<<@iMatti00 says : I’ve lost so much respect for Anna. I would vote for Biden no matter what. I’m gay and if he decided that he wanted a rollback gay rights 25 years I would still enthusiastically vote for him. Because I actually care about this country in our democracy. And the president shouldn’t decide to change foreign policy because a whole bunch of brats don’t like it. I don’t know the right foreign policy, but act like someone should follow the whims of young people just because the election could switch based on 15% sitting out the election is ridiculous.>> <<@shilohbell1573 says : Closed door? They're nuts.>> <<@legendcanibal9642 says : 1900s gave the world genocide by Hitler. 2023 gave the world Hitler 2.0....Netanyahu. Netanyahu is killing by the 100s to match Hitler.. So far, over 12000 Palestinians murdered & over 3500 US civilians residing in Gaza slaughtered by Netanyahu .>> <<@terrancecheeseboro529 says : Ana, I totally disagree with you about your viewpoint about the N-word being censored from the left! No other race/religious people are disrespected like African Americans! If they used a Jewish slur, we'd be upset, sympathetic, & understanding! The history of the N-word shouldn't be taken lightly! I don't care for it to be used by anybody! I'm very disappointed that the removal of the N-word disappoints you!>> <<@susanbedingfield4661 says : Social Security is not an entitlement! We pay for it. And, helping the poor (70% are single mothers with children) eat and have a roof over their heads is not an entitlement. It is what we should do for our fellow human beings.>> <<@susanbedingfield4661 says : As a South Carolinian, I can say that Nikki Haley was a horrible governor. She came to the USA on a religious visa (family is Christian) as a child. While Governor,, she went on TV and said no Syrian refugee is welcome in South Carolina. Hypocrite much? She also went willingly to work for Trump. That says it all about her ethics.>> <<@keeptruckin5109 says : You should have Ben watch this guy explain the Palestinian land problem maybe then he will understand.>> <<@jamesdavidjett says : This better be click bait. If he is laughing at us, Biden isn't only a nice old man, he could decide to bomb the dude back to the stone age. There are children involved.>> <<@michaelmcdonald5631 says : Biden should remember is roots , as being Irish, what England done in Ireland>> <<@michaelmcdonald5631 says : Just us England being England>> <<@MattViel says : It is absolutely disgraceful, but I don't see how handing the election to Trump will change this situation in the slightest, most likely would be worse.>> <<@andal7404 says : The two state solution is dead. There is only a one state solution.>> <<@NPCONSULTING247-jy3pz says : 101 UN Member Victims>> <<@andal7404 says : You don't refer to the anti-Jewish origins of the Balfour declaration. The British based Balfour on the old trope that Jews controlled the key areas of American power, i.e. that power was concentrated amongst Jewish Americans and the British wanted the US to join the first world war.>> <<@lenboy2 says : Are you seriously telling people not to vote? You know that just hands the election to Trump right? Anna you lost your God damn mind and when the candidates are set and it's Biden vs Trump you guys are going to pivot and start telling people to vote Biden to choose the lesser of the two evils and if he loses your gonna say we told him to get out but the truth is you guys have been shitting on him for so long now telling the viewers how bad Biden is and that he can't win and don't vote that by the time you pivot to him it will be too late and you'll be left with Trump. You guys said yourself that you like some of what the Biden administration has done, do you think you are going to like anything the Trump presidency will bring in the next 4 years. Stop shitting on your own side especially less than one year away from an election especially when you have been doing it now every day for 2 months straight. The cease fire has been extended now for 3 days and you haven't even mentioned it once, how about saying good negotiating Joe to keep it going for an extra few days.>> <<@chrisccc22 says : LOL "IDF"? There is nothing "Defensive" about it.>> <<@lenboy2 says : I don't understand what you guys are not seeing. The us is an empire, Israel is apart of that empire, Gaza is not. Hamas is funded and trained by Iran the enemy of the empire they also fund Hezbollah, the houthis & the Syrian regime other enemies of the empire are Russia, North Korea & China along with their respective proxies.>> <<@gymnastkay-kay7072 says : Netanyahu and trumps the president cut from the same cloth. We're lost if trump gets reelected. Biden needs tp grow a set of ball's. Man up.>> <<@JazzyScat says : There wasn't enough context regarding DeNiro's speech. This was to talk about Native Americans which the movie is about and he also talked about John Wayne exploding at Sacheen Littlefeather who spoke about how the US treated native americans when declining Marlon Brando's Oscar for the Godfather years ago. He wasn't just speaking about Trump but to start the talk continued by the native american actors who accepted the award for Martin Scorsese, to thank him for representing their reality as it wasn't done before.