<<@seekaloft says : As a Christian you can vote Democrat with a clear conscience. Democrats are pro-choice (and not pro-abortion) just like God because God does not force morality on people but instead honors people's choices (independent of whether the choices are right or wrong). On the other hand, many can't see how Christians can be Republicans who support a convicted sexual predator and pathological liar who is totally opposite of Christ whom they profess to serve. Some say that God can use an evil leader but the Old Testament shows that after God uses the evil leader he punishes and even destroys the evil leader and followers. The bible does say who you should vote for. You should vote for someone who will give you a "tranquil and quiet life full of godliness and dignity". (1Tim 2:1-2) Who can that be? It is someone who is the most Christ-like. Why? Because integrity and character matters (by their fruits you shall know them) and policies don't matter as much because most candidates once elected don't follow their party, platform, and promised policies.>> <<@pamelamacmullen1440 says : No>> <<@GlennMiller-qv9tx says : 📌 UNSUBSCRIBE ~ Unfortunately, these biased / conservative commentators; their opinions are worthless to a satisfactory solution to our Nation's problems.>> <<@galexgarver says : Answer is no. End of video.>> <<@bhall1110 says : WOW, QUITE THE FEEDBACK. BE CAREFUL OF THE TALKING HEADS YOU LISTEN TO.>> <<@davemccandless8910 says : It worries me that he seems to think that Christianity conquered the Roman Empire through Paul’s “pragmatism”, or that his political machinations are somehow present in scripture. If God wants to elevate a bunch of starving slaves into a kingdom He will. If He wants to tear down an empire He will. Paul wasn’t writing a political treatise.>> <<@jamesrini7 says : What that means is render unto Caesar what is Caesar's means you follow civil law that's what he's talking about !!!! You don't follow some Nut Job that wants to be president to stay out of jail>> <<@patk3601 says : I unsubscribed from Daily Wire months ago because Candace turned into a lunatic. When she used Wikipedia as her source of truth, really? Then for Ben and her to air their dirty laundry in public like children, big red flag. Ben could have used this as a teachable moment to explain Israel's history and the truth about the country, but he didn't. He turned into a bully. I disagree with the whole voting scenario because it's a fallacy that we have a choice. Trump is pro-choice - he keeps flip-flopping on his decision. He supports LGBT and I believe he is a Trojan Horse. The two party system is a lie. There is no difference between Republicans and Democrats in terms of policy. As far as deceipt, the Dems are in our faces. The Republicans are sneakier.>> <<@gwendolynwehage6336 says : We should obey the governing authorities when it does not disobey God. However, there is no command in the Bible to vote, it is a choice our government gave us therefore we can choose to vote or not according to our own conscience.>> <<@sirdanteesquire1147 says : The problem I have with this debate is that Ben Shapiro does not believe in Jesus as Messiah>> <<@sirdanteesquire1147 says : I was not allowed to vote in the primary's no one sent me a ballot>> <<@sirdanteesquire1147 says : Do I see an Ash tray for cigarettes?>> <<@sirdanteesquire1147 says : What is that bottle on the table looks like alcohol.>> <<@ThatRedhedd says : The best way to have a safe, fair, and free society is to...wait, what did you say it was again? Let convicted felons become president, pardon themselves and pardon their felon friends? Yes, that was it! I totally agree! Those democrats who think our president should have no criminal record are absolutely nuts!>> <<@ThatRedhedd says : I mean, what does Christianity actually stand for when Christians are backing a presidential candidate who a jury determined was civily liable for seggsually assaulting a woman, AND who has 34 FELONY convictions after tampering with the 2016 election by using campaign funds to pay hush money to the corn star he had an affair with to keep her from speaking or negatively impacting his political race - _rather than_ supporting a former prosecutor with NO criminal record OR history of seggsually assaulting people whatsoever? I'm convinced we're actually in the Twilight Zone!>> <<@honester-g6k says : He is better than kamala>> <<@MistyMountainPath says : Matt: 'why are we here'>> <<@Go_away_loser says : How about no one votes at all considering our two party system is wildly corrupt and unrepresentative of the common person.