<<@TheYoungTurks says : Should you become an annual member? Of Couuuurse! Click Here: https://go.tyt.com/tytjoin>> <<@ogbeborchristabel9276 says : As someone who has struggled with the physical and emotional impact of herpes,herbal supplements from dr emuakhe from Africa has been a godsend.Its not just the reduction in outbreaks but the visible healing of my skin that's most impressive.The scar's and bumps are fading, making me feel more confidence in my appearance>> <<@jesserush793 says : so what was the U.S supposed to do? allow these terrorists to attack innocent supply chain ships? I don't like what Israel is doing, but I don't agree with the notion that these Iran backed terrorist groups are the good guys or that they are trying to be the saviors of civilians in Gaza, and that is why they are trying to rob supply ships. They are doing it to screw over their enemies, and if they are trying to help anybody it is probably their ally Hamas, not the civilians in Gaza. and Hamas just wants total control they do not give a crap about the civilians in Gaza, or actually want a two state solution, they want one Hamas state by eradicating Israel.>> <<@Zillamon51 says : TYT are pirate sympathizers now? Disappointing. Ana, you're smarter than that. We cannot let them influence policy even 1%, it would embolden them, and put commercial (not military) ship crews at risk. 👎>> <<@954REMI says : Young turks suck>> <<@BrandonSmith-rb1bf says : They are stopping the supply chain to Iseral the same way Iseral is stopping supplies from entering into Gaza>> <<@masonm600 says : So stupid. Just accepting the Iranian narrative whole. Literal appeasement. They don't understand the problem with random rebels threatening 10% of all global trade, so fall back on "Israel Bad">> <<@plumbus813 says : TYT supports piracy, civilian merchant ships being attacked and crews kidnapped, and the antisemitism of the Houthis>> <<@bensteel1936 says : It’s not a war. We warned if they kept going for our ships we’d retaliate.>> <<@peterkozak4380 says : OMG, i can't believe how uneducated TYT is about middle east politics. "Lets negotiate " most pathetic comment yet. TYT is a terrorist supporting propaganda machine.>> <<@philliphessel6788 says : Part of the larger background is a long-standing conflict between Sunnis and Shiites. The former are in the aggregate more numerous, but their autocratic regimes secured by Western imperialism are most often a national minority ruling over more locally populous ethnicities. The significant dependence upon foreign patronage (especially of the USA) is a ‘feature’ shared by Israel and Saudi Arabia, which have in their ruling classes vested interests in keeping Iran perpetually hemmed in by hostile forces.>> <<@DrorBenAmi-w4u says : Oh yes.....just like Iraq invaded Kuwait in order to help the Palestians..... As you described yourself Ana: "i am just a dumb reporter in L.A.">> <<@DrorBenAmi-w4u says : https://youtu.be/wkvaxLaIsG0?si=S48UJsJxoCgj8ICq>> <<@jameshoffman3690 says : Hamas breaks the peace and slaughters 1200 people including cooking babies alive in ovens.....and TYT blames Israel for the war. Houthi jihadists attack US & other nations ships .... and TYT blames the US for starting a war... WOKENESS is a disease that completely warps your sense of reality.>> <<@xAssailantx says : They were indiscriminately attacking cargo ships, many of them not involved with Israel. Stop defending jihadist lunatics.>> <<@Nachobeerman says : Do we have any vote on if our country can start wars>> <<@geoffreylachner6779 says : More jokes here: the idea rhat investigation to C if Israel is targeting properly -- of course they haen't becuz' they know what the answer is. More jokes.>> <<@geoffreylachner6779 says : The Iran deal was a f raud to begin with. Iran has forsworm all nukes per their religious beliefs. Iran is targeted by zionist Israel is becuz' it is the greatest impediment to Israel's desire to take more land and wawter from their neighbors.>> <<@mambojazz1 says : Morons!! WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE NOT CONDEMNING HOUTHIS REBEL TERRORISM?! Those sailors are 100% innocent 🤬>> <<@mambojazz1 says : Ana you half-wit the Houthis are not attacking "cargo ships" they are attacking innocent people that have nothing to do with the Israeli government or even Israel! Why are you supporting terrorism?!>> <<@bourbon_sketcher says : All by design.>> <<@-WEST- says : Ever see Ana's face without makeup? It's brutal.>> <<@snd28081 says : Look at these two idiots. Acting like the know something. Read your notes sweetheart>> <<@Fantomaslives says : why is the YT so one sided in their opinions?>> <<@snd28081 says : We were told President Trump was a war monger. Looks like Biden is the war monger.>> <<@simongoldwhite5813 says : God help you Anna. “They want the violence to stop?” That's why? It not because they are an arm of the Iranian military?>> <<@tattoomesam says : I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Revelations 2:9>> <<@vuikeongchang9945 says : While all women of all kinds and species can come together,amicably,the hijabs come to disperse them.