<<@TheYoungTurks says : Should you become an annual member? Of Couuuurse! Click Here: https://go.tyt.com/tytjoin>> <<@DebraSkidmore says : Errors, my, you know what. I really don't believe that.>> <<@marysuelujan7461 says : Hope you smirk like that when he does win this coming election>> <<@DellikkilleD says : as always, there is fraud. By republicans, and it *still* wont help them win.>> <<@jeffreyp1855 says : Jesus is my savior, and Biden is my president! MABA, make America Biden again!>> <<@robocowone464 says : Propaganda!!!>> <<@fejimenez3055 says : Vote Democrat, vote Biden>> <<@fejimenez3055 says : Republicans Shame, devils bless your Messiah Horray to Biden God protect Biden and bless the honest man.>> <<@TaneKarnes says : So, i see alot of comments, crooked Joe, fake news. When trump was in office..he tried to shut down Meals on Wheels, social security, vets benefits and insulted them, he shut down good programs for our youth (our future), or claim credit for others. Sold federal land to oil companies. This isnt his land to sell. Tried to pass tax benefits for his wealthy backers, he uses threats and insults, lies and conspiracies to further his power grip, non-humanitarian, he only showed compassion fo a good photo op. Spent sooo much taxpayer $ on golfing. His son in law was doing his dirty work for him in the background. Anyone hear about donations that were supposed to be for cancer kids? A very expensive wall that failed. In my opinion, stop worrying about migrant workers coming in, we all like to eat, etc. The republicans are wanting a fight, lets go after the cartels. Team up with the other governments and go in kick some ass. Fentanyl is a worse (world wide) problem. Theyre so much easier to find..a little thing called lydar. These people coming here are doing what our ancestors did. Better life. Cartel guys dont cross the desert. They have speed boats, planes, and paid mules. And tunnels. Back to trump. I read up on him before political run. Not good guy.>> <<@TaneKarnes says : When they can't handle the truth, they claim 'fake news'. Trump only good at hypnotizing weak minded.>> <<@LindaMoline-s5q says : Fake news.This is a shit show media channei>> <<@lovingya says : Lies all the way and it becomes truth.>> <<@carlzobel513 says : Errors? What errors? Presumably? But?>> <<@carlzobel513 says : Fake news!>> <<@zonamc5924 says : Bullshit>> <<@littledemon4139 says : Those votes where trump votes you are fake news and you are full of s>> <<@ELEMENTARYWATSON52 says : SD should be recounted also @Noem & Thunes' expense. Results were called a half hour b4 election time was finished in 2020. Also, may be some of these Govenors' & Congress seats were miscounted. Georgia for one.>> <<@valentinpineda247 says : "I love the poorly educated"- trump. crowd cheers! Lol>> <<@marcial9251 says : Trump the ANTICHRIST…lies, lies>> <<@rwest1818 says : this geriatric clown will be the downfall of the US, if the American public allow this idiot to regain the Presidency he will cause the demise of not only the US but Nato too!!>> <<@SenhorTudo says : I'm a foreigner, living in a foreign country and even from here I can see how demented American Demo(ni)cRats are. From the start, as soon as Donald Trump showed an interest in running for president, the slime emerged from the sewers, producing fabricated documents and puking lies about the man, determined to smother him before he took his first step. Hillary Clinton had a huge hand in the deception, but do the Demo(ni)cRat supporters find anything wrong with this inexcusable, execrable behaviour? No, of course not! They willingly leap into the muck with her reasoning that if it's against Trump it's good, for no other reason than ... well, he's Trump, isn't he? The supporters of Biden and his band of cutthroats are too blinded by the light shining from the starry asses of their leaders than they cannot see the shit for all the turds in the way!>> <<@j.jarvis7460 says : Trump because everyone else is shit!>> <<@jonmorrisseau says : Haha, ok. Man Trump and his supporters are absolute idiots.>> <<@AnnMesa-j7c says : DAMNNN LMFAO U MUST BE A SERIOUS IDIOTIC FOOL! IF U REALLY THINK FAKE CORRUPTED BIDEN WON??>> <<@melodygarrison7531 says : Hey trumpers you lost. Fair and square. You’re favorite piece of crap lost the popular vote twice>> <<@fredlebhart1393 says : the idea that you think there's only biden votes missing and that there was no funny business in this election is wild>> <<@Cleatus546 says : I just found out I voted for Biden 4 times. Let's go Brandon!>> <<@darryltognarelli6769 says : All you Democrat’s will say anything!! Go ahead and vote for the Biggest Idiot Democrat’s Ever Nominated Surely can’t fix STUPID!!!! Keep paying your high prices and when the illegals come to your home, DO NOT COME CRYING TO ME cause I’ll let them take care of you in there way>> <<@RJTruthBTold says : There are more and this was a sham election. People paid a lot of money to move ballots . Voter machines changed votes. A report came out that it could be done. You missed that. Cheating Yes!>> <<@JohnJ469 says : This is why you are the laughing stock of the planet. No other nation has these problems. You were still finding "lost" ballots weeks after the election but your elections are "secure"? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 It doesn't matter if it didn't change the result, the problem shouldn't have happened in the first place.>> <<@samuelmartinez7418 says : Wow, what dumbasses Republicans are via trump>> <<@MuddyPoppins says : 4000 fake votes that they didn’t need after they’d already secured the fix.>> <<@00govan00 says : But of course>> <<@lindaarnold5683 says : So, GOP how are all these investigations working for you? 😂😂>> <<@BurnyburnyCutcut says : Liberals already trying to justify the 2024 election results taking a month lol>> <<@protasiocanalita6436 says : The young turks are die hard joe biden followers, observe they are very rich now. Sny questions. huh???>> <<@janetrice4819 says : No to Ana kasparian>> <<@gentrynewsom2080 says : Is defendant trump trying to rig this one too ..?>> <<@vgatorfl92 says : These Republicans are basically pain freaks at this point the more they dig the more they look like Tom Foolery😂😂😂😂>> <<@tinaevans3172 says : What! Republicans lied!>> <<@johnwyatt5758 says : I thought he said The Young Turds 😂>> <<@princeofthecats9131 says : Yeah, it took 2 weeks to call the election. It's called election day not election a month. It was totally stolen from trump.>> <<@crabbyresister9194 says : Well, here is the thing, tRump cheated tried to coerce rep sec of state in GA and how many more were talked into cheating? In 2020 He still lost. But, in 2016 he cheated and managed to win. He is a loser and a cheater. #DeportTrump>> <<@christinaradwell5556 says : Don't believe her at all.>> <<@rocksteel9087 says : All you do is lie>> <<@Daniel-tg8ci says : Yep they riged it but Biden still kiced trump's ass ..>> <<@astrogeek1230 says : This is EVIL! I'm a black male and retired soldier. I can easily see this happening to me.>> <<@passinthru4328 says : Oh the irony.>> <<@thomasmazur6916 says : At least we know who the crooks are.>> <<@highpsi11 says : Trump lost BOTH elections. He lost to H. Clinton by almost 2.9 million and lost to Biden by close to 8 million. The Republicans always lose because they utterly fail to represent what most people want and need. They only take office due to the utterly non-representative electoral college system that is centuries old and by placing corrupt judges into high office. Trump is a two time loser, but the one thing you can bet on is that he and his Communist allies like Putin will do everything in their power to destroy the U.S. from within and without.>>