<<@cest_what says : I just watched a documentary about Hedy Lamar and was surprised to find that Susan Sarandon had been an exec. producer of it. How ironic and deeply hypocritical! Ms Lamar was a brilliant inventor, world famous actress...and a Jewish woman. Sarandon should be ashamed of herself.>> <<@SaladinAyyubi-e1v says : Does she even care?? She is a redhead...>> <<@Joanne-vr4zu says : Let's all pretend that WAR PROFITEERING IS NOT THE TRUTH>> <<@Andy6969ful says : Let's not forget that UTA is owned by Jeremy Zimmer and run by David Kramer, who are both Jewish so naturally that is why she was fired. Let's be real. It had nothing to do with worrying about not getting her work, they were defending Israel by doing this outrageous action.>> <<@Jehoshua.J.A.K. says : To stand with the Palistinians is to support terrorists. She's unGodly in THEIR ways! The exploitation of a ICJ Protected "Group of People" is a war crime: There were 8 million members of Hitler youth (boys and girls) called "Hitlerjuged". From age 10-17. They were educated to hate and trained to be violent. They were active in combat during WW2. (Search: Hitlerjuged) They wore a badge, the Nazi flag. UNRWA is reported to have started"educating these children to hate at age 5 and then later send them to "youth" Hamas Military Training Camps to learn violence, just like the HitlerJuged, only the flag and uniform has changed. I am not saying that ALL of these children are this, but these facts cannot be disputed or denied at this point. I see that almost the entire population of Gaza has been miseducated and are being used as pawns by Islamic Leadership. This isnt just wrong, its cruel! I believe that these people want to do the right thing, but they have been mis-educated to believe that what international law considers terrorism is just "resistance fighting", but resisting doest include actively shooting rockets and firing guns at other people. That is not "resisting", that's called "attacking". Gaza declared war against Isreal and then begs for a ceasfire.....Thats not how war works. To train children to be hateful and violent, with loyalty to their flag, and then to exploit them as victims of Israli hate and violence, when they really are just loosing the war, is wrong. These children, as cited in the "Hamas business plan" were born specifically for martyrdom.....this is child abuse on a massive scale. No one cares to file carges against Islamic leadership with the ICJ because those responsable will most likey will have all been nutralized by the time they are found guilty of Child abuse. The worst thing you can do to a child is to objectify them. These are precious children who should have been PROTECTED by the UN, not USED by the UN. The grief this has caused is unquantifiable. You dont train children to fight along side adults. Its unethical, immoral and a mortal sin. May God grant them safety and life while protecting us from Evil. "THOSE WHO IGNORE HISTORY ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT IT." Jehoshua>> <<@tonyclifton8102 says : A very convoluted speech at best. If you want to just equivocate all military related deaths without any distinction as the same then yes bombing Germany during World War Two was an atrocity. But some people actually make a distinction between eliminating Hitler and let's say Hitler bombing Europe. Palestine is ran by Hamas the same as Germany was ran by Hitler, Hama's stated objective is the genocide of all Jews.>> <<@gabrieladebisi5828 says : Susan is an attention seeking has been that will jump on any left wing bandwagon flavour of the week talking point for fake moral posturing.>> <<@johnmarshall8171 says : So I guess all those Israeli Rabbis who oppose their government's actions hate Jews. I don't think so.