>> <<@MyaKelliakos says : Donald Trump says some off the wall thanksyou don't seem to show empathybut I've been praying about this and God keeps telling me Trump Trump trump Trump trump Trump trump>> <<@MyaKelliakos says : go in the Old Testament and readhow many non-believing God that God appointedKing Cyrus for instance>> <<@MyaKelliakos says : you took the words right out of my mouth I personally don't like the guy he's despicablebuddy does hold my Christian values>> <<@joseribeiro9564 says : So funny to see how many anti semites the dailywire harbored, not to mention all the theocratic extremists and general half brained trumpsters, amazing to see the right falling apart from within>> <<@angelrivera8535 says : Christian should vote for Trump because right now the Antichrist has infiltrated the Democrat Party😢😢😢😢😢>> <<@doll.ov.poetrii4682 says : Christians shouldn't be voting for anyone in this wicked system. Y'all need to read your bibles.>> <<@vivianbobis3076 says : Remember if God gave us the free will how come this people is manipulating how Wes will vote. Sometimes I see idolatry already.>> <<@joseribeiro9564 says : Right before the listen, cant wait for the contorted arguments to fit Trump into christian doctrine>> <<@ameliadelcastillo5424 says : Ugh>> <<@jeffconnolly980 says : Free speech Trump 2024. Candice Owen’s rocks.>> <<@asheski says : Hello. I’m Christian. I don’t know what FOX is feeding you but Trump objectively lives his life antithetical to the Bible. He lies compulsively, he cheated on all of his wives (divorce itself being a no-no in Jesus' book), he does not go to church, he demonizes the sojourner, he sexualizes women, he incites violence, he said himself that he doesn't believe in bringing God into the picture when it comes to atoning for his wrongs. But even with all of these things (all of which is publicly documented), he can pretty much just say he opposes abortion (which he recently has leaned towards pro-choice) and Christians flock to him and say he's sent from God.>> <<@Cali-vt1jj says : Unsubsribed. Bye .>> <<@Cali-vt1jj says : Rich. Bunch of Jews who couldn't tolerate a simple tweet, sitting her and commenting about Christianity.. And how they should think. You've lost credibility>> <<@stephaniemoore9122 says : Matt why r u going after Amber Rose keep your thoughts to yourself we are widening r tent Biden can still win there is enough time left. Plz ppl can change u should be open minded. U disappointed me>> <<@classycactus9737 says : We stand with Candace. Free speech should be free for ALL, not just those who speak in a way you agree with. What a load of hypocrisy.>> <<@tomlock5484 says : There’s no point in putting your faith in politicians. There is a reason the political spectrum of this world is divided into left and right. They are polar opposites of a binary scale ensuring the largest number of people are in opposition, not only to one another's philosophy, but to one another. The right is symbolised with the colour blue, and left, red. One the artists' colour wheel these two colours are directly opposite to each other and are often used in art, advertising, political propaganda, to create a subliminal feeling of discord or opposition. This is why police lights are often red and blue. They create an uneasy feeling and jilt drivers from the day dreams they may be in. This is also why Picasso used subtle shades of red and blue in his monochromatic work 'Guernica'. It elicited and developed negative emotions of what was being depicted in the painting. Are left or right really the only two options? Is competing and battling the only way forward? There is more that human beings all agree on than disagree. The political system of left vs right focuses mainly on that which people disagree, further corrupting any sense of unity. How has it come to this? It surprises people to learn that the bible sheds a lot of light on this. In the Hebrew Scriptures several words or nouns that can be translated as “knowledge” are related to the basic verb ya·dhaʽʹ, signifying “ know by being told,” “know by observing,” “know by personal acquaintance or experience,” or “know by being experienced, skillful in something.” To know good and evil by eating the forbidden fruit is to know it through experience. Adam and Eve did eat the forbidden fruit and now we, their descendants, are experiencing good and evil. That tree was no different to any other tree. The fruit was no different to any other fruit. It was simply the tree God chose to represent his right to rule. Because he had commanded that it not be eaten from, for as long as it remained uneaten from, it also represented humanity's acceptance of his rulership. The day it was eaten from showed humanity's rejection of God's rulership. In effect Adam and Eve had said to him, "We want to do it by ourselves". We now know, through experience, the result of humans ruling themselves. 