<<@yewyM676 says : GREAT COVERAGE JUST SUBSCRIBED 👌>> <<@pawelmat3151 says : The is logice and facts are put in place..I wish more journalists reporting Public opinion with fairnes>> <<@gilbertrodriguez6930 says : Horrible coverage>> <<@Snickersnapsclips says : Hamas didn't kidnap old woman and children, it's militian palatesian not hamas, which is a huge missing link that caused this confusion in their opinion, prove the videos shared of multilated israely and post party interview it was palasteinin wearing black on bikes and guns, hamas during military operation on 7th wear soldier uniform with green bandanna trageted 25 israely militant check points and command Israeli Gaza centre , one of hostages mentioned on first day thier was a fight between hamas and other militant group on kidnaping old ladies and children>> <<@crabbypattie says : They are terrorist that were tried and convicted of terrorism. Hamas is trading 4 year old girls whose parents were slaughtered in front of them for 3 terrorist that tried to kill Jews. This is disgusting . Hamas are disgusting terrorist animals . TYT and the radical left Marxist support these animals and are disgusting slime bags that need to be defeated. Ana is a POS for saying that Israel are holding women and children. They are terrorist that will return and try to kill more Jews.>> <<@michaelervin2753 says : Officially unsubscribed. How dare you Cenk. To say that Israel got the better deal when they are releasing 3 Palestinian PRISONERS some of whom did vile, hateful things, for 1 innocent Israeli child, is just disgusting. I thought every life matters? You guys only care about Palestinian lives.>> <<@jeremyscott9969 says : Bassem Youssef said "[The IDF] is a completely incompetent military force that has been sucking America dry for years and they cannot even do their jobs". Free Palestine>> <<@artiommikhailov4543 says : Ana, please provide the source for elderly woman arrested for liking a post you stated in your video. I guarantee this is made up BS.>> <<@jordyb57 says : Simply saying the Palestinian prisoners are “women and children” doesn’t really mean alot …. Women and children are capable of committing crimes…>> <<@giulianoroberti2584 says : Bunch of anti-semitic terrorist propagandists>> <<@giulianoroberti2584 says : Has anyone noticed how TYT has stopped posting about the Israel-Palestine situation in the past 4 days or so? Did they finally realize they are full of it?>> <<@daves465 says : So much misinformation in one report: The woman that was arrested not just because she liked a post of FB or Twitter, she actually tweeted out about the October 7th massacre: "It is more than we could have expected". and "These actions bring me Joy". She is actually an Israeli Arab nurse, not Palestinian. All of the prisoners in Israeli prisons have a home to go back to, because they are all from the west bank. Israel does not arrest people from Gaza simply because up until 10/7 the IDF did not go into Gaza. 2:43 - What's with that chuckle when Anna reports that Israel is willing to extend the cease fire by a day in exchange for 10 hostages? Anna, you find that funny?>> <<@DrorBenAmi-w4u says : GEE ANA: NO COMMENT ON THE WARS IN SUDAN AND ETHIOPIA ??? What's the matter, Black Lives DON'T matter ??? What about the people living in tents in California ? Is the Hamas government a democracy ? You really are not too smart Ana....Hamas has A LOT more food and fuel than the civilians. Ana has no faith in the USA and Israel, BUT!!! She has tons of faith in Hamas.....>> <<@rafihafarah3494 says : Zionist terrorists. This is an embarrassment to real jews>> <<@vadermike7772 says : What horrible journalism here. I will call you out on this Anna. There is a huge difference between the innocent hostages that Hamas abducted from a music festival, and the terrorists that Israel has detained. The prisoners Israel has detaind, even the so called woman and children, had committed terrorist acts against Israel. So please stop trying to make it look like Israel is the bad guy here. Palestinians would not be in this situation if they did not commit terrorists atrocities for years and years on end, finally the last straw has been reached, and Israel must defend itself. I am tired of left wing media defending antisemitism and terrorists.