<<@MariaGarcia-mi1xs says : this is why i am rejecting the system. i give up. the corporations are now taking the houses to EXTRACT EVERY LAST dime from workers. this is breaking many.>> <<@kaycoffman5798 says : We live in an idiots world. That's why Donald Trump has such a large following of uneducated MAGAts. It is shocking how dumb the Republican Party is. I do not remember the Republican Party being its bad, ever. I must have been involuntarily ignoring it.>> <<@gregoryking7556 says : Everyone is fully aware the average American is not as dumb as they used to be the question is what are you all going to do about it>> <<@knudsandbknielsen1612 says : The market of private property and housing is like the oil market: Suppliers want to keep the production low, so as to keep the prices high. The difference is, that private property and housing is THE PLANET WE ALL SHARE, and supply is already bought up! And that, if you make it a free market, prices will drop and the value of INVESTMENTS would drop in the proces! Big money is threatened by the freedom of the poor!>> <<@StarChild.no1 says : I like what Marryann is saying on this issue.>> <<@davidsmith-uw2ci says : 1st step to fix housing is get rid of golf courses acres and acres of land just sitting there for a pretentious game. Want to play golf go to other countries.>> <<@TNGBigTy187 says : We also need to retake the Supreme Court. Starting with getting Clarence Thomas out>> <<@iredellsanders4all says : You said it brother>> <<@iredellsanders4all says : What? Screw the economy. The economy is going to be there. If you ended money today, the economy would still be there. The economy you are talking about is people and people's lives or the lack thereof. We will still need and help each other. This setup is slavery outright. They still got the shackles and chains. Still got guys they send if one doesn't participate in their profit.>> <<@ASaund-qb6wy says : Gained so much respect for Dean Phillips whom, TBH before now I just knew he was a "centrist Democrat." I think that's not fair. I think he's in the middle of the party, and would be ok by me over Biden.>> <<@nathancahall2425 says : I've noticed in my own city that more apartments and multi family homes have been/are being built. Single family homes are what we need.>> <<@manhandler says : FDR's 2nd bill of rights , which never made it and Bernie reintroduced. Read it>> <<@stecky87 says : We need to solve the housing crisis. But we want *houses*, not "multi-family high density units" we want our own places, where we don't have to worry about asshole neighbors stomping around, blaring music at all hours, etc. We did it post WWII with prefabs, smaller homes, not McMansions>> <<@Abigail-ns2fk says : I like the Americorp proposal>> <<@theblackenedphoenix says : Marianne Williamson’s answer was so out of touch and made me incredibly angry.. The reason I can’t afford a house isn’t because I can’t afford anything. In fact, I would be able to afford more paying a $600 mortgage but instead right now I’m paying $1000 in rent. Her answer was so assbackwards.>> <<@djuro14 says : Harvard, Penn and MIT presidents under fire over despicable testimony on antisemitism and genocide. None of the school leaders explicitly said that calling for the genocide of Jews would necessarily violate their code of conduct. Instead, they explained it would depend on the circumstances and conduct. CNN>> <<@godofwarslayer4722 says : Trump bad, Biden will definitely make America better>> <<@miguelaguirre6980 says : 3:12 conservatives think raising min. wage will cause inflation. This is true because freezing the federal min. wage at $7.50 has resulted in 0% inflation over the past 20 years...>> <<@RH-jb2oy says : Money. Share our wealth. Simple.>> <<@tonygonzalez9970 says : You will NEVER have more housing units while you allow corporations to buy up housing units.>> <<@990mustang says : Remember that cenk can’t be president because he’s not a natural born citizen per the constitution.>> <<@bobmyself8819 says : Dean Philips is a horribly drawn caricature of a man .>> <<@T_Time_ says : Dean Phillips ideal was the only legit one, Cenk just went off a spiel, cause he has no real policy, only talking points. Building more houses will solve the housing crisis.>> <<@patrickkeenan6331 says : Williamson 2024. I will vote for her even if I have to write her in for a primary.>> <<@CurtisSmale says : Best first thing to do: stop immigration, deport all those economic migrants. That will bring demand for housing down instantly. The key to solving supply and demand is NOT purely to increase supply. Decreasing demand also works.>> <<@nutbutterlover1040 says : Way to keep it presidential, Cenk...with a tirade of an answer and of course, you didn't forget to throw some juvenile, ageist insults towards President Biden. I guess once a Republican, always a Republican...🤷‍♂>> <<@amercanmade2685 says : Yes yes yes. More and more Government Handouts. Sorry I have a lot more faith in the American Voters that a huge Majority of them do not want more Government. See anytime a democrat opens their mouths it is always Bigger and more intrusive Government. And tell me one reason I should pay for Joe Blows children's education?>> <<@kennethpatterson4978 says : Omg these are all of yawls answers omg>> <<@marvelsProtege says : Lol I looked into it and houses cost 5k but he may of dropped 1 or 2 because he's dad had money lol if Joe got a divorce his wife would have to pay him alimony lol because she is super rich lol all>> <<@philliphessel6788 says : Need for housing is a simple problem to solve if treated as the physical problem it is in objective reality. Approaching it in terms of arbitrary limits imposed by the imaginary world of capitalist finance makes it needlessly complicated.