<<@TheYoungTurks says : Should you become an annual member? Of Couuuurse! Click Here: https://go.tyt.com/tytjoin>> <<@DjuanEastman says : I’m I wrong for thinking they only care about internet bullying because it could effect their kids.>> <<@Zsignal743 says : Give the kid a flip phone that’s it>> <<@Zsignal743 says : There should be a court that scrutinize the parents for not watching their kids>> <<@KBAsilomar says : I hope someone sees this, as a teacher, speaking to parents. PLEASE, lightphone. That's all they really need to keep your family together and safe, technologically speaking. Keep the laptop or desktop. SHARE the laptop or desktop, even better.>> <<@Manish_Kumar_Singh says : Don't you have yo be 18 to login? If kids are doing it illegally, how is it Facebook's fault?>> <<@princessluna888 says : Its crazy>> <<@shitchannel4you156 says : American goverment become more stupid and more stupid.>> <<@j.t.k.90 says : 😂Lol (King of The Hill flash back) Hank: So, are you Chinese or Japanese? Kahn: I lived in California for the past 20 years. I'm originally from Laos. [pause] Hank : So, are you Chinese or Japanese?>> <<@pabloacosta5002 says : What ever happened to phrases like "Parental Discretion Advised", or that little thing called "Parental Controls." Parents need to take responsibility for the own children's up-bringing. Teach them right from wrong, teach life lessons and prepare them for the real world. Social media platforms can take steps to mitigate the danger to our children, but safeguarding our children from the threats of the world has to begin at home with the lessons we teach them.>> <<@badrhetoric5637 says : These social media platforms are not neutral observers, they push ans encourage content, and make money from it. It is not a public square, it is a privately owned advertising and data collection system.>> <<@autumnivyhowe3775 says : I dont know that there is more danger for kids these days compared to the days before cell phones. But I think phones do allow kids to have a lifeline to parents when the face the same dangers kids have always faced. There doesn't need to be more danger to warant phones. Its enough that children used to have no lifeline when experiencing things and now they do. Yes, it absolutely has brought on its own set of issues to be addressed, but I don't think it makes the possibility of teens with phones inherently bad.>> <<@_sparrowhawk says : Pretty simple fix, you have to be 18 to use Instagram. Next?>> <<@4idhero798 says : Zuckerberg wasn't prepared for the GOP theatrical circus. The parents allowed the two biggest do-nothing clowns, Hawley and Cruz, use them for political theater. They're not this concerned about kids when it comes to gun violence. Ass clown hearing is all this is.>> <<@miecolebeverly5330 says : so instead of parents looking within at their parenting, they are blaming the owners of social media and social media as a whole for not raising their kids right instead of looking with themselves and their horrible parenting. oh okay.>> <<@lamarcurrey9843 says : Your right Anna. Give your kid a flip phone. Parents need to take responsibility>> <<@AuzSanchez says : What about the cell phone companies building age into the phone number assigned>> <<@virginiachris80 says : I expected Zuckerberg to pull a J6 Hawley and do the running man out of there.>> <<@nickdefranciso2416 says : Well this is a SNL skit.>> <<@meph190 says : My concern is that this crusade for kids safety on social media will not only fail to achieve this goal but will be used to restrict access to LGBT resources for kids further marginalizing this demographic and making it even harder on the LGBT youth to find connection and belonging.>> <<@multitudeofidols says : The Tom Cotton scene actually reminded me of the McCarthy hearings.>> <<@danig6196 says : sigh... Log off. done.>> <<@byteresistor says : If only those hypocrites had this much passion about school shootings or kids having access to firearms.>> <<@deadISgawd says : media wasting time covering a non-event. honestly who gives a flying fck about these ivory tower scumbags. that said, parents need to f'ing parent! how about actually spending 5 mins with the kid, get a read on how they're using those social apps and just maybe provide some parental guidance??? neither the feds nor the scummy app c-suites are responsible for raising YOUR kids. time to wake up! 