>> <<@danielelfenbein656 says : No journalistic integrity here, per usual>> <<@RonZatuchny-sx8ye says : Just wanted to point out, there are women who work for Hamas, there are 15+ year old children too, everyone who got arrested by Israel attempted or successfully committed a terrorist attack.>> <<@collegeguy799 says : Women and children! We hit an iceberg! Women and children only! God, these people are living a century from everyone else.>> <<@arianduran1725 says : Ah shut up tyt the young turds !! 😂. This channel doesn't condemn Hamas! ❤ Jesus Christ is salvation 🙏 Amen ❤️>> <<@MJGreptiles says : Anna really? They aren’t militants? Stabbing people in the neck, running vehicles into buildings, attempted bombers aren’t terrorists? They’re criminals. What are you smoking over at TYT that makes you disregard such details so you can claim to be independent? Whatever it is, send some my way so I can be in denial as much as you>> <<@HamidKhalid369 says : Andrew Tate, one of the greatest Muslim intellectuals, demolished Piers Morgan on his own program. Piers was rendered dumbfounded and mute by Tate's thorough examination and clarification of the matter. Israel is to blame for the 15 billion Palestinian embryos that have perished. Zionists shot innocent embryos that were about to be aborted but were not.>> <<@18661873 says : Hamas has no humanitarian concern in this agreement. Hamas merely wants to improve their military position during the cease fire.>> <<@blondie7240 says : These “women and children” are terrorists. What kind of journalism is this?!? The youngest “child” is a 16 years old and she stabbed an Israel mother in the neck. Another “child” tried to blow up a bus, but the bomb detonated early blowing up half of her body.>> <<@tamarakakzanov9295 says : Fuck the Biden administration>> <<@tamarakakzanov9295 says : You are a natsi activist>> <<@Fiorwestcoast says : LOL the pro zionism pro genocidal comments.>> <<@CLH5370 says : TYT is built on misinformation. These "Turks" are Hamas sympathizers!>> <<@ehabl8816 says : Wow there is a lot of Hasbara here in the comments!>> <<@DJ_A.K_GOLD says : The arab prisoners here , are people who stubbed israelis , or either have thrown Rocks on Jews , with the intention to Harm or kill... Those arabs include , young women and young man , who are from 14 years old , to Adult ages , so yes you can call those 14 and 15 year old , Minors or so called children , but those 15 year old children , have stubbed Jews , with the intention to kill them , just for being Jews .... On the other side Hamas has entered a Village , on a Holiday Saturday morning , and took Babies and several little 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 year old kids as Hostages .. Those little israeli babies and kids , have not stubbed anyone , have not thrown Bricks of stones on anyone , but were taken as Hostages by the Palestinians , just for the Cause of a War , now this is completely different from what Israel is doing... Let's say if Israel goes tomorrow to an Arab wedding , and takes all 250 people of the wedding , as Hostages , while they were celebrating , without harming anyone , meaning taking Babies , little kids , and elderly women , now that will be exactly what Hamas did ... So don't try to compare , Between Hamas and Israel ..... By the way if Israel was really the new Nazi , they would have wiped out Gaza in one hour , without any mercy , and capable to kill Millions ,,,, but they haven't been doing that for 75 years now , outside of temporary escalations that Arabs are always the ones who provoke first .. But imagine if Hamas was stronger than Israel , they would have really committed a Second Holocaust , by killing every single Jew , meaning millions , as it is written in their Charter , and Quran , ( a jew behind the tree ) ... The arabs have started this , by conquering the land of their Cousins , in the times of the Islamic conquest , with Umar al khathab as the second caliphate .. The Arabs knew , that this small portion of land , was given by Prophet Avraham to Isaac as an inheritance , and Mecca to prophet Ismail as an inheritance , that's why Prophet Avraham cast away Ismail and Hagar from the holy land , but as he built a temple for Isaac on mount Zion ( Jerusalem ) , he also built a temple in Mecca for Ismail , like this each one gets is own property , but the Ishmaelites disrespected the inheritance of prophet Avraham , by conquering the house of their brothers , Haram or not Haram... By the way the Quran also signed the land for Bani Isra'il , not Bani Ismail... Young Turks , you are all a bunch of hypocrites>> <<@emcats84 says : Leftism is a mental illness.