>> <<@jayterry9759 says : Dean's answer here is wildly over simplistic. "Housing is too expensive so let's just build 7 million houses and we will end homelessness!" Im genuinely surprised at the lack of sophistication demonstrated by his answer.>> <<@philliphessel6788 says : Cenk shows his Republican heritage by saying “that’s not capitalism” when it’s naked capitalism! As water naturally seeks the lowest point, so capitalism naturally seeks the ideal state of monopoly (and increasingly achieves oligopoly). Amending zoning laws can be helpful, as could requirements that new big industrial developments include housing for the workers. Capitalism itself, however, is the fundamental problem. “Building wealth” through real estate speculation is really a profiteering from artificial scarcity that is poverty for the rest. Dollars don’t build houses; workers wielding hammer and saw, brick and mortar, concrete and rebar, build houses. To the extent that dollars are needed in payment, the Federal government sets the supply! Introducing capitalists as middle men is parasitic inefficiency. Need for housing is a simple problem to solve if treated as the physical problem it is in objective reality. Approaching in terms of arbitrary limits imposed by the imaginary world of capitalist finance makes it needlessly complicated.>> <<@fatesrival says : I LOVE you Marianne!!! 🥰>> <<@philliphessel6788 says : “Dean for President” makes me think first of Howard Dean, not of relatively unknown Mr. Phillips. I suspect I’m far from alone.>> <<@coryluke12 says : The economy isn’t rigged. You just grew up in the participation trophy generation. And you suck.>> <<@grobble8954 says : If you're a real estate developer you're going to build the kind of building that has the highest profit margin. That's capitalism 101. If you want to talk about cities, there are many run down and abandoned homes. My cousin made his initial real estate business fixing up really bad inner city homes for years, ones he bought for often the taxes or 10K or less. He later moved on to higher level homes in the city and suburbs.>> <<@MrMalcolm900 says : The problem with this is this is suppose to be a forum on expressing and debating their idea's. Instead they more so focused on what the Republicans stand for with the exception of Marianne Williamson. This automatically turns me off, because A. Your audience is primarily left leaning people, B. Your not debating what "the Republicans are planning" your suppose to be debating each other. And C. Not one of you actually made real sense.>> <<@grobble8954 says : The #1 way people build supposed wealth is thru homes is b/c the government thru policies for 50 years has fueled home value appreciation via financial engineering that ends badly. That's why you have home market booms and busts in cycles.>> <<@grobble8954 says : Yes, he's right about the structural housing deficit created by the least new homes built in the last decade since prior to WWII. However, home builders (Pulte, Lennar, etc..) have no desire to bring things in balance. They will and are building more, but aren't going to flood the market with massive boom to make supply and demand less in their favor. The home builders profits and stock prices are at or near record highs. I am an investor and follow this closely. He however gets off track on interest rates, low interest rates since for the last decade have fueled home prices, bidding wars that was driving up home prices at historic rates even prior to the pandemic.>> <<@jfrontier1 says : We should enact a UBI policy. That would help out the average American have real money in their pockets.>> <<@menerdo says : If you squint, Dean looks like a young David Duchovny.>> <<@AaronOkeanos says : Changing the zoning regulation would be helpful because US regulations are designed for needing cars (the car industry had good lobby). This in turn would allow more housing concepts from Europe especially the Netherlands who build bike- and pedestrian friendly neighbourhoods which often do not even need cars and make public transportation much more effective. It would also pave the way for more nature and more bussiness at the same time by getting away from the so called "stroads". Low density, low rentability, low efficiency bussiness areas which all need cars.>> <<@CaptainSaltyOcean says : I have no idea what that lady is talking about>> <<@rrubens3026 says : Even tho i don't have really high expectations, i do think Dean Phillips has some good ideas. But he's being shunned also. (Don't love his Israel response so much tho)>> <<@alfonsogutierrez1392 says : Glad you guys came up with this forum, if democrats won't have debates, you create some alternatives. This needs to happen on the election field, 3rd party, for instance 🇺🇲>> <<@cupidstunt22 says : Dean Phillips nose what's going on>> <<@johnnybgoode8104 says : Rep. Dean Phillips didn't care about a rigged system until he wanted that system yo benefit him>> <<@daveeyde9622 says : Where in your plan does Wall Street stop buying up houses? Oh its not in there Ya you're a joke>> <<@christophercelmer405 says : Homes should not be used to build wealth. This gives capitalists and "entrepreneurs" incentive to buy up these assets then do everything possible to keep value high with a low supply.>> <<@Spilatro702 says : I don't want either, but there is zero progressives that can win the general election. Progressives have a big, losing issues on "crime", that issue alone will never be a winning run for the white house. Just San Francisco alone puts progressives in a losing spot. 🤔>>