<<@AnthonyBrianLogan says : A few people said that I didn't show the hot mic moment. I played it at the very beginning of the video.>> <<@blainesitter9110 says : Tough day last night ,..... ok ?>> <<@chrscmp214 says : Of all the ignorant and blatantly racist things that decrepit creature has said, cursing is not a concern whatsoever>> <<@shauna5466 says : How dare she say Texas is trying to start a war they’re trying to prevent terrorist coming in this country and she is backing the man that’s doing it ….. wait till all these military age men from the Middle East call Jihad & they’re already here in the country.>> <<@shauna5466 says : That’s about the only thing I’ve ever heard Joy Reed say that I m in agreement. She tries to keep racism going……. it’s pathetic that she can’t speak her mind more often and stop selling herself out for the dollar.>> <<@willcook9799 says : I agree with you brother 100 agree with you>> <<@brainsmith9827 says : I don’t know but maybe we should not show the whole world the layout of our military out post. Let’s not project our intentions in the area. Maybe not supply our enemies with weapons that they can’t make themselves to use against us , while paying them to hate us! Maybe?>> <<@Peoplearefood says : All those weapons the us goverment left behind are now being used.>> <<@bunker_u_Donbasu says : So the US military sets up shop in other ppls countries without permission. Loots the resources, installs puppet leaders, wages wars that decimate large swaths of their population and create "rebel" factions that later turn out to be terrorists. Then a US base gets struck, thousands of miles from the US. To me it seems like the factions there are the ones who conduct retaliatory strikes and not the US.>> <<@tanner82274 says : How about we protect our boarders first and keep it citizens safe>> <<@jebuschrist9161 says : Is Joy appropriating Donald Trumps hair style?>> <<@tiffanycurtis4794 says : How is this woman still on the air with her cultural appropriation Trump toupee but shhhhhhh it’s the white man>> <<@scottjohnson7780 says : This is exactly what happens when we have a weak and feckless leader in the White House. The enemies we have, and there are many, jump right on it and the hunt is on for U.S. forces.>> <<@kmyersupeyyp says : Killing Americans cannot go unanswered. This only happened because of the climate change idiots. They had to undo everything Trump did. Trump had Iran bankrupt. Biden released the sanctions put on Iran by Trump. This guy is a total nightmare. Joy Reid? Don’t care. She’s just a talking head that bitches about cultural appropriation while wearing a straight haired blonde wig. Biden can’t win the upcoming election unless America is at war. He can use his executive power to stay president. Does anyone else see this?>> <<@youtubeblockscomments says : The truth shall be brought to light>> <<@joyyaj9075 says : I don't think Joy Reid can get much realer than that!>> <<@CAPTAINBAZOOKA-wn5by says : WELL....WELL...WELL...............SO I GUESS THEY DO KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON....THAT BIDEN IS LOST.......AND WILL ONLY GET US INTO MORE TROUBLE.........IT ONLY TO US, THAT SHE LIES......AND THEN....SHE LOOKS AT US WITH A SMILE ON HER FACE AND EXPECTS US TO FORGET WHAT WE JUST HEARD COMING FROM HER MOUTH WITH OUR OWN EARS........NOW LET SEE IF SHE GET AWAY WITH THE MOMENT OF TRUTH..?????>> <<@Hershal13 says : MSNBC and Joy Reid r the enablers of Biden and Democrats disaster>> <<@leahg3926 says : "Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make" lord Farquad/joe biden>> <<@julialane6645 says : Fake Joy Reid! 😂>> <<@williammyers9773 says : WASN'T BIDEN WHO OPENED IT UP?!>> <<@DavidBanham-s3m says : Since the Biden administration took down our border walls , I think the fence surrounding the white house should also come down , then we’ll see how long it takes them to fix the border situation 😂😂😂>> <<@phyllislovelace8151 says : Thank you ABL>> <<@iamgod55 says : The hypocrisy of these media folks. They know all this is BS yet would go on tv and act like what they are saying is factual. SMH>> <<@junecat1597 says : What did she say?!? I thought you were gonna tell us! 