<<@bibikhan7202 says : Israel has violated countless criteria of the Geneva Conventions and violation of the Genocide Convention. Apartheid Israel so called Democracy and Civilizational Values violates all International Laws. Israel savagery, butchery and genocide in Gaza laid bare for the world to see. More than 21,000 people have been killed in Gaza by Israeli airstrikes since October 07. Among the dead are more than 8,000 children, with over 2,500 children still missing under the rubble. Thousands more Palestinians are expected to die from starvation and dehydration. More that 2 million people were forced out of their homes and now living in tents. Currently today and everyday, apartheid Israel is destroying every Palestinian infrastructures in Gaza, including all roads, all buildings, schools, hospitals, homes, bakery, churches, mosques and even cemeteries. This evil action is to erase Palestinian history, life and culture. Apartheid Israel wants to erase context and history in the war in Gaza to pursue genocidal policies. We have seen the live pictures from alternative media. The images laid bare for the world to see the crimes against humanity. Please read the reports from NGOs - Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, The United Nation Watch, B’Tselem, Doctors Without Borders, and more than a dozen more. Israel will not renew the visa of a United Nations staff member in the country and will also deny the visa request of UN employees. Why? Israel does not want the world to see the crimes and genocide.>> <<@jusmeetsingh1907 says : The creation and continued support of Israel by the US seems to be the Tianenmen moment of the US. Maybe much much worse.. after Oct 7.>> <<@wrongturnVfor says : Not for Puny Attention spans. If you wanna know how to lie with mutated facts, please watch Ana Carlson of The Young Tuckers for Biden give you a class on it in this episode. This is such subversion of reality, I cant even. First , I refuse to believe that TYT is so dumb that they havent heard the statements Biden made regarding this conflict. Biden literally said to the whole world and I quote, his own words not mine "I am a zionist. You dont have to be a Jew to be a Zionist". And you are wondering if hewanted this? Ofcourse he wanted this. Since the formation of Arab League, he knows his daddy corporations are in danger of losing access to the Suez Canal and Straits of Tiran. o he wants to build the Ben Gurion Canal through Israel. Israel was not playing ball. It is one the half a dozen reasons as to why Genocide Joe then unleashed Hamas which is funded by NATO onto Israel and supports the ethnic cleansing. And yes, Egypt and Jordan oppose the movement. Not because they are not wanting to take refugees or whatever. ANd not just them, the entire arab world refused to take them as refugees. People who gave shelter to afghans and syrians and Libyans and Sudanese, ethopians and somalians or Iraqis or any of the other wars of Obama and Biden are not opening their doors to Palestinians. They gave shelter to people running from countries infested with Al Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS, ISIL, SDF and all other radicalised terror groups they openly declare antgonism to. But they are not opening their doors to palestinians. At all. Even though they have repeatedly done so in the past even against threats from USA. So Why not now? Because everyone knows how bloody radicalised they have become since Hamas took control of Gaza. And let me remind people, They CHOSE hamas to tule them. Hamas didnt occupy by force, they CHOSE Hamas. That should tell you everything. Also I want people to keep in mind that before this the Arab League and Israel were due to meet for peace deals. But Biden could not have that. Biden wants to start the long mongered war on Iran. And the coward that he is, he isnt goign to do a direct war. Nope, he is going to force other countries to fight that war for him. Aka Saudis and Israel. Just Like Bush Sr wanted to have a 42 coalition of nations fight his war on Iraq. And just like then, ISrael is not willing to start Biden;s war on Iran war now. I mean there was a whole thing before this conflict broke out where Vanguard pressured blackrock to "invest" funds in XRP which is a crypto run on JP mOrgan servers (Biden's daddy's). The same crypto which has funded Hamas for this attack. Then BUsh Sr founded Hamas and PLO to weaponise Palestinian victimhood against Israel if they ddint do what he asked. The concept of a palestine nation didnt really exist before that. And lookie here, we are seeing Biden do exactly the same now when Israel is rfusing to start his war on Iran for him. Good to know TYT are openly admitting they support BUSh Sr era policies. Give them time, they will rehabilitate Hitler too. Why do you think Arab countries are not snapping ties with Israel like they did with Qatar in 2017 (for funding terrorists) and are instead focusing all their power to boycotting western corporations and talking of