly "the herd of pigs" JG hoped for. See if your puny brains can figure out who that is. THAT is the type of people RUNNING this nation and they are NOT in Washington but CONTROL all of it.>> <<@AgrippaKCsGunTime says : i’m a pawnbroker. There is a scale of what people are willing to pawn or sell to get by. we are in a fairly wealthy and stable area of Johnson County Kansas. We have already past their heirloom jewelry and expensive items and are now scrapping the bottom of the barrel. The day to day survival is now trying to get money for broken tools and used up items (which i can’t take from them) my inventory is flooded across the spectrum due to lack of buyers. i’ve been doing this for 13 years and my feeling is this is going to get worse. it took into 2014 for the 2008 problems to really hit bottom on the street where we saw people who were worn down to nothing.>> <<@johnnybongshow5257 says : gas is still above five dollars a gallon in seattle washington>> <<@jaredkeller869 says : Each state has individual laws about the amount of time a pawn shop will hold your item for you to come back and get it withing 30-60-90-180 days etc etc... the longer you wait the higher the interest and you can usually pay a fee of about 10% to extend it 30 days for them to hold onto it for you... at the date of the end of the loan repayment period. Your item is forfeited to the pawn shop and they own the item now...>> <<@conductorjohnmthtrains2239 says : And what did crime boss trump do for the shittiest city in detroit😂. That's what i thought.>> <<@joe_higachi says : The dude is a leather skinned snake. Totally trust worthy>> <<@over-educated-sp says : Yea, that’s what I’ve “heard,” as well.>> <<@u.s.president48th83 says : Yes the United States Economy is very important but what is really important is a real strong Community with structure and groups of people in the environment with a powerful mindset to totally be self-sufficient to gain resouses by doing for self when times are very bad in American society that a true fact. Real strong Communites with structure and resouses is way move powerful then United States Economy Thank you for your service in the United States millary for América always respect. > knowledge and intelligence <>>