<<@jdmresearch says : Christie was right!>> <<@GraceEarney-di6vj says : Fake news>> <<@GraceEarney-di6vj says : Tyt is Democrat news>> <<@GraceEarney-di6vj says : Anybody who votes for a Democrat don't care about our country and the people look at our country with the open borders and all the wars going on. The Democrats getting the illegals free med care and houses they don't care about our on people. Do your research stop watching the fake media>> <<@GraceEarney-di6vj says : He just upset because he can't won as president.>> <<@michaellaporte4422 says : The only thing Krispy Kreme smashes is dog nuts>> <<@anneross5243 says : Cenk, you are so wrong about Biden. He has been dealing with global problems. Give him a break. Biden will speak as the election approaches.>> <<@ginawhite3728 says : Pretty sure they're waiting for Donald Trump to clinch the nomination because let's not forget there hasn't even been any voting in the Republican party so we don't know who the nominee is so I don't know exactly who Joe Biden is supposed to debate? we also have to take into consideration that Joe Biden is also dealing with 2 wars right now, yoy know being president, and dealing wirh Israrls right wing take over and a fascists congress. It is the most dysfunctional ridiculous corrupt Congress in American history. look, this is a one issue election, period, and that's to stop Donald Trump. there is no other Issues Right Now because none of our Issues are going to Matter at all if Donald Trump wins PERIOD! I totally agree that this duopoly we have is not working, but we cannot deal with that in this election, This is not a normal g****** election and I don't know why Ty T wants to pretend like this is 2016 because it's not this is a 10 alarm fire this is a one issue election. and as soon as Donald Trump clinches the nomination in Iowa I'm sure that Joe Biden's going to get out there. I never wanted Joe Biden for president but I will vote for him and I don't give a d*** if he's in a wheelchair, I mean even Bernie Sanders is saying that this is a one issue election and that for us to change this 2 party system is going to take multiple elections to get us there so TYT you're fighting up the wrong tree why don't you just get Joe Biden the office and keep Donald Trump out then we will start dealing with the real serious issues that you're talking about. like I said nobody's issues are gonna matter if Donald Trump gets into the White House>> <<@walterdickerson5844 says : So chill bill❤>> <<@walterdickerson5844 says : Slow is the race,the race is not for the swift, but those who endure to the end,💪💪💪💪>> <<@Blue_Dun says : Rather than these people, like Cenk, running against Biden who don't have a chance without support from the DNC and the party in general, it seems it would be more productive to get a nationwide petition going to show Biden and the Democrats we want...we need someone else to run against Trump. Its apparent Biden wont put his ego aside to do whats best for our country.>> <<@WaynesWorld2859 says : I to don't see a need for a debate. If you don't see the difference in these two men by now you're to stupid to vote. If anything we should be trying to get out the vote Obama style.>> <<@sarahkragness7138 says : HEADLINE: Chris Christie Warns That Trump’s Administration Will Be Staffed by ‘Deranged Sycophants’ Thats !!! -- PSYCHO-PHANTS -- !!!>> <<@linarson1 says : thank you Chris Christie>> <<@rhondaunger1228 says : Trump is a white Hitler>> <<@rhondaunger1228 says : Joe Biden must beat Trump again and end his reign of terror on our democracy Trump has caused chaos and havoc and spread lies to millions of Americans that believe him unfortunately. The Trump contagion is over! Everyone must vote blue against this autocorrect dictator Donald.>> <<@rhondaunger1228 says : PAB Donald Trump is unfit😊>> <<@saddist1Gtown says : Moronic Cenk and the other traitors Biden is the PRESIDENT! Shame on the three of you you WILL go down in DISGRACE in the books of history- Fact!>> <<@cherylfelix392 says : Chrispy creme you are a pig!!!>> <<@geekygal444 says : Cenk said exactly what I have wanted Progressives to slam Biden for a while. Joe needs to do a lot more for me to want to vote for him, namely stopping his support the genocide in Gaza...