<<@adriankoh4859 says : Hahaha suckers 😂>> <<@AdnanAhmed-ht8ey says : He's lost Muslim voters in general, who constitute a larger population than Arab alone.>> <<@b-i-b-l-ebasicinstructions5786 says : Besides Biden's green light from day one for the utter carnage of innocent Palestinian citizens, women and children being decimated by the iron-fisted occupation by the SOI (too late for your faking concern for Gazans now Joe and please everybody don't vote for Biden, not that Trump is any saint either!) there is this also about Genocide Joe: Sadly, Joe Biden is several noodles short of chow mein, as far as his mental cognition. Shame on Jill Biden for not demanding that her husband step down from the Presidency immediately to stop making him the laughing stock of the world. And for the good of America let someone who knows what time of day it is and even what day of the week it is for crying out loud, run as the Democratic party nominee against Trump. Another sign of his dementia issues being so stark is the fact that he gets angry when asked about it. Classic sign of those who suffer from some sort of dementia or Alzheimer's is they live in denial about it and lash out at the mere notion that they are displaying characteristics of a person battling the disease. Run Joe Run. Please at nonce run away from the presidential race here in 2024.>> <<@kcsweatman6593 says : Biden is an evil man, coming and going, pure evil.>> <<@conscienceboldold1 says : ❤❤❤ BEFORE 1947 BRITISH BRANDED INDIANS AS INDIAN TERRORIST BUT INDIAN CALLED THEMSELVES AS FREEDOM FIGHTER AND BRITISH SAID THAT INDIAN TERRORIST CHANTED SLOGAN *** QUIT INDIA *** *** *** AMERICA BRANDED AFGHANIS AS TERRORIST BUT AFGANISTANIS CONSIDERED THEMSELVES AS FREEDOM FIGHTER OF AFGHANISTAN AND NOW A DAYS THESE AFGHANIS GOVERNING AFGHANISTAN *** BEFORE 1971 PAKISTAN BRANDED EST PAKISTANIS ( NOW BANGLADESH ) AS TERRORIST BUT INDIA CALLED EST PAKISTANIS MUKTY BAHINY MEANS FREEDOM FIGHTER. INDIA BACKED AND SUPPORTED THESE MUKTY BAHINY YEAR 1971 INDIA TRAINED THESE MUKTY BAHINY HANDED OVER AMMUNITION FUNDED THEM, PREPARED & PROVIDED LUNCHING PAD IN INDIAN TERRITORY FOR MUKTY BAHINY TO ATTACK PAKISTAN ARMY IN 1971.*** IN INDIAN TERRITORY KASHMIR , WHEN KASHMIRIS FIGHT FOR FREEDOM WITH INDIAN ARMY INDIA BRANDES LABELLES KASHMIRI AS TERRORIST BUT KASHMIRIS CALLED THEMSELF FREEDOM FIGHTERS***PAKISTAN ALSO CONSIDER THEM AS KASHMIRI FREEDOM FIGHTER,, SO,, ON THE ONE SIDE SOME ONE FIGHTING FOR LIBERATE THEIR HOMELAND THEY ARE CALLED & LABELLED AS FREEDOM FIGHTERS AND ON THE OTHER HAND OCCUPIER ALWAYS CALL THEM TERRORIST DUE TO HIDE THEIR BLUNDER PLEASE NOTE.❤❤❤ GLORY TO PALESTINE FREEDOM FIGHTERS ❤❤❤ VICTORY ✌️OF PALESTINIANS IS INEVITABLE ❤ *WE ALL KNOW THE HISTORY OF SOUTH AFRICA , NELSON MANDELA WHEN HE FOUGHT FOR THE FREEDOM , HE WAS CALLED AS TERRORIST NUMBER ONE , AND IMPRISON IN ROBBEN ISLAND FOR MORE THAN 25 YEARS BUT INDIANS CALLED HIM FREEDOM FIGHTER. INDIANS CALLED THE BHAGAT SINGH AS A FREEDOM FIGHTER NOT A TERRORIST. THE AMERICANS, THEY CALLED GEORGE WASHINGTON NOT AS A TERRORIST. SAME WAY TODAY WHEN MUSLIMS BROTHERS IN PALESTINE THEY ARE PROTECTING THE THIRD HOLIEST PLACE OF ISLAM AND WHEN THEY ARE FIGHTING FOR THE FREEDOM MOST OF THE WESTERN WORLD AND ISRAEL ARE CALLING THEM TERRORIST BUT WE ALL HONEST PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD CALL THEM AS FREEDOM FIGHTERS, EXCEPT HYPOCRITES AND DISHONEST PEOPLE.