>> <<@mstique3957 says : How can any country be so cruel? Especially when there are children involved in the pain and suffering. What I can not understand is that the oppressor now, was previously oppressed and looked upon as an Inferior species. Today they are doing exactly the same that was done to them decades ago. 😢>> <<@richardcormier2865 says : I'm just one of a billion Buddhist that are trying to figure out why people and I mean both books butcher in the name of a god your ignorance is going to kill us all😢😢>> <<@bradledford7426 says : You GUYS ACT LIKE BIDEN CAN JUST GO RUN ANOTHER COUNTRIES LEADERS. AND THEY BETTER BOW DOWN FOR EVERYTHING THE PUBLIC WANTS. LAST TIME I CHECKED BIDEN IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA NOT ISRAEL. GIVE HIM A BREAK.....>> <<@JamesJWaddell says : I WANT MY MONEY BACK , ALL 36 TRILLION , OKAY !!! GIVE IT UP OR WILL DEFAULT YOUR COMMITMENTS THE GOVT HAS TODAY , THE 99 % OF THE U ,S . POPULATION WANT THERE MONEY BACK , NOW!!!>> <<@gymnastkay-kay7072 says : I thought that chemical weapons weren't supposed to be used against people? Under international law? Please 🙏 please stop using white phosphorus on human beings. It's outrageous. The U.S used it in Vietnam, Iran April 2004. This is inhumane. It's such a double standard. God have mercy on the Palestinian people.>> <<@JamesJWaddell says : THE COWARDLY PUS$Y ASS ATACKERS HAVE TO KILL IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT , WOMEN AND CHILDERN , AT NIGHT !!! WE NOW ARE BEING DIVERTED FROM THE OTHER FRONT ON THIS WAR , YOU DONT KNOW THE CONNECTION , WHAT DO PEOPLE IN POWER WANT , DRIUGS , MONEY AND CONTROL OF THE PEOPLE TO CARRY OUT ITS WILL , RUSSIA AND IRAN ARE IN COMPLETE CONTROL OF THE DRUGS 'COCAINE' AND ITS COCA FARMLANDS AND OF COURSE CHINA HAS ITS BRUTAL GRIP ON THE FENTYNAL , ITS SOLDIERS FROM UKRAINE WERE COMPLETELY EXTERMINATED AND NOW THE NEWLY GATHERED MASTER RACE IS TAKING STEPS TO OVERTAKE AND OVERWHELM THE CRIMEA REGION OF IS ITS CASH CROP , COCAINE,AND YOU ARE FOOLED BY THE PROPAGANDA THAT WE ARE IN DISCUSSION OF GRAIN SHIPMENTS UNDER CONTROL OF RUSSIA , WHAT A BUNCH OF B.S. !!! AND THE IDF IS MORE THAN JUST ARMED FORCE OF ISRAE,L ITS A WORLDWIDE GROWTH OF AGGRESSION AROUND THE WORLD NOW ,BEWARE AND TAKE HEED!!!>> <<@gymnastkay-kay7072 says : I hate war, it's horrible all of those innocent babies, hurt and killed. My prayers go out to the Palestinian people. I don't know who started this war, but I pray 🙏 to God that someone would have mercy and stop this horrible war.>> <<@UncleJoeLITE says : Happy Wednesday from Australia, comrades. 🏴‍☠❤>> <<@humai771 says : 12:01 she slipped an said there’s no reason Israel will be de turd?>> <<@jamalsobh8126 says : ❤❤❤>> <<@BoostedLeonitus says : This is straight out of the book of Revelations>> <<@rodolfoayala2589 says : But Biden sucks blind and stupid>> <<@rodolfoayala2589 says : Republic party is devided and a party like a house devided cannot stand.>> <<@rodolfoayala2589 says : Look up tank exploded with mix of white phosphorus and red phosphorus but they didn't mix but when running over it by tank when separate but mixed 😮>> <<@rodolfoayala2589 says : Biden is guilty of war crimes support of Israel with out a vote for the people by the people.>> <<@rodolfoayala2589 says : Love you guys>> <<@rodolfoayala2589 says : He was on television and he said we already talked about climate change and he turned deaf dumb and blind in just a moments notice.>> <<@olaniyioyebola5877 says : Hi Ana, History is very harsh, a record of past events to learn from not to be enslaved. I hope the history teller is not a Palestinian, it will be nice to hear the Zionist or Jewish point of view for balance stake. Kindly note that your emotions of you and Zenk had been biased day one of this crisis which is not going to bring solutions to the crisis. This is not to vindicate either cos I don’t support blood letting system. Very crazy world!!!>> <<@rodolfoayala2589 says : Idols worship they are both penus worshipping each other. Because they care about no one else.>> <<@rodolfoayala2589 says : After reading the Quran the truth is revealed with the believers and the unbelievers first chapter explained everything.>> <<@rodolfoayala2589 says : The tablets Moses threw because of the Zionist regime worshipping the golden calf's. Hello.😮>> <<@rodolfoayala2589 says : Jews conviction of Christ is the truth>> <<@rodolfoayala2589 says : Remember the Sabbath who changed it Romans Catholic Church who is so powerful to change the Sabbath>> <<@rodolfoayala2589 says : Jesus Christ real name is Hebrew and you have been deceived by the Romans Catholic Church look up when it happened. Google it his name is ISA RA>> <<@lamboevo474 says : Biden hell is waiting for you>> <<@jacklanham7311 says : I sure hope we here in the USA open our boarders for all 2.2 million Palestinians. It's what Jesus would do.>> <<@rodolfoayala2589 says : The Palestine people are Muslims, Israeli people are not Jews because they don't steal or kill or covet thy neighbor Land. Wake up America.>> <<@5400bowen says : So Sitah (spelling?) only helps in Arab countries? That was all I heard in the list….>> <<@rodolfoayala2589 says : Masha Allah, subhannaallah Allah, allamduallaha>> <<@rodolfoayala2589 says : I would like we the people who would love to flip the switch to electute netanyahu after the conviction of Geneva convention crimes.>> <<@rodolfoayala2589 says : Come on Ron the scandal's, Nicki, or the carnival barker trump.>>