<<@TheYoungTurks says : Should you become an annual member? Of Couuuurse! Click Here: https://go.tyt.com/tytjoin>> <<@IndyAvocadoKid says : FWIW, Lifetime gift tax exemption in 2024 is now 13.61 million dollars, you can give up to that amount before anyone has to pay a gift or estate tax in 2024…give 13 million to each of your kids, and nobody has to pay taxes to the IRS…>> <<@IndyAvocadoKid says : Off topic but what voters don’t realize is business is more effective than govt. because the board of directors can be booted out each year by shareholders, and no amount of advertising BS will prevent an executive who screws up and loses money for a business from being replaced by someone more skilled. The corporate reports had better be great or executives heads might start rolling after the shareholder votes are counted….and even Steve Jobs got temporarily pushed out because trying to sell a $10,000 LISA computer in the 80s probably made executives eyes roll up so hard they started examine their brains for aneurysms 🤔😏😳🙄😂jk but this is why business executives can be so determined and effective at getting things from politicians, executives will get their butts handed to them on a silver plate if the profit margin goes way down that year, and if politics really were like big business advertising would no longer be a part of voting, a boring corporate report on how well things went that year would’ve been all that’s needed to keep or replace a politician, no heavy marketing, expensive ads or PR needed….>> <<@donsachse says : They're afraid to tax them because they can move out of the state.>> <<@WriterRachel says : Fyi, in the 1950s the top tax bracket paid 91% income tax. Remember current tax law only taxes the first $168,000 of yearly income. If u make more than that, the rest is tax free. Seems really low considering today's CEO's salaries.>> <<@kevinbyrne3126 says : Yea keep voting for frauds like joe Biden. The most right wing Democratic president we’ve ever had. His whole career is serving the rich and corporations>> <<@ChefMatt420 says : I recently quit our local country club because while negotiating my promotion, I was told “we have to shield the members from inflation”. We got our steaks from the Bunn farm, and the Bunn family are members. Many of the distributors we subsisted from have club affiliation. The 188+ acres the golf course holds is taxed under some ridiculous open area tax rule at less than $1 per ft, while the public golf course less than a mile away but in a significantly lower value neighborhood pays more than double that. These are just a few ways they stay rich, but I think a significant issue lies in who benefits vs who’s left to fight for us. Surprisingly, I love our governor, even though he’s a millionaire that would take big losses on progressive tax rates.>> <<@aquamanvonfloozerhoffen5067 says : That lower percentage of their huge wage equates to a helluva lot more than we pay!>> <<@bigfatbaataed says : Maybe if they are avoiding 50% of their taxes we should only pick up 50% of their garbage, only accept 50% of their sewage into the system, limit their water to 50%, same for electricity, etc...>> <<@nuwildcat90 says : Florida is notorious for charging sales tax on food. I remember that from when I went to Florida on vacation as a child.>> <<@Juan-os4hs says : The whole: "They need to pay for the services they took (law & order, police, fire departments and educated workforce, a dedicated consumer base, etc)" Is a specious argument. 🤔 Who uses (or rather get used against them) these services more? Certainly not the one percent? There's more police in the middle and lower class neighborhoods than in the wealthy ones, fireman extinguished more middle income and below housing fires than fires at wealthy neighborhoods. Educationally, the middle class more bang for their buck ($1,000-$3,500 avg) property taxes than the wealthy (>$10,000). And without the wealthy, there'd be nothing for the "consumer base" to consume, would there.>> <<@Juan-os4hs says : Here we go again... another commie/socialist "fair share" fallacy/myth screed. 🤔>> <<@redpapa859 says : This is not surprising for the IRS doesn't have the budget to go after them but more importantly the richest people in America aren't even Americans so they are taxed exempt>> <<@Juan-os4hs says : Here TYT goes again, lying with statistics... 🙄 "There's lies, damned lies and statistics." —Mark Twain>> <<@Juan-os4hs says : The "poorest families"... paid no income taxes, and are on the public dole, i.e. on "public assistance.">> <<@JohnLopez-gt6og says : Are we still talking about this crap? Question did TYT do any tax writeoffs or did Cenk not do that and pay all the taxes he possibly could, no because he pays employes,their benefits, donations, etc. Unless he did none of that then wtf are yal talking about?>> <<@timothyletwin5911 says : I guess that's why you always see millionaires and billionaires at trump rallies. Over weight, no teeth, walmart clothes wearing. They are so down to earth not flaunting their wealth.>> <<@TodayEyeLearned says : This is great info. I'd like to throw in one more thing: We aren't just dealing with the big boy billionaires in big boy diapes. There are trillionaires behind those little babies. Not a single person but a whole family of wealth combined.>> <<@JohnnyJPatt says : She is extraordinarily beautiful isn’t she?! Darling you are a work of art. Yes I know that’s completely off topic but I’m just trying to enjoy the little things in life because of depressing all of this is. And we’ll. Your beauty is how I do that. Small example and you can call it childish if you like but what can we do>> <<@wony69 says : The rich handle their wealth like it's business and getaway with tax by using the loophole that the politicians created. So the question is how many millions of tax liability did TYT cut by using same tactics as the rich??? Let's not be hypocrites here. lol>> <<@vidsbyme2590 says : People should understand that it is a % of their income. Yes, a wealthy person pays more $$ but less as a $ of their income.>> <<@the-anti-theist says : Always keep in mind no matter where you are in the US 4 out of 5 people do not vote in a primary since they do not pay attention to whats going on politically. Thats why we always have to choose between the lesser of two evils. Most Americans don't even know that the primary race IS more important than the general race since its what determines who the best candidate is for the job. Yet 4 out of 5 Americans don't bother to vote in the better candidate each and every year!