<<@TheYoungTurks says : Should you become an annual member? Of Couuuurse! Click Here: https://go.tyt.com/tytjoin>> <<@lloydbrannan1002 says : Jon Stewart is fighting for Veterans Rights they all ready have it's already been approved. So he is attacking Republicans for no reason. For them to get there disability they only need to go to the VA and see a doctor and have him approve there disability and they will get it If there injury is such they can't work they will get a 100% disability. really All the veterans I know have all have already done it. You don't even have to serve during a war it applies to all veterans who were insured while on duty. I could even get one for hearing loss the ear plugs I used on duty were defective. I been out of the service for 30 years. This shows Jon does no real reporting a quick investigation he would of found this out. But then it would not of given him the media attention as there hero. He could of helped these Veterans by pointing them in the right direction. He did look so cute with his USO hat and tee shirt. I bet you didn't even know this I wonder why. A real reporter would be ashamed but yes we know the truth. hmmmm funny.nop>> <<@fredsorre6605 says : Roywood JR was campaigning so hard to be the next host that he left the show after this was announced.>> <<@sdefiel3719 says : John Stewart for president! S>> <<@gingerredshoes says : 20/20 Would vote for Jon Stewart for president tomorrow, but he's too smart to take on that fiasco. I'm glad to see him back on TV where he can use his power for good with the biggest audience. This can only help the cause of democracy.>> <<@Ex0dus111 says : Israel. He was fired for wanting to do an episode on Israel.>> <<@dannyarcher6370 says : "I want him to be unleashed." On Comedy Central?>> <<@U_N_Owen says : They need to update the format if it's going to work. It can't be 12 minutes of news and commentary with a commercial break in the middle and then ten minutes of dumb side segments and a pointlessly short interview that 90 percent of the time is just a movie or book plug. His Apple show made sure the interviews were relevant to a subject he was covering in the episode and gave him time to have a real conversation and he could be tough because it didn't have to end on a plug and a "please come back." They need to stop trying to be a news and commentary show, a infotainment news magazine, a current events version of SNL, and a late night talkshow and just focus on the news and commentary material that actually carries the show. In other words, John Oliver and uncountable YouTubers are already doing what they need to do and that focused, long-form deep-dive style is what everyone in their target audience is accustomed to now, not the superficial quick takes TDS keeps trying to get away with.>> <<@davidsonnow says : Ha ha ha these clowns forgot to mention the real reason why John Stewart is back: because Steven Colbert sucks. Everybody hates his milk toast, limp wristed left wing woke ideology. And his ratings have TANKED>> <<@WayOfDiplomacy says : Jon Stewart is acutely aware of the Palestinian predicament and plight. Like most Jews he's a compassionate human being. He saw through Zionism.>> <<@patsycrowdis2629 says : Love him…>> <<@anncygoransson3148 says : Michelle Wollf and Samantha Bee are hilarious and would be great hosts.>> <<@_Ali_Baba says : JON LEIBOWITZ IS NOW A PARTISAN HACK !!>> <<@Donttreadonme2024 says : Who says hard work doesn't pay off. Stewart has been sucking the dick of the establishment trying to get back in their good graces.>> <<@barona404 says : Jon Stewart was great and will be even better now. He is one of the best at what he does. Even better than Bill Maher and that's a lot to say>> <<@AWCMCultMovies says : When Jon came on the Daily Show he was younger and hipper than everyone else and the target audience related to him and shared his values. Now he's 61 and the target audience is much younger than him, more progressive than him, and he's going to come off like grandpa telling people what to think. I get that people who aged with him are excited, and I'll most definitely be watching, but this screams "old people echo chamber" rather than the fresh, vital show it once was.>> <<@TurtleTimeVoiceOvers says : The closest competitor is the Bill Maher show, which can’t hold a candle to Jon Stewart. The daily show will blow Bill Maher‘s ratings out of the water. Bill Maher has simply become insufferable.>> <<@capame3737 says : Can't wait til John Stewart roasts Tucker on the national telly.