>> <<@user-ti3vp9mt3z says : Right on Susan. We love and respect you for your courage and everything ❤>> <<@NaceurFadhel says : The IDF soldier have alltimes Pampers , i dont know whats happen if they fight against realy Soldier , against fighter without Wapons can do that 😅😂😢>> <<@MidWestLife2022 says : Susan don't give no f's!!! And another will gladly pick her up. Their loss not hers 💯💯💯 Susan has ALWAYS stood up for what she thinks is right and I don't disagree with her on this one>> <<@tonyclifton8102 says : For over fifty years Freedom House has been studying the global level of freedom and democracy and gives Israel a score of 77, Gaza a score of 11, Syria scored 1, Saudi Arabia scored 8, Iran scored 12, the Emirates scored 18, and the Palestinian Authority scored 22. The closest to Israel is Lebanon, which scored 43 and is classified as partially free. Also most Israeli's are not Orthodox jews which make up only 10 % of the population. Almost 50 % of all adult Israeli's identify as secular, so yes you can play semantics but in comparison to all the other countries in the middle east Israel is the only secular one or in response to semantics definitely the most secular in the middle east. So lets free Palestine from Israel and not free Palestine from Hamas? How about feminist for sharia law is that next?>> <<@odedrokachify says : About time. If someone pushed similar falls narratives about black or LGBTQ—they would have been fires long time ago>> <<@ΝικολαϊςΠρίφτη says : That is "democrasy" and freedom of speech ! We will be able to speak our opinion only if first we get permission to do so.>> <<@rosycorral2861 says : Que valiente eres Susan te admiro por tu humanismo y hablar con la verdad 💪🏻>> <<@Jeanne90275 says : After all the violent attacks on Jews, I don't think they need to be told by some Hollywood actress what it means to be afraid. She's definitely anti-Semitic, or at least her words are.>> <<@corginut123 says : So sad for what she did to Hillary Clinton and her campaign. I have never liked her for that.>> <<@hanab100 says : If she only knew what Jews in Muslims countries had to endure for centuries. Force conversions to Islam, pogroms, death. Cleary Susan Surandon does not know her history at all and is getting paid to be "pro-palestinian" No one wants to acknowledge the pain Jews have faced in the Middle East BEFORE Israel because that goes against the narrative of European vs arabs. Most of the Jews in Israel come from Arab lands not Europe. But of course we cannot expose the true antisemitism that has always festered in the region. No one called Gaza and the West Bank an occupation when it was under Egyptian and Jordanian control because those were Muslim countries.>> <<@EditFahey says : Wonderful Susan!!>> <<@MattieShiloh says : Nice to see that even racism against Jewish people is no longer being tolerated…she confused free speech with hate speech and incitement to violence…and we’re just not having it anymore>> <<@francessiranovic4088 says : Hmm…what’s the big deal? What did she do wrong? Where is free speech?>> <<@tonyclifton8102 says : She starts off with that self hating " white privilege " politically correct garbage then goes on to endorse Palestine which has no civil liberties at all. Israel is about the only secular nation in the middle east. If she was in Gaza she would be wearing a burka and told to STFU. What an idiot.>> <<@Shalom491 says : Susan Sarandon may have made that apology on Twitter, that is not authentic because she meant what she says. She hates Jewish people and she loves terrorists who persecute Jewish people, period . She has made a lot of hateful comments on Twitter about the Jewish people.>> <<@EdgarHeiss says : Props for speaking the truth, there should be no apologies for her standing for the 1rst amendment 🗽>> <<@rickhebert3370 says : Yet another actress I’m boycotting because their dumbass ignorance. Too bad because I liked her. Next???????>> <<@gandhiangles3213 says : Her “conviction” took flight upon her realization that her career prospects did the same.>> <<@IanChristopherson-t9v says : Goes to show how racist this country is.>> <<@waynefrench756 says : hay if you think she said israil needs to go you are the DUMB ASS IN THE CROWD !!!!!>> <<@priscillaphillips3082 says : She apologized. What a loser.>> <<@hswing11 says : A cancer to our American society hope you move to Garza R I P>> <<@chuckkenny4405 says : Another Hollywood idiot>> <<@sharonlovelystuff651 says : Now we all know that she is not only Anti Semic but also a hypocrite! 7 October. We will not forgive. We will not forget.