<<@MarkDice says : . ⚠ Order your shirts here: https://www.markdice.shop Get free shipping this weekend with promo code DOOZY at the checkout .>> <<@kwpowell0412 says : Screw the Dream Team, give me the Meme Team!>> <<@mightyORFEN says : They cant fathom grass roots support, because they have to buy theirs. The truth will always win. Though they may try, they are certain to fail. God wins.>> <<@WoodsPrecisionArms says : The other meme that says to text to vote for trump - they didn’t get in ANY trouble so tell me again this isn’t a two tiered justice system - I dare you. Make no mistake - if Biden gets elected, every single small media pundit like mark, meme makers, people go comment a lot against Biden - they absolutely will be charged by the Biden DOJ. Make absolutely NO MISTAKE about this>> <<@helmeteye says : I am Spartacus. They can use my name to post their memes. They look to scare memers to stop them with fear. They will start doing this to simple next. Just look what YouTube and Google( part of the leftist machine) do to censor Pedocrats' opposition.>> <<@fredhenry426 says : Despise that thing. Dementia can't get fast enough.>> <<@Themheals says : Someone needs to make a meme of this guy and make him say he supports Trump. He would lose his fucking mind>> <<@Milosz_Ostrow says : Ken Bensinger of _The New York Times_ rails against the DilleyMemeTeam while he ignores how the entire legacy media, including his employer, are engaged in a coordinated, compensated activity to steal elections, install criminals like Joe Biden in public office and keep them in power. HYPOCRITE!!>> <<@hans-henrikrasmussen53 says : Aaaah, EVERYTHING, no matter what, made by republicans is A CRIME.>> <<@vicwei4302 says : perhaps memes would stop when leftie lies cease.....fair?>> <<@robertjames4953 says : Pass the prozac!🤣>> <<@joeychicago6322 says : C3Pmeme is da shiaat period!!! We goota support and pray for them and of course for Trump cand his family xand friends period! O ya and of course Mark da man Dice!!>> <<@grazynazambeanie5963 says : And in the news , a bill has been entered that will make it against the law to make any signs with the name Trump on them . And because people might still remember four years ago Maga hats are also banned because that is considered free contribution to Trump .>> <<@rhettamcguire2068 says : They can’t write a speech with the truth for each year because it would show that they are destroying America and its economy. He is known as a plagiarist so I wonder if this speech in part is plagiarized from previous SOTU speeches. I certainly wouldn’t be surprised lol.>> <<@chriskanemeier says : This is insane>> <<@rhodyreport8949 says : Biden can't debate Trump, he can't even remember what he did 5 minutes ago!>> <<@rhodyreport8949 says : State of Tennessee just past law, it's criminal to impersonation of another! Clearly a violation of 1st Amendment rights! Supreme Court will overturn all these prohibited laws!>> <<@rhodyreport8949 says : State of Tennessee just past law, it's criminal to impersonation of another! Clearly a violation of 1st Amendment rights! Supreme Court will overturn all these prohibited laws!>> <<@rhodyreport8949 says : Going after meme's is a J. Eagar Hoover ( FBI) move, because it helps Trump! It's Freedom of Speech, Protected>> <<@rhodyreport8949 says : There is plenty of evidence Obama is still more powerful than Biden, not to mention, Obama hates Biden!>> <<@rhodyreport8949 says : Biden is a clone!>> <<@rhodyreport8949 says : Every screw up Biden and his entire administration make is a vote for Trump!!!!>> <<@DOJOPROSHOP says : Is CO2 the Earth's Thermostat? Carbon dioxide has nothing to do with causing global warming. CO2 Is currently trace at 400 ppm. That is one carbon dioxide molecule for every 2500 parts of the atmosphere. Humans contribute only a scant 16 ppm which is 4% of the total CO2 accumulated in a year. CO2 only holds heat for a few seconds and there is not enough to drive climate- it is thermodynamically impossible! Also, bear in mind, that Water Vapor is the earth's most abundant and effective Greenhouse Gas. CO2 is only 5% of the earth's GHG; Water Vapor is 95% of the earth's GHG and holds heat far longer than CO2. Lastly, CO2 will increase only after temperatures rise (eg. El Nino) and oceans degas. Conversely, CO2 levels drop as temperatures cool. In other words, CO2 levels are influenced by heat or the lack thereof and therefore do not drive climate but follow climate. Clearly, CO2 is actually a thermometer and Not a Thermostat.