>> <<@acimseeing6280 says : Thank u Jon. We need you!>> <<@ginger22ly says : I am so so happy he’s coming back. The compassion and silliness may see a revival. I’ve missed him so much.>> <<@joc8092 says : they should have had Cenk on the Daily Show. After all, Cenk's funny because he's such a clown>> <<@dreadstartheunholy says : Jon Stewart should run for President.>> <<@brownkemosabe says : Very mellow guys. Remember that TYT exists because of the great Messiah that is Jon. He has been the forerunner in voices of reason. Recognize his impact on all of you.>> <<@peterschibler1580 says : Jon Steward for President of the United States!>> <<@mitchreed-e6y says : Maybe Jon Stewart can bring back some sanity to a out of touch media full of craziness and lies.>> <<@joe41040 says : Cool thank God plus can we have him as president>> <<@-TruthHurts says : political comedy? if anything it should be called political satire, shouldn't it?>> <<@spinncook7402 says : 🔥>> <<@JonnyOpinionated says : My moment of zen.>> <<@BikramAgarwal says : Jon is my litmus test. Anyone who thinks Jon is a bad person, anyone who is against Jon - is a bad person.>> <<@marcus_ohreallyus says : As well as being an important voice, Jon Stewart is also effortlessly funny. He can just look at the camera without saying anything and make me laugh.>> <<@reilen4359 says : He should just run for president. You'd say he's underqualified as an entertainer (not a politician), but the opponent is Trump. He'd probably win.>> <<@IMEMINE. says : Go get em>> <<@smi2le4ever says : February 12th is MY Super Bowl!>> <<@SixtyOunce says : Problems or no problems, he did some incredible interviews on the Apple show.>> <<@19slshaw63 says : I missed Jon dearly when he left The Daily Show many years ago, but then there was charming Trevor, who I'm sure I liked just as much - though differently. As I work through my feelings about all this, there's an analogy that springs to mind: Say, The Daily Show represents a version of my "Love Life" - and so Jon - who happens to be the same age as me, would be my highly compatible college sweetheart, who eventually leaves me for some young tart - (due to midlife crisis). Fortunately, Trevor was there to soften the blow, for he was that exciting younger man who gave me new experiences and made me laugh, until the sad day of his abrupt departure came and I realized that I didn't know I needed him until someone else needed him more. And now, having a few experimental flings here and there - nothing serious, I' m pleased - thrilled even - to announce that Jon and I are getting back together - and I wouldn't rule out a Spring engagement and Summer wedding plans! I'm wildly giddy and blushing with joy, (metaphorically speaking) - How awesome is that!>> <<@lisahardwick2477 says : Look out, right wing "news" shows; Jon does not take kindly to liars! I feel like our knight in shining armor is riding in on a big, white horse!>> <<@Divine_Health_And_Fitness says : The OG of political comedy. I can’t wait ❤❤❤>> <<@mufflejoy says : Jon Stewart coming back is awesome! Who the hell cares if he is the exact shade of progressive - stop whining and enjoy that more people will take interest in politics.>> <<@WeedTacos says : He will do a better job than whinny ass neoliberal libertarian Bill Maher.😄😆 Imagine how incredible the show would be if he interviewed Chris Hedges, Thomas Frank, Professor Richard Wolf, Cornel West, Dr. Jill Stein, David Cay Johnson, Jeffery Sachs, Katie Halper, Gabor Mate, Aaron Mate, Matthew Desmond, Matt Tabbi, Louis Farrakhan and Kurt Anderson.>> <<@TheRickbeni82 says : I heard Stewart is pro Trump now, Right?!?>> <<@LIBOFFENDER44 says : Hahaha liberals are panicking.>> <<@Wanda-x8j says : Ĝlaď you are back Thank God>> <<@jangriffiths8013 says : I'm so glad he's returning! We NEED to hear his voice during this f'n election.>> <<@ricardodsavant2965 says : what's a hero? Is it a superwoman ? Is it a green lantern ? Or a fireperson? All of these and yet more. In this instance it's a man, let's call him Jon, a man of deep understanding, a tolerant man, who likes a joke. He will tell Americans what's what with a smile and a wink. Have a nice day...🍩>> <<@DanTaylor-z9r says : I think he is still a hero. Look what he did for the VA! Why all this negative rhetoric?>> <<@flibble89 says : No one cares.>> <<@matthewedwardsnyder says : Why are tyt so deliberately stupid?>> <<@matthewedwardsnyder says : Hopefully it won’t suck as much as you dumb@sses.>> <<@matthewedwardsnyder says : When did he become retarded? He used to be my hero.>>