'Demos' is the Greek word for the People. ‘Kratia' is the Greek word for Power or Rule. 'Theos' is the Greek word for God. 'Democracy' therefore means The People Rule, and 'Theocracy' means God rules. Look at the result of people ruling themselves - war, poverty, starvation, crime, greed, inequality, hatred, slavery, sickness, and ultimately death. Democracy isn't working. In fact, the very notion that people can rule themselves is the exact same lie that Satan told Eve in the garden of Eden. God’s Kingdom is a real government established by God. “The kingdom of God” is also called “the kingdom of heaven” in the Bible, since it rules from heaven. (Mark 1:14, 15; Matthew 4:17, King James Version) It shares many attributes of human governments, yet it is superior to them in every way. Rulers: God has appointed Jesus Christ as King of the Kingdom and has given him more authority than any human ruler could ever have. (Matthew 28:18) Jesus uses this power only for good, since he has already proved to be reliable and compassionate. Leader: (Matthew 4:23; Mark 1:40, 41; 6:31-34; Luke 7:11-17) Under God’s direction, Jesus has selected persons from all nations who will “rule as kings over the earth” with him in heaven.—Revelation 5:9, 10. Duration: Unlike human governments, which come and go, God’s Kingdom “will never be brought to ruin.”—Daniel 2:44. Subjects: Anyone who does what God requires can be a subject of God’s Kingdom, without regard for ancestry or birthplace.—Acts 10:34, 35. Laws: The laws (or commandments) of God’s Kingdom do more than just prohibit wrong behaviour. They raise the moral character of its subjects. For example, the Bible says: “‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. The second, like it, is this, ‘You must love your neighbour as yourself.’” (Matthew 22:37-39) Love of God and neighbour moves subjects of the Kingdom to act in the best interests of others. Education. While God’s Kingdom sets high standards for its subjects, it also teaches people how to meet those standards.—Isaiah 48:17, 18. Mission: The Kingdom of God doesn’t enrich its rulers at the expense of its subjects. Instead, it will accomplish God’s will, including the promise that those who love him will live forever on a paradise earth.—Isaiah 35:1, 5, 6; Matthew 6:10; Revelation 21:1-4. The first general election (that is the public vote for a political party to take office) was held over 300 years ago in 1695. Is the world scene better now than it was? Is the world happier, less stressed, more hopeful for the future, more secure? No, so get yourself liberated from the stranglehold of the system. Follow the example of Jesus, who refused to accept political office. (John 6:15) He taught his disciples to be “no part of the world” and made it clear that they should not take sides in political issues. John 17:14 I have given your word to them, but the world has hated them, because they are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. Mark 12:17 Jesus then said: “Pay back Caesar’s things to Caesar, but God’s things to God.” And they were amazed at him. Be loyal to God’s Kingdom, which Jesus spoke of when he said: “This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth.” (Matthew 24:14) As representatives of God’s Kingdom, commissioned to proclaim its coming, remain neutral in the political affairs of all countries, including the one in which you live. 2 Corinthians 5:20 Therefore, we are ambassadors substituting for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us. As substitutes for Christ, we beg: “Become reconciled to God. Ephesians 6:20 for which I am acting as an ambassador in chains, and that I may speak about it with boldness, as I ought to speak. By remaining neutral, you are able to speak freely to people of all political persuasions about the good news of God’s Kingdom. Try to show by your words and practices that you rely on God’s Kingdom to solve the world’s problems. Psalm 56:11 In God I put my trust; I am not afraid. What can a mere human do to me? By avoiding political divisions, you can be united as an international brotherhood. (Colossians 3:14; 1 Peter 2:17) In contrast, religions that meddle in politics divide their members. 