<<@IanChristopherson-t9v says : When do we turn from reactionary politics to actually taking action?>> <<@auroranite says : Oh as if we didn’t see this coming. Of course they look at guns vs the Man’s mental Health status. Law abiding citizens in the Millions legally carry Guns every day without incident. IF any of the Lewiston victims were carrying a firearm they may have survived, able to defend themselves, at least had a chance.>> <<@headswillroll89 says : Who cares what ben gleib thinks wtf woulf you allow him to anchor your show... wtf, 3000 kids in palestine arent different to those in Israel>> <<@coronamae8246 says : Really? Does anyone see whats happening in countries that are not allowing armed citizens? Yall are fools>> <<@detheroc57 says : Meanwhile millions and millions of gun owners committed no crimes.>> <<@dtsai says : It's a Republic, not a dictatorship. Every state gets to Choose their laws because one size shoe does not fit all. Why? Because once they run out of big things to change they will start passing laws to control minor things. You can see this happen in countries like China where laws don't make sense for your region. Imagine manditory snow and ski laws for Florida. You don't think it will happen? You bet it will happen because that's how lawyers make money by screening up all the laws.>> <<@titlexist5526 says : Ben Gleib is a Zionist genocide denier and Cenk gave him TYT!>> <<@AllanBell-o4q says : Maine 95% white not a black Bible study.>> <<@NoAnimosity91 says : I live in Maine. It’s a very gun friendly state. Unfortunately they’re not going anywhere.>> <<@YousufAhmad0 says : The numbers of Jewish people went down in countries all over the world, not just in Arab countries, after Jewish people decided to emigrate from those countries to occupy the country of Palestine.>> <<@ibnfarooq8046 says : Got to admit I’m in a state of shock. I’ve never heard the arguments before that are being presented below. And I can’t refute them. If we ban AR15’s. We give that much more power to the government over us. Leaving a potential right wing government that much more power should they get voted in. Sorry but I’m out!! Not supporting that>> <<@samadana821 says : Listen you all. The people in charge where I live can’t even keep us safe from drug dealers in my neighborhood. To even suggest to me they will keep me safe if we ban more guns is just laughable and silly. Sorry but I don’t believe it!>> <<@JohnnyJPatt says : You hardline progressives are so interesting with some of your demands and proposals. So you are saying to me A WORKER. “An American part of the working class” the same government who can’t even balance a budget or adequately represent the people “in any effective manner” should have a monopoly on the use of force against us by having all forms of superior weaponry. And disarming all of us giving a potential right wing government that much more power to use against us. It’s at times like this you need to stop and think!! And not react with emotions especially if it’s popular to do so at times like this. A well armed and well trained working class is needed now more than ever in such times of political corruption. There are ways to handle this. But blanket bans are not it.>> <<@philliphessel6788 says : What the heck is up with TYT lately going haywire with apparently arbitrary deletion of comments?>> <<@FearMyLadyBits says : what was up with that ASL interpreter? the faces she was making while signing😂😂😂.>> <<@jjsc4396 says : No worries, he’ll flip back to pro-gun tomorrow and/or not actually DO anything legislation-wise. He’s a waffling DNC stooge.>> <<@hunternedib1119 says : I will bet his next election will be a complete disaster!>> <<@ruthcyr4407 says : I'm so proud of Jared Golden.>> <<@Dennisrader-ff9gv says : Lets be honest, you are afraid of guns you are afraid of death and you are all cowards. Can you even call yourself an american?🤔>> <<@roland1912 says : Stop deleting my goddamn comments, jesus christ.>> <<@garwynrosser8907 says : They don't want red flags... Because most people would raise a red flag.>> <<@bugsy9007 says : Benedict Biden asks, "Who needs a high capacity rifle?". There is a very simple answer to that question after what we just saw in Israel. People who were being dragged out of their homes by a hostile, invading force obviously needed high-capacity assault weapons.>> <<@Dead_Z says : ❤️‍🔥Thank you so much for covering this since some of my other favorite creatures have not at all. As a mainer, it is very appreciated. Thank you🙏❤️‍🔥>> <<@Dennisrader-ff9gv says : I hope the skinnies get ya.>> <<@Dennisrader-ff9gv says : Book burning anti free speech nazis tyt.>> <<@derekgoncz7970 says : Why is tyt who gets to define who is and isn’t segregated from their party?