<<@blackbird4046 says : _"IDF soldier says she warned of Hamas attack on October 7 (2023)"_ -- NBC News (2024-OCT-07): https://youtu.be/gckMXaf9x0o>> <<@nexhatqorraj4027 says : Fake Israel not only knew about the attack. The planned it together with their Hamas Spies. This Strategy is called Strategem 35. Its about hurting yourself and make it look like the other attacking you and then to have a pretext to attack by yourself. Fake Israel uses this Strategy all the Time. They specialized it. They did the same on 9/11>> <<@harunajapheth1043 says : When Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, this virus channel "TYT" blamed Israel, When Israel responded, they still blamed Israel Obviously, this channel exists for anti-Semitism>> <<@WatchesCrystalsandAccessories says : bias!>> <<@ChaLy-r4d says : Now you can not find any story about this>> <<@SirReal501 says : https://youtu.be/kO9hggD8pGM>> <<@catherinewelbert8880 says : israel is terrorisme, zionisme. israel is devil from hell>> <<@haniffhaniff5764 says : Israel didn't incompetently let it happen, they intentionally let it happen. dont forget most, if not all, kil*led were kil*led by IDF. Ham**as just wanted hostages>> <<@js7733 says : Well after a year you would think this is not true>> <<@jeykey9594 says : Just another antisemite turk accusing Israel of 7th of October instead holding palestinians accountable.>> <<@armanmartirossian3055 says : Inside job>> <<@c420harris says : Israel did not underestimate Hamas. Israel is Hamas>> <<@joybell7550 says : I THINK THEY ISRAILS USED THIS PLAN FOR THERE PLAY BOOK FOR THERE LAND GRAB PLAN BECAUSE THESES PEOPLE HAVE NO WEAPONS TO BURN CARS>> <<@13game3 says : "The jews control America" - Progressive US Presidential candidate Cenk>> <<@andersrefstad8235 says : Israel is tiny ! From coas to coast, with C.P.s And a long brake, in a touristbuss was some 5 houers IIRC... -Do "The Math"...>> <<@sciencelover7582 says : yeah we gonna need that document...if this is classified this should be unclassified for the benefit of the international community>> <<@robertstanley3799 says : Israel knew and let it happen so they steal gaza away from Palestinians>> <<@mouradbelkas598 says : They did not know anything, nor did US intelligence. t is impossible that they know anything, otherwise they would have reinforced their most sensitive site, which was raided.>> <<@derekjuarez9762 says : Just saying, knowing what someone plans to do and knowing WHEN are two very different things. I’d rather know the date of an attack than the actual plan. Easier to defend when you know when something is coming not so much what is coming.>> <<@TRUREALTYGROUP says : I’m late to the details on this. Netanyahu is done. This is getting worse by the day.>> <<@TruthRules2 says : Dear genocide promoters: Is ignorance truly bliss?? Did you drink water with lead for years? Through genocide of Palestinian children, Israel is fanning the flames forging an alliance of all 1.9 BILLION Muslims, which, one day, will annihilate it even if not for a year or two.  Pakistan has nukes and Russia would sell them! Netanyahu and his evil, foolish cabinet seems determined to cause a real life enactment of the Muslims' prophecy of the "Black Flags of Khorasan." I would not want to be Israeli: this Gaza genocide, like a second Auschwitz BUT OF MUSLIMS NOW, will eventually cause another. Muslim countries will soon have nuclear weapons. That is what I predict. Will only the racists in Israel get it, not Americans or innocent Israelis, who are apparently a minority? I doubt it. Israel ended 70+ journalists and their little children and wives to keep them silent about its genocide! The Israelis' brand new, 60 day old, presumably time-travel, suddenly "discovered" sex violence justification for their genocide is probably like the 40 beheaded babies Israeli lie-- to enable more time for Israelis'  genocide of Palestinian children. Release ALL the hostages: including the thousands of Palestinian children and women who Israelis have held for years as hostages, to terrify Palestinians into not resisting! Comments crtizising this genocide of