>> <<@wrongturnVfor says : Straight of the bat, Ana starts with lies. USA killed Arouri, not Israel. Because he was instrumental in negotiating the Qatar peace deal and was negotiating the Egypt proposal which Israel was fine with. Continuing to claim that ISrael killed them when no one outside of US and UK have said that is just a journalistic war crime. But these shitheads arent even journalists. And they know they are lying. They have removed the report Button! If that doesnt tell you they are total Biden lapdogs, what will? Are there people who still take this seriously? Plus, claiming Israel opened a war front on Hezbolla is just a fat faced lie. Because Hezbolla has been launching missiles on israel for a month before oct 7. This was planned as a distraction for Israel so Hamas could blindside them. Becuase this is BIDEN's regime change war against Netenyahu because for 3 years, he REFUSED to start Biden's war on iran. Anyone who continues to say Iran backed this and Iran backed that, you need to show proof else you are complicit in Biden's war crime of launching an illegal war on iran. Biden needs to be sued for slander. Australia had categorically refused to be a part of colaition and Biden went around bulying them for not joining the coalition. I will counter the BS Iran deal narrative of Ana below but firt, BIDEN had 3 years to go back onto the deal because Iran was still cpmplying on their end. But Biden in turn ended up increasing snactions on iran. Until on 14th Nov 2023, Biden released $10 Billion to Iran that Iraq owed them. On 19th Nov Houthis started the latest round of attacking ships. Funny how no US or Chinese ships have been atacked. But ships from Africa and random countries are being attacked despite having no connection to israel. But yeah, lets no talk about that because that would expose Biden being the sole escalator in the region way too much. Lets not talk about how Bloomberg has been saying the volatility in market needs to be more to push funds into treasury and shifting the war to the east of arabian peninsula would do it (meaning attacking Iran). Lts not talk about how Hamas, Houthis and Hezbolla all have NATO weapons. Hezbolla has NATO troops with them. oh no, that would be too obvious. You need to be goof little lapdogs for Biden. You can shut up about faux anti war concern when you are the POS that has been beating war drums against Israel and Iran this whole time. There have been no negotiations with israel? What the hell do you think the Qatar Agreement was? Which was ripped by HAMAS!. Egypt has a peace proposal that Israel has agreed to provided other countries give guarantees. BIDEN is blocking it. Please go sucj Biden's Balls on your own time and stop spreading hias garbage all over internet. ANd Israel is doing targeted strikes, There is NO genocide and the numbers are false. Because there is actual international journalism out there tha confims that the numbers being taken from Hamas spokespeople are not adding up pn the ground. The hispitals , camps and shelters dont have anywhere near that number of injured or dead. Neither are they to be found aywhere else. But warmongers getting their taling points from MIC wont tell you that, will they? A month ago they were supporting Hamas and saying ALL the narrative is a lie. But now that israel is facing a case by SA, they have to change tune as ordered by Biden. Disgusting grifting scum. Facepalm! Ripping up iran Nuclear deal was goaded by netenyahu? TYT needs to be transported into mental asylum. Way to flip reality on its head. Maybe someone should make them rread Chomsky who clearly explains WHY Iran nuclear deal was a disaster. After the 1991 Gulf war, UNSC passed THE RESOLUTION 687. Which was the implementation of a no nuke zone in the middle east. Later it was expanded to be a no WMD zone. Every single country in the world was infavor of it, except USA. Because USA wanted to place nukes in Israel. Note Israel didnt want that ne, USA did. This was pissing off all the gulf nations. And since USA was in bed with Saudis, Obama did put the sanctions on iran to appease Saudis. But then he started the arab spring which pissed saudis off and they stopped investing in the US treasury prompting the first Partial HARD default of USA (the debt ceiling circus of 2013). To counter that, Obama did the Iran deal and sold weapons to Saudis worth 3 times more than Any american president. So basically, pushed the Saudis into proxy war with iran started an arms race in the region. And aided the blockade in Yemen. (wile also funding Hezbolla and Houthis mind you). This managed to singlehandedly piss Saudis and Iranians off. I mean pissing both sides of the conflict off takes special talent. Both knew none of those were prolonged commitments. When Trump came to power, he said, nope we arent funding this madness and stopped sending weapons to saudis for a bit. MEanwhile an oil pricing war broke out betweeen Saudis and Russia. And Yemen reached a stalemate. Frustrated with all this, Saudis again started withdrawing funds from Treasury in 2017. To counter that pentagon (outisde of Trumps knowledge) started funding terrrorists from Qatar against Saudis starting Qatari diplomatic crisis. And