* ❤*** *DID YOU KNOW THAT THE FORMER CHIEF OF THE ISRAEL DEFENSE STAFF FOUR MONTHS AGO COMPARED THE SITUATION IN THE PALESTINIANS IN THE WEST BANK TO THAT OF THE JEWS IN NAZI GERMANY, BECAUSE IN THAT NOT THE GENOCIDE. THAT'S NOT WHAT HE WAS TALKING ABOUT* , *HE WAS TALKING ABOUT BEFORE THE WAR WHERE THE NAZI BROWNSHIRTS THE THUGS COULD ATTACK JEWS AND DESTROY JEWISH HOMES AND SHOPS AND ASSAULT JEWS WITH IMPUNITY WHEN THE POLICE SHOWED UP THEY SUPPORTED NAZI. AND THE FORMER DEPUTY CHIEF OF THE ISRAELI DEFENSE STAFF SAID **WE ARE DOING THE SAME THING TO THE PALESTINIANS, WHEN SETTLERS SHOW UP TO HARASS AND EVEN KILL PALESTINIANS IN THE WEST BANK , THE ARMY SHOWS UP PROTECT THE SETTLERS*** *ISRAEL EXPLOITED PALESTINIAN AND SYSTEMATICALLY, HARMED OPPRESSED PALESTINIANS 🥲🥲🥲*10,000 TEN THOUSAND PALESTINIANS WOMEN AND CHILDREN HAVE BEEN HELD HOSTAGE IN ISRAELI PRISONS FOR DECADES NOW DECADES OF THIS NORMALIZED OF THEM BEING TRIAL IN OCCUPATION ISRAELI MILITARY COURTS, THE ONLY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD THAT TRIALS CHILDREN IN OCCUPATION ISRAELI MILITARY COURTS SOME OF THESE KIDS WERE IMPRISONED 8 EIGHT YEARS AGO THEY ARE NOW ADULTS, LOT OF THEM DETAINED WITHOUT TRIAL FOR YEARS . MOREOVER THESE KIDS PARENTS HAS NO ACCESS TO VISIT THEIR CHILDREN IN PRISONS***.*TORTURE & KILLING OF PALESTINIANS PRISONERS ARE COMMON IN ISRAELI PRISON. SOME OF PALESTINIAN PRISONER DIES IN PRISON DUE TO HARD TORTURE*** *WE ALL HONEST PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD CONDEMN ISRAEL FOR SUCH HENIOUS CRIMES*** *EXCEPT DISHONEST & HYPOCRITE* **** * *VERY STRANGE* *BUT TRUE THAT *AMERICA OR WESTERS HAS NOT CONDEMNED ISRAEL YET FOR SUCH HENIOUS CRIMES* *AND THIS YEAR BEFORE OCTOBER THE 7TH 2023., OVER 250 PALESTINIANS HAD BEEN KILLED BY THE OCCUPATION ISRAELI ARMY AND THE SETTLERS IN THE WEST BANK INCLUDING CHILDREN **** *IT IS PATHETIC,, BUT TRUE THAT WESTERNS & AMERICA,, HAS NOT BEEN CONDEMNED YET BUT EXPECTING & ASKING FOR CONDEMNATION FROM OTHERS FOR OCTOBER 7 , 2023 MISHAP* *MOREOVER THIS STUFF IS NOT REPORTED IN THE WESTERN PRESS YET*ALAS ALAS **😢😢 *THIS YEAR OF 2023 IT HAS BEEN PROVED BY BOMBARDMENT BY OCCUPATION ISRAELI ARMY IN GAZA & OTHER TERRITORIES OF PALESTINE KILLING CIVILIANS CONDUCTING GENOCIDE SUPPORTED BY AMERICA AND WESTERNS ,, IT IS PROVED THAT ISRAEL IS A TERRORIST STATE 😮 TO PREVAIL PEACE, ESTABILITY, PROSPERITY AND DEVELOPMENT IN ISRAEL AND PALESTINE IT IS CRUCIAL TO ESTABLISH TWO STATE SOLUTION THAT IS STATE OF PALESTINE AND STATE OF ISRAEL OTHERWISE IT IS QUITE IMPOSSIBLE FOR PEACE PROSPERITY AND DEVELOPMENT IN ISRAEL.* ❤❤❤ *DID YOU KNOW AN OPEN AIR PRISON 2.2 MILLION PALESTINIANS LIVE IN HALF OF THEM CHILDREN THEY ARE NOW WITHOUT FOOD & WATER , ELECTRICITY, FUEL AND THEY ARE BEING BOMBED BY OCCUPATION ISRAELI AIR STRIKE, IN THE NAME OF SO CALLED THAT ISRAEL HAS RIGHT TO SELF DEFENCE,, BEHIND THE NAME OF SELF DEFENCE ISRAEL IS CONDUCTING GENOCIDE OF UNARMED INNOCENT VULNERABLE UNDEFENCE WEAK POOR PALESTINIAN( CIVILIAN)* *SRAELI ARMY ARE COWARD & TIKTOK ARMY WHO CAN HARASS,TORTURE, ASSAULT, OPPRESS, TO RAPE & KILLS CIVILIAN THOSE WHO ARE UNARMED INNOCENT PALESTINIAN, FAMILY, WOMEN AND CHILDREN*. ❤️❤️❤️ *DID YOU KNOW THE ROOT CAUSE OF CONFLICT BETWEEN ISRAEL AND PLAESTINE NOT STARTED TODAY RATHER IT HAD BEEN STARTED SINCE 