children are now deleted. Rich people own media and other companies that spy on us, punish free speech, and manipulate us! We now live inside Orwell's 1984! Watch Birth of a nation: Israel 1948, in which Israelis in interviews laughed as they described their mass rapes and murders of Palestinian children in 1948---WITH TOTAL IMPUNITY FOR THEIR CRIMES! We should demand DNA tests of all claimed, raped women! Could IDF soldiers have been the ones who raped and murdered the Israeli women also, since they have a tradition of rape per their own CONFESSIONS in that documentary and currently are still raping Palestinian children in Israeli prisons? Apartheid Israel still gives them impunity for their confessed rapes and murders of Palestinian children! US politicians and government officials were and now are criminal accessories to Israel's years-long, terroristic enabling of child rapes and murders! The Israelis stole Palestinian land, want to steal Gaza, now that it was found to contain gas and oil, and are doing this genocide of Palestinian children to compel Palestinians to flee out of Gaza. Any attempted, Palestinians' surrender would just be falsely claimed to be violated by the apartheid, racist, Israeli regime --- to enable them to complete their genocide of Palestinian children! Watch for the coming, financial then afterwards, military disaster as American, and EU, bribed politicians continue to fund apartheid Israel's genocide (e.g., by denying food, medicine, and water to Gaza children while dropping dozens of 2000 pound bombs on them) and ethnic cleansing of thousands of Muslim children so they can steal more land and the oil and gas reserves in Gaza! Will the 1.9 billion Muslims in the world, who could get nuclear weapons from Russia or Pakistan if they requested them,  smile and watch this genocide of Muslim children and innocents--- as many racists in Israel and America obviously enjoy this SS-like genocide by Israel and laugh. Even if delayed by our current, not permanent, military superiority, expect great vengeance from them in future decades! (Did something in their water turn most Israelis into murderous sociopaths? Why are we, Christians enabling them: they are not the chosen per John 8:40 to 56?) What will Israel do for free weapons when the USA eventually cannot financially keep gifting it more hundreds of $$$$$$ billions in weapons and money "aid" ---for which they bribed US politicians generously. US liabilities exceed $210 TRILLION per Forbes! Can we gift Israel more trillions to enable more genocide for long? US government, interest payments on known debt will soon consume all of the US budget--- since US billionaires are allowed to avoid paying the taxes that poorer Americans must pay! The rich, like the smooth liar, the orange cow pie, have avoided paying 99% of US taxes for decades through foreign, tax shelter trusts due to their utter selfishness and US politicians' utter corruption. Watch "Britain's Second Empire: the Spider's Web." (The orange cow pie got his rich cronies billions {and critically, his family over $60 MILLION} in tax cuts in 2017 by LYING and claiming to be reducing most Americans' tax bills--- when actually, he raised the taxes most Americans pay, e.g. by reducing the child tax exemption!!) Read in conservative Newsweek: "Trump's 2017 tax cuts helped super-rich pay lower tax rates than bottom 50%: economists." The rich's banks are now AGAIN insolvent because they lent on no-guarantee basis to cronies' single asset subsidiaries to buy now-failing malls and retailers (also to invest in CCP ponzi companies,) LOL. They enabled the rich to evade paying taxes: watch "Britain's Second Empire: the Spider's Web!" Once those investments become unviable, the single asset subsidiaries just go into bankruptcy! The bankers holding the no-recourse loans to cronies' subsidiaries (which will just be abandoned into bankruptcy once they lose enough money) better learn yoga. That way, in months, they can learn to bend enough to kiss themselves goodbye! The OTHER BIG problem banks face is they made themselves gigantic to compel the US government to bail them