allegedly CIA took care of KAshoggi to malign Saudis on the international stage and make a case for sanctions unless they aided USA in war against Iran. At the same time we were also getting ISrael on board for the plan on Iran war. This shit was really getting out of control. THat was when Trump went over and resolved the oil pricing war without anyone feeling the pinch (unlike Biden's skyrocketing gas prices today) and started the negotiations between Iran and Saudis while also restarting the arms supply to Saudis but to pre Obama levels. He withdrew from the Iran deal to bring Saudis to the table . He put removing IRDF from terror list on the table with a later goal of permanent removal of sanctions to appease Iran. The idea was to maintain enough leverage over Iran while also giving them some respite and also to allow a face saving exit to Saudis from Yemen over time. At the same time he had Powell start removing money from the economy to tame projected inflation and balance the madness over at Treasury (aka quantitative tightening) to regain the lost value of the dollar and regain confidence in the Treasury so other countries wont flee. And it was starting to work. Especially since Trump didnt start any new wars. And while all this was going on, he was also holding the pentagon back from starting a war with Iran. And managed to do so THRICE. And running interfernce with Israel to not escalate matters. And pulled out of Afganistan and Northern Iraq and balanced relations with Turkey and Kurds by pushing Kurds back from Turkey's borders but giving them autonomous terrirtory in Iraq. It wasnt the best posible foreign policy but with pentagon acively trying to start wars, it was the best that could be executed to NOT start wars. And since no wars broke out, it seems he was successful. But this pissed defence contractors and bankers royally off because addicts need their cocaine. Wy do you think they turned on him? It is disgusting that TYT pretend to care about muslim lives by defending terrorists while supporting the genocide of millions of muslims in the Arab spring 2.0 Biden is trying to start - for a grift.>> <<@leviashanken2506 says : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Houthi_movement>> <<@wrongturnVfor says : Not for people with puny attention spans or fragile covfefes. Biden is not doing this in just Red Sea, he has also blocked Panama canal. Why? So American oil and corporations can be competitive on the market. This entire thing has increased the cost of imports from Asia. Plus, here is another funny thing. USA is bloody bankrupt. We have been in partiial HARD default for a decade now. What do you think this debt ceiling debacle every few years is about? We hit the ceiling, treasury enters "extraordinary measures" which means they can write off any debt they like. Under Obama in 2013, they did this the forst time. Government had invested Social security money in the treasury. And Obama just refused to pay a portion of it back, effectively stealing it and writing off the principal and the debt for the next decade or so. What do you think the bank collpase was about? All those banks had government bonds which means a decade worth of interest and principal payments. So Biden Used Entree capital to sart a bank run on them and allows JP morgan chase to cannibalise those small banks and absorb their assets. Not only did JP morgan get a hefty tax cut by showing those bonds as losses, but they also earned a ton of money through insider trading. The swapped those bonds for treasury bills which were trading dirt cheap because everyone was manufacturing panic over USA wil run out of money by 4 June. When it didnt, the value of those bills skyrocjeted and JP Morgan sold them at a high profit. Meanwhile, the treasury just wrote off the bonds - aka HARD defaulted on them. Why do you think UK and USA have ships in Venezuela? They are forcing Venezuela to illrgally give control of Venezuelan assets into the military industral complex controlled comittee. ANd they are just auctioning off Venezuela's assets illegally for billions of dollars. We are literally like the nobels who spent money we didnt have and then went around robbing people's houses to pay the debt. Biden is also the one causing the unrest in Ecuador because Ecuador wanted to end the drug cartels and go the El slavador way, especially in currncy regulation. Plus NATO stooges there are also putitng troops on the border. Meanwhile no one wnats to invest in the treasury. WHich is another reason why we have the manufactured red sea crisis. The idea is that the crisis will cause vlatility in oil market and trade. Which means investors will chose not to invest in the market but in treasury. And I am not joking when I say this, Bloomberg just said yesterday that " this volatility is of a small scale. If the disturbance spread to the east of the Arabian peninsula, the volatility would be greater". Basically saying, this is not enough to drive people to treasury, you need to start the war on Iran. So it is categorically wrong to pretend that anyone BUT Biden is responsible for this. And not only that, Biden actually tried to legimitise his illegal