<<@Mahalo-loa says : That kind of scam and pseudoscience can be dangerous when it bolsters people with mental disorders in their delusions, or even prevents them from finding a real treatment.>> <<@Zillamon51 says : Do your own drugs, people. No need to pay for someone else's.>> <<@gsu4life says : When I hear these story and they say “people “ ,can we be honest and just say white people .>> <<@bridgetboehm6690 says : Comfort is what they pay for, as TYT pointed out. May be a better financial value For grieving-no HMO network psychiatrist then referral to psychologist, co-pays and wait time…truly a bargain. 🙀>> <<@planttreessmoketrees7456 says : Dogs are territorial. They behave differently when they travel because they are not in their territory.>> <<@PhantomMagician1846 says : "pet psychics" are scam artists looking to take advantage of people's feelings and concerns. avoid them at all costs>> <<@RuleofFive says : There is zero evidence that any psychic has any ability to talk to your pet or your dead loved one for that matter. It is a scam. People enjoy their illusions. Just understand it's bullish*t.>> <<@peterboissonnault8445 says : A scam is a scam, doesn't matter if it makes people feel warm and fuzzy inside! They are still ripping off gullible people!>> <<@harpsi8 says : I completely agree pet communicaters are not honest. Its a sad problem.>> <<@marksterling7110 says : Scam artists are successful because people are stupid enough to pay them. Very similar to Trump's sucess. Wow>> <<@matthewcaldwell8100 says : Jesus, TYT has gotten trivial.>> <<@MsArrika says : okay but no. animals clearly dont think in the same kind of context as humans. the nervous thing though, animals have basic instincts. which involve feelings. If theres impending danger, most animals pick up on that far ahead of humans. Which clearly triggers an emotion similar to nervousness. In that scenario its just fight or flight. basic animal instincts and the emotions that come with that. Then we know animals feel love and connection and all of the complexities that we feel, they just dont think of them in any sort of capacity that i doubt humans could understand unless one of them becomes verbally advanced enough to literally explain it to us in ways we will be able to comprehend. Also though, i know the majority of people arent thinking this far into it but to reduce animals to things that just want to be fed is one reason so many animals are abused and neglected, mistreated, etc.>> <<@migaracr says : Pets just want food. That's all.>> <<@markymarktheroro says : The most surprising thing about this story is that there isn't a TLC show for pet psychics>> <<@amandawalski4407 says : I have lost many pets throughout my life. I can feel them around me at times. It's sad and comforting. This animal phychic is BS! If I want to feel one or all of my pets that have passed around me, all I do is think about them. This woman is ripping vulnerable people off! It's sad. Should be against the law also! I knew what my cats and dogs wanted and needed while they were physically here with me because I watched, listened and loved them all!>> <<@DakotaDeb says : Unfortunately, there are charlatans who will take advantage of people, no matter what the approach. However, animal communicators are real,a friend of mine is one. She doesn't do it for money, but when I need insight into an animal, she'll help. Its too bad people don't know animals do have souls , and have feelings. Cenk, your cynicism is unfortunate, there's an interesting world out there that you choose to mock. Imagine how much more compassion people would have if they understood that their animals are not 'dumb'.>> <<@jesushinojosa2920 says : That's nutts and people who believe it>> <<@WSB32867 says : Pet Pcychic Is A Bunch Of Dog S@%T 😑 👎🏿💔 read the Holy Bible ""God's word say animals have no soul""therfore these pets goes back too dust""when are are humans""MUST STAND BEFORE GOD FOR OUR JUDGMENT LET US ALL BE PERPARED""amen 🙏🏿as always no disrespect intended New York City USA 🇺🇲>> <<@LiloRolland says : Scamming uneducated people is really lowlife behavior 😕>> <<@truegrit2060 says : (0:49) You can try and hide from the truth but it will come eventually.😏>> <<@anneminnick4786 says : I agree that many psychics are fakes out for money . However there are some who sincerely have ability to communicate with spirits of people and pets. I was studying mediumship with a Spiritualist Church years ago and was able to give free messages / readings from the podium from time to time. Accuracy is not one hundred percent all the time , so when I did have an outstanding believable message for someone it was a joy for me and the person I was reading for. One particular time I saw with my minds eyes a small excited little dog running up the aisle and told the person about the dog I was seeing. Then out of the blue I was imagining my Grandmother's homemade Snickerdoodle cookies . I told the person that the dog and my grandmother gave me that image as the snickerdoodles were proof of their dog wanting to communicate it was specifically him . The person laughed and said she had a dog that would get hysterically excited whenever they had a Snickers bar in the house. No other chocolates caused the same reaction. They had to share the Snickers with the dog , but only a very tiny piece because chocolate is not good for dogs . I thought to myself that both the dog and my grandmother were being a bit Naughty to use Snickerdoodles for reference as dogs doodle alot for us to clean up. Mentioned this later in private to the lady who agreed she had the same sense of the Snickerdoodles reference. I did have many many other readings I gave that were as surprisingly surreal. Not all , but enough that I and others believed .I never charged for the readings I gave. I don't give readings anymore . I'm retired and don't have the energy for it . Just wanted to share this experience. Believe or not. We each find our own understandings of life in our own experiences. Namaste. Carpe Diem.