<<@tickstersvideos4609 says : Tucker Carlson>> <<@pally8868 says : ...and forgot to say...Great show ABL 👍>> <<@pally8868 says : You're way off on the rent thing ABL. Economies different. Salaries different, cost of living etc... I can't believe the £ to $. It has dramatically changed...🤔>> <<@evilmonkeyspeaks7801 says : Larry Elder for Vice President !!!!!!!!!!>> <<@cyrbuzz6615 says : Deep state trying to stop Trump. They will fail!!!!!>> <<@annetteheiser7660 says : See how Rand Paul is viewed upon for possible VP?>> <<@trolloftheyear7963 says : I'd like to see Ben Carson as VP.......good man.>> <<@ShowBillies says : A running theme throughout your show is that The Democratic party is dangerous to your health and wellbeing. Well, there is no doubt about it. Everywhere they are is death and destruction.>> <<@chuckwilcox9183 says : ABL always handles the trolls!!! Sir sir sir!!!>> <<@Afroweave99 says : Trump = low meat prices + low gas prices + low milk prices>> <<@OlBlow-qv6oz says : Crazy Nikki cheney is crazier than crazy Bernie>> <<@hillorisartin6129 says : My grandma is 86 and never had the vax. She had covid in Dec 2022. The hospital sent her home to recover. They even made her sit outside in the cold to wait for my cousin to pick her up. Thus exposing others as well. So tell me how dangerous covid is. My mom was staying with her and they never tested her at all.>> <<@hillorisartin6129 says : A friend of mine gor the jab and just got diagnosed with bells palsy.>> <<@hillorisartin6129 says : Nikki Haley give me a break. She's a freaking plant by the dems. Why would you keep running? Give it up already.>> <<@hillorisartin6129 says : They playing YMCA 😂>> <<@moon_flower080 says : sounds like a bunch of high school girls>> <<@bombardier3qtrlbpsi says : U 🤬ckn rights he's a very very poor judge of character....>> <<@kikisiggy says : When the crowd is cheering rowdily for Nicky Hailey can’t help but think they are mostly all undercover OBiden workers. Just a theory.>> <<@moorehairgrowthnet says : Tim Scott or Byron Donalds for VP. Women are too emotional and Mr. Ramaswamy is too new on the political environment, can't see choosing him, because he would be one step from being president of US. I think President Trump is wise enough, at least I hope, to choose someone with a ""proven" passion for wanting the best for US.>> <<@joanfos4890 says : Ben Carson>> <<@joanfos4890 says : I didn’t have phone service or text! I use Consumer Cellular. It came back on around 11 or so>> <<@lindaherman1918 says : All those mentioned for VP should have a place in his cabinet. Sara H. Sanders would be the best VP for this country and if need be, President.>> <<@ErinBelievesInJesus says : Zalensky said he didn’t have to time to listen to BS about Russia or AMERICA?? Wait if you don’t want to hear about America then stop cashing our checks!! What a pos!>> <<@Ozlobeest says : Can you hear Nikkis campaign team not missing a single opportunity to scream in the crowd during her speech as if she really had followers that weren't donors or Trump haters...or both?>> <<@faranger says : The ballot harvesting is in the nursing homes>> <<@TheAngieWarren says : 56:55 Fox News is as much propaganda as any of the MSM channels.>> <<@hobblone3887 says : I had a dream that you flipped me off & wanted to fight me; WTF???*%$#@!@!?? I KNOW that was a Nigerian fraudster!>> <<@TheAngieWarren says : 37:07 SCREAMING DEMONS 😈 👿>> <<@TheAngieWarren says : 31:36 she is like the Indian version of Hillary C. She 💯 LACKS self awareness! 🤷🏽‍♀️>> <<@beatapanek says : At 36:48 minutes - this sounds like polish language - they said 'zadamy trzeciego panstwa' which means ' we demand third country' - is this even related to Nikki Haley?>> <<@jamesgarcia8537 says : It's even worse when girls wear those pants in public like Wal Mart etc it's honestly uncomfortable as a man>> <<@anim8torfiddler871 says : Love the First Phone Caller!>> <<@slopoke750 says : Check out Cartersville Ga. It's a Great town and not to close to ATL>> <<@hmm1829 says : Keri Lake .... I like Vivek but worried he sounds to good to be true.... Candace Owen's would be good>> <<@Vaspods says : ABL needs a podcast with the retired Chicago officer>> <<@sheilamobley2480 says : I love the interwebs 😂❤>> <<@TheJohnBordonaro says : Michelle Obama, Brittney Griner, Cardi B, LIzzo, Leticia James, Fanni Willis, Joy Reid, Karine Jean-Pierre... why are the elites using Black women to ruin the world? BECAUSE THEY WANT US TO HATE BLACK WOMEN? TOO LATE! Are there any black women in the world that are actually worth a shit?