war in UN with this Houthi nonsense and literally said "Red sea attacks have nothing to do with Israel. America;'s actions are to protect international shipping and trade" My buttcheeks. Not one single country asked us to do that. American trade is not affected. European and Chinese trade is but neither wants to be a part of this coalition. But somehow this justification is valid? I guess snake oil salesmen who sold the narrative of double tap drone strikes and actual genocide being collateral damage can sell anything. Because they have puppet propagandists like Kyle and TYT and Dore and Shapiro. They even brought back Alex Jones for this BS. But please why dont you simp harder for Biden? Other than that Biden has been waging wars on Africa, doing brutal clockades and sponsiring terrorists there to maintain illegal NATO occupation and has FAILED. He massacred 40 million people in 3 years in Africa and yet Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger kicked NATO out. He is losing in Sudan, losing in Ethiopia, losing in SOmalia and lost on Congo, The reason why he wants to export Hamas terrorists to congo is so that he can terrorise the country and start a civil war there to topple the non NATO democratically elected leader there too. For 3 years he has been looking for fake reasons to block grain supply to Africa., First it was the sanctions on Russia and now it is the manufacured Red Sea crisis. If you arent that great at maths, this is a holocaust that is 12 times worse than Hitler. Biden is waging a regime change war in ISrael. Hamas has NATO weapons and there are boots on ground with Hezbolla. When they de we call them "journalists". Why? Because for 3 years Netenyahu REEFUSED to start Biden's war on IRan. Like Saudis did too. He tried to topple him by manufactured riots and then activist judges and when he failed to do so, he launched this Hamas terrorist attack. I mean they are even officially releasing a paper trail about it. Where Pentagon says, we have no clue where $1 Billion worth of weapons allocated to Ukraine even went. So No Israel didnt start anything, Biden did. And continuing to say Israel did is outright slander. As is calling what is happening Genocide. Damage to infrastructure in urban warfare does not mean genocide. Meanwhile it is Hamas that has a foundational charter that calls for the destruction of Israel and all Jews and their allies. So nope, blatanlty wrong there. And quite interesting how Hamas, very much like Ukraine has NEVER once published the number of dead fighters aka terrorists. Plus, we have extensive documentation for 20 years that Hamas uses 13 year old girld and boys for terrorist attack. So this Ukraine like "women and children" BS while Hamas hide behind them like the cowards they are, doesnt mean jack shit. Also, Israel didnt vote against humanitarian aid or ceasefire, Biden Did. Israel didnt break the Qatar peace deal, Hamas did. All the wars since Hamas came to power in 2006 were started by Hamas - 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014. annnd......then....2021 and 2023. Notice a giant gap there? That was because Trump was in office and not starting forever wars around the globe. So pretty clear who the aggressor is. This is exactly why Arab countries have not cut ties wit israel but have kicked a number of western companies out. Infact they have established a land corridor to continue the trade flowing to ISrael. Saudis and Iran had resolved Yemen in April of 2023. Read the Intercept which reported that Biden was preventing that from happening. WHich is why they went to China. This plan was put in motion in full gear since then. Israel and Saudi Arabia were gonna normalise ties. And Biden could not have it. Hence the attack. He is literally saying, Okay Saudis, move aside, let me show you how real genocide is comitted in Yemen. People supporting Houthis are deranged. Houthis have not targeted US ships. They are targeting ships from random countries like Gabon and Botswana which have nothing to so with Israel or USA. Infact, USA And Chinese ships are getting a free pass. And Houthis havent just started doing this, they have been doing this for 2 years now. They are just an excuse for Biden to leigtimise his war on Yemen and Iran. What utter BS is this? You people do know USA funds Hamas, Hezbolla and Houthis, right? You do know that Biden literally freeed up billions of dollars from Iraq to Iran against out own sanctions so Houthis could do this, right? Or are you just completely disconnected from reality? This is exactly why Biden killed Arouri in an airstrike because he was the person who wa instrumental in negotiating the Qatar agreement and was now working on the Egypt proposal which everyone, inclusing Israel, was okay with excapt Biden. He has moved troops into middle east and also did missile strikes on iraq claiming injury to american personnel in an embassy. He also did drone srikes in Ethipia, and now is exporting terrorists to somalia. Repeating all the classic Obama hits - from Somali pirates to Benghazi to doible tap drone strikes. But I guess his base is stupid enough to believe Biden lapdogs like Kyle and TYT and Shapiro and