>> <<@Rossernator1288 says : My question is where are the Americans that are taken by Hamas The Biden administration is not doing anything to get those Americans back they need to get those Americans back from Hamas but Hamas is going to use them as their leverage and Hamas is going to break the ceasefire agreement>> <<@uristav5508 says : Ana Casparian is lying through her teeth. When will the FBI finally put a stop to TYT? I'm beginning to suspect you are Nazi activists. I have no idea why Ben Gleib is still working gor them. They are clealy antisemitic.>> <<@dustyautumn8780 says : 15 billion Palestinian children have died while the rest of the world has done nothing. Israel is responsible for the deaths of eighteen billion children.>> <<@TagMahirTzedek says : 1:11 yea "women and children" some of whom were literally convicted of murder or attempted murder because that is what they were doing. Anyway hamass only wans the deal to get time to re-group and/or run away. It was about to be defeated.>> <<@masterA05 says : In Qatar, you will be sued and jailed if you report that you are raped. A simple google search will provide a lot of sources (an example is a Dutch woman who was fined and jailed for 3 months when she reported to the Qatari authorities that she was raped). In their societies, you need to be silent about rape or you will be silenced. Which means Hamas and its followers are OK with rape or the culture of rape, as it's the norm in their communities. Just pure evil.>> <<@avivde says : צריך לזכור: הבנות אנטישמיות מצד שמאל. הבנים המוסלמים סתם אנטישמיים. אבל כולם כדרך האמריקקים בורים!>> <<@CorporalSteiner1945 says : The "far right" like Keith Woods, National Justice Party and David Duke do a far better job at exposing Is-rahell's evil than TYT and the far left.>> <<@CorporalSteiner1945 says : Isra-hell has been kidnapping and torturing children and young teens for decades now.>> <<@88Expert says : 8:39 agree. 100%agree>> <<@robecarb1300 says : Ana Kasparian please look at this video of the UN were the Israel ambassador explained the truth of the conflict with Hamas and please learn and use it to balance your opinion fairly and truthfully, thank you! https://youtu.be/uegYeT5Kms4?si=uRzgzf2nbv2dWC3A>> <<@alidinero6284 says : Thank you Ana!>> <<@femiwilliam1830 says : You will always doubt the US govt and Israel govt but you will trust the Hamas. I see why the right wing talks about the left and the far left may not mean well for the USA>> <<@ChazOfHonor says : Imagine that, the monstrous Israelis took hundreds of women and children hostage and pretend to be any better than Hamas>> <<@kennyray001 says : What would you have the people of the Gaza Strip do TYT?? I hate what’s happening there. Hamas attacks and they pay the price. Don’t forget there has been many chances for peace. A few of those times the ppl of Gaza rejected that peace. Sometimes you have to live with the choices you make. Is Israel right…no. But you can’t blame them for this time.>> <<@brianwenger2112 says : I've seen no evidence that the hostages were terrorized by anything other than Israeli bombs. That footage of those grannies showed them being treated quite well. Wonder if Palestinian hostages will have the same 5 star review of their captors.>> <<@brianwenger2112 says : I've seen no evidence that the hostages were terrorized by anything other than Israeli bombs. That footage of those grannies showed them being treated quite well. Wonder if Palestinian hostages will have the same 5 star review of their captors.>> <<@Rossernator1288 says : You guys happy that they have a ceasefire now once Hamas gets their prisoners back they're going to break this cease fire and go after Israel again in Israel has to go and defend themselves again and these people TYT CNN and BBC are all going to say oh look Israel broke the ceasefire agreement but actually it would be Hamas that broke the cease fire agreement>> <<@mohammad-fd8gl says : 🤲🏻👍🙏🌹🥰😍🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@ozzmundo5095 says : no there are people/prisoners who commited crime including murder>> <<@harrynewhof3165 says : Look up the list of the 150 prisoners being released. It's easy to say "women and children" when it wasn't you who had rocks thrown at by these "women and children.">>