<<@brianferris8668 says : A large number of the 1,200 killed on 7th October by the I.D.F.. Verified.>> <<@alanyuan8565 says : The reason for the IDF lies for October 7th is people would point about that "Israelis have ALSO committed terrorist like war-crimes prior to founding Israel, during 1948 Nabka or even 2000 years ago during the Zeolot uprising". The response would be "how is raping / burning babies resistance?". Our terrorism is justified, yours isn't>> <<@roadgent7921 says : This video hasn't aged well. Anna is a ZOG shill 🤮🐙>> <<@jesselgavieres6488 says : If you curse, curses comes to you. Then bless someone and blessings come to you.,.,.,.,.>> <<@Badgerbeard says : Cenk I recognise your angry appeal to humanity - It's churning me up inside morning, noon and night.>> <<@amirali4206 says : You guys are naive when it comes to international affairs.>> <<@nealclark4106 says : If you look at this whole thing objectively with no bias it seems pretty clear. The Israeli government does not take on a project like the leveling of Gaza and killing or driving out the entire population without an intention and a plan. To be sure this had to be well thought out way before Oct 7th, including even timing it to the US elections. All that was needed was a reason for the world and the Israeli citizens to accept the actions taken. This was the purpose of Oct 7th. That is why the government immediately came out with fabricated stories describing horrors that didn't happen and even got Biden to repeat some. This is why when confronted about their actions, Oct 7th is the first word out of the mouths of government officials. They needed this event to have the strongest effect possible on people to justify their genocide. They needed to dehumanize the Palestinian people as every country does in war. As time goes by you will see that more and more of the events of Oct 7th were not as described. For example 70 cars carrying hostages that were blowen up by Israeli helicopters and houses by Israeli tanks. Why aren't the number of those casualties deducted from the total and charged to Israeli forces, or the many that must have been killed by Israeli troops in the crossfire. The allegation that came out immediately that mass rape was Hamas's policy, when there is no forensic evidence or very little showing any rape. I find it very hard to believe that this attack could have taken Israel by surprise when they have cameras and machine gun turrets throughout Gaza as well as I'm sure their own intelligence agents within Gaza. I am not for one side or another, this is just an objective look at what has transpired without any claim to have all the facts. One thing that has come out clearly in this is that the Israeli government and its supporters like the US don't have any regard for human life, why should we think they care about the lives of their own citizens other than they have to appear to.>> <<@jesselgavieres6488 says : If you curse, curses comes to you. Then bless someone and blessings come to you.,.,.,>> <<@nafrayu9832 says : I don't understand why anyone would believe a word that Israel said considering their EXTREMELY LONG HISTORY OF LYING 🤦‍♂️>> <<@Ronald-ni4rt says : That is a complete lie that Hamas has killed 1200 Civilians on October 7th. The IDF had killed most of the Civilians through their wild crazy shooting with HAMAS soldiers. .>> <<@jesselgavieres6488 says : Now understand. Until the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. From 1948. Nobody could defeat Israel. Amos 9 :14-15 The Restoration of Israel 14 “Also I shall bring back the exiles of My people Israel, And they will rebuild the deserted and ruined cities and inhabit them: They will also plant vineyards and drink their wine, And make gardens and eat their fruit. 15 “I will also plant them on their land, And they shall never again be uprooted from their land Which I have given them,” Says the Lord your God. Zechariah 12 :3 Jerusalem to Be Attacked 3 And in that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will come and be gathered against it. The 1967 Six-Day War Israel defeated the Arab armies, gained territory four times its original size, and became the preeminent military power in the region. [][],.,.,.,..>> <<@massivecumshot says : Let me get this straight......you can blow people into tiny pieces, but once they're dead, you are guilty of desecration if you touch the dead body??? I've heard of body worship, but this takes it to the nth degree.>> <<@massivecumshot says : Remember the USS Liberty, June 8, 1967, before you decide who your allies are.>> <<@ISRAELUSA. says : This womas is a crack head>> <<@evamac9941 says : When you lie no one believes you doesn't matter who it is so when its a Nato Country like Israel it makes telling the truth so that people will believe you in the little stories and much as in the big stories I didn't believe anything that comes out of the IDF PROPAGANDA MACHINE, WITH LIES ON TOP OF LIES THE ZIONIST WANT TO TAKE OVER PALASTINE. APARTHEID IS NOT ACCEPTABLE NEITHER IS GENOCIDE.>> <<@cimuraisampi says : they hemas were entering palastine not isruhill>> <<@chassan says : PROPAGANDA MADE BY THE ZIONIST APARTHEID COLONIALIST OCCUPIER OF PALESTINE!