cutting oil to the west because of Israel war? Because they KNOW who is the main problem here - NATO and Biden. BEcause everyone in middle east s worried that hAmas will launch attacks from the Sinai in Egypt or other parts in Lebanon and Iran and start a WW4 there and they are enedlessley trying to prevent that. But here these grifters will happily put millions of people at risk of and actual genocide as long as they satifactorality fellate Biden's political ego. Digusting POS. And FYI for all the idiots out there. Hamas does not recognise the authority of the palestinian civilian government. You people are literally suporting the same kind of crap like mujahideen in afghanistan or contras in nicaragua or drug gangs in Latin America. And that has played out so well all these times hast it? I understand why Biden is doing this. He has to make money for his daddy donors, BUt the brain rot of the people is baffling. What is the definition of insanity? I am sick and tired of these clowns being Biden's fox news. Ana loved a grift. Looks like she found it. Being the Tucker Carlson of the left. Absolutely disgusting. This nonsense is precisely what made me dissassociate from the left. I am and always will be a progressive but I no longer associate myself with this madness on the left.>> <<@Rexident97 says : Liberal snowflakes live in lala land>> <<@flixfan1 says : What is this insane crap? Liberation is not possible so long as Hamas (not Israel) rules Gaza - only the nightmare of Sharia Law. But I guess TYT doesn't care about all the gay people that Hamas will throw off of buildings when they're "liberated." TYT is simply a Republican con-job on progressives to poison them against Biden and help Trump.>> <<@Tylerrl1664 says : Rashid Khalidi ALWAYS on point 👏👏👏>> <<@carlosrojas01 says : Israel needs the land of the Gaza Strip to build an annex to the Suez Canal, that is nothing new since Netanyahu had spoken with the President of Egypt Al Sisi, look at the Google Map to see the area.>> <<@andysworld47 says : Why doesnt Egypt or Jordan annex the Gaza Strip?>> <<@RonZatuchny-sx8ye says : 1)If we live politics of land and all of this medieval garbage of more land to one side or another, providing Palestinians from Gaza with a safer home overseas and more opportunities, as well as stabilizing the region it would be a good thing. 2) literally in every war people take refugees, the place I live we have refugees from lalmost any coflict around the world from all over the world, it is great to help people in need, yes that also includes Palestinians (and if needed Israelis) 3) I find the question regarding refugees to be a very good litmus test to whether people actually care about human life or is it about Israeli voting Palestinian agenda, unfortunately the answer is usually that 5his is about agenda . 4)I encourage pro Palestine protests to call for taking refugees from Gaza, it is not fair that people in need all around the world can migrate out of war zones but the world doesn't offer that right to the people of gazan(I think it's racist)>> <<@hannecesito3423 says : Hi TYT! any chance you guys can post the video of the entire interview? I would like to share the discussion with family and friends... Thanks!>> <<@JohnnyJPatt says : Warmed over MEATLOAF!! That’s our politics today!! Warmed over meatloaf that you get sick of eating so you put the fork down!>> <<@shanihandel9621 says : Good job Ana!>> <<@saeed4731 says : Lets not forget that Biden is a pure Zionist though .. So he is doing his best by giving billions of Americans money to support the criminals zionist antichrist so called ( Lucifer state ) ..>> <<@nancyp7019 says : Good interview>> <<@KS-xs2bv says : Do you have to be a member to watch the full interview?>> <<@1004katherine says : The one thing I hate it when those who get their pictures on the channel have disgusting teeth/mouths.>> <<@jbills3000 says : Thank you! 🙂>> <<@anthonyshumake5488 says : UTAH's nice😂>> <<@Aminah6623 says : The people of Gaza should be "relocated" to Israel. Israel can't create a humanitarian crisis and expect other countries to conspire with them in stealing Palestinian land and expelling the Palestinian people. No. Time for a one-state solution where Israel is actually a democracy, with half of its population being Palestinians.>> <<@Aminah6623 says : America, WTF are we doing?>> <<@YousufAhmad0 says : Thank you for this reality check>> <<@mlj01251978 says : It doesn't matter which route you take. Republican or Democrat. Shit is about to hit the fan.🤨>> <<@Above-Reproach says : biden is too busy watching Matlock reruns!>> <<@lzk8045 says : 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸💔❤️🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸>> <<@Mike20216 says : the editorial content is no different to any of the stuff produced by the likes of candace owens and Charlie Kirk these days, left right most of you guys are all the same, usual biased propaganda>> <<@avivde says : צריך לזכור: הבנות אנטישמיות מצד שמאל. הבנים המוסלמים סתם אנטישמיים. אבל כולם כדרך האמריקקים בורים!