<<@astaniszewski says : 5 guys talk about how men are in despair while smoking cigars .. wonder why the only women in this studio is silent most of the time?>> <<@krisdavis3888 says : "It's not these girls fault." Wow, women really dont have any accountability anymore. Doesnt matter what messed up situation you come from, if you are male you have to take responsibility, if you're female you are free of all responsibility if you have the slightest excuse. F***ing pathetic. Women need to step up because men are tired of all the BS and being ignored.>> <<@empceazer says : How about you guys just have a debate with some of the top red pill guys and Andrew Wilson.>> <<@chipsteve says : 5:33 My God, Ben - you are telling men to interpret women's words as lies. So does "No" mean "Yes", then? Incredibly dangerous advice.>> <<@dreamingmusic3299 says : 2:24 - "It's not these girls fault" No, it's NEVER the XX's fault. Ever. Is it. XX are never responsible for the words they speak or the actions they take.>> <<@jcount1344 says : These guys are so out of touch with the red pill that they just sound like idiots talking about it šŸ¤£ they're just a bunch of Simps that like to talk a lot, women are victims!?!, and you condone them to stay victims when they are more masculine than ever more feminist than ever and go against everything this panel was supposably against, feminists have ruined the family and red pill men are angry about this, and would like traditional women to come back, and see less promiscuity and degenerate behavior on social media>> <<@Returnoftom says : Men talking to each other to understand women and thier situtation is "anti-woman". šŸ¤”>> <<@MathieuDubeau says : Mgtow men going there own way>> <<@rv7617 says : One thing I could add, with the wars and women being taken out of their homes to supply the workforce needed because of the absence of husbands brothers and fathers, women needed to be strong and focused and independent, who could they rely on, and these traits carried on. And when women were widowed with children, who looked after the family? So blame war for this, not women who were asked to step up and assume responsibility. War changed the dynamics of the family and media has changed expectations. The Amish who donā€™t do media or war have strong family systems on the whole, as far as I have heard.>> <<@rv7617 says : Being angry with women in general terms isnā€™t going to help the situationā€¦ respect and kindness and understanding might though. We women are the weaker sex and need men to protect us and 1 Peter 3:7 the question needs to be asked ā€˜ how did we get here ? To this great division, not through Gods doing , but because for years we havenā€™t been living out the way God has shown us.>> <<@YD-uq5fi says : I have never seen so many strawmen erected by so many cowardly simps.>> <<@YD-uq5fi says : Andrew Klavan trying to look masculine and use his 'I have been married for 40 years, so I am an authority' schtick is beyond laughable. He is just as much of a Dunning Kruger as a fat feminist in a thong doing a dance, thinking she is hot.>> <<@YD-uq5fi says : Gee.... the Daily Wire, like PragerU, just wants to drive more business to Jewish divorce lawyers. You don't say.>> <<@YD-uq5fi says : Always remember that when 'conservatives' are the most vocal advocates for something, that is a 100% guarantee that what they are advocating is on its way out. Cuckservatives are pure socialists and communists, they just want 'chivalrous' cuckservative spray-paint on their communism.>> <<@YD-uq5fi says : 'Conservatism' is to traditional values what plastic toy gold coins are to real gold coins.>> <<@PeterKeenan-l3v says : Secular mindset has dominated society and values have been turned inside out and upside down . Real conversations without emotions aren't normalized on promenant platforms .>> <<@Matiasoter0 says : Hope? You know how talks about hope? Politicians, stop trying to get a bite of power, fucking phonies>> <<@toshonline5 says : if it wasnt for feminism we would live in a world where candace would not be in this circle or conversation>> <<@Barb0618 says : Candace was the queen of this show I love her. This show is shit without her.>> <<@aapettit says : God for being so "Alpha male" this and "Strongman" that. You all are some of the biggest cry babies I've ever heard in my life!>> <<@shikhar2327 says : And this is why i don't support the daily wire. Y'all are just sexist to men. From false sexual allegations to harrassment, men are treated sifferently than women and I could tell years ago that ben didn't support anti-feminists. Fuck off.>> <<@rrdutch4111 says : 4 months out, itā€™s interesting to see how the only woman on the panel was treated by those claiming the redpill ā€œgives upā€ on women and denigrates them šŸ¤” of course the redpill elicits despair; as opposed to the despair, sacrifice, pain, and suffering weā€™re called to endure as Christian or ā€œGod-fearingā€ men? Is despair and suffering only righteous when accompanied by a tithe; what are the required qualifications To call out the evils of our society without it being labeled hate speech? Are we truly supposed to believe that shaming women for evil behavior means we hate women? What actions are acceptable? Yes we can pray for all the prostitutes to find Jesus; but how does that help them in reality? Or do we simply not care enough about our daughters and sisters in Christ to tell them the truth of their actions? Feminism makes their false promises to women; itā€™s sad to see religious institutions and individuals representing them also selling false promisesā€¦>> <<@realestateexpress4899 says : Christ is King>> <<@user-cl6uj5bn2f says : These hyppocrites are just as anti-woman as the redpillers. Candace Owens being the worst. And Michael Knowles saying how funny it is that these young women get shamed on shows like the whatver podcast but he's "such a good guy" to not do the same. The hypocrisy is unreal.