<<@FactsMatterRoman says : 🇺🇸Flash Sale: https://ept.ms/44nEGJZ 🎬 Watch the Full Episode 👉🏻 https://ept.ms/BigAttackRM 🍿 Watch Gotaways: The Hidden Border Crisis 👉🏻 https://ept.ms/3Kl9rXL 🧶 SUBSCRIBE for more videos 👍🏻>> <<@bb-sd8eg says : Yes they should!>> <<@DeepStateDestroyer says : Why because people don’t want trash putting more trash out there to trash our minds and bodies yeah 😅>> <<@69fcortina says : Given the obvious bribery and political manipulation of some justices, oh, and his wife, do you think some question of legitimacy is appropriate? What a tool. And sorry, but protest is legal. I'm sorry if the justices can't handle the consequences of their actions.>> <<@3111windyhollow says : "Governments descend to the level of a mere private corporation, and take on the characteristics of a mere private citizen...where private corporate commercial paper [Federal Reserve Notes] and securities [checks] is concerned . ... For purposes of suit, such corporations and individuals are regarded as entities entirely separate from government." Clearfield Trust Co. v. United States 318 U.S. 363 (1943) ○ That is why you CANNOT pay their extortion"Once a fraud, always a fraud." 13 Vin. Abr. 539 "Things invalid from the beginning cannot be made valid by subsequent act." Trayner, Max 482. Maxims of Law, Black's Law Dictionary 9th Edition, page 1862 "A thing void in the beginning does not become valid by lapse of time." 1 S. & R. 58. Maxims of Law, Black's Law Dictionary 9th Edition, page 1866 Time cannot render valid an act void in its origin. Dig. 50, 17, 29; Broom, Max. 178, Maxims of Law. Black's Law Dictionary CCommoLaw 9th Copyright 2015 Edition, page 1862,s>> <<@Ahappyfam-fu3fie says : So she doesn’t want the people to know her because she’s scared?>> <<@rmdlgarcia says : All Judges should be conservative. Being a socialist should disqualify anyone from puplic service. Conservative judges follow the rule of Constitutional Law. Liberal judges write Case law any time they want to get around the Constitution to violate the rights of the people. A liberal judge wrote the Dred Scott Decision, a Case Law that made slavery legal in every state. A liberal judge wrote the Roe versus Wade Decision that allowed the Democrats to murder 60,000,000 black babies in their two to a ghetto abortion clinics. "Frankly, I had thought at the time Roe was decided there was a concern about population growth. And particularly growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of." - Ruth Bader Ginsburg, corrupt liberal judge "We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." – Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, 1939 Margaret and Ruth were good friends, and abortion remains the leading cause of death for the black community. The more you indict, the more we unite.>> <<@TRUMP177 says : The Democratic administration is allowing death threats towards our supreme court justices>> <<@christhopherlasher2828 says : This is greatly concerning because apparently that's a felony to do something like that outside of a judges home... as, it should be..>> <<@christiangraces3732 says : Yesss 9 dark figures ruling over your incompetent children>> <<@MeNo-ov2ps says : Seems Chuck Shewmoore has been a leader of violence and deadly riots against the Supreme Court!!>> <<@Havel_LordBear says : I understand the sentiment but the are public officials and Americans have the right to know who wrongs them>> <<@richardfreeman8458 says : I think justices should uphold the Constitution, not "if in doubt, side with gov interests" or consider "public safety". The Constitution is INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, not majority rule.... Constitution means nothing if you rely on mans "interpretation" of it. Greed takes over and the "supreme" court is no exception..>> <<@commentor6892 says : STOP F'CKING W/ OUR RIGHTS>> <<@brianka2846 says : Anyone with that much power should be recognizable but also protected. Not everyone is going to like the decision they have to make and they shouldn't be subject to harassment. Everyone gets to cast there vote and have there voice heard.>> <<@dalemcmurray-hn6sc says : The simple truth anybody in that position of power should not be hidden their face and name should be known to the whole world. You don’t give people that kind of power and hide the right entity that sounds like we have an evil country led by an evil government that does evil towards people, and doesn’t want those known that are doing the civil to be known, all evil will be punished for eternity.