says :
white people always have and always will be racist it's in their DNA
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Mrs. Owens. Sit down with Dr. Umar Johnson and have this discussion. Don't sit down with a member of the opposition and trivialize something so serious to "Black people "
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“They’re so stupid.” 💯
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Just because they are stupid doesn't mean they are not dangerous. Or that we should ignore racism. Or act like black people are over reacting.
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It’s hard not to pay attention and it’s even harder to pay attention to a racist because they’re so oblivious to humanity and their own suffering
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My dad was a horrible racist. ☹️
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People are dumb …….. You hearing that Bill???
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Fragmented conversation with constant interruptions.
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It's funny because Bill Maher is a Jewish supremacist
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Tells you not to be racist as he celebrates White America dying. Typical Jew.
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There will always be racist people
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A bigot is someone whos intolerant of others opinions and views, it dont have much to do with racism
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Bill is anti-intelligentist, bc he's only relevant to stupid people.
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Bill maher supporting genecide and say he is not rasist...lol
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Bill maher supporting genecide and say he is not rasist...lol
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How do you define "racism" ?
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Racism is an inferiority complex
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Immigrant and I think I’ve only ever met one genuinely racist white person. Honestly, I’ve had more of my fellow Black people be racist to me (African immigrant) than any white person ever has. Ignorant, yes. Racist, no. Not really
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As a white person I’ve always been scared of black people because where I’m from black people are the most racist people especially toward white people. Whenever I walk past a black person I avoid making eye contact because who knows what will go through their head they might say I looked at them weird and beat me up.
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We're going to all have to point the finger on social media here 💯
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Not "stupid"..So Ignorant!..Ignorance is the sickness...
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Technically Race Mixing is Racism when you actually break it down of which Candace has participated in.
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No Candace just because you married a white guy racism not dumb it is what it is not black prople faukt don’t b naive
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What’s funny to me about this content is that, she believes she knows it all and dare to call the ones that don’t think like her stupid?? So easy tíntala when she has not experienced what many of us have. Many many people have died and still due because of racism
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I love Candace beautiful smart educated classy lady ❤😍😍😍😍😍😍 okg 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
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As an old Sgt of Corrections I have met several from all races. Some of them were intelligent but most you had to wonder how they remembered to breathe
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Am black and black people are more racist
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Stupidest conversation I have ever heard.
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I never thought of it that way. But now that I think about, the more I just have to laugh at the lengths ACTUAL racists in history went to in order to belittle, harm, discriminate against Black people. Racism really is damn joke
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Y’all sound smart to an audience of stupid people! 😂 wtf
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I met this girl in this sober bar that we both regularly visited and she was such a bitch to me for seemingly no reason and I later found out she is like that to all white men in her words is triggered and uncomfortable when around them
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I worked with a crap load of them....they think it's normal and okay.
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Demonrats will keep racism alive because it's what keeps us divided. Imagine what would happen if we were just Americans working together. We wouldn't have government impeding on our right's. Wake up America, PLEASE!
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I’ve seen more racist blacks than whites in recent years. And I’ve been around for over six decades.
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In the end, everyone's racist to a certain point, but the most stupidest and everything is in only North America. That's where all basically comes from
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If you hear anyone say racist people aren't real then they are in denial or completely a lie... Everyone has said a black joke Mexican joke Chinese joke Jew joke Irish joke If you are in America racism is casual people are prejudice and don't even realize it or they are just in denial
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Every time I turn around bill is getting me all like how the hell the Candace Owens I know she's always been a piece of crap but hey know there's no racist in this country not at all that's why there's white supremist there's the KKK that's why black people get beat up by cops yeah there's no racism at all nope it's all in everybody's head yep that's what you want people to think don't you
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Candace-1 Bill-0 all day
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She's right. I have met an actual klan member before and he was a dumb SOB. You have to be a complete idiot to hate something just because of how it looks.
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She’s 100% right that racists are stupid people but that doesn’t mean they only exist in small numbers which is what she’s claiming. There are lots of racists people. The only reason they don’t act out is because they’re cowards and scared. They live in fear, in many ways being racist is living in fear. They care about what people think of them so they won’t say anything publically. But at home behind closed doors they talk just like their grandparents, great grandparents, parents etc. Back in the day it was acceptable to be vocal about it. When Trump became president it was acceptable to be vocal about it. So I’m not sure what version of the USA she lives in mentally but I always say, people experience different versions of the USA based on their beliefs. That’s true for her and anyone else.
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"MOST white people are not racist anymore..... but I'm so riddled with TDS that I'll say Trump definitely IS. Just because..."
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It's a difference in culture not race
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She’s telling the truth about stupid people, for sure!!! Some people claim to be racist but listen to black artists, love black athletes and yet, they think just because those particular black people are different from other black people. It’s hilariously STUPID.
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Yep...they are stupid. You hit the nail on the head Candice
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The Bible says the heart of man is evil. The only real hope is to come to God through Jesus then to pour out His agape love on others, no matter what they say or do.
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Teach About Egypt and things will improve
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I had a racist friend in her 40s that would constantly talk shit about Hispanics calling all of them MEXICANS and referred to me as Mexican as well knowing damn well I am of Guatemalan and Spanish decent, and would get so angry because I wanted to dye my hair Blonde. 😂 she would constantly tell me I wasn’t white and she didn’t know why Mexicans dyed their hair blonde and that we wanted to be white. Lmao too funny. Even more funny when she told me she didn’t know what the F a Mexican was until she came to California (she was from ohio)