<<@TheYoungTurks says : Should you become an annual member? Of Couuuurse! Click Here: https://go.tyt.com/tytjoin>> <<@jackfollansbee168 says : This is my boss. And our team runs great. We’re all adults who take ownership over our own work. No need to micro-management>> <<@RageProphetXIII says : I wanted to kill myself due to the ridiculous demands of at home work. Ended up getting fired even though I was doing the job as required but I didn't meat the expectations of the management team... Nothing to do with the job itself. And have been struggling to find a job after being let go after 10 years. They did this to everyone I knew at that company.>> <<@hoosiergirl6344 says : I feel so attacked here!!! 😂😂😂 this is me as a manager and this is why my team is amazing and stays!!!!! BTW, i am NOT a Millenial, i am a GEN X'ER!!! i really do not care how you get it done, just do what you have to in order to get it done!!!! If i have to micromanage you, you gotta go. I dont have the energy for want for it. And youre right, if they have to micromanage, they do not trust their team members. I trust mine!!!! TONS!!! Bc i hire trustworthy people! And they always go above and beyond for me and the team when needed. So it works. Protect your teams people!!!!!!!!! And their mental health or they will not last.>> <<@ZoeJasper9 says : minus the memes this is my old boss were both over 50. She is the head of the behavioral health dept. at a very progressive clinic. Yes its all about caring about the mental health of your employees.>> <<@TheKarlHungus says : People don't leave bad jobs; they leave bad managers.>> <<@nephtys369 says : This is totally my boss. He’s 60 something but also from Chile.>> <<@Byebandit50 says : Wait… this is me as a manager lol the only person that didn’t like me was a narc that removed herself before I fired her.>> <<@echospaw899 says : It's not that a manager asks you to do stuff that's the problem... it's 'the way' that some managers ask/tell you to do stuff. I'm a Gen X'er and I never put up with that shit from a boss/manager.>> <<@tameone says : I work better when my manager trust me to get the job done. I love this management style.>> <<@laurenaf8367 says : John 😂>> <<@Eniola_Said_So says : That’s a dream manager>> <<@isaiahgoodley6508 says : My boss is a millennial and this is pretty spot on. lol aaand I don't have a problem with it.>> <<@Michelle-hwt-hr says : I wasnt offended by his TikToks... even with his drama added its not that bad. I kinda think its the best way to get great work and people who feel responsible. Also it's awesome to hear you guys are also such incredible manager's ❤>> <<@Agent.Logic_ says : 0:29 "Comedy"?>> <<@FragmentJack says : So why are there mixed reactions about this scenario? He sounds like a… good boss? As long as we can get the work done and as long as everyone contributes but can still take some time off - I’m failing to see the problem.>> <<@camillederose9020 says : I agree it’s not specific to millennial bosses. My boss is Gen X and this is how she operates. Our mental health comes first with my boss. John you sound like a great boss!>> <<@dank21511 says : Wait Anna isn’t a millennial?! What does she consider herself ?>> <<@marieblade0613 says : The chatacter hes playing are also the ones that set you up and back stab you while claiming that they never intended harm bc they were "relatable " for five minutes 😒>> <<@Jaaskle says : Seems like a decent boss>> <<@Fleato says : one of the only jobs I've had that I loved did have some tight deadlines sorta ( this was when I worked in cabinetry and I did end up getting fired from this job illegally for a disability issue that wans't an issue, it was outright to protect the GM's brother who constantly would run to HR and say some shit because he thought I was going to say something because he was a lazy fuck head who would stand around on deliveries talking to foreman while I was offloading the truck) but other than that when making the cabinets as long as the order was prepped in time many opf us would go hit the loading dock for a smoke break. and guess what, we were always on time and most of us in good spirits. of course aside from that sack of dog shit that the GM is related to. my job before that I flat out walked off in the middle of a shift because they wrote my cowroker and I up because we couldn't do every detail they wanted us to clean in 200 ROOMS IN 7 HOURS I did the math it's like 2 minutes per room, to medically clean and sanitize hospital rooms IN A PEDIATRIC CLINIC WHERE LITTLE KIDS WIPE THEIR LOLIPOP AND CHEETO DUST FINGERS ON THE WALLS.......>> <<@NicoleDumont says : The best boss I’ve ever had used a similar management style. As a result, we were happier employees and worked harder. We felt respected and appreciated.>> <<@SpiritualSojourns says : I’m the type of manager in that video and I built and developed a great team that helped each other out. I never wanted to micromanage and I was a champion for work life balance, and guess what the company laid me off because I was too lenient but the work got done go figure.!>> <<@TalonJHGaming says : I never imagined I’d feel so attacked, lol. I was waiting for the problem in the video.>> <<@nemesisreaper17 says : I'm a Gen Z Manager/Supervisor and I am like this frfr.