>> <<@samuelsimmons105 says : Shut the f up you sound like a real true asshole>> <<@danielblake347 says : Way to go Chris.... Your the man....Walk the walk, and Talk the Talk.... Semper Fi Blake>> <<@viviancouper4636 says : Take a chill pill, the election is a year away, if Biden loses his mind over every poll then he will not be getting the work done and by the time the election rolls around people will be sick of the sight of him. The polls at this point are meaningless. As for Biden debating any comer, you three are not robbed of a platform, go ahead, make your argument. If this is an example, not convinced the President should be taking the time away from his work to entertain you.>> <<@RichandJulieHill says : Fact>> <<@leighchristopher4787 says : Marianne Williamson? You guys must be joking. Such a fake.>> <<@JohnOpincarne says : OUR COUNTRY WILL SURVIVE 4 YEARS of Biden. I don’t think it will with trump as president>> <<@maryevans453 says : STAND CHRISTIE! Stand for our democracy!!!!!!!!!!🙌>> <<@sternjudge says : To the Trump followers here: why do you support a guy who is after your freedom ? Who is against abortion ? Who basically doesn't care about you ?>> <<@redmanr5522 says : Trump has nothing to prove to these RINOs, losers! if you're not supporting Trump, if you're supporting Chris Christie or any RINO, you might as well support Joe Biden, all that does is help Biden, it is as Sean Hannity says, "half a vote" for Biden.>> <<@redmanr5522 says : go ahead Chris Christie, all you're gonna do is enable four more years of Joe Biden, fool!>> <<@陳志偉-l1q says : 川普根本不是這樣子獨裁卻被這獨裁媒體汙衊!>> <<@陳志偉-l1q says : 民主黨正在清洗美國投票人口!美國人必須阻止他們跟媒體!這些媒體的邪惡超乎想像!>> <<@sanwuch says : God, I hope DNC gives us someone other than Biden. And if not, I pray that Chris Christie gets the nominee.>> <<@dadosamac says : Chris C. is the man. Whatever happened to Americans? What happen for fighting for the people . Chris gave one of the best speeches ever.👏🏻👏🏻>> <<@newworldbro says : The problem is that republicans aren’t Americans, christie Why would they care if trump wants to dismantle America?>> <<@Frenchblue8 says : Ugh, really now I remember why I unsubscribed from these people months ago>> <<@robertparnofielloretired1456 says : Well if looks could tell. Chris certainly has the guts, but his heart left him long long ago. All he talks about is Trump, no message other than that. The American people need a president who has a vision, not anger.>> <<@rammlane7101 says : Cenk looks childish.>> <<@ca215 says : Chris Christie supported Trump in the past. The good thing is that human beings have the remarkable ability to learn from their mistakes, paving the way for positive change and redirection onto the right path. And to be honest, it takes huge b* to go against Trump, hence even though many republicans in Congress despise him, they will not speak againt him. Thank you Chris Christie for speaking the truth. I will donate to you because we need someone on that stage speaking the truth.>> <<@danielblake347 says : You nailed it Chris.... You had the others with Deer in the headlights look..... but i salute you, For stating the truth about Donald Trump, you should have stated that on your first debate Long ago..... That would you stand for a president with Felony charges or a history of nothing but Lies.... Very powerful but a little to late,....>> <<@johngrissom9147 says : Debates should be mandatory for all candidates !!!!>> <<@cherylfelix392 says : Such a disgusting filthy mouth. Absolutely no class!!! Christie a bully!!!>> <<@thomasgianola2558 says : This guy is a big big big piece of shit he cares nothing about the people he governs plain and simple narcissist>> <<@orangeapples3 says : Joe Biden has proven himself. The problem is the corporations and the price gouging that Congress is responsible for protecting us from. But they’re too busy. trying to stop Joe Biden from fulfilling Donald’s promises. America knows and trusts Joe, he needs his positive energy not negative energy. Faithless wonders.>> <<@robertmartens7839 says : Poor liberals cry me a river>> <<@SchnuffiJames says : Speaking as a Canadian who has no say in the election. If Trump is elected he won't be the leader of the free world, he won't even be the leader of a free country.>> <<@CadiganColeman says : I never thought I would agree with Chris Christi, and I don’t like him by any means, but he’s right: Donald Trump IS a dictator and IS unfit to be our president. He’s a notorious lier, cares merely about himself, and has created an army of cult members. It is actually UNBELIEVABLE people still support him.>> <<@russell311000 says : Nuff respect to Chris 💯>> <<@stevemitchell4241 says : President Biden’s work in the past 3 years is perhaps his debate material.>> <<@ASaund-qb6wy says : Biden down by 8. Generic Dem 13 points higher. Need to be up by 5 for a Dem to win. Looks like generic Dem wins.>>