🤔>> <<@azem02 says : Asian=aka chinese in his racist eyes.....>> <<@azem02 says : He tried everything to not say he is sorry. It hurt his robot heart to say it. He did not wanna say it.>> <<@chrisglover9700 says : Dear Parents.... SHUT UP AND STEP UP. PARENT YOUR CHILDREN>> <<@jukio02 says : I lay complete blame on the government. It's the governments job to protect the people, not companies. If all men were angels, government would not be needed.>> <<@Admiralty86 says : "CEO of PornHub asked to apologize for some rather innappropriate content found on their website 😡">> <<@mrIpodmagic says : What about the parents? if your kid is not able to communicate to you, then you have FAILED as a parent.>> <<@EroticInferno says : The problem with not giving your child a cell phone is that if they aren’t going to get corrupted by online, they’re going to get bullied for being offline. Unless everyone stops giving smartphone to kids,,,,, to not comply would be social suicide because, kids be trying to find their identity and in that process they can be cruel>> <<@EroticInferno says : This blood is as much on the hands of own government officials. For DECADES they’ve done nothing to reign in big tech. They allowed these monopolies to flourish. This is the inevitable result.>> <<@miisu111 says : Wuss>> <<@R1P_K1ngScar says : That hearing was Brutal!!>> <<@ZarlanTheGreen says : Mark Zuckerberg apologized? No. No he didn't. Those were nothing but empty and insincere words. To describe it as an apology is deeply offensive.>> <<@eduardocastillo2645 says : Sucker-berg apologized LMAOL>> <<@triker114 says : for once youg trunks get something right>> <<@cristianmorales3382 says : Completely agree with Ana this is just for show which is why I find it incredibly hilarious when they talk about democracy. Is this what you’re so worried about defending really? And parents maybe try parenting.>> <<@flibble89 says : Zuck did help steal the 2020 election. He donated $390 million to fund ballot drop boxes that went against state constitutions and election laws.>> <<@emilioaguirre1634 says : I bet Zuckerberg still sends them "bribes" to do nothing about it.>> <<@CesarMontoya_theche says : Not to advocate for Zuchernuts but how about this... STOP LETTING KIDS GO ON SOCIAL MEDIA>> <<@DavidRodriguez-ds5ds says : Never should have Apologized. In public, you are bullied or verbally attacked, you walk away. If someone chooses to engage online, that's on them. This is ridiculous and asinine.>> <<@timgray5070 says : We have told my kids no I phone, they don’t even want a phone. They just want/need the internet and they are 7 and 9. We even got them cameras so that they are not directly connected to the web. It was the right idea, they take pictures everywhere. There is a learning curve give your kids time and a safe way to learn.>> <<@jawant6039 says : So John, I guess you're saying the school shooting hysteria is overblown? Nice to see someone honest on TYT for a change.>> <<@Alton7771 says : If Mark Zuckerberg apologize the families Josh Harley should apologies to the cop at jan 6>> <<@Luckdragon2000 says : It's not the fault of the platform CEOs; it's the fault of parents not parenting. Screw Hawley.>> <<@colincurrie2431 says : Would you support requring an age limit on buying things like cell phones or better inforcing laws that have age limits on social media>> <<@JesusCamacho-fy1xh says : This guy is a clown>> <<@SlightlyStabby says : Oh so we're back to not holding the parents accountable. Nope, it was big bad tech. It wasn't you buying your kid a smartphone at age 8 and letting them have unlimited access with no supervision.....that clearly couldn't have anything do to with it. It wasn't you refusing to take 5 minutes to check up on your kid and maybe see who they've been taking to or what they've been looking at, because that's the governments job right? I miss when parents actually took pride in keeping their kids safe.>> <<@Poxell91 says : 6:19 Absolutely nailed it. I am so sick and tired of "hearings" and "rallies" and "campaigns". Pass bills. Legislate. Do your goddamn job.>>