>> <<@menanampadi says : This genocide is the most documented in history. Thousands of images, videos, field reports, scattered everywhere, almost every day. There is no way to cover up this carnage in today's age of social media. Western politicians and defenders of this massacre are on the wrong side of history. Later, their children and grandchildren will blame these blind politicians for turning their country into "criminals".>> <<@billgray3796 says : Long story short...hamas fu**** around and now they are finding out..>> <<@waddahjomaa7022 says : South Afrika has filed a case against ISRAEL at the International Court of Justice ( ICJ ), accusing it of crimes of GENOCIDE AGAINST PALESTINIANS in Gaza after nearly three months of relentless Israeli bombardmend has killed more than 21,500 people and caused widespread destruction in the besieged enclave.>> <<@acidPen0615 says : Sexual act by Hamas Freedom fighters is as unbelievable as babies beheaded. 90% of those killed on Oct 07th where killed by IDF who panicked and fired instead all of this is true about IDF as their character is more like this. Immodesty and barbarity is part and parcel of Israel and IDF>> <<@96_13. says : Free Israel. From the river to the sea, Israel will be free. We will not forget and forgive to muslims for their occupation and genoside. we will do to them precisely the same things they've been doing to us for 14 centuries. we will never forgive what Muhammad did to us. GODQ! erase his name.>> <<@96_13. says : Free Israel. From the river to the sea, Israel will be free. We will not forget and forgive to muslims for their occupation and genoside. we will do to them precisely the same things they've been doing to us for 14 centuries. we will never forgive what Muhammad did to us. GODQ! erase his name.>> <<@garnetrose6162 says : Give the Palestinians their freedom from OCCUPATION and OPPRESSION and EVERYTHING will go away. 🇵🇸🙏🏽🇵🇸☮🙏🏽✌🏼☮💋>> <<@hmth86 says : Here TYT goes again, reporting on Hamas propaganda in dedicated anti-Israeli coverage, it’s disgraceful. There are still Israeli hostages in the Gaza.>> <<@adnansultan8458 says : all the destructions we saw it was done by Israel helicopters..>> <<@adnansultan8458 says : everything zionists said about hamas is a lie>> <<@adnansultan8458 says : Israel is a global terrorist state>> <<@ricardocastillo3048 says : Liars slanders!>> <<@greggbisgrove7499 says : WE need an independent inquiry, You can’t trust the IDF!!>> <<@baybay3096 says : Why do you never tell the Hamas untruths like the hospital lie your reporting is so bias it's ridiculous>> <<@dannylesbile8592 says : Talk about blood libel>> <<@CoolDude-sf6rd says : Oh Allah SWT please help innocent children and civilians of Palestinian and all innocent humans around the world from evil governments>> <<@MaFo82 says : The worst part with the lies is that it taints the credibility concerning the attrocities. Now many people will assume that everything reported are lies.>> <<@Rodmic-hd9pn says : They spit on the cross when we’re doing our yearly stations of the cross. They actually spit on the cross (3 orthodox Jewish men )>> <<@Rodmic-hd9pn says : It’s so tragic that they are not who who they come off ass>> <<@JacobSafada says : Very big shame have u2 on media its a shame !!!! Stop defending and voting for terror!!!!>> <<@akhterhussain3450 says : Israel is terror in the world wars crime killing Venerable people>> <<@akhterhussain3450 says : Israel is layard about everything>> <<@yungsmile7546 says : ..., but we can believe Naziyahu and the IsisRaEl Death Force that kills press representatives to manage the narrative.>> <<@saad4447 says : Please let ppl know what German send (money and weapons) to Israel because here is forbidden to talk, demonstrates or to hear about it in the news.>> <<@CuffAnimationStudios says : not just Palestinians, but Iran as well. remember the story about how they got all that evidence they had about the continued Iran nuclear program that was less secure then Hilary's email server.>> <<@ninjabiatch101 says : What's extra unfortunate, is this definitely doesn't help with the people who already think it was a false flag. If they're willing to lie about some things, it isn't unreasonable that they're willing to lie about everything.>> <<@mohammadbinmahbub9160 says : Only an idiot will believe anything that comes out of israel"s mouth in 2023.>> <<@Lorenzo-ew6so says : Iraeli lies and slaughter.>> <<@elkobit7415 says : The more Cenk gets angry the more Hms is panicking. Hms and their friends in the Middle East are using Cenk and other channels to try and stop the war. Hms can't hold the fortress any longer. But Cenks emotional speeches are comical. He is trying so hard to convince people that the I D F did something wrong but nobody believes him. He is too stupid😂😂😂>> <<@elkobit7415 says : Watch Cenk versus Douglas Murray on Piers Morgan show. Murray destroyed him. There was nothing left of Cenk🤣🤣🤣>> <<@elkobit7415 says : What a BS channel. They have only one message "We hate Jews". Whats the difference with Hitler?>> <<@DerAraber says : Hearing those words from someone else than a palestinian is a nice change for once>> <<@User-l4y3q says : Everything that the Israeli say is a lie that’s not the only sad thing the sad thing is the western politicians and media adopt their lies and believe it and repeat it on every occasion even though it was proven as alie>>