>> <<@MJ-qb6kt says : If anyone has an issue with the phrase ā€œChrist is King,ā€ needs to read Revelation 2:9. Then reassess what spiritual side u r on?>> <<@FlockFiles says : This channel needs to be boycotted after all the lies theyā€™ve spread about Candace Owens.>> <<@Based_Face says : I denounce that war monger Ben Shapiro. He lost the debate with Candace Owens just like Israel has lost their moral high ground. Ben is literally sending people to SPY on Candace bc heā€™s a coward and a Democrat operative. Anyone who still watches this faux conservative channel is NOT conservative, theyā€™re not American either. BOYCOTT DAILY WIRE!>> <<@alandrodz4841 says : What is wrong with you people. Following Candace? REALLY?>> <<@get2rog says : Unrelated to the post but to the company (DW). Enough now! I can understand the Jewish community feel unsafe and that these are frightenng times but over the past few months you have been behaving no better than the LidDem administration. It doesn't help.>> <<@adammonks591 says : Red pill isn't against marriage. It just advises to not date western women. I have a Filipina girlfriend and would marry her. They are discussing black pill here. They are out of touch.>> <<@arbanalechordin4710 says : well, this aged gracefully....>> <<@mostawesomestnamever says : "but she's not married?" Pearl? Married? She wouldn't be a part of this conversation if she was married.>> <<@fadexrucks1598 says : Christ is King! šŸ¤“šŸ¾. Your Shekels wonā€™t save you from his judgment>> <<@timwilson5410 says : #benshapiro STILL supports funding to #ukraine... That should tell you everything you need to know. #neocon>> <<@jarvicerandolph9949 says : You can sense the tension on this set>> <<@jakethemistakeRulez says : DailyWire is straight trash. Will never watch again and lost all respect for Ben Shapiro in his little safe space from debate. Until he debates Candace, who has any use for the guy anymore? Fade into obscurity Shapiro. We dont care about you anymore.>> <<@alanlisting2080 says : DW lost me with Owens situation. Shapiro hypocritical>> <<@maurogarcia3277 says : Pearl demolished both these guys talking about pearl. You can't argue against facts and numbers. These guys live in a bubble. They give women an excuse and take accountability away from women. These are old fuckers like me who think women are still raised to be wives but sadly they are not. How can you lecture a young man to get married to a woman who is not worthy of marriage.>> <<@GrowLLLTigeRRR says : I used to watch The Daily Wire and I liked it a lot but I like it no longer. Nothing says freedom of speech like ordering Candice Owens gagged and nothing says America First like putting Israel first. Just go fucking take your silly little hat and live there Ben. Thank you Candice Owens for lifting the scales from my eyes and exposing TDW for what it is. IMHO The Daily Wire lacks integrity and is total garbage.>> <<@SimonHergott says : What's up with the gag order on Candice Owen? Little Benny boy can't debate her honestly? Can't believe I gave daily wire money over the years. What a mistake that was>> <<@joecurran2811 says : 04:10 well erm don't get married>> <<@Capohanf1 says : Daily Wire SILENCES Candace Owens With GAG Order After Challenging Ben Shapiro to Debate!? UNGAG CANDACE HYPOCRITES!!!!!!!!>> <<@hephep7426 says : So disappointed at what daily wire has done to Candace owens! And really really disappointed at Ben Shapiro and his cowardice and throwing his power around through his money to silence Candace owens! I didn't agree with Candice on everything and I think she was mistaken with a lot of Israel things and I understand why Ben Shapiro is very pro-israel and as a Christian I am pro-israel as well. But Israel is not perfect and free speech allows criticism of everything whether you are offended or not at least that's what I thought the daily wire believed ????? The daily wire is proving to be just as domineering with their opinions as they accused of the left you're being domineering with their opinions. Very very disappointed and I even feel it needs to be said shame on you daily wire! Poorly done you have betrayed the values you claimed to have. You're kind of embracing a kind of patriarchy by getting rid of your only female journalist now you're back to your old boys club. And I'm not even a feminist!>> <<@ISoloYouRelax says : Why did yall get a gag order on Candice, while you were supposedly setting up a debate? Unsubbing due to woke leftist behaviors from daily wire.>> <<@fizban690 says : Crazy how the Daily Wire is flushing their reputation down the toilet. So much for free speech, I guess. With the Candace Owens bombshell breaking today, the DW have proven feelings matter more than facts.>> <<@johnmargetson6719 says : Your team is really a crappy,org to go after Candice the way you do. Pretty crappy set of moral fiber in my opinion. Get over yourselves.>> <<@BeachLover263 says : The Daily Wire, former paragon of free speech, uses a secret gag order to limit the free speech of a politically active American. Ben Shapiro is so hypocritical it would be laughable if it wasnā€™t so sad.>> <<@odonnelldenise says : Drop the gag order. Debate Candace! If you agree repost this comment>> <<@illeagle8041 says : Makes me gag>> <<@blownaway1939 says : Ben seems to promote cancel culture. When it comes to his religion he loses his logic and does not exercise what Daily Wire was meant to do.>>