>> <<@lacheregriffin-denton9946 says : I mean who cares if the work gets done>> <<@Dr.Beetlejuice110 says : oh man, I loved Andy!! hahaha, he wasnt a bad manager! they did a good job under him as well.>> <<@Dr.Beetlejuice110 says : Its just so annoying how we are recording people and posting it online for millions. Its so petty. And so ridiculous. In 2024 where employers want to micromanage you more and want to lay you off for any small reason....why in the world would you get a manager like this and then put him on blast on the Internet like this? This is a win for you. This is a repreive from work hell. So annoying and of course his company is seeing this and ceo of the company knows and its possible that other ceos will see this too and an even more push for more micromanaging and more mean and cold supervising because of videos like this. Like its more gas to the fire. Please tell me this is a skit or something. Please.>> <<@TheOriginalEUrban says : The children yearn for the mines, apparently.>> <<@TheOriginalEUrban says : At least we can read! What do you offer, gen z? A temper tantrum if someone takes your iPad away?>> <<@TheOriginalEUrban says : PSH, okay zoomer!>> <<@DangerousKaos says : I'm a "laid back" millennial project manager and I am him. It's good to have emotional intelligence. People should try it.>> <<@432Restoration says : Anna has such a sharp voice. Theres something refreshing about it.>> <<@suedoughnim6665 says : If you feel the need to micromanage someone that person should never have been hired in the first place.>> <<@LaRossaSelvaggia says : That’s exactly how I’ve managed for 35 years. I’ve been wildly successful. Oh, I’m a Baby Boomer.>> <<@stephanieoliver6873 says : Every Gen x manager I’ve had was terrible.>> <<@passiert1027 says : My genx managers subscribe to this type of style. Very laid back and allows us to just do our thing. If needed, they are there to help out.>> <<@danieliusblackius1130 says : I am a manager, and I recognized many things I might do from the video. I didn't find it at all "bad", necessarily. The one thing I try to do less of is bad-mouthing "the company" or saying things that might ultimately pit my department against other departments when we should be all trying to work together. I find that this kind of talk can affect morale when employees start feeling like they are being "attacked" by "the enemy" whenever things coming from other departments seem heavy-handed, are wrong/incorrect or appear tone-deaf.>> <<@wiscogirl81 says : 1st this scenario is pretty much for remote workers, not people who have a physical labor job, or a person who has to go into an office. That being said, as long as the work is getting done on or before the deadline, it shouldn't matter if someone takes time out of the day to pick/drop off kids from school/extracurricular/doctor appointments. It's called work/life balance, and that is VITAL to have happy employees who produce results! Micro-managers are AWFUL to work for, and micro-managers only procure unhappy, more unproductive employees & create higher turnover by making a toxic work environment.>> <<@raydunn8262 says : Just the definition of satire is to make it outrageous but make it so the audience knows what you're making fun of. If you didn't tell me, i wouldnt had known it was a joke l. He doesn't understand the difference between good and bad management.>> <<@Reggieprince6363 says : Me as a supervisor, I supervise that way I try to be understanding to everybody’s outside issues. I don’t like to micromanage. I’m not a babysitter that is not what I’m there for. If your work done within the eight hours that you are there and done correctly then we good. now I can’t say the same for the manager no empathy whatsoever.>> <<@heathersand73 says : I am the only Gen Xer on my team at work, my manager and all my colleagues are millennials so this is extremely familiar to me 😂 BUT I love my manager and my team mates and my company and it's culture as a whole. I have worked for hard ass by the book micromanager companies and managers before and fuck that noise! I am extremely happy the landscape of the workplace is changing for the better!>> <<@bumfuzzle717 says : That's the kind of manager that would make me stay/want to keep coming to work>> <<@angeldance5 says : Boomers were treated like crap so they in turn did the same when they became managers. Gen Xers and millenials, as a rule, have more empathy and so don't want their employees to suffer just because they did>> <<@tdurran says : Still not sure where the comedy in that sketch is supposed to be. He just looked like some of the best (and most successful) managers I've had.>> <<@nmkone2207 says : My boss is a babyboomer and micromanages our team because she does not know what she wants us to focus on.>> <<@inr63 says : LOVED Brent’s random pop-in - Christmas lights, tv fireplace and all; he gives zero f’s and he’s just hysterical>> <<@virginiachris80 says : I generally prefer a Laissez-faire style of management and my management style is Laissez-faire. If I need help or direction I will seek it. If I see someone who needs help or direction I will happily assist.>> <<@M00nSlippers says : The funniest thing about this isn't the video. It's the amount of people losing their shit over a depiction of a manager who cares about his employees and isn't a company slave.>> <<@princeaizen says : When did TYT start F bombing again? 😮>>