>> <<@kevinfarrell5357 says : We should feel bad for these SOULESS COWARDS that ushered in "the steal" authored by LUCIFER'? They are DIRECTLY complicit with the CORRUPT installation of the EVIL FRAUD Biden !!!! 😠>> <<@ritatodd1070 says : Thank, Nancy Palosie, Maxine Waters, Schumer the scum bag for that kind of mind set. They set the bar.>> <<@robertlobianco8917 says : Doggone shame that DOJ refused to enforce laws regarding threats against SCOTUS justices. Is there a dichotomy here? Just don't try to have a pregnancy crisis center. Am I missing something here?>> <<@EddieClark-f6y says : But, We know the president face, jugde right about the people who you service>> <<@garymccann2960 says : Our 2 tier justice system.... starting with the BiDum crime family. It is illegal to protest at the Justces house, but our criminal government does not care!>> <<@nancypeterson3645 says : of course we should beable to recognize our judges! We.pay them for life, so sorry! they do not get to hide behind the curtains!!>> <<@cecillionbluhm2390 says : Judge not lest ye be judged. These judges should be able to be judges in front of the whole world if you think you're going to judge men.>> <<@philipliebegott1221 says : Paganism in the liberal party has no boundaries.>> <<@_oly_241 says : Threatening a Supreme Court justice should be an immediate 25-year jail sentence and in a foreign jail>> <<@mylesharvey6488 says : The idiot speaks! The worst most unqualified Judge in US History is a moronic cultists.>> <<@3006mgk says : So the January so called insurrection was a felony resulting in prison sentences but terrorizing supreme court members is ok?>> <<@richardbland9079 says : I know what Justice Teney looked like was the internet around then?>> <<@horsewithnoname5264 says : And the FBI? Too busy killing old white men?>> <<@Think_For_Yourself_ says : people are so disgusting. they only bring problems. Especially those monkeys.>> <<@72markmiester says : I agree, but you also have to remember. When law and order was too notch back in the day. Now it’s like, no law and no order. Look at what democrats have done to our country. Will you people ever learn?>> <<@samuelmachado6088 says : May the Christian Leaders Arise and Take their Positions in USA....May the Curses of the Lord Jesus Christ destroy the wicked Witches and Satanists....Amen and Amen>> <<@mikeritts4909 says : She's right! Anybody who protest etc .. put in jail 💯>> <<@tohersfire4242 says : 😂😂😂 The republicans version of censorship.>> <<@mhmaejeD6 says : They are public servants like any other politician. Of course we need to know who these people are.>> <<@Aint_no_senators_son says : Criminals like to hide.>> <<@joey_bonin says : The left really is completely out of control.>> <<@finallyanexpert.301 says : As a matter of fact! There are no more cheeks to turn when it comes to the radical left. May god have mercy on their souls and their families not left in need.>> <<@sherylw9688 says : If our government can invade our privacy, turn off access to our money, filter our social media…. Then it should be ok that we know our judges.>> <<@laurapatrick9475 says : Love you Roman. I can't believe no one in Seattle with all the burning of buildings. The people that git hurt. The police that got hurt no charges. Only fake charges against conservatives, Christians, Republicans. Its BS how they get away with every criminal act. 2 tired justice system.>> <<@markholtz4577 says : Judges, enforce the so called laws. If you can't. Step down.>> <<@Rick-ux5ku says : it just not enforced by sleepy joe and little mikey garland>> <<@scarecrow_9895 says : The far left never stops.>> <<@paulhare662 says : It's a set up for an AI generated Supreme Court.>> <<@shirleycathcart5502 says : Right. The communists are doing everything they can pull out of Satan’s brain to take the US down & getting their mitts on more SC chairs is on their menu to do so.>> <<@Generichjm says : Mark Zuckerberg’s society>> <<@joycedegolier2375 says : There should be immediate consequences, fines or possible imprisonment for anyone involved in picketing anywhere near a justices home or workplace. They deserve to do their jobs without feeling unsafe.>> <<@shawnwhitehead3062 says : Are you surprised that the loony lefties those that say they care about life a really all about killing they want to kill babies and they want to kill the justices that won't agree with them who is the Nazi party most certainly the Democrats are>> <<@navdesron8284 says : Supreme Court is Corrupt as DC politicians>> <<@derekayles4504 says : I think the FBI should do their job and arrest some democrats>>