<<@TheCoolJavelin7 says : Pro life my ass>> <<@cibonthesaint8903 says : He’s a blatant racist as is the entire Republican Congress In Washington DC. Plain and simple they want to control the poor the hungry. Call it like it is.>> <<@lauren578 says : Republicans hate America.I honestly believe that.They hate America and Americans.>> <<@lauren578 says : Please remember this 💩 come election time yall>> <<@jeffreyp3512 says : Were a state full of maggots.>> <<@EricWilliams-yy8vh says : They voted him in>> <<@bebeautiful6613 says : Nebraska here ….. he was also Trump endorsed 😤😖😢>> <<@brodrickcrawford5296 says : This is a prime example showing you they don't give a fuck about kids. They just want to control women bodies that's all. They want you to have the kids. When it comes time you need you help feed the kids? They're not going to give a fuck.>> <<@edwardfraraccio0617 says : Good for you governor!❤>> <<@nancyvickers2814 says : No - it would not be a “fair” debate - poverty is not a debate. If you start out poor, the poorest of poor, there is very little chance that you will ever do well enough to overcome poverty. It is the failure of our educational system, our healthcare delivery system, our housing costs, the absurd minimum wage law and last but not least 5:58 the ridiculous government administration of welfare programs and the red tape and circus hoops those receiving “welfare” are forced to cut through and jump through to get the assistance they need. So no - it’s not a debate. It’s a massive failure of our society. We are a laughing stock, or at least should be, because the wealthiest country in the world has homeless people sleeping on sidewalks. What is wrong with us that we would allow that. Not all poor people are living on the street but maybe they should. Maybe a true visual of poverty is exactly what our country needs. We don’t need a debate. We have known for a long time that most of the ills of society are caused by poverty. For god sake, Lyndon Johnson knew it and tried to tackle it. There is a serious wealth gap in this country and it needs to be fixed. Poverty must end. We either all sleep in a safe, comfortable bed every night or we all sleep on the sidewalk - the haves and have nots needs to be addressed in starting right now. Look at what we value in our society. Who is making the most money - professional athletes and movie stars. Look who is making the lowest income, teachers, social workers, non-doctor medical personnel, farm workers - you know all the people that provide the building blocks of a society are making wages that won’t even support a single person living in a one bedroom apartment using public transportation. It is tragic. We need balance in society - we need to educate our citizens, we need to tax the ultra-wealthy at 70% and collect those taxes. We need to tax all these mega corporations the same and Wall Street needs to be dismantled. There is absolutely no reason poverty should exist. It is obscene for anyone to have wealth like Zuckerberg or Bill Gates or Elon Musk. We are a tragic society.>> <<@nancyvickers2814 says : Yep - republicans force women to have children but refuse to help poor women feed these children. Why does anyone elect republicans? I truly don’t understand it.>> <<@Aurum100 says : The kids could simply eat the rich.>> <<@wendyreiersen2875 says : So he’s scoring points by being tough on hungry children>> <<@deekang6244 says : Pro-life showing how pro-life they really are. It’s a fact - if you want children to be born into this world, they need to be fed. Regardless of the lives of their parents. It’s simple. If children are born, they need to be fed.>> <<@jameswalker4225 says : He’s not the only one. The chubby-faced suck-@$$ bitch from Mississippi is doing the same thing>> <<@AnonymousA-hm7iv says : G: Greedy O: Old P: Pricks>> <<@ianmonam7439 says : Keep him from eating for a couple of days, then see if he finds this program to be worthwhile.>> <<@jerryoldenburg6192 says : How much did the gov. pick up in PPL during covid, and the loan was forgiven. That's corporate welfare isn't it?>> <<@georgegouvas27 says : lots of people are just lazy and using it full time.. you can bet he does not turn down pay raises that he really does not need.>> <<@georgegouvas27 says : well woman withj sport kid, wheres your husband.>> <<@georgegouvas27 says : well then idiot, fix the poverty in your state, fool>> <<@RachelAmmons says : They’re kids. It’s a meal for kids during the summer. Kids ARE DEPENDENT. We SHOULD help kids who are in poverty. It creates healthier kids who have fewer developmental problems. That helps society. All these people against helping Ukraine resisting Russia say “we should help our own citizens first” But then they also turn around and say “well we can’t help our US citizens, they’ll get dependent” So they don’t wanna help support democracy in the global community and they also don’t want to help people here at home. That’s the real truth. They don’t want to help anyone and will make whatever excuse they need to in order to weasel out and get to the next talking point. in the end, who is “worthy” of help, if not an American CHILD.>> <<@rhodawatkins4516 says : There were 15 governors who turned down this program, including Oklahoma and Texas, for stupid Republican reasons, I'm sure.>> <<@CandyCornGod says : Let me guess, he's a Republican.>> <<@philiplombardo4332 says : What if Jesus came back not to end the world, but disguised as a homeless person, and decided to take a page out of under cover boss.>> <<@davidmacleod9313 says : What would Jesus do? 😊>> <<@GeorgeAyton says : Of course he will consider himself a Christian. Let us hope his food supply runs out, the tears will flow like rain.>> <<@rabbott9938 says : I don't think welfare should be only for single mothers. It screws up the family dynamics of people receiving welfare and the male/female dynamics>> <<@rabbott9938 says : How do you guys feel about immigrants receiving welfare benefits? Do you think that is an incentive for them to come to America? I do, but I don't know if that's true.>> <<@rabbott9938 says : Lol nice principles>> <<@rabbott9938 says : People become dependent on it. It's enabling. That doesn't mean they're not good people who want to have a purpose. It's more complicated than that>> <<@2JollyRogers1 says : Iowa did this as well. But Governor Reynolds reason was that there is a child obesity problem. Please do a story on this.>> <<@JuanitaBuckingham says : VOTE THOS MAN OUT. HE IS CRAZY..>> <<@Macarena22279 says : Shocking that he's a Republican!