out or ensure their "Fed"[eral] Resrv cartel does so AGAIN without governmental opposition. Read Simon Johnson's "The Quiet Coup." In seeking rapid enlargement, they made stupid investments: it was easy to foresee interest rates coming up from historic lows, so they could have computed the NPV of their holdings (e.g., bonds paying 2% per year) versus their potential investments now (bonds paying 7% a year), if they had invested in callable loans to solvent, not-over-leveraged companies NOT just in those owned by their cronies. Many banks are now also way too big for the US alone to bailout! Search for a listing of major bank liabilities/assets in 2023! LOL The world bank relies on US credit, so it cannot bail them out anymore. Discounting by current interest rates most banks' GINORMOUS, asset portfolios' future streams of income would result in most banks realizing that their assets already dropped sharply in value. Trillions lost!?? What then? At minimum, they will need to fire-sell their ginormous direct and indirect (via real estate secured loans) holdings of real estate and thus, plunge markets! Those real estate "assets" of banks will then sell for mere cents per dollar of book value now: e.g., commercial buildings, malls, and even residential housing! MSN had a story "Half of America's banks are potentially insolvent..." in May 2023. How many now? 90%?! 98%!!?? Read also about FDIC's puny fund, options for ALL small banks to bail out reckless, large ones, and depositor bail ins for a laugh. LOL Read Investopedia, "Why bank Bail ins are the new bailouts" and about Dodd Frank Act DEPOSITOR bail ins. Read about how their "Federal" (actually privately owned) Reserve cartel SECRETLY gave bankers over $16 TRILLION in Fed audit by Sen. Bernie Sanders---- BUT concealed such (to enable bankers'wire and mail fraud so banks' stocks would not tank!) then lied to Congress. Nationalize all legally insolvent banks NOW, before they fail by buying each for $3 paid by Medicare so when the banks get bailed out they can later help the US government fund it, after audits to identify the hundreds of banks that are now insolvent, so they will help to pay the over $210-11 TRILLION in US liabilities per Forbes' article. After they get bailed out, the US government and not reckless bank owners will then own the banks. Enough with repeatedly bailing out the recklessly run banks of the greedy rich!!!!! Americans do not need to all be personal guarantors of the rich banksters! Force Israel's fascist, genocidal politicians to create a real democracy by allowing ALL their subjects, including all Muslims and including ALL the historically oppressed Palestinians IN GAZA AND THE WEST BANK to vote in Israel's "Jim Crow" elections, so Israel will finally become a REAL democracy--- not a racist, fascist, apartheid state that even secretly sought to sterilize Ethiopian Jewish immigrants to keep Israel a majority white and European, apartheid colony. Allowing such universal voting by all groups stopped the war in South Africa! Call your Congress person to urge them to make the US immediately cut ALL aid to Israel and the Arab dictators we also fund AND also boycott all companies that support Israel's genocidal, apartheid regime! Aid Ukraine instead resist Russia's imperialists' mass murders to avoid US soldiers having to fight Russians to defend NATO when Russia later attacks NATO nations--- as it announced! Aid Taiwan arm to prevent another maybe nuclear war!>> <<@noellebazzi5618 says : They knew all the way that their abuse and terror will produce resistance from the poeple of palastine the knew that they will fight back with all they can since 100 years soo their plan can help ginoside and kill as they please ? And the US is happy selling them more weapons I do not know who is more evil 😢>> <<@parisl.308 says : 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻>> <<@theprettyanxiouskoko6876 says : Us and Israel get thousands of these memos daily. Its impossible be catch everything. People trying to say they intentionally allowed 911 and oct 7 to happen are getting into Alex Jones territory.