1948 BY ISRAEL BY OCCUPATION ETHINIC CLEANSING ATROCITY OPPRESSION MASSCRE GENOCIDE OF PALESTINIANS SINCE 1948* 😢😢😢 *ISRAEL'S PEACE , PROSPERITY AND DIGNITY IS DORMANT IN ESTABLISHING STATE OF PALESTINE SOON, NO OTHER WAY AND NO OTHER OPTION*❤❤❤ ❤*THEY CAME TO OUR LAND ❤ THEY STOLEN OUR HOME ❤ THEY DECIMATES OUR PALESTINE❤ WHEN WE FIGHT BACK❤ THEY CALL US TERRORIST* ** (❤*TERRORIST ALWAYS SAVE THEMSELVES BY BLAMING & BRANDING OTHERS AS TERRORIST*❤ ISRAEL PURSUING THE SAME TACTICS ❤) IT IS ISRAEL'S STATE TERRORISM NO DOUBT AT ALL 😢 ISRAEL IS A WELL EQUIPPED WITH LATEST AMMUNITION TERRORIST STATE.*** BOMBARDING ON UNARMED INNOCENT PALESTINIANS & KILLING THEM *** ISRAEL AMERICA & WESTERNS CELEBRATING AND ENJOYING GENOCIDE OF PALESTINIANS* 😢😢😢 AMERICA IS COMPLICIT IN THIS ON GOING PALESTINIANS GENOCIDE. UNITED STATE OF AMERICA AIDING & ABETTING ISRAEL FOR PALESTINIANS GENOCIDE😢😢😢 AMERICA IS DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR PALESTINIANS GENOCIDE 😢😢 😢😢ISRAEL'S CRIMES HAS NOT BEEN STARTED FROM TODAY ,, RATHER ISRAEL CRIME HAD BEEN STARTED WITH ATROCITY ,, OCCUPATION OF PALESTINIANS HOMELAND ,, OPPRESSION, HATRED ,, MASSACRE ,, GENOCIDE SINCE 1948 *** ADOLF HITLER GENOCIDE ISRAELIS WHILE THEY DIDN'T HAD LAND THESE PALESTINIANS GAVE THEM LAND , EMBRACED AND WELCOMED ISRAELIS BUT ALAS , ISRAELIS ARE UNGRATEFUL TO PLASTINIANS *** THESE ISRAELIS HAS FORGOTTEN HITLER'S MASSACRE FORGOT PALESTINIANS GRATITUDE THAT PALESTINIANS GAVE THEM LAND WHILE HITLER WAS KILLING THEM. ISRAELIS PROVED THAT THEY ARE NOT CIVILIZED THEY KILL THEM THOSE WHO GAVE THEM SHELTERS😢😢😢 ISRAEL ALWAYS PORTRAIT BAD IMAGE OF PALESTINE AND PALESTINIANS BY PROPAGANDA AND SHOW THEMSELVES AS VICTIMS SINCE 1948 TO TAKE THE SYMPATHY AND ADVANTAGE FROM THE WORLD BUT THE TRUTH IS OPPOSITE OF THAT ,, THE REALITY IS THAT PALESTINIANS ARE VICTEMS SINCE 1948 WHICH DEBUNK NOW A DAYS BY WORLD SOCIAL MEDIA. 🥲☝🏻🥲🥲>> <<@adnahassa9616 says : i’m a muslim american and my whole family ain’t voting for him 2024>> <<@Hesham_MK says : Any meeting or support to Genocide - Biden is a crime to humanity>> <<@DavidHernandez-ef7kg says : Senile joe>> <<@clintbryant5060 says : Why am I not surprised, he's complicit with Israel and all those civilian death where he had the chance to do something and did the opposite, he's shot himself in the foot.>> <<@WES-z5m says : Not true. Arab Americans in Michigan are beginning to support Trump. This actually makes me lean toward Trump>> <<@davedon260 says : Arabs can take their votes and put it somewhere.>> <<@fischook1238 says : VOTE HIM OUT>> <<@fischook1238 says : VOTE BIDEN OUT>> <<@fischook1238 says : ....VOTE BIDEN OUT OF OFFICE. THIS MAN SUPPORTS THE MASS MURDER AND GENOCIDE OF ALL MUSLIM WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN GAZA. BIDEN DOES NOT DESERVE TO KEEP HIS JOB AS PRESIDENT. YOU DO NOT SLAUGHTER AND KILL DEFENSELESS PEOPLE. AS A CHRISTIAN I AM DISGUSTED WITH HIM. HE IS A RACIST TOWARDS THE PALESTINIANS. I URGE ALL MUSLIMS TO VOTE AS A BLOCK IN STATES LIKE MICHIGAN AND NEW JERSEY TO DENY HIM THE PRESIDENCY. IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE TO ETHINCALLY CLEANSE AND EXTERMINATE MUSLIM PEOPLE. HE NEEDS TO BE FIRED FROM HIS JOB AS PRESIDENT. VOTE HIM OUT.....