<<@FactsMatterRoman says : 🇺🇸Flash Sale: https://ept.ms/44nEGJZ 🎬 Watch the Full Episode 👉🏻 https://ept.ms/SSCutRM 🍿 Watch Gotaways: The Hidden Border Crisis 👉🏻 https://ept.ms/3Kl9rXL 🧶 SUBSCRIBE for more videos 👍>> <<@louannelewis7264 says : No they have and are giving it away to migrants, etc. they have stole billions they need to pay us all back. In 10 years there wont be an America.>> <<@clairelivefreeordie2551 says : If that's the way our lawmakers view Social Security, then they'll be open to allow all young people today to "Opt Out" of the FICA taxes. Cool!>> <<@philpugliese7049 says : Social Security is given to prisoners and welfare and the invaders and many many other people. To pay for this social engineering they are robbing the old people. Democrats huh?>> <<@marcthibodeaux5822 says : The money was no longer matching what was going out because the baby boomers started into SS. SS was created during the baby boomers lifetimes. They were literally paying for SS for those who were put on the program by FDR, but those who went onto it NEVER PAYED into SS. Liberals designed SS to be payed for by upcoming generations for the ones already on it, but they hit a major snag. Baby Boomers, unlike their parents were not coming home from WW2 and having large families. Baby Boomers didn’t have 5-7 kids. They had 2-4. The generation coming up that were to be paying for the Boomers SS was about half the size of the Boomer generation. FDR’s idea for SS sound or not was literally built to fail, if the nuclear family failed. We’ve seen what has happened to the nuclear family in America; IT IS DYING! SS is dying right along w/it. When started FDR expressly said that SS# would NEVER be used for identification! Have you ever HAD TO USE your SS# as identification? Of corse we all have it has become STANDARD NOW! Even when I was growing up in the 70’s a major thing was to never give your SS# to anyone. By the time I got into college in the late 80’s-90’s SS# had already became another form of ID.>> <<@MgtowRubicon says : The Social Security Trust Fund has already been robbed by replacing the cash with government bonds. Those bonds cannot be sold at current interest rates, because the bonds were "purchased" with your trust funds when the rates were lower (higher price).>> <<@mdvener says : All the money I paid in, just like everyone else, and the government used that money, and made more money with what all, or most people and now they want to cut my benefits by 23%. This can't be happening. Inflation is higher, everything cost more, powerbillis are outrageous, along with food, car repairs, medicine, what the hell is going on! Am I right that this administration has sent so much money to foreign countries that we the American people are being denied our share that we paid in to our retirement fund, now they don't want to pay what we are entitled to???when you used our funds to make money, now you won't give us what we have coming to us. This administration sucks. It is totally wrong. We paid in because we had to. Now you got it and we get screwed over again. President Trump would have NEVER let this happen. NEVER.>> <<@siennacambell says : WHY THE ****DOES THE GOVERNMENT GET TO INVEST THE EXCESS OF OUR MONEY?!!! ITS OUR MONEY AND I HATE HOW THEY THINK THEY SHOULD SAVE FOR OUR RETIREMENT! LET US DO IT OURSELVES & THOSE WHO WANT THE GOVT TO MANAGE THEIR RETIREMENT LET THEM PARTICIPATE IN THE NONSENSE!! SOOO SICK OF THIS CRAP! ITS OUR MONEY!!!!!!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡>> <<@marypacer3084 says : They also robbed ss for other pet projects.>> <<@WarrenHolly says : Yeschers pay a higher tax than billionaires. This needs to be rectified>> <<@douglasvick414 says : Its time to put end to these Communist politicians, period>> <<@lunallena947 says : It’s time stop giving money way, belongs to work and pay SS