>> <<@nephatoliech5601 says : That report really smells of tumped up lies! My belief is that Israel wrote this up after the start of war, as a way to justify their attack on Palestine’s enclave. I love Israel, but I can’t also smell lies. The attackers were also not hamas, but Israelis planted strategically to cause mayhem. The same thinking process like the 9/11 attacks in the US.>> <<@contrarymargemarge9538 says : Like the odego memo from 9-11 that alerted a selected group of people to stay home from the World Trade Center that none of the benevolent recipients of such warnings could find a reason to share with friends or coworkers let alone authorities. That should have been enough for the citizens of the United States to clearly identity who's behind The Weapons of Mass Deception propaganda and dishonesty that is still causing mass loss of civilian casualties as we speak. Fuzzy Math is 2 jets collide into 2 buildings 3 buildings collapsed!?! Heightened ⚠️ alert insurance policies galore ! Everything is a conspiracy theory according to the Cancel Culture agenda controlling our politicians and media ! Again the only positive if there is any positive to be found involving the Gazacaust atrocities is it has raised awareness about how propaganda and weaponizing the MSM to target befuddled low information unfortunates is the absolute truth.>> <<@michaelosito8083 says : This Lady speaks as if she is from Mars😢😢, when your kid becomes like robber would you be blamed for the kids aftermath actions, everyone is rational my dear, then Hamas seemed to be caring but only their motives were amongst themselves. Don't underestimate Hamas who're sponsored by Iran, Russia etc.>> <<@joryferrell7244 says : There is a CIA memo in the library of congress suggesting that the government fake a terrorist attack by Cuba in order to convince the American public to go to war with Cuba. That plan was made by an "American" to decieve other Americans. This proves that the concept of governments faking attacks/threats and/or allowing their own citizens to be attacked, in order to justify violent action, is in fact a real world tactic. It's possible the Israeli government is purely inept. But it's also possible given the extremist governments own words, that they willfully let the attack happen to garner support for their continued genocide. :|>> <<@QcWilliams says : If B. Netanyahu and the Israeli intelligence knew about the Oct. 7, Hamas terrorists attack a Years before the attack, does that mean B.Netanyahu and the Israeli Intelligent " was part of the Hamas planned attack." Since they knew about it a year in advance and Let it happen killing his own people's. What so sad the main Media never mention it. Or show any Sympathy for 1500 women babies and kids being Bombs to death in GAZA. What Hold does Jews has on America, that no one says anything about what they're doing, committing war crimes.>> <<@shannonnaicker4040 says : If Israel acted in advance imagine the world's condemnation then. Israel couldn't do anything before Hamas attacked as the UN and the world would have been up in arms>> <<@tnybo13 says : Thats because it was not hamas. Its been Isreal all this time.>> <<@roger41908 says : To Palestine, Israel is evil. Yet American Jewish money hijacked the US government, our tax dollars are bank-rolling an on-going 60+-year genocide, with the US government keeps claiming "Israel has the right to defend itself" with its eyes closed. How can anyone "defend itself" while its territory keeps getting bigger? Gaza being part of Palestine, how can people live a normal life under the merciless Israeli troops control, their water, electricity and fuel? Israeli government publicly claim they have full control the amount of food produced and imported to Gaza, ensure its residents struggle on the verge of starvation. Yet under the mighty US military shield, Israel has been successful in insulting the entire world's intelligence for the past 60+ years.