<<@TheYoungTurks says : Should you become an annual member? Of Couuuurse! Click Here: https://go.tyt.com/tytjoin>> <<@andrewsinkinson2785 says : I’m pro abortion. Too bad your parents were republicans.>> <<@ExtremelyRightWing says : Tim pool is just like Whoopi Goldberg. He just gossips about the day's headlines and other irrelevant shit.>> <<@snakecharmer3587 says : Thank you ? He was forced to do that>> <<@nwnmiria says : Living on the radical far Left you wouldn't recognize a moderate Repbulican nor would you recognize a moderate Democrat from 20 years ago.>> <<@salinagrrrl69 says : Tuff lil timmy scared of Ut00b.>> <<@johnleitermann4353 says : Damn Timcast is killing tyt!!!>> <<@frondreadz789 says : Those who actually care about you know...context. the guest advocated for the ultimate penalty for criminals (cartel not immigrants) at the border. The people responsible for drug importation, murder, SA of all kinds etc. then tim got his Jimmies rustled because he can tell you to stand up for your beliefs but cry when YT dad gets angry over buzzwords...>> <<@kevincox3426 says : Anna is the most sane person here and that's ridiculous.>> <<@WoodsPrecisionArms says : Tim Pool, the guy who screams we are on brink of a civil war? That same guy? Calling someone out live is so chicken shit anyways, like Tim Pool is.>> <<@MODEL_CITIZEN says : You people are insane.>> <<@mohr4less says : Jesse Kelly is a psychopath.>> <<@jefformsby5604 says : Tim’s “compound” has been attacked. Maybe he’s sending the message to those that attacked or may attack that it might be a bad idea. Like a “beware of dog” sign.>> <<@Chris12987 says : Cenks is a smug phony.>> <<@prayx1264 says : No one wants civil war you are dogs>> <<@contact_customer_support says : It’s loud in this echo chamber. 😂>> <<@kip9999 says : Young turks is 🔥 trash ..>> <<@jaysenyork3934 says : Stop making us want to.>> <<@scottlawrence1826 says : I've listened to Tim Pool for years and he's always been anti-violence. Any allusion to violence he's ever made is him warning that if we stay on the current political path, we will end up in a violent situation in this country whether we like that or not.>> <<@lelandmartin6840 says : Because you keep having these literal lunatics on your show Tim....>> <<@rezrunnercl says : TIM... THE FREE SPEECH GUY! HES SUCH A TOOL. BUT NO FREE SPEECH IF YOU"RE A PRO PALESTINE PROTESTER. I really find him "inane" and totally unprincipled.>> <<@wraythofficial says : I need to find out who's Cenks straw supplier is because idk how he has so many. So disingenuous and bad faith lol. You have to be delusional not to see it🙄>> <<@wubsworld8946 says : Cool B-roll of a wall behind the counter of a gun store alluding to that photo actually being a wall from Tim Pool' s "compound".. You can see the price tags on the rifles, ffs. His "compound".. -Its an office building, btw, with a bunch of cool shit in it like skate ramps for the boonies, a couple Kitchens, a Bar lounge rooms areas for live music. It's like the tech buildings in silicon valley. So dishonest. People who CHOOSE to believe this bs have no hope - and those capable of thinking critically need to start doing so. We need a strong society not a scared and submissive one.>> <<@PacApic says : He was just mad he had to take the video down>> <<@xShifty41 says : The Left calls for killing people, especially Trump supporters, all the time. Zero self awareness from these clowns>> <<@frondreadz789 says : I watched the actual video before it was taken down and edited... I don't think the guest said anything bad tim over reacted because YouTube is sensitive>> <<@jamesandrews1130 says : Best part of the show was the first 15 seconds.>> <<@tedreynolds1172 says : Ana talking about toning it down! Pretty funny>> <<@kennethburton4443 says : Y'all are full of shit for real>> <<@midnitelite7210 says : The sad thing is that just 10 years ago people could disagree politically and still be friends. The establishment that exists in DC is directly to blame. Also, G.uns do not mean violence. Gu.ns are an American right. We need them to protect us from the establishment. I advocate for every American citizen to have one. I do not however condone innocent people being killed.>> <<@himynameisaaron86 says : You guys live in an alternate reality, clearly. Tim Pool is far right? Do you guys seriously believe that or are you just a gaggle of retards? I'd say it's the latter.>> <<@Set_your_handle77 says : Tim Pool "Far-right"?!? HA ha>> <<@MartinF-f7t says : Your version is very biased>> <<@ironindustries9258 says : The fact you guys think Tim is far right is hilarious 😂. If Tim is far right im mega ultra premium far right.>> <<@Mike-x9h5f says : the left is way more violent than the right>> <<@aarons6907 says : This propaganda channel crashed and burned. Not suprised you guys can't seem to find an audience for your dribble. Good luck getting people to watch over a minute of your content?>> <<@hudsonumi says : What did Jesse say>> <<@justinmorieko221 says : You people are a fckin joke>> <<@patrickreichert1442 says : Tom Pool has TYT is getting nuanced!>> <<@Syzygy77 says : Tone things down? That’s rich. The left has been ratcheting up the violent rhetoric and actual violence for quite some time now.>> <<@42BillD says : Anyone who watches this show and the edited content is now dumber for having done so.>> <<@salinagrrrl69 says : TYTs This show is named for Turk rads that exterminated Armenians. And the co-host is Armenian. It'd be like Jewis Lara Loomer co-hosting "The Dailey SStormer".>> <<@salinagrrrl69 says : Tim is a little tyRANTER. But Tim does want CIVIL WAR.>> <<@mclaughlink311 says : Why do you guys cover Tim so much? He literally never talks about you lol>> <<@semarugaijin9451 says : Anna is actually the voice of reason here. I agree her take on this, and we should inf common ground. But Cenk is right that Tim has been pushing this fantasy about CW2 for some time now.>> <<@psharelater172 says : 895 Comments: 893 pointless noise. 2 coherent thoughts. Is this the public dialogue you wish to create?>> <<@perceptoshmegington3371 says : Tim Pool is "far right"? Lol. You guys are a joke.>> <<@msstcoastie says : Love when the cuck was clutching his pearls because he saw guns.>> <<@Anthony-id6gu says : cenk just making up people thoughts and intentions. weird takes lol>> <<@j.mig22 says : This show is disgusting. You two are a disgrace to independent media>>