>> <<@shahrimanshaharuddin5221 says : Relocate the Palestinian to another place. Been there, Red Indian relocation>> <<@krusher74 says : Remember people there is a thumbs down button, lets get this Trump helping trash off the algorithm>> <<@flixfan1 says : TYT was started with 4 million dollars from Buddy Roemer, the former Republican Governor of Louisiana. This is chilling example of how fascists can pretend to be progressive in order to poison Progressives against the last and ONLY chance to stop Trump and save our democracy.>> <<@fredericoalmeida5473 says : Go learn history of what you comment: "Whose Land Is It? Palestine Or Israel? A 1982 Documentary Looks At This Issue With Old Footage">> <<@Bramble451 says : Revealing: "What's also disgraceful is the fact that the first time I hear about it is watching an interview you do, rather than hearing it from the wonderful [sarcastically] political journalists here in the United States that are supposed to walk us through the various budget proposals that come from members of Congress and the Executive branch. Of course we don't get that information." You're trying to have it both ways. You deny being journalists, but then complain that journalists aren't covering what you think they should, so you don't know about it. If journalists are so bad... then why are you depending on them? That document Mr. Khalidi reads from is available online. The passages he refers to are, indeed, on page 40. But I don't think it's as clear cut as he describes it. The money is made available, but doesn't have to be spent unless such displacement occurs. A similar funding requests exists in the paragraph above about Ukrainian refugees who have fled the country. I think we can take away two things from that monetary request: (1) The Biden administration is signaling to Israel its willingness to see the Gazans expelled. Joe Biden is fine with ethnic cleansing. (2) From a bureaucratic, non-policy point of view, the request actually makes sense. The notion that an unrelenting missile campaign might result in some Palestinians willing to flee Gaza regardless of whether or not they could come back (i.e. displacement being better than death, damn the philosophical or political niceties) is hardly unimaginable. Egypt and Jordan freaking out about this possibility also makes sense.>> <<@AnnchristinaAlmazan says : Stop trying to get the tangerine toddler elected! I can tell you want the rich tax breaks.>> <<@fernandoalegria4240 says : Oh good, a matter of fact no nonsense historian. Maybe you can ask him if there is any other religion that has killed more people than Islam can in the last 20yrs? Is there any other religion that is currently killing people on multiple continents while calling out the glory of their god? Is there any other religion requires death if their feelings are hurt, and mean it?>> <<@Jamess821 says : Do you assholes want Trump?>> <<@susanharrington8715 says : And again… why is TYT trying to get Trump reelected?>> <<@slothachunk says : Our taxes going toward genocide, how far the U.S. has fallen since the 1940's.>> <<@MsJaimeanna1412 says : And where is the Young Turk, campaigning for president? Ha. ha, ha.>> <<@MsJaimeanna1412 says : I understand now why Ana is acting like this lately. She is taking her tips from Hamas and Hamas supporters like this moron.>> <<@michaelmcgee8543 says : This is awful man's inhumanity against man.>> <<@montanamountainmen6104 says : Israel's kicking ass. Hamas terrorists crying foul...Thats sums up all this bullshit they are spewing.>> <<@larryfloyd5111 says : "God bless America? GOD DAMN AMERICA!!!">> <<@larrydean8160 says : END ZIONIST OCCUPIED GOVERNMENT OF AMERICA!! END APARTHIED ZIONISM!! FREE PALESTINE!!>> <<@TotalWater-d2o says : fk Palestine. 60% of Palestinians support Hamas>> <<@mojo9068 says : I see TYT still at it. Thought you guys critiqued everyone and no bias. Sheesh. I mean you guys bought out by GOP or something. The constant biden bashing will just take votes away. Learn something from what MeidasTouch guys are doing.>> <<@yeshua64 says : Biden has actually done a great job. Egypt needs to help their refugee brothers and sisters. Trump will be much worse.>> <<@Andrew-tf8jt says : #theworldagainstmorons>> <<@tacitus6384 says : Of course, turn to a Palestinian who supports boycotting Israel to learn about "history" in the region 🙄. Next we'll turn to some corporate lobbyists to learn the "history" of corporations being people.>> <<@thelastoutlaw2045 says : America is an Israeli occupied land, just like Palestine. America does whatever Israel wants.>> <<@acesfullmike5371 says : Something I had not heard before. Not surprising given the performance of Biden and his administration, in its support of Israel in spite of opposition from the UN, human rights groups, and a majority of other nations.>> <<@Anthony-ni7ll says : Biden has screwed this country up so much tha mexicans are sneaking back into mexico>>