>> <<@GX328382 says : NOPE you will not be taking my guns thank you very much>> <<@mak88119 says : Are you going to give up your guns? Strange how they don't want to prosecute criminals but want to disarm you. I've seen how well Democrats are at managing crime in their cities.>> <<@albertmooney2628 says : i dont agree with banning guns, guns are safe as long as they are used correctly. we need to mandate gun education, training, safety and licensing. and hold legal gun owners accountable for letting criminals, psychopaths and toddlers use their guns.>> <<@Alknight7 says : Correct me if I’m wrong. 1- this guy is a democrat. 2- didn’t Obama pass gun reform, then Trump got rid of it?>> <<@graceleeheart840 says : Finally>> <<@robertmiller32 says : Can someone please explain to me a gun law other than a outright ban that is going to do anything at all to help because i am not sure if you understand this but criminals do not abide bye the law that wuld be why they are called criminals.>> <<@philliphessel6788 says : On one hand, the proposition would be _directly_ of minimal consequence, as handguns are evidently the weapons in the vast majority of murders and would also serve for spectacular mass shootings if the perpetrators were not so preoccupied with following fashion. On the other hand, the legal prohibition could have _indirect_ positive influence beyond that. It could be a significant step toward the critical mass needed to pass more comprehensive reforms. When there’s a synergy between formal law and cultural norms, the shift in a single generation can be very dramatically to fewer people wanting to break the law in the first place.>> <<@melissak358 says : Gun control BS from the commie democrook / Biden who keep the borders wide open Democrooks and Biden are deliberately keeping the U.S. border open Feeding luring them with trillions $ printed $ disguised under covid relied act social programs and services. Now you know why democrooks pushing "No voter ID's " "Voting right bills" and amnesty. Now you know why illegal no jobs just wandering across borders can make it easy in U.S. and you suffer inflation (printed $ feeding them to dilute your $.)>> <<@Energymangement says : It's all about the money>> <<@lopez8871 says : NO gun legislation was ever passed when the dems had a Super Majority?obama has a couple years, dirtbag biden had a couple of years? SO WTF why not!!>> <<@bcoates87 says : I wish the host of this segment felt empathy for the innocent Palestinian people. How does he not see the irony in his own words?>> <<@4idhero798 says : Remember when toilet paper ran out at the start of the pandemic and it was hard to find anywhere, even for some who wasn't gonna use it to wipe their ass but wanted to toilet paper a house?>> <<@MyDigitalDiaries1111 says : Check out the sign language interpreter facial expressions I honestly thought this was SNL skit😂😂😂😂 But Maine will be in prayers🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾❤❤❤❤>> <<@k311in says : How about working on the root cause of this? Which is a mental health issue and not the tools used>> <<@RandyBugger says : *I never thought leopards would eat **_MY_** face!*>> <<@990mustang says : Even though this won’t stop criminals getting them.>> <<@truhhhhhhhokIII3 says : I thought this was gonna be another story about a sign language interpreter foolin again by the looks of the lady conducting a full facial orchestra for the deaf at the beginning>> <<@travman1987 says : I hope it works as good as the war on drugs did>> <<@apm9151 says : Collective Punishment??>> <<@ZKuran says : If or in this case, a matter of when it starts to happen to more politicians and their families, will we ever see a change in gun laws>> <<@noigelskram2435 says : Criticism of the left's protected classes is considered hate speech. We might as well keep going!>> <<@heavyarms55 says : Funny that this guy would say something like "funny, it only matters if it hits your community" this is the same guy who is outraged by what Hamas did to Israel but 100% in favor of what Israel is doing in revenge. But the point does stand. Americans do truly only care when it happened to them. That much is true.>> <<@Millbro82 says : Disagree. Not taking yes and an answer is kind of dumb. Does it matter how a Pearson comes over to your side? As long as they are in the end?>> <<@romulus463 says : Let's trade the horrible gun laws of Maine for the utopian non gun violence of New York, California, Illinois, New Jersey and all the other jurisdictions that has strict gun laws. *Sarcasm* 20 deaths by gun violence is an average weekend in Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco and many other cities controlled by Democrats.>>