>> <<@RoamingUndertheStars says : Hollywood Hamas sympathizers seem to forget that it was Jewish people who gave them jobs and opportunities to make names for themselves. If she or anyone else said this crap about muslims, they'd be smeared as islamophobes. These are the same muslims who can't take a joke about Mohammad, and last I checked, muslims aren't being attacked at random in the streets. mosques aren't being set on fire etc. Synagogues are. So I don't want to hear it about Jews being "too sensitive">> <<@albertyracheta8269 says : If saying something about killing innocent people babies make me an anti-semite then I'm okay with that speak up say something>> <<@tweetyberman5165 says : "When Susan Sarandon said that Jews 'are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country,' she was saying that American Jews have it coming - that we don't deserve to live free from harassment and assault." Well, exactly, except she is probably too dumb to understand that is what she is saying. And you Young Turks are also too dumb too understand it.>> <<@tweetyberman5165 says : Here's another ignorant celebrity proving her ignorance. As if the hundreds of thousands of US Muslims demonstrating to 'Free Palestine' are really the ones in danger of being violently attacked, while Jews cannot walk freely around university campuses.>> <<@kurtolsen6175 says : CUDOS to Surandon, one of the few brave Hollywood celebrites.>> <<@johnmorrison9758 says : where is this supposed "genocide' of Palestinians that the jew haters keep talking about. A very simple google search of the population of Gaza will show the huge increases in population over the past 60 years. Easy to destroy their argument.>> <<@johnmorrison9758 says : So many nazis on here commenting. Israel has a right to defend itself against a terror group. Just happens that the terror group embeds itself among the population. That terror group cares nothing about the people that they "govern". You cannot just forget about the massacre they committed on October 7th. If that happened in the USA, you would react the same way and vow to wipe out those terrorists, as you did after 9-11. Gaza is totally supported by Israel for everything, all supplies. Why do you not condemn Egypt, as they are the people that built a wall to keep the people of Gaza inside !! Only reason you do not condemn them is because they are not jews.>> <<@johnmorrison9758 says : So many nazis on here commenting. Israel has a right to defend itself against a terror group. Just happens that the terror group embeds itself among the population. That terror group cares nothing about the people that they "govern". You cannot just forget about the massacre they committed on October 7th. If that happened in the USA, you would react the same way and vow to wipe out those terrorists, as you did after 9-11. Gaza is totally supported by Israel for everything, all supplies. Why do you not condemn Egypt, as they are the people that built a wall to keep the people of Gaza inside !! Only reason you do not condemn them is because they are not jews.>> <<@Heart101 says : God bless Susan. Nice to see not everyone in Hollywood has sold to their soul to the highest bidder.>> <<@D.von.N says : Go, Susan, Go! We should create an alternative existence on Earth, based on justice and sense of humanity. Let's see who will prevail at the end!>> <<@marcomustang876 says : She should sue those anti christian jews who got her fiired !>> <<@chrisgo6478 says : I stand with Susan. ❤ and You're very sensible argument. The Palestinian people need to be cared about just as much as the Israeli people. They've been fighting for so long. They don't know any other way to live.>> <<@67DUTCHMAN says : Israel is a violent, racist, genocidal Police State. Always has been.>> <<@ROSE-mq3qd says : You don’t have to be Palestinian, you just have to be human to see what is going on in Gaza is Israelis committing genocide>> <<@67DUTCHMAN says : No one commits racist censorship like Zionist Jews.>> <<@fatimaelmi5360 says : Susan we love you ❤️. FREE FREE PALESTINE🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸.>> <<@chesterwatson8356 says : 6:34 - "In an effort to silence those criticisms, they use all sorts of like name-calling. And as you know, as we can see, some people suffer, financial consequences, political consequences, career consequences. And really its only a way to silence people." Lmao thats so ironic coming from you guys because that is exactly the same strategy you use to silence legitimate right-wing criticisms. Its what cancel culture is. You opened that pandora's box. Is it surprising that its used by other people too?>> <<@debbiepreston5222 says : That looked totally freaking scary. Thank God he kept his grip on the gun, & his composure.>>