<<@LAR-hs2qt says : I'm so sadden, my prayers to all of the families and friends affected by this evil. America is in mourning again...>> <<@nicholaswimborne says : Maine Mass Shooting and this jazzy music?>> <<@thehalalreviewer says : Sounds like Ben got taken for quite a trip on Birthright.>> <<@RolandSxxx1 says : 240+ year old gun laws should only apply to 240+ year old firearms.>> <<@hoboryan3455 says : Wish Ben stayed for the second half of the show and see how he objects to how all of this is real.>> <<@artsmith9562 says : More than half of Maine households have firearms but most Mainers don't bring a 30.06 deer hunting rifle to the bowling alley or the local bar.>> <<@artsmith9562 says : Why do people do this? The answer is they do it because they can. The NRA-owned Republicans want to guarantee that military Vets with mental health problems can access military-style assault rifles. That's why this happened. Maine requires no concealed or open carry permits. Any person with mental illness and a credit card can get an AR-15 and thousands of rounds of ammo in Maine.>> <<@referencedesk3519 says : Were journalist killed by Russia?>> <<@LynnnnnnnnnN says : This femanazi is something else. I'd feel sorry for her husband but women like her are generally men haters 😒>> <<@LynnnnnnnnnN says : Thank you Ben for providing more context for the river to the sea phrase. I believe its a dog whistle for sure>> <<@potr6461 says : extreme left wing - what? you mean right wing - musk is a product of privileged white south african's who benefitted grossly from apartheid but claims merit.>> <<@beanzieobeanz2955 says : thoughts and prayers...you 2A mental illness morons>> <<@timtho305 says : Come on Rae & Ben 👌🏾👏🏾>> <<@Flegetanis says : I just don't understand why people don't see it, but whatever. I'm looking at all the sentiment against Ben, which is disgusting. He's absolutely right about "From the River to the Sea." Also, "Buffy" said it perfectly in the live chat: Buffy Summers ​good thing cenk can handle a hot take and doesnt fire people for having other opinions. would be great if the audience could do the same>> <<@tpowell2072 says : Guns are not the problem ! , what are you rambling about ? ,,, if not guns they would just make home made bombs !>> <<@vanceogden2482 says : The name is pronounced "la-vek". Not "la-ves-key". It is French. Ask literally anyone from Maine and they will tell you that>> <<@mexicoya3106 says : I won’t be checking out sheeit on Ben’s nothin>> <<@fuzzywuzzy3619 says : Ben can get a job with the Israeli government>> <<@fuzzywuzzy3619 says : TYT Get rid of Ben..>> <<@patriciaadams4171 says : USA isn't a COUNTRY --IT'S A GUN-TREE.>> <<@ramblinbananas888 says : My dad brought something up watching all this stuff. He said during Vietnam the news would show images and video of kids running down the road in Vietnam with their skin burned off from napalm. Public opinion quickly turned against the war. Fast forward to today and the news goes out of its way to sanitize these mass shootings. Well see a helicopter view of the crime scene, listen to a cop talk, show the numbers killed, ect but we never see the blood and guts. I'd bet that after seeing a classroom of dead kindergarteners blood, guts and bodies piled up that it wouldn't be long until we got some common sense gun laws passed at the fed level.>> <<@8645andmeatballron2 says : My grandsons live in Florida. One morning when they were in a rush with getting ready for work with a 2 year old and a 1 year old that had to be dropped off at daycare that was not the same daycare. My son in law got impatient with my grandsons and my daughter said be nice we live in America and we don't know if they are coming home. Think about that. My heart broke knowing that is my daughter's biggest fear for my grandchildren.>> <<@ahealthierkirk2558 says : Why is Ben promoting his standup video in the middle of a "news" report of a mass shooting? ...not enough ambulances to chase Ben?>> <<@8645andmeatballron2 says : Are you insane or just stupid? Mass shootings happen in our country weekly if not daily.>> <<@esotericwiz2081 says : Here we go, everytime it's election time they pump up these kind of reports just to have something to run on, they don't give af about our lives.>> <<@cyberoptic5757 says : I'm from Maine, and thank everybody that has been helping us. We get visitors from all the states, and those who have visited know that Maine is a safe place to go for a trip. The shooting in Lewiston is not typical; it's was a rare event>> <<@michaelmcgee8543 says : I'm so mad about this and everything else.>> <<@michelangelobuonarroti916 says : Should we ban all guns? No, of course not. People need to hunt and protect their homes and families. Should we restrict high capacity semi-automatic weapons, the same way we restrict machine guns? Okay, now that makes some sense. I can still hunt and protect my home with a bolt action rifle or a shotgun, but I can't commit mass murder very easily and neither can the nutjobs. If the point of guns is to "keep us safe", I'd like to feel my kids are safe at a concert or at the movies. I'd have to be really selfish to want to keep my toys that fire rapidly instead of preferring public safety.>> <<@iMatti00 says : 🇮🇱🇵🇸 ~ Why do countries and the left-wing not care when Palestinians kill other Palestinians? Why is it only when a more powerful country, majority white, kills Palestinians is it a problem? Palestinians have slaughtered other Palestinians and huge numbers, yet there is silence. And anybody who believes the Israelis are horrible for moving into the land, based on what I’ve been learning I think you might not know as much history as you think you do. And I’d also say that I guess all Americans need to move back to the 13 original colonies and let the Native Americans take over their land again. It’s the exact same. The United States might have even less claim to this land than the Israelis do. I’ve also been watching documentaries they go over all the ways these really government has tried to agree to peace but the Palestinians wanted basically everything. I also heard that at one point the Israeli government offered the Palestinians 97% of all the disputed land to be returned to them, and the Palestinians completely walked away from the deal. I don’t doubt for a second that there’s more context to all of this, but a lot of these facts are not known to pro Palestinians. But I also think it’s possible that the hard right wing people in Israel are happy there’s no final solution because they want to continue settling on more land. But how can so many left-wing people in the United States support Palestinians so much.>> <<@ebaysutube says : “*A well regulated Militia*, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The first 4 words are “a *well* regulated militia”… 50 states all with different *regulations* is a complete shit show, and certainly not what the Founding Fathers had in mind. They were probably thinking about something like Switzerland. where pretty much the whole population is a potential standing army, with assault rifles and ammo at home! Not many mass shootings in Switzerland 🇨🇭>> <<@pathos1988 says : Guns are not the leading cause of death for children..please stop lying...>> <<@ebaysutube says : We *need* more common sense gun laws for sure. In this case, the long *GOP*-blocked Universal HealthCare (with lots of *MENTAL HEALTHCARE* universally available to all who need it would help.)>> <<@CrissyBellon says : My condolences to all those affected by the Senseless shooting in Maine yesterday. 😥😥🤍💮>>