>> <<@ЗуляВалиева-ъ4я says : От байдена подальше надо жить 😅 он 🐀 везде лезит что плохому людям он неделей и крысы тож такой😅>> <<@dthrust9037 says : Y’all notice how the TYT fans don’t go full unmasked with the racism with Arabs the way they do black people when we talk about abandoning Biden?>> <<@Mariam-wg2ip says : Yes it’s true most Americans people are a good people>> <<@leg414 says : As a president, you cannot just support just one side...Especially people of color and other ethnicities.Peace>> <<@TruthRules2 says : Watch for the coming, financial disaster as we fund genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza! The rich, like the orange cow pie, have avoided paying 99% of US taxes for decades through foreign, tax shelter trusts due to their utter selfishness and US politicians' utter corruption. They will now get it: their banks are hurt badly because they lent on no-guarantee basis to cronies' single asset subsidiaries to buy now-failing malls and retailers (also to invest in CCP ponzi companies,) LOL. Once those become unviable, the single asset subsidiaries go into bankruptcy! The bankers holding the no-recourse loans to cronies' subsidiaries (which will be abandoned into bankruptcy once they lose enough) better learn yoga. That way, in months, they can learn to bend enough to kiss themselves goodbye! The OTHER BIG problem many banks face is they made themselves gigantic to compel the US government to bail them out or ensure their "Fed" cartel does so without governmental opposition. Read Simon Johnson's "The Quiet Coup." In seeking enlargement, they made stupid investments: it was easy to foresee interest rates coming up from historic lows, so they could have computed the NPV of their holdings versus their potential investments, if they had invested in callable loans to solvent, not-over-leveraged companies NOT just in those owned by their cronies. Many banks are now also way too big for the US alone to bailout! Search for a listing of major bank liabilities/assets in 2023! LOL Discounting by current interest rates most banks' GINORMOUS, asset portfolios' future streams of income would result in most banks realizing that their assets already dropped sharply in value. Trillions lost!?? What then? At minimum, they will need to fire-sell their ginormous direct and indirect (via real estate secured loans) holdings of real estate and thus, plunge markets! Those real estate "assets" of banks will then sell for mere cents per dollar of book value now! MSN had a story "Half of America's banks are potentially insolvent..." in May 2023. How many now? 90%?! Read also about FDIC's fund, options, and bail ins for a laugh. LOL Read Investopedia, "Why bank Bail ins are the new bailouts" and about Dodd Frank Act bail ins. Read about how their "Federal" (actually privately owned) Reserve cartel gave bankers over $16 TRILLION in Fed audit by Sen. Bernie Sanders. Nationalize all legally insolvent banks NOW, before they fail by buying each for $3 paid by Medicare to later help the US government fund it, after audits to ascertain the hundreds that are now insolvent, so they will help to pay the over $210-11 TRILLION in US liabilities per Forbes' article. Enough with repeatedly bailing out the recklessly run banks of the greedy rich!!!!!