Dore on this BS. He has been dragging all countries into this even though no one other than USA and UK want to be a part of this madness. And vile people like You are aiding and abetting the incendiary rhetoric beating the war drums on the world. The rest did it only for Hamas, but Kyle is also beating the war drums for Latin America. Disgusting You are complicit in Biden's war crimes>> <<@johnadams7402 says : It's not about Gaza and the terrorists there. It's about control, Iran's control. Iran wants to stop the new agreement between Saudi, Israel, EU and the U.S. The counties most effected negatively by the agreement would be Iran followed by Qatar. Putting Israel in a position where Saudi can't be a part of the trade agreement is the reason why Hamas massacred 1,400 civilians. The attacks on the shipping is to shut down the revenue Egypt gets from passage. Iran is moving the chess pieces around the board. And as always, we're playing catch-up.>> <<@rs72098 says : *"Open war is upon you, whether you would risk it or not."* - Aragorn>> <<@cheezy2455 says : There is no genocide going on. Have you seen pictures of ww2 germany at the end of the war? Many citys looked like Gaza. There is no peace in gaza aslong as hamas remains. Do not be a stupid dreamer. It cant happen. No one wants a second 7 october attack. Also the missles keep comming it needs to stop . isreal needs the victory to show do not mess with us. All this S happening is Irans fault. They did not want the abrahm accords to go trough. The huties are Irain backed terrorists that endangers inocent lives of sailors they attacked a US war ship so they got a some pain back. Saudi is very quiet but they want them gone the goverment in yemen want them gone, so if they are insane they will get a war they cant win. the trash will be taken out minimize the power of irain even more. This year irain will have its own internal problems as minorities get funding and supplys to fight like the palestines for their freedom! 101 iran terrorist playbook! The country is now 50:50 powder keg because the rule over the people is brutal. And there are so many cracks ...>> <<@robinfoster2059 says : Journalist. Idiots.>> <<@cliftonmobile123 says : The citizens of Gaza is not benefiting from these ships getting hijacked by these militant groups so how can you claim that you're doing this for the people of Gaza?>> <<@GiarkReleos says : so its official, the usa and the brits are clearly FOR GENOCIDE. Facts Matter !!>> <<@leviashanken2506 says : Does TYT have any idea of what the Houtis have been doing in Yemen? They are using Gaza as an excuse.>> <<@hunternedib1119 says : To all Progressives: Sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.>> <<@Redpilled66 says : Instead of the US stopping Israel committing genocide on the people of Palestine, they instead attack the country that is trying to stop the genocide. Thats f*cked up.>> <<@34口2fds蛋トマgs says : As usual, the white men in the US and UK government are thirsty for the blood of Muslims, and they will turn around and point at China about the Uighur genocide and rambling about human right whilst drenched in the blood of Muslims.>> <<@inspirationalspirituality2690 says : 😢 Biden is the second worst president in modern history. We shouldn't be involved in other countries' affairs.>> <<@GhostRiderD1 says : Such a stupid move by the USA and UK, well done for escalating everything in the world thats bad. An over the top response by the West as always. Going to war now because business trade at sea and profits are getting affected. How about stopping the genocide.>> <<@lotseven1976 says : tyt gas leak continues>> <<@pieterjoubert7631 says : Do these morons actually know what weapons Iran sent to the Houthis? Did Biden get permission from the house to get US into another war?>> <<@PaulJulius-s5q says : Palestinians are HAMAS..they intend hide behind Palestinians are wage their fight..US and UK protects the world trade routes..if they dont..catastrophic..and stop mentioning Palestinians citizens involved....>> <<@noahkilleen239 says : This is why i cancelled my TYT membership. Complete lack of nuance in the conversation and zero depth to the background of the story. And no, I am not Jewish or Israeli. Gaza has NOTHING to do with keeping shipping lanes clear for the thousands of vessels of multiple nationalities that pass through the Red Sea each year. BTW Anna, the Biden administration and other nations DID try to convince Iran to get the Houti's to cool it for the past few months. They wouldn't listen. This is a negotiating tactic to smack Iran over the head, not the "expansion of a new endless war".>> <<@NeptuneUT says : the young turks loves radical Islam>> <<@toronto_peter says : It isn’t morally inconsistent to take out Houthi terrorists (that are disrupting trade routes used by many countries) *and* to stop supporting Israel’s genocide. The Houthis should be equated with Hamas, and Ana has *repeatedly* supporting taking out Hamas terrorists. This entire video was filled with hypocrisy.>> <<@iamantiwar2003 says : Any chance to crap on Joe Biden. I hate what this channel has turned into to. Openly supporting terrorists. 🤡🤡🤡>>