>> <<@louannelewis7264 says : Obama should start cross dressing he never looked better.>> <<@louannelewis7264 says : These idiots in the back of Biden look so proud.>> <<@music4dages says : One word describes Joe Biden: Incontinent>> <<@terrieosterhout1139 says : They make me sick>> <<@FranciscaAVior says : There’s more freedom in Russia, The Communist Democratic Secret Police and KGB. If the right ever wins they should make mincemeat of these dictators calling themselves liberals using the same filthy tactics they use against the right. That’s why they’re terrified. What goes around comes around comes around. Obama’s meat puppet is getting too old and senile. He might want Nikki Haley as a replacement. Funny how all these Democrats contributors are filthy rich and they have blacks and minorities doing their dirty work.>> <<@VictorBanos-ku5jn says : What a joke we look like>> <<@cyphersurf890 says : you guys are delusional, there's never going to be a 2024 Trump-Biden debate. It's not going to happen!>> <<@JK-zl7vv says : Funny how a signed hat is financially evaluated at much higher then its actual value, by Democrats, but when Trump says his properties are worth a certain amount, then thats worth prosecuting, Didn't the Democrats just do the same thing by increasing the value of a meme and signed hat? 🧐🤔>> <<@raoulcaliente1030 says : What the hell is a "community confinement center"?>> <<@sipandsniff1744 says : THIS would be much easier to believe if it was ALL made up. 🤦‍♂️ but…..🥴>> <<@Just_Smile-n2w says : You know the libs are scared when they go after meme-makers 😂 😂>> <<@jamiebarley4098 says : Wow they will stop at nothing to commit election interference on the sly>> <<@jderekw9973 says : This is outrageous. Thanks for posting this Mark, it was worth seeing again and your commentary on it. MSNBC should be investigated for its 24/7/365 in-kind contributions to the DNC. They are nothing but their propaganda outlet, and should be crowned The DNC's "Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda". All I have to do when I hear these daily lies is look for that ever-accompanying Peacock symbol. Like the Swastika, it will live in infamy if history is ever honestly recorded. Then we have Joe and Mika. Hat tip to Maddow, Cooper, Acosta, Blitzer, etc for their impressive bombardments, but MSNBC leads the way with Morning Joe, to name only one of many. Don’t fool yourself: their daily assaults on Donald Trump, and the clear majority of Americans, namely the Make America Great Again, America First, Save America, and Tea Party populist movements will not stop when he is gone. Former Republican turned useful idiot Joe Scarborough is the real deal, a regular Marxist Tokyo Rose. Joe now wants 30 million a year for his soul, because he found out that Rachel Maddow only has to tell lies one night a week for that amount. The Meme Makers under investigation here are at least using truth in the SOTU addresses etc. Full disclosure: Some of the above are from my March 2 article on this topic at "Avatarczar in the Texas Section of the Banana Republic".>> <<@holymoly271 says : 😱>> <<@aqua-rian says : Paul Ryan isn't fit to lick my dirty floor.🤪>> <<@jodiejensen6970 says : Like Dems don’t have a Troll patrol‼️ They wrote the book on criminal behavior.>> <<@Lmaxk007 says : She looks so different. Who is that?! 😮>> <<@dianaspy6733 says : Actually didn’t watch it. Lol>> <<@mfar3016 says : I saw a few dilly vids & thought some were ok, others meh. But after hearing that the libs are frantic over them, I’ve just subscribed to the dilly channel. 😄>> <<@lynutermark1454 says : 😂>> <<@graysonmichael8335 says : if youre upset over the memes the make your own memes. i thought the right was full of beer drinking dummies, and the left is the party of intellectuals? if thats true then match wits with the right!!!>> <<@savannakougar5209 says : OMG Make me sick, Ole Joe!>> <<@sherraleewoods3668 says : You would have been laughed out of the room fove years ago if you claimed this stuff. Imagine how Alex Jones felt then and now...he was right just about all of it.>> <<@sherraleewoods3668 says : In the end they are coming for all of us.>> <<@ronyb1861 says : Free speech Blah Blah Blah Blah to the puppeteers & cry babys political satire has been happening for Centuries. YOU DON'T LIKE IT DO A BETTER JOB whatever party's crying foul.>> <<@joshuasmith6782 says : It wasn't just last year and this year it was many years before that too>> <<@wesner326 says : That’s awesome!>>