>> <<@davidkeogh3311 says : I bet the governor would say,I am a christian,love the bible and God, don't feed hungry children, to be against that tells me exactly what the governor is.>> <<@KaeMuffin says : I'm going to be hyper critical of the verbiage being used solely due to the calloused nature of talking about those on welfare as "dependent" on their benefits. Without benefits these people will die. Period. I work in a non-profit that utilizes an individualized support system to help those with disabilities obtain & maintain gainful employment. Pretty disappointed that the voice of TYT is essentially dressing up the term "Welfare Queen" for their audience but if it were out of the mouths of ANYONE else we would rebuke it. With the statements provided I'm of the assumption that TYT doesn't understand firstly how hard it is to get a job in this current market. Job listings are down because during the pandemic big corps eliminated positions to cut costs, finding that their employees could burden the role of 2 or 3 (my work included). So let's say you get through to an interview. Well, there's about 60 other applicants for the same role & the person on SSI/SSDI hasn't worked due to so no second interview. Let's ignore the fact of how difficult it is to obtain employment when you're disabled let alone how quick Social Security (SS) is to cut off benefits if either YOU or THEY (SS) make a mistake. It is extremely difficult to navigate finding work while maintaining life saving benefits & I have experienced first hand what happens when instead of dealing with a real person, you deal with an algorithm that messes up. One of my guys has been employed for almost a year now. They cut him off in May 2023 because SS said he was over income. He was under income by about $300. But because we dealt with an algorithm instead of a real person BOOM, benefits are gone. He has barely been able to afford rent, eat, or quality of life. We are STILL battling with SS to reinstate benefits as the client is not at fault. SS is, but they rarely and seldom like to admit any wrongdoing. So you keep your benefits because that's how you're housed, fed, & overall just surviving in post capitalist society. It’s difficult to get a job because greedy companies know they can work their employees into the ground due to there being no other option. It takes a SIGNIFICANT amount of time to find a job even when disability is not in question. So my question would be, as I sloppily write this: How the fuck can they not become “dependent” on benefits? How can we say “oh get a job” when the system is literally rigged against & designed to keep people in poverty? My job is literally to get the people you’re discussing jobs. It is almost impossible in this current job market. Would genuinely love to have a conversation about this on ya’lls high horse but I’m unsure if my counseling degree is enough to stand with the great Cenk & Ana. To paraphrase Jayar: These folx don’t have any boot straps because they don’t have any boots. Dependent? More like the system is designed to keep them submissive & struggling to survive.>> <<@MrKralmark says : He would be ok with it if it was tax cuts for the rich. And you don’t have to believe in welfare, it is not a religion. It just works without any prayers.>> <<@sunnyday237 says : I mean, we all know the real poor people are former millionaire NFL players building stadiums for their daughters’ school! That’s the right use of poverty aid>> <<@tommytwotacos8106 says : I had a family member who worked in social services and one time when I went to meet them for lunch, I witnessed a distressing sight. There was a single mom (I only know she was single because she kept saying "I'm a single mom!" to the person she was dealing with) who was here with her two kids trying to get some sort of adjustment to her benefits or something like that while her two kids sat in the lobby area horsing around with each other. As I walked past he kids, I was finally able to determine the game they were playing. It was the 'single mom and social security agent' game where they would take turns pretending to play each role. Now, a conservative witnessing his would see it as concrete proof that these are people just stuck in a system that they pass down from generation to generation. A liberal witnessing this would just see kids playing around and would worry about conservatives seeing it and jumping to conclusions. I have a middle view of the incident, wherein I don't think that they're practicing for their future life necessarily, but I also don't think that there isn't some sort of ground work being laid for a future with fewer personal qualms about living on government aid for long stretches or permanently.>> <<@D4L_457 says : Told you it wasn't the president it's these governors. You get what you vote for.>> <<@robertgray6631 says : These policies and programs also create jobs and drive down food costs. Those people will then be able to get jobs and get off of these programs and become productive and tax payers also!!!>> <<@johnsanders561 says : As bad as this is, he's still better than Pete Rickets who somehow got promoted to Congress because Ben Sasse got a cushy job as President of the university of Florida.>> <<@jhmyersii says : He sure as hell doesn't mind giving free money to corporations and the wealthy in the form of huge tax cuts and subsidies. But helping the poor, that's just going too far.>> <<@Arulane says : The cruelty is the point. Not enough money, hungry kids: pull yourself up by your bootstraps. No bootstraps? Tough.>> <<@philliphessel6788 says : The governor is not representing the working class of Nebraska; he’s representing globe-spanning capital. Simply, the less that goes to the former, the more goes to the latter. The Federal currency, having already been created, can get funneled through corn subsidies, military appropriations, prison spending, and other corporate welfare.>> <<@santim2341 says : Republican voters are masochistic by always voting red no matter how they get screwed lol😂>> <<@DavidS-m8o says : Stop paying these posit politicians. There are a bunch of scumbags.>> <<@billdedrick1480 says : Same old GOP, if you don't look or talk about it. It doesn't exist.>> <<@uncleanunicorn4571 says : Seems like Minnie republican voters want to harm people they disagree with, even if it inflict suffering on themselves.>> <<@angeloiannitelli6589 says : I'm sure if the president was a Republican he would take the money. Any arguments that some people will take advantage is irrelevant when there are plenty of politicians and billionaires gaming the system with nothing being done about it.>>