>> <<@christianhansen3292 says : the ring in her nose is a littel bit distracting. not very professional if she considers herself as a journalist.>> <<@MrBrewman95 says : Because they have more assets to write off depreciation, operating costs, losses and having investments that pays them thus they are taxed on capital gains and a not a typical income tax rate hence why it seems lower. The wealthiest 1% pays like 45% of in total taxes in America. TYT are not expert economists. 😂>> <<@curtisgoss2669 says : I always find it interesting how so many who whine about paying their fair share of taxes ignore what Jesus said about paying taxes, and yet, claim to be Christians.>> <<@aliolci says : I am more upset about how the government spends money. Billions used for ‘foreign aid’ to fuel wars in ukraine and palestine yet homeless and junkies are all around the country without much needed medical and mental treatment.>> <<@tesmith47 says : why did WHITE America VOTE for this??>> <<@AnonymousA-hm7iv says : America, land of the 1%. And home of the greed.>> <<@jawant6039 says : TYT needs to stop encouraging Rayyvana. She is just loud and very dumb.>> <<@kaminarinoyouni2311 says : The bottom 50% pay zero taxes because they're below the poverty line. They don't have money to pay. The same cannot be said for the richest people in the country who controlled 90% of the wealth of the country. Why shouldn't they be expected to pay the burden associated with that?. Why should they have lower tax rates because their income comes from not working ? Why should the middle class be expected to pay it? To give you an analogy as this doesn't appear to be clear to a lot of people here: imagine a person comes into a town and buys 90% of the property (with a value of 90%), you would expect them to pay 90% of the property taxes, correct? What if that person only paid 50% of the property taxes in the town? Yes they might be paying more dollar wise but they're not paying the percentage they should be.>> <<@rickybishop8388 says : *I enjoyed this content so much. I recently had a conversation like this with a friend and I told him to try and diversify hit flow and not have the money sitting down. He was considering real estate as the example Grant mentioned but I told him to try out the financial market. Stocks like Nvidia, Apple, and some EV stocks were good picks especially on the long run. Who trades the financial market?*>> <<@terricameron7172 says : We should all pay the same percentage. Let's say, 7-10%, flat rate for all!>> <<@Xxfen1xphyrexX says : Rayyvana looking like a snack>> <<@jawant6039 says : Saying you were a doorknocker for Mayor Johnson isn't something I'd admit to....Chicagoans now hate him...due to the migrant situation.>> <<@mkl01_99 says : Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civil society.>> <<@mkl01_99 says : And now we have those illegals to go after. Bc hating on those with less power and less money is a perfect dodge, ha!>> <<@sunshinesun101 says : HEADLINE: Top 10% PAY 90% of Taxes...IMAGINE being penalized for SUCCESS and supporting so MANY Losers who have not taken the INITIATIVE to take advantage of Opportunities in this country...There are LITERALLY TENS of Millions of Illegal Immigrants entering the U.S. wanting Better LIVES...I HOPE Greg Abbott continues to send them to Woke Liberal Left Wing Democrat Extremist Cities where they can change the DEMOGRAPHICS were they can replace the Blaque Population.>> <<@frederickstarks1671 says : This host, and many others, have never started or run a business in their life. The middle class never has to worry about paying corporate tax, capital gains tax, and company overhead. Funny how this clueless host left that out. Another TYT cherry-picked hit piece.>> <<@wy2528 says : That is not true>> <<@gb1701 says : The rich pay less tax because they are the ones who can afford to pay off the politicians, lawyers and CPAs to make sure it always stays that way.>> <<@JMyoutube1 says : If you did a comparison of dollars vs. percentages you'd see your numbers flipped massively.>> <<@HXWKBXY says : Wosny is so good in this video>> <<@alextaylor6755 says : My refund better be fatter then last year>> <<@dispatchcenter1241 says : They(and you) will pay progressive sales tax. Its unavoidable with digital identities and wallets.>> <<@noigelskram2435 says : Not one liberal in this comment section is willing to pay for social programs themselves. Lets see them bring immigrants into their own houses.>> <<@A_Bunch_of_Savages says : Tax extremists only want to talk about the tax rate, and not the actual tax dollars paid.>> <<@Mister-Reno says : You can Thank your Republicans for this . Voting Republican is Voting against your own interest.>> <<@rich748 says : Make the rich pay taxes i am tired of rich ripping off poor middle class and low income people pay their taxes>> <<@Rascal2944 says : Well you progressives always say you wouldn't mind paying higher taxes for social programs. Biden has started 24 social programs since he took office. You idiots are complaining about getting some of what you have been claiming to want. Seems to me you do mind paying taxing for the social programs you want. You want the wealthy to pay for the programs you want not you. 😂 One of the big differences between conservatives and liberals is conservatives give more from their own pockets to help charities, liberals and progressives love helping the needy, as long as its government money being spent. Then cry like little bitches when you have to pay higher taxes. Remember you said you didn't mind paying higher taxes for social programs so you have absolutely no reason to be whining. Ya'll knock conservatives for not wanting more social programs never once stopping to think who runs most homeless shelters, food pantries, clothes closets, a lot 9f churches help poor people pay their utility bills. After any natural disaster churches get busy collecting food, water, clothes, and other essentials then send those supplies where they are needed. The Church I attend just last week paid 3 months rent on an apartment for a family that lost everything in a house fire. The family was also given furniture and food. In short while liberals are fighting for extended or more social programs conservatives are already giving.>> <<@sal5604 says : I'm seeing a lot of people here wanting to up sales tax to 20 - 30%. I like the idea of taxing consumerism. Maybe, it'll teach people how money works.>>