<<@FactsMatterRoman says : đŸ§¶Flash Sale👉https://ept.ms/3Df4yM6>> <<@edslechta3994 says : It , Pierce she’s trying to make a point of how easy and simple it is to gain illegal votes. By the way, she did the votes never cast in a ballot from what I can understand, but she point out the fallacies of the system. As an administrator, I would appreciate find out the fallacies the system, so we can build a protection against that being used in the future, but not to hard-core Marxist Democrats who are bunch of two faced hypocrites. if I was a member of the Judicial sister legislator, and I found out this could be done and the reason she did it was to prove a point I would not punisher I would recognize her for her ability to think outside the communist Democratic box. What they want is they want their pound of flesh and they want their feet in the same time. They’re not being realistic or minor about this. She was able to demonstrate in an experiment to show that there’s a fallacy in the system is apparently comprised of communist socialist Marxist Democrats do wanna admit they got a screwed up system. For the pragmatic standpoint, I say she did a pretty good job showed up the legislature how stupid they are and that’s what’s got them mad as they were showing how ignorant and close mine if they are. From what I have read these ballots were countedUnderstand. in criminal law, you must show intent to the fraud and a circumvent, and violate the law. She was simply showing the law can be circumvented, and the ballots are not counted then you really don’t have a solid case of voter fraud you got a case of showing how ignorant your politicians are though.>> <<@jerrybettis5720 says : Why not address the 2000 -= ballots from this year(2024) fraud??>> <<@zapatajz1 says : Bunch of rats>> <<@robgnisir4672 says : She had no intent to commit election fraud , meaning no one was going to use those to vote.>> <<@TeezyFlip says : If she wanted to commit fraud, she would have done it by the thousands not just 3 because it was so easy to do it. She is definitely a whistleblower.>> <<@indiradmello1004 says : Can who exp to cnn media cooper thank you>> <<@kimasher2666 says : Im pretty sure she should go to jail with pelosi and liz cheney.>> <<@alasdairwhyte6616 says : she did not tell anyone before doing this 'test'>> <<@alasdairwhyte6616 says : whats the point of social security numbvers if you can just make them up?>> <<@EugeneKelly-gc4ki says : How many of these fox News reports are you going to poop out keep in mind fox News was fined for lieing about the election so stop clogging up utube with your crap hatien squirrels ect ok ? Take a break>> <<@plucknpick6414 says : Remember, the LEFT are the amoral party.>> <<@estherlara6475 says : That is so terrible!!!>> <<@helenstrange289 says : But she did it for the republicans sing not democrat sign so don’t blame the democrat>> <<@johnblair8146 says : Falun Gong.>> <<@johnblair8146 says : tRump will pardon her.>> <<@redwolflancer3051 says : We need to overhaul the voting system, ID, paper ballots, no mail in, only in person. I'm for early voting cause if it wasn't allowed I would not have been able to vote do to work schedule>> <<@stevesinner3501 says : WOW, do you suck at journalism. "Over in"?? "Not EVEN expecting them"?? try going back to school>> <<@n4lra1 says : If this were to be verified, it could have been done with coordination within the states election department. She did it on her own, without approval. Winging it solo is where she f'd up.>> <<@jai4618 says : There should be a mandatory 5 year prison sentence for voting fraud.>> <<@peteJoseph-x3h says : This is fake news, not fake ballots, this D bag works for right wing Epoch times.>> <<@Fulldisclosure23 says : Exposing fraud is a violation of trust??? Really?? No good deed will go unpublished, especially when trying to expose the enemy's schemes!đŸ˜© Trump 2024!! đŸ‡ș🇾🙌>> <<@osvnvm says : if there is no signature on envelope or signature is different from one in db balot is not processed. some states even require notary>> <<@Tom-hv2eu says : Sounds like a whistleblower being raked of the coals by other officials who knew there was a real problem, but did nothing to fix it because in the end it would favor them. Hence you punish the whistleblower to make an example. She should sue the Mayor Cavalier Johnson and he should be charged with Voter Fraud. This is how Trump lost in 2020, because of the BIG CHEAT they know it and to them the ends justify the means. Trump and the rest of the RNC needs to sue him perpetually.>> <<@RoderickTolbert-f1b says : This is a good news source excellent coverage that's up date.>> <<@feston360 says : thanks for telling us the cheating, what are we going to do about it. Im tired of cheating being explained but if nothing being done I don't even want to hear about it>> <<@Joensen22 says : Maga are clowns>> <<@thefreedommovement says : So republicans committed fraud to prove there was fraud? Wow
 losers.>> <<@FTL5030-s4b says : But but but election fraud doesn't exist. -every idiot everywhere>> <<@Timmae-vr2ss says : Why ask a stupid question ! of course she tried to expose it ! that is why they are making an example of her !They did not change anything about their voter fraud system .>> <<@Timmae-vr2ss says : Of course because they already know about the voter fraud They count on it .>> <<@buffalosoldier7360 says : Epoch times is a moonie cult propaganda site>> <<@skirby546 says : I'm sure she's a liberal Democrat like the rest of them trying to steal another election!>> <<@belonakidd3397 says : I received multiple letters stating to register. I received one registration letter asking for a copy of my ID. Then I received a ballot to mail in my vote to be received prior to 11/5/2024. Done!>> <<@Ron_DeForest says : Republicans will never learn. Not easily at any rate.>> <<@76mhassell says : More “no evidence”. If democrats weren’t allowed to lie, cheat, or change the rules they’d never get “elected”>> <<@kimberlainodriscoll4781 says : The jury was probably selected from Harris voters>> <<@robertpearson8546 says : So stated intent overrides criminal actions?>> <<@goindef78 says : Right now they're putting little dots in the box of Kamala Harris's ballot http://youtube.com/post/Ugkx-MJmnrPWNTSJBZPceDbm1AcHJbuemN7I>> <<@pambridenback4962 says : Ballots are checked against voter registrations so how can you submit more than one vote.>> <<@samhunt7653 says : Send anyone to jail for election fraud or election interference. Including Trump.>> <<@samhunt7653 says : It not voter fraud until the ballot is cast!!!! Educate yourself before making uneducated comments.>> <<@samhunt7653 says : You guys started early sowing election concerns because you need this to justify a Trump loss. Pathetic>> <<@MichaelCairns-fv2vi says : Many of these RETARDican moles in the system>> <<@pamyuhnke8143 says : Omg fix your system!!!!!>> <<@pamyuhnke8143 says : Democrat or Republican- you commit fraud- you go to jail!!!>> <<@samuelmartinez7418 says : Prison now>> <<@mahonjt says : if Facts Matter, you will have concluded your reporting with the statement that Lawmakers seem "happy with the situation" as changing electoral law is their responsibility. Bureaucracy isn't the problem here - elected representatives are.>> <<@sammyrothrock6981 says : She was a patriot hero she exposed typical corruption>> <<@barrroger1162 says : democrats always cheating>>