<<@MarkDice says : . ⚠ Order your NO VACANCY shirt here: https://www.markdice.shop/listing/No_Vacancy .>> <<@reaver1414 says : Whitewater is a college town>> <<@Richard_Biggs says : Atleast the sanctuary city policies are driving urban blacks to vote Trump>> <<@gus2600 says : The only good news will be when people quit voting for Democrats !>> <<@bigdaddy5948 says : Dems.?>> <<@kingsley2565 says : perhaps we could swap "Illegal" for "Deported">> <<@searching75048 says : It’s quite possible he’s taken more vacation time than any other pres? That’s another accomplishment>> <<@truthbetold255 says : They are fighting over the "free " stuff that your paying for lol>> <<@kinglouiemc says : Let them reap what they vote, were enjoying the show as trump voters>> <<@scottbennett3119 says : You do one do one helluva job! Thank you and we are sharing.>> <<@RobertSmith-tx9jn says : So, I guess it's safe to say that America was doing much, much better under the last Administration. Though I may be wrong I'm wondering has the eighty one million dwindled yet?>> <<@mikeklassic78 says : Good news would of been " congress decided to remove Biden an his administration an have them jailed indefinitely">> <<@TommyLee-hu5dy says : Her face should be illegal>> <<@ryanbayko2344 says : Love your videos Mark. A work buddy showed me your channel. I hope we can get these liberal and Biden out of office this election. I just have such a bad feeling like this might be the end of our country>> <<@ryanbayko2344 says : I know there is much more important things going on here, but who is the news anchor in the green she is drop dead gorgeous lol>> <<@eulhavoc says : I love how Lefty’s eat themselves>> <<@eulhavoc says : She looks like a witch>> <<@ARIES5342 says : I HAVE NO SYMPATHY! THEY SUPPORTED THIS, THEY VOTED FOR THIS, THEY DESERVE THIS!>> <<@lindanorris2455 says : MAYVE PRAMAL JAILPAL SHOULD RETURN TO INDIA!>> <<@lasurfgrl says : We need to make it a law where no one that wasn’t born here can hold any political office. The ones causing problems are the congressmen that weren’t born here.>> <<@LuisDeBastos says : The black guy also loves to be blonde 😂😂😂>> <<@benitaponciano412 says : GOD BLESS! AVE MARIA!>> <<@DaveZiffer says : The reason we're not allowed to say "illegal aliens" is that this term reminds everyone that they are all criminals, and that therefore the managers of all the multitudes of corporations hiring all the millions of them are also criminals: Who Is Really Behind our Illegal Immigration? "Who is really behind our illegal immigration". Use the quotes and append my last name.>> <<@Hollyweirdification says : Why weren't there New Yorkers there to give them a dose of their own medicine? New Yorkers have gotten soft!>> <<@zetterburger says : Brown garbage>> <<@alegator7249 says : You take a Brovah's turkey, shxt gonna get real up in here.>> <<@21ryanmag says : The 5 illegal aliens who assaulted the NYPD were just arrested in Phoenix, AZ. We were not going to let them get away with that.>> <<@Fathersjoyministry says : Thanks, for the updates 😎>> <<@e8iMm7KE999 says : The American Middle-Class has been destroyed just like the Native Americans got destroyed in past history. The big money people want more and more power. MSM's purpose is to distract the American people from the fact that the Middle-Class has been destroyed. You can't correct a problem if you don't admit and/or realize one exists. The OUT SOURCING OF AMERICAN JOBS TO OVERSEAS CAN BE REVERSED !!! BUT THE GREEDY COMPANIES LOVE THEIR EXTRA BIG PROFITS. As long as people are distracted and divided the problem will not get corrected. To add insult to injury the big money people want to import illegally or legally cheap labor. So what you see happening today is jobs going overseas to cheap labor and cheap labor imported to take away the jobs from Americans that can't be out sourced . The Corporations profit Middle-Class destroyed.>> <<@rauldelgado4370 says : The governor now thinking about deporting migrants because How dare they shoot the disgusting FINGER.