>> <<@MOZAHABI says : Electile Dysfunction 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@dannylesbile8592 says : Off topic I noticed that most politicians are anti Union accept for government civil service unions who's workers are lazy and don't serve the people their supposed to n I feel if they keep negotiating their responsibility they don't deserve union protection>> <<@dannylesbile8592 says : Arab American support Trump now?>> <<@rahimunnisabegum5673 says : Felt good to hear the true statements by the news reporter. whenever I watch the news I ask myself are we civilized? some head of the countries are standing against it. future generation will condemn these rulers. Infrastructure can be built within short time but feelings of the people who lost their loved ones can not be recovered.>> <<@88Expert says : 11:12 Israel have the right to defend themselves but not in this situation.>> <<@88Expert says : Can we bit have a 47 president?>> <<@JustusWaters says : 10:18 And then he got shot, by a lone nut...>> <<@rackiaa3715 says : This Arab American will NOT vote for Biden!>> <<@suedavis3525 says : Serves him right for aiding and abetting genocide>> <<@enigocanizares2167 says : Well said.>> <<@HabibBenamara-n2y says : فورا.اقفو.الحرم.اوقفو.الحرم.لا.لزم.لها.ابدا>> <<@HabibBenamara-n2y says : مستر.بيدن.هل.الحرب.بين.اسرانيل.والفلسطين.حرب.متاكفيه.اما.الخفي.فيعلمه.الا.الله.وحده.انا.انت.ارها.حرب اباده.جماعيه.اهذا.عدل.يامستر.بيدن.ام.تنذر.بعين.واحد.بارجتين.منهم.واحده.ناويه.راسين.علي.شواطي.اسرانيل.انت.حكم.لتحكم.بين.المتخاصمين.لا.تدخل.الحرب.بثقلك.هذا.هاذه.لارهاب.بعينه.وتشكون.من.لارهاب.جنودكم.المشاركين.في.العمليات.مثل.فريق.الدلتا.انذر.الي.الي.المسالل.بعقلانيه.لا.للعاطفه.اعلمكم.انكم.علي.الصهيونيه.العالميه>> <<@vanderbeekaisha says : doesnt America have a president that brings peace and prosper to the world as a superpower rather then being warmongering,hypocritical,doesnt help their own citizens rather in aiding genocide,mass destruction, murdering, we are so done with 40s,50s,60s,70s, 80s,90s imperialism and colonialism and even now ..>> <<@mohdmokhtar7361 says : kepada semua umat manusia walau ape pun bangsa,agama,warna kulit, cuba kita sama sama baca laporan daripada WHO tentang keadaan hospital ,keadaan kakitangan hospital,keadaan ambulan dan lain lain dari 7 oktober hingga sekarang..pihak WHO telah mengeluarkan laporan tentang keadaan masa itu. tak perlu nak panggil wartawan tak perlu nak dengar ape yang diperkata kan tentera israel...lihat dulu laporan dari WHO...>> <<@cramsa says : Welcome to REALITY… the mainstream politicians DO NOT CARE ABOUT PEACE because war is big business. WAKE UP!!!!>> <<@cramsa says : It’s amazing this vegetable even has ANY SUPPORT outside the oligarchs who supports mass murder and war.>> <<@mohamedbarry6810 says : Democrats are hypocrites.. I have decided not to vote democratic again.>> <<@shamsGlobal says : How can he run henis dying and unable to think the sckjool tracer needs to Place him in a retired home he is burden>> <<@lex400h9 says : THE US HAS DONE THE SAME THING THAT THE IDF IS DOING IN PALESTINE. THE US HAS KILLED CLOSE TO A MILLION PEOPLE IN AFGHANISTAN, SYRIA, IRAQ AND OTHER MULISM AND AFRICAN COUNTRIES>> <<@lex400h9 says : JOE BIDEN IS DONE. HE IS LOSING SUPPORT AMONG BLACKS, LATINOS, ARABS AND MUSLIMS.>> <<@pablofont1038 says : American are people of good will but their gvt deception of the truth to then is driving then down the cliff>> <<@Cristian_M_ says : Building wealth involves developing good habits like regularly putting money away in intervals for solid investments. Financial management is a crucial topic that most tend to shy away from, and ends up haunting them in the near future… I pray that anyone who is reading this will be successful in his or her life!!!,..,.,.