>> <<@Smith-dt5qz says : God Bless 🙏>> <<@kellicopley9520 says : The media destroyed Micheal Jackson too>> <<@anim8torfiddler871 says : Yes, our government has indemnified Pharmaceutical Manufacturers BEFORE ==> for the Swine Flu and Avian Flu vaccine RUSHED development. But those were conventional vaccines, just had to isolate the causative viruses to target. *•* Our Governments Forced citizens to submit to UNTESTED MRNA "vaxes," and criminalized ANY Protest or challenge. *•* Our Governments Confined Citizens to their Homes and Criminalized Operating their Businesses and pursuing their livelihoods. *•* Tyrannical Government Bureaucrats punished citizens for daring to operate their businesses, or walk on a beach or mow their yards, While those Same Vicious bureaucrats Ignored the repressive restrictions they put on Citizens and Traveled and Partied UN MASKED with their Pals at Picnics and restaurants and marched shoulder to shoulder with violent BLM protesters demanding to Defund the Police. *•* Our governments Closed the Schools and forced students to stay home, while Catering to the TEACHERS UNIONS BY continuing THEIR FULL TIME SALARIES AND BENEFITS, while the Students and their families were SCREWED out of their education and Parents were forced to either quit their jobs or hire people to care for their children. *•* At least FOUR [D] state governors forced their states’ geriatric facilities to accept patients with active Covid infections and place them among their uninfected residents, *_while beds went empty at the US Navy Hospital ship USS Comfort, at the Jacob Javits Convention Center, and the Central Park and other temporary emergency FEDERAL facilities that Trump ordered to be set up, equipped, staffed and operated at a cost of many tens of millions of dollars by the Army Corps of Engineers._* *•* Especially considering that we KNEW from the first appearance of COVID-19 in USA Pacific Northwest, that it could sweep through a geriatric convalescent center in a few days and kill a High Percentage of patients already known to be vulnerable because of well-understood co-morbidities. *•* The only rationale I can figure is that if they’d sent Covid patients to those available Federal facilities, _they couldn’t bill Medicare the $52,000 per patient reimbursements they could get for their state and private facilities — _*_$13K per Covid-diagnosed patient, plus $39K for each Covid patient placed on a ventilator,_*_ with NO-ONE checking to see what criteria were followed, or how long was the patient actually ventilated, because the emergency reimbursement orders were so rushed._ *_Yeah, no possibility of Stinking Corruption in any of all that..._*>> <<@gyrospinup says : The VP would have to take over if Trump went to jail. In the last part of Reagans presidency, his wife Nancy pretty much ran the show even though Papa Bush was supposed to. Ron's Alzheimer's had set in and he was pretty much like Joe was 4 years ago.>> <<@tigertigercrypto says : The message would read: "Thank you for the DADDY CASH" ... 🤣🤣>> <<@getreza says : ...what about Flynn, for VP? 🦉>> <<@cindylopez5599 says : I think the music is going so loud in the background that he's trying to be close enough to talk to him.>> <<@gyrospinup says : Become fat adapted via ketosis, super low carbs, 0 sugar, intermittent fasting and lose weight fast. You can eat a pound of beef covered in cheese with broccoli and not gain a ounce. Real butter, no margarine. Its best if you like pork rinds. Fries and chips are off limits. Body burns fat to survive rarher than glucose, so your stored fat disappears. Consult doctor first if type 1 diabetic.>> <<@anim8torfiddler871 says : There were THREE X-class Solar Flares in less than 48 hours over 21st and 22nd February. There may have been other contributing factors, but those events on our SUN each were X-ray Blasts larger than our planet... I sure don't know how to calculate how much extra energy smacked into our atmosphere, but it is a "NON-Trivial" quantity. Energized the Ionosphere enough to mess w communications. *_Hey, don't take MY Word! Do some Research._* Yeah, events like the Solar Flares are OPPORTUNITIES for our enemies Foreign AND Domestic, to do additional Mischief, anything you can imagine that doesn't actually involve the transportation of soldiers and vehicles... --- Thanks, ABL, for doing the research and editing and commentary! You really have been a consistent source of CLARITY.>> <<@1Jason says : WOW, ABL watches Better Bachelor. THats great man. That makes me happy.>> <<@gyrospinup says : There will be no Covid commercials like you think. A law was passed in 86 during Reagan that keeps vaccines from being sued. Pharmaceuticals want to replace any pills that they get sued over with vaccines if possible.>> <<@99lisadonna says : >> <<@lilpinksliplee7310 says : They didn't have fake electors, they had republican electors at the ready because Trump requested investigations into election fraud which is perfectly legal. Trump went to the courts to have them look at the evidence, and they refused to even look at what they had not because there wasnt any fraud but because the judges let political bias get in the way. Here in MI they found mail in ballots in sheds, and changed out the counter boxes in Detroit in 2022. In Fulton county they recounted the votes but never did an investigation into those 2 women pulling suitcases of ballots out from under the table, or the trucks bringing in boxes from all over the city in the middle of the night. Arizona has had issues with thier elections taking a week. If you can't see that the election was completely stolen, cheated, and covered up by FBI and the Dem party by now you never will.>>