🙄>> <<@mikeb359 says : Damn this woman look like a Film negative with that hair..>> <<@MostMundane says : If she wasn't a millionaire, she would have more reasons to be upset with biden.>> <<@krystalw8911 says : Couldn't even hear her hot mic moment...where was it?>> <<@LLS710 says : What a waste. He literally said NOTHING about what Joy Reid said. I want my 9 and a half minutes back.>> <<@samseven5260 says : Joy may as well dog the Big Guy with that Trump hair…. it’s a natural progression. If we stop planting military bases in places we’re not supposed to be many American lives can be saved. Thank God Lindsey Graham is a bloviating politician, not a guy who produces significant outcomes.>> <<@shawniriel5962 says : Biden ain't gonna do $###. 😮 They were the ones who destroyed it to start with. They want Chaos.😮>> <<@breadmoth6443 says : i can't call joy reid a nappy headed garden-tool, because she hardly has any hair lol>> <<@fierce8215 says : As long as I've been alive the middle east have always had conflicts, its as if these people don't believe in peace and just constantly want death and destruction. Its just insane how you have such a perverted outlook on your life and the rest of humanity.>> <<@harrymills2770 says : Everything BUT the hot mic moment advertised. Mark Dice did the same thing. I'm going on an ABL diet.>> <<@harrymills2770 says : Lindsey Graham's a weak-chinned coward who loves sending others to their deaths.>> <<@JohnCommor says : Reporter sounds like a rich and famous host. FJB>> <<@TenFalconsMusic says : I'm a 90s style Democrat (basically right wing by today's standards). I haven't voted in ages because I don't recognise my party anymore. There's a good chance I'm voting against my party come November.>> <<@adamlast999 says : Keep'in the hair of the champ>> <<@sintwo0one says : What do you think all this economic theft was for the past 3 years. They knew they were gonna start WW3. They all got their “money up”. And now we are seeing the “fruits” of their labor.>> <<@sintwo0one says : If I was a betting man, I would say the US caused this self inflicted situation.>> <<@sintwo0one says : ABL. I’m from north NJ. And the local news was claiming one of the females as being from Burlington NJ. You say they were all from Georgia?>> <<@scottcrawford4148 says : Peace>> <<@scottcrawford4148 says : OMG president looks really old>> <<@mediii8057 says : ONCE AGAIN AMERICA STICKS ITS NOSE IN PLACES WE HAVE ZERO BUSINESS MEDDLING WITH. LIKE DOING ISRAELS DIRTY WORK>> <<@mediii8057 says : BRO SHE NEEDS TO STOP WEARING THOSE RAGGEDY WIGS.>> <<@sailawaybob says : I hope you report on the two NYC who took a beat down bu biden illegals who were arrested and released by a liberal judge with no bail to no doubt beat up more Americans.>> <<@sailawaybob says : What wrong with blomdie on fake newd msnbc saying the F bomb against the greatest war president in history, yeah 3 wars by POS joe and no doubt more too come. Plus the war on our southern border, and no biden won't strike iran that's puppet master obama pals. Stay turm World War 3 coming.>> <<@derjoh1986 says : Was that a fart? 3:32 .... Lol maby not..>> <<@derjoh1986 says : Nothing is going to happen to her. Typical.>> <<@BURCH1776 says : Come at me if you want i don't give two 💩's . But you say these soldiers are heroes they are fighting to keep our freedom. Ok explain that to me. How are they fighting to keep our freedom ? What about our border? The drugs and God knows what and who walking in. Our government and so called education system is our biggest threat. I can not see one war other than the war for our Independence being fought for our freedom. Every other War has been about making money for the so-called Elites. Sorry - not sorry if the truth hurts your feelings.>>