>> <<@uncleanunicorn4571 says : if you can believe a cactus artist who talks to the wind as a disembodied head in the spirit world can adjutate United States elections, then why not believe in this?>> <<@junebaldwin5352 says : Rubbih pets talk>> <<@ericseiz2014 says : This is what TYT has become. Ana complaining about animals and leftists.>> <<@ppetal1 says : Neither dogs, Nor cats, but Global Trees!>> <<@talyahr3302 says : I need to open a pet psychic clinic immediately!! 😂 Finally, a second income stream.>> <<@gregsurles4199 says : The endless ways you can make stupid people to give you their money never ceases to amaze me.>> <<@sunsetpalms1923 says : I would bet that 90% of the people engaging in this are women Not trying to be sexist. Just an observation.>> <<@grahamjones5400 says : Again! Karen-Ana keeps bringing up her own private problems into an news show. We get it already, she's a pet parent.>> <<@philliphessel6788 says : The problem with the “Big Al” case is that — although dogs can understand more of our language than many people realize — it’s fantastic to imagine the dog can parse the semantics of that name to get offended. If insult _were_ intended, it might sense that.>> <<@philliphessel6788 says : “Psychic powers” are evidently a sham, but some of those people might have real skills at understanding pets’ behavior. If the patrons can easily afford to pay for mumbo-jumbo on top of that, and eagerly find it added value because they really don’t care whether it’s fake, then fraud is arguably less of an issue.>> <<@cosmictogaparty says : Cenk, you have stated in the past that you are highly empathic and intuitive, but your skepticism tells everyone otherwise.>> <<@debroglie5736 says : Are we running out of shit to report? Lol>> <<@annadrift4 says : My cats share one braincell. Ain't nothing going on in there.>> <<@serinatang4184 says : I think these pet owners should be looking for psychologists and not psychics! Some people just have too much time on their hands. Either that or they really should get out more and make friends.>> <<@chriswagner5399 says : Shes thinkin shes dr doolittle>> <<@CDogg-kn4wt says : Yes your porcupine is sad because he says no one wants to hug him 🙄>> <<@godsgod1677 says : MAGAs' new excuse, "but the dog told me to kill them and become a terrorist".>> <<@YodaBSith says : An old GF was a very part-time pet communicator with a few clients. She'd do phone sessions for something like $50, often consulting a pointy crystal on a pendulum. She genuinely believed in it... so i just kept my mouth shut.>> <<@andrewreiber7691 says : It’s never easy losing a pet, that’s for sure. But much like the mystics who performed seances in the 19th century, it’s all bullshit. I suppose it can provide some closure or whatever to those seeking that, but it’s still all bullshit. And the people performing these seances or communicating with animals are just taking advantage of people in their most vulnerable times. They should all feel ashamed for scamming people out of their hard earned money.>> <<@johnfrank177 says : One of the most infamous serial killers David Berkowitz was convinced his neighbor's German Shepherd was instructing him too kill people. he got his marching orders from a canine. Simply, because, well...he was batshit crazy!>> <<@johnfrank177 says : Nobody could possibly know what is on the mind of an animal as people are a totally different animal. Suffice it to say your pet no doubt sees you as a sucker and the minute you are no longer useful the animal naturally will move on. If you know someone whom claims to talk too household pets, you might want to get a restraining order or just stay away from that individual.>> <<@MWhaleK says : A joke my family had about our pet dogs was "Call them what ever you want, as long as it's not late for dinner".>> <<@godweenkatie says : After I had to have my BFF dog euthanized, I legitimately considered calling into some pet psychic who had a radio show at the time. I was so distraught, I thought maybe I should give it a try. I didn’t end up doing it, but I sort of understand being desperate after a loss.>> <<@hunternedib1119 says : My German Shepherd is an eating machine.>> <<@moehoward01 says : Why are people doing this? 'Cuz they're gullible idiots with more money than brains.>> <<@zoeye7095 says : I would imagine for the dogs at the air bnb it calmed the owners and that calmer energy translated to the dogs. My dog is an energetic dog. I try to have a calmer energy around him knowing if I get agitated or hyped he will too (I also do lots of games and walks with him to help get his energy out). My mom isn't as good as moderating her energy and my dog has a tendency to get out of hand when it's just her in the room with him.>> <<@seanrosetta3079 says : I have a friend who has been doing this for decades. Basically, she is knowledgeable about dogs and cats and can usually offer some insights to clients. Delivering this information as 'psychic' is just more appealing to some people than more scientific packaging. The advice is sound. As someone with a lifelong disability, this enables her to be independent while helping people resolve behavioral issues with their pets.>> <<@jarredjacob2244 says : Lmao one day a group of friends and I were walking passed a psychic shop with my friends dog, and the ‘psychic’ said out loud, ‘I wish I would’ve known you were gunna walk by, I would’ve brought a dog treat!’ And all I could think was ‘not much of a psychic, huh?’ Lolol>> <<@micky_d_designer4743 says : Notice how it’s mostly women falling for these emotional scams 💀😂😂😂>>