>> <<@robertlee8042 says : They let this happen on purpose. Is that your point???? Did you read the 911 commission report? I read every page and I annotated it. It was a masterpiece of not connecting dots. Anything you can say about Israel you can also say about the United States. Somehow you equate incompetence with raping babies, and pulling their eyeballs out of their heads. It’s Israel’s fault???? You need an honorary degree from Harvard University>> <<@אוריילינסקי says : Holly Shit: You've finally figured it out. I am an Israeli citizen and I can honestly say my country had been abducted by a lunatic psychopath.>> <<@neffykalks5021 says : They Knew. They wanted it to happen.>> <<@AZ0986688 says : Yes, it is like when both the CIA and the FBI told the George W Bush administration about Al Qaida having pilots and did nothing..they goofed up, both Netanyahu and George W..>> <<@sidounanky4419 says : If anybody got that tape when the news of 9/11 been told to duck Bush, the look on his face, people want to look at that again to see that he knew he knew that was gonna happen he went to children school what a Dog used children to commit a massacre George Bush is a animal😅>> <<@Godfinity says : ACCORDING TO YOURSELF THAT iSRAEL KNEW A YEAR BEFORE THE OCT 7th ATTACK THEN: 1-iSRAEL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE HOSTAGES WHO WERE TAKEN 2-iSREAL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEATHS IN THE CONCERT 3-iSRAEL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS OWN PEOPLE’S DEATH 4-IF THEY RESPONDED 8 HOURS LATER DESPITE KNOWING ABOUT THE PLAN THEN THEY CLEARLY WANTED IT TO ESCALATE THE WAY IT DID 5– THEY ALLOWED THIS TO HAPPEN BECAUSE THEY HAD ALREADY PLANS TO TAKE OVER GAZA AND STAYING QUITE WAS THEIR WAY OF TRYING TO LEGITIMIZE THEIR ATTACK ON GAZA. THIS IS ACCORDING TO WHAT YOU ARE SAYING ABOUT THE ZIONIST REGIME KNOWS THE PLAN A YEAR BEFORE IT HAPPENED. EITHER THIS STORY OF PRIOR KNOWING IS A COMPLETE LIE TO HIDE THE ZIONIST REGIME’S DUMBTELLIGENCE OR IT IS TRUE AND iSRAEL COMMITTED ALL THINGS MENTIONED ABOVE. YOU PICK WHICH ONE!>> <<@Triumverat says : Netanyahu wanted this to happen to remain in power>> <<@Theomite says : So Israeli 9/11 really WAS an inside job. At least they get closure on their version of the matter. Also, I'm no fan of Hamas, but what idiot puts their terrorist plan on any kind of documentation that can be picked up and turned over by spies? You're planning the biggest attack in the history of your organization and you actually make a bullet point list laying it out? That just ANYBODY can find? It's amazing that they managed to pull off what they did with that kind of ineptitude.>> <<@GeorgeParsons-tn4og says : So is TYT saying Israel should have done a preemptive attack? Can you imagine MSM's 24/7 squealing how bad Israel is? The UN would be demanding Israel be nuked. The View would show footage dead children 24/7. CNN would blame Trump. (So would TYT)>> <<@mirzayasmeenfatima2989 says : Where is idf>> <<@ManzoorAli-p4t says : It was Zionist regime's policy and strategy to let it happen so that it can have an excuses to to attack on Gaza.It was pretext to get sympathies of international community, especially the USA.>> <<@deborahjones2573 says : Well then if that's the case Netahayu could have prevented the whole situation but he chose to move his guards off the Border imagine that his Dirty Deeds are coming to light>> <<@shabanasardar226 says : They planned it a year ago, stop lying>> <<@marksykes3817 says : YAHOO KNEW ALL THE TIME! APPARENTLY, YAHOO MAY HAVE THOUGHT 💭 THAT THIS WOULD BE A "NIFTY IDEA 💡", TO CREATE A DISTRACTION AND A SCAPEGOAT, TO FURTHER HIS OWN POLITICAL AMBITIONS! CLEVER...EH? THE BLOOD OF ALL THE INNOCENTS, ON BOTH SIDES, IS ON YAHOO 'S AND ALL OF HIS SUPPORTERS HANDS 👐! A BLIND MAN CAN SEE THAT!>> <<@janehersey7456 says : Any comments on the Israeli women who were slaughtered, raped and mutilated. No, I thought not.>> <<@forgive.them. says : They just wanted land all along.>> <<@Adolf_Hifler says : I am surprised TYT are bad talking Isreal. That's a fresh surprise>> <<@gamermikail007 says : I liberals are so clever ! Lol! Two faces devils , no one should trust u ppl ! Keep saving America’s foreign policy! America is the greatest terrorist crusader state of earth !>>