>> <<@NN-jl8dm says : You keep saying Hamas is the problem .. how about the west bank ? there is no Hamas in the west bank but you still kill Palestinians by the dozens every year..>> <<@thetrainmon says : Uh, didn't Dubya go on to start a campaign that killed 100s of thousands of civilian Iraqis as retaliation for the 2500ish on 9/11, even though Saudi Arabia and Iran were behind it? Yeah, let's not give him too much credit for being pragmatic--more like a broken clock that was sometimes right. Same thing with Reagan. Again, broken clock; but let's not forget he AND his insufferable wife pulled their proverbial pants down and took a big old dump on the LGBTQ community when it came to the AIDS Epidemic, leading to thousands of lives lost.>> <<@frederickcazley7480 says : Biden is one off the worst president i every seen black will sets this one out my son first-time voters tell me Biden suck>> <<@SirBullet754 says : I can't wait for President Trump to be elected again>> <<@SirBullet754 says : I don't care about Palestinians. They celebrated 9/11 and they support Hamas. So in this case I'm completely on the side of Israel.>> <<@SirBullet754 says : I really wish Trump would have implemented the TOTAL travel ban he proposed in 2015, the one he did was ok but not enough. I don't understand why western countries allow in people that hate the west. We should follow Hungary's example. Poland, Japan, and some Latin American countries don't let dangerous individuals in their lands either. But liberals keep allowing these people in.>> <<@shafslam4785 says : As a Muslim, killing innocent civilians, children, the elderly, damaging churches and places of worship is totally against our beliefs. I have all religious denominations in my family ( Muslim, Christian and Jews ).The irony is that most wars in the modern day is started on lies. The impact of modern day media can not be underestimated. If you have funds you can make the whole world believe in your narrative. The truth of 7th Oct will eventually come out. I believe that Hamas has killed civilians on that day, and so have they done in the past but I believe lies has been spread about that day to justify what Israel are doing since 7th Oct. questions should be asked as why this response from Israel? Remembering back to the fabricated reasons for the invasion of Iraq, this sounds very familiar to me. Looking at the photos and videos of the so called Hamas attack I am wondering how could lightly armed men do that amount of damage. Looking at the damaged cars, etc, it looks like they have been taken to by cannon fire from tanks or helicopters. These are the questions that needs to be asked.Time will reveal the true reasons behind this. We need to look at what is being said and what is being done. Actions speaks louder than words. I love this show and I would suggest TYT ( Anna and Genk ) do I little more enquiries from other sources. Keep up the good work guys.>> <<@mohamedhaneef4392 says : Wold terarist.baidan a natha nyyaahoo averriy con try Rimenbars>> <<@abunilemedia9235 says : I am not Arab but I am not voting for Democrats 2024. I been voting for Democrats since 2002>>