>> <<@jaredprice2374 says : “Spoken like a true black nationalist there Tyrone”😂😂😂>> <<@e8iMm7KE999 says : Back in the days of castles, the walls protected the people. Our borders are like a broken down wall. Why doesn't joe biden want to protect Americans ??? Why shouldn't the government exercise self-control ??? Is it not immoral for the government not to do so ??? Like a city that is broken into and without walls So is a person who has no self-control over his spirit. Proverbs 25:28 NASB SELF-CONTROL IS IMPORTANT !!! One who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, And one who rules his spirit, than one who captures a city. Proverbs 16:32 NASB>> <<@keitht.jmccoy3779 says : They don't care about urban minorities! Only their vote to keep them in power to continue stealing from the system they created! To get wealthy in politics! Their political machine keeps going from decacades of DemonRat corrupt elections and fraud! Before them it was the Mob controling everything from Unions kickbacks blackmail and election fraud! WAKE THE F_CK UP!>> <<@Dustyloner says : Love your content. I have to ask do you wear any of these shirts you sell. This is not a rant or complaint was just wondering. If you do, how do you respond to negative comments. Thank you>> <<@RootsOfEden911 says : Friends of mine lost their son, a fireman, that was working a traffic accident when he was stuck and killed by a drunk illegal.>> <<@gooselessvagabond2199 says : Fine, criminal trespassing into a country>> <<@bran780 says : 🤦‍♀️So many issues regarding the Massachusetts governor. Crying over a rec center?!? Really?? Good reason not to have a female governor. I say that as a female! And guess what, you're the governor. YOU can do something about your immigrant crisis! I'm ready to go back to Kansas, Toto. Get me out of Oz.>> <<@mrsleep0000 says : It's not good news because they didn't need this law, you can already deport illegals, and you can deport non-citizens for any crime and any reason. Just more political grandstanding to make it look like they are doing something.>> <<@billypratt4201 says : How many white women have been struggled snuggled by shirtless thugs............>> <<@billypratt4201 says : 19th ammendment was a mistake...........>> <<@jamesr8584 says : ​ @AmericanNationalist852 All the members of the Council of People's Commissars are listed in wiki, there are 17 total of which Trotsky is the only one. Though Ivan Teodorovich is unkown. So out of 17 only 1 or possibly 2 were Ashke. That's far from 90% Lenin may or may not be 1/4 at most. After his death, a relative claims his grandfather was Ashke, which Lenin was unaware, if true, he is not considered one of the tribe. Stalin was 100% ethnic Georgian. So you can strike Lenin and Stalin off the list of Honorable Mentions. And so all the Soviet leaders were Indo-E, not Ash>> <<@chucktwnkid says : Thats funny. I thought they were all taking our stuff?>> <<@jonkaminsky8382 says : I’m far beyond fed up with supporting these people with my tax dollars for their EBT and free college educations only to see them selfishly declare that they’re not being treated fairly, all while they sneer at me with contentious words and say I have “privilege”. F You.>> <<@ramonorlando7124 says : Both Democrats and Republicans are to blame, only Trump has the right policy.>> <<@oldschoollgearjammerlongmi5209 says : She has a Hebrew honker>> <<@brookegeorge9104 says : People to train for soliders>> <<@brookegeorge9104 says : Hey Mark, ever think that the Bidin Administration is gathering people to have a war? In the U.S. or abroad 😮>> <<@handynothandsome261 says : *If Massachusetts citizens haven’t figured out that Maura Healey is **_POISON_** to your civil rights (she’s already taken your 2A rights away almost completely), then you **_deserve_** what you’re getting.* *Go ahead— hire some more emotion-addled women with a “D” after their last name. Oh, and you’d better start learning to speak Spanish, so you’ll be able to talk to your grandkids.*>> <<@jbarnes2288 says : Everybody wants to rule the World>> <<@jbarnes2288 says : hochel and adams are as useless as commode and deblasi all planned.>>