1 Corinthians 1:10 Now I urge you, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you should all speak in agreement and that there should be no divisions among you, but that you may be completely united in the same mind and in the same line of thought.>> <<@dawn7733 says : Wanna know how the activist democrat puppet masters are going to attempt cheating the election again? By using YOUR survey data! How? Why do you think social media and MSM kept pushing out 'fun' surveys on the public over the past few years asking who you'd vote for?? It's so they can get a behind the scenes rough idea of how many people are likely to vote anti democrat in order to get the data needed to calibrate their electronic voting machines to cheat the election again. There literally is no other reason to ask THAT kind of question in a survey. It's the equivalent of asking what your mother's maiden name is. The way you intend to vote is YOUR PRIVATE INFORMATION, should remain SECURE, and you should never give that information out even anonymously. (Notice the surveys all said "anonymous" to make you feel good and safe about taking it. Would you give your mother's maiden name or other private security info out in a survey even though it reassures it's "anonymous"??) After all the inflation, wasteful spending bills, the corruption of our children in schools, threatening your jobs, coercing people to get an EXPERIMENTAL shot that caused MANY DEATHS & MISCARRIAGES, illegal invasion of our country under this administration protecting CRIMINALS so they can illegally change the voting demographic of our country by ALLOWING ILLEGALS TO VOTE DEMOCRAT IN OUR ELECTIONS, America has had ENOUGH. There is no way that democrats can win a clean election this year unless they cheat and steal it again! And they're hoping they got enough "fun" survey data to fudge the voting numbers just barely in liberal favor to give the ILLUSION of a [pretend ] "fair election" that doesn't show the very illegitimate sudden jump in Biden votes like in 2020, OBVIOUS evidence of election tampering. These socialist puppet masters are COVERT CON ARTISTS. This is why we need PAPER BALLOTS WITH RECEIPT VERIFICATION and VERIFICATION OF LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP REQUIRED FOR VOTING. Illegals SHOULD NOT be voting in American elections. Push your local legislators to pass bills that keep illegals barred from voting in American elections!>> <<@RUdigitized says : Should Christian’s watch the daily wire>> <<@turdferguson12 says : If they vote then of course.>> <<@SJ-li6ho says : Yes.>> <<@chefnyc says : Another “he is not Biden” voting day>> <<@DocPicklez says : Christ is King>> <<@apocolypse11 says : Matt pretending he's Christian lmao.>> <<@mendi5 says : Christ is King!>> <<@lightlightlight says : Please do a video about project 2025. 🎉>> <<@Strux42 says : "When Beta Makes Bloviate">> <<@albertos.1127 says : Christians should vote against the Daily Wire.>> <<@mhoffman30 says : Ben, Jeremy and Andrew need to a lot more self reflection if they expect to be taken seriously Christ is King>> <<@menonunya2984 says : What's interesting is how Jeremy, Ben and Andrew turned into a bunch of 'mean girls', going out of their way to trash Candace. Instead of formulating a good argument in opposition to things she said, it was MUCH easier for the 3 of them to go the way of the Left. It's a shame, because I wasn't convinced she belonged at the DW because in my eyes, she was a red-pilled rookie, more on the level of a Tim Pool, who can chant the mantra, but still don't quite grasp the principles. Apparently I was wrong. Ben's fragile ego turned a different perspective into something far more sinister than it was. Now, after all of the BS being spewed by Jeremy, Ben and Andrew about Candace, WHILE at the same time, imposing a gag order on Candace, so she can't defend herself against their bullshit, I guess I am seeing, for the first time, who they really were all these years. I now think Candace was too good for the DW and not the other way around. Crazy to me that I can see these 3 people I always admired, like they're weasels now and I have no interest in anything they have to say.>> <<@figgleston says : You cowards>> <<@JoseLuisMarcano-rn6wi says : The real teaching of Jesus was “love thy neighbor”, “love thy enemy”. Trump is the total opposite of these teachings. He hates half of the country and wants retribution against his enemies and those who do not support him. Christianity understood as nationalism, best for business, and discrimination is not Christianity no matter how you try to justify it.>> <<@OliverCampbell-f6x says : You guys have guile talking about the Bible and Christ or Christian’s. Christ is king>>