<<@heatheruntz5315 says : Police aren't good guys with guns, moron. So when these shootings happen you want to make sure potential victims are disarmed even though you point out Police not being helpful in these shootings.>> <<@matty9460 says : I'm pretty certain tyt always show the shooter if the shooter is white>> <<@truhhhhhhhokIII3 says : Lol with clarences logic all computer and car crimes are totally fine!>> <<@CH-zm4jb says : I lost the remaining brain cells i had left from listening to you clowns!!>> <<@MyodbHW24_USA says : The idea that the 2nd amendment is an absolute is absurd. The Constitution was designed to be changed as our country evolves and changes with the times, but the gun lobbyists think otherwise. But damn it, we are gonna make sure voting is as difficult as possible!>> <<@jayterry9759 says : The most shocking thing in all of this is that this year's deadliest shooting only has 18 casualties>> <<@Copyrightme81 says : More money from the NRA to representatives.>> <<@moroniccolonic3959 says : I'm not sure why this keeps automatically playing after my videos but y'all are wild. You cant legislate your way out of this. It's a mental health issue. The dude with the wooden teeth would have thought an ar is amazing lol>> <<@T.R.A.P.7843 says : Blacks unleash their violence on each other and so do Whites Clearly - But whites Punish everybody with Intent - Blacks May aim for 1 target of intent but Strike several in their ill attempt - Idk man, Whites Vs Blacks Ill take my chances with Blacks ->> <<@UpsideDownCanoe says : why you got 2 boomerangs on you forehead?>> <<@stephenlukcasy9047 says : This feels like Uvalde cops didn't respond because the shooter had an AR-15 cops stayed away.>> <<@marioquarrie648 says : Guns dont kill people .People kill people>> <<@romanmartinez6458 says : I love America but the constitution isn't perfect. Obviously with the amount of amendments but it needs a reality check. A progressive reworking, to more so fit this day in age.>> <<@Sport8721 says : What is maddening is we talk about how bad Republicans are but Democrats have had the chance and they won’t pass laws either. Our elected officials are shit>> <<@CloseTheBorder-l6q says : Not a high powered rifle, you f-cking liars. (One of the lowest powered rifles ever made) The only reason the shooters face was shown, is because he is white and not BL-CK.>> <<@MartiG83 says : TYT is garbage.>> <<@jaredthomas419 says : Somebody activated this guy. Psy-ops, he heard voices telling him to shoot people. Wow, right as "we the people" are getting fed up with our government and the rich across the globe.😮 No way. Hmmmm, I smell absolute BS. Im not a big conspiracy guy. This doesnt add up. It never makes sense, but this reall doesnt smell right.>> <<@JimLayhe-ov4lv says : Lies and corruption>> <<@ambriaharris4821 says : White on white crime. If he would've just gotten a job, he wouldn't have time to be shooting.>> <<@ambriaharris4821 says : America chooses white supremacy over safety.>> <<@joelsloane2033 says : It does matter how much more are we goingbyo arm ourselves in order to "fight back" an armed attack, these guys will always go to places where people mostly are not armed at all and are vulnerable. We know what the solution or at least the most likely.>> <<@Nastydealerr says : White supremacist news report keeps putting "Allegedly" accuse of shooting when we all can clearly see the guy on camera shooting You can always expect you white supremacist news channels and outlets to cover for your own. Try to make him sound like a saint every time. It's a mass shooter you're always fixated on who the guy wasn't how you could be in all types of bullshit that aint got nothing to do with him killing people can't make this shit up. You 🤡's easy to spot.👀>> <<@jasonsmithbey1241 says : MK Ultra>> <<@seonwallace says : Mental health my ass nigga knew what he was doing. I'm surprised the media didn't say he was raised in a single black home.>> <<@BILL-vi7vd says : These people are DIXIECRATS / DEMOCRATS NOT A GOOD PARTY>> <<@BILL-vi7vd says : Protect yourself. because the government can't GOVERNMENT is a FICTION Only PEOPLE that's FREE in the United States corporation is state citizens 14th AMMENDMENT CITIZEN are LEGAL SLAVES>> <<@Darkeiser.7 says : You know. YOU KNOW! The NRA has congress by the balls.>> <<@shawnblackwell5907 says : I never understood how you can put legislation on abortion but not nut cases getting guns in their hands. According to their statistics, abortion kills more children than anything else. I'm not against the 2nd, but certain individuals should not have access to firearms period! In the case of abortion, how many children and women are molested and incested from r@pe! When I first read about "no legal minimum age for marriage in certain states, I was sickened,these are the same states that have government officials who've had underaged physical contact with children and are trying to protect the offenders. Yet,any other male would've been prosecuted for this crime. And females definitely go scott free for this same crime. Let's call a spade a spade,men don't even report domestic abuse,in fear that it makes them look weak and cowardly,yet, you see incident after incident of women deleting their spouses and boyfriends live on the Internet because they are leaving them and/ or they've reported them for domestic abuse. Our society needs a huge mental screening as to whom we are allowing to carry weapons. But to be honest, you may as well ban driving and other things people do normally, since they are used as weapons also. Let's do simple and not nonsensical solutions, keys are weapons too,straws and many other things people use on the daily bases and not just men. Women are poison ing their husbands and boyfriends with antifreeze by putting it in the things they eat and drink, this has been going on for decades. Yet that's not it's original use, but we don't ban it! Guns don't delete people, people delete people, and if you can show me one case of anything inanimate deleting people without a person, show me! Anything inanimate deleting people without human help, show me, name one case, PLEASE do! Now how far should we go, let's ban cars, since they delete more people than guns! Dui,,ovi and just plain blatant racism. How about just because if they can't have you,then no one else will? How about, texting and driving, being on the phone and not paying attention driving? How far do,,z we go with this? We do have lives and certain liberties,why must all suffer from the actions of a certain group of people who are out of control?>> <<@Jay-xw9ll says : I don't know how Americans put up with this. Do Americans think about possibly being shot every time they leave their houses?>> <<@hareth3911 says : 1 mental health issue . 2 gun owning . Both>> <<@smogtv4515 says : Imagine these "officer safety" cowards can't even find a mass shooter for hours. What are their usefulness in the community but to extort money from citizens for traffic stops and victimless crimes.>> <<@imnotmike says : Heard they found him dead in a dumpster near his old job.>> <<@SGlenn97 says : This country’s leaders sure don’t mind hundreds of crazed lunatics buying military grade level weapons. When the charts show that the highest rated cause of death for children is by guns, there is something seriously wrong. Those who defend the second amendment religiously are just as evil simply because they choose to completely overlook actual dead children. All just to be able to own a firearm that they don’t need and will never use it for self defense during mass shootings because common civilians are not capable of handling such violence without getting themselves killed by the suspect, or by the police who mistake them as a suspect. Nobody uses these damn things for self defense and even it is, there’s absolutely no certainty that you would not go to prison and most jurors are very aware of how common killing has become.>> <<@nderitos says : Welcome to America folks. Where issues that would get you fired from a job (which is wrong) won't stop u from getting a gun. We just let this happen.... why?>> <<@cw3852 says : Have they checked his high power hearing aids something too suspicious. Says he was hearing voices, somethings missing. When your already with issues?>> <<@kennethdimaano says : One is not allowed to drive a car because one has a right to travel. A person must have an identification, driver's license and training before exercising their right to travel. Apply that principle to the right to bear arms.>> <<@luthercase-no2yn says : The problems us on the right who cherish are gun rights. How with you on the left is what once you start to get any kind of what you call reasonable gun gone to regulations, you are going to go over the top with it like you do everything else..>> <<@junebrilly5302 says : BRAVO to TYT for delivering the bald, unadorned Truth!! Thankyou So Much! I rely on you and you give me Hope>> <<@Dweeb212 says : Why? He felt entitled to your life is why. He couldnt handle the reality of life like most privileged cowards and took it out on the public. Former US Amry active duty. Here. I use VA mental health care and overall health care. Its free for Veterans. Car seemed to not take advantage of his resources. Crisis line is 24/7. I had auditory hallucinations from lead exposure. Told the VA. I was able to rule the cause down to lead exposure. I rid my apartment of the lead, i have no voices ever since.>> <<@terilw says : The second amendment is a gross mistake; repeal it.>> <<@DawnofInfo says : It's not just the gun lobby or corrupt politicians. Where are the mass protests? In any sane country there would be an outrage and people would go for weeks on the streets until politicians would be forced to change the laws. Everyone has grown numb to it which makes change almost impossible. How many more have to die until this happens?>> <<@tommy_kaira733 says : He may have mental health issues,but guess what else he got,white privileged...>> <<@tommy_kaira733 says : Oh look it's another white man shocker>> <<@stuarthancock571 says : It’s like reading out sports scores on American television.>> <<@durreljenkins9001 says : "Deadliest Mass Shooting in 2023 Yet" Like it's supposed to be a natural occurrence like bad weather...>> <<@aBeerFromHere7994 says : Reporter: Another tragical mass shooting in the USA. NReA: Like it is written in da 'meric'n tradition. (loading a rifle)>> <<@eatmorenachos says : House Speaker Mike Johnson claims that mass shootings are caused by abortion, divorce and teaching evolution in schools. ---and he's the only one that House Republicans could agree on???>> <<@MooshHarris says : What are you expecting them to do take our rights away? Because we have to have access to guns because it is our right to bear arms even though it's horrible that this mass shooting happened>> <<@AReazy67 says : Dude probably already took his life in his hideout underground bunker somewhere smh>> <<@svrman117 says : The absolute moron party, a.k.a. republicans, still think that it's too soon to talk about sandy hook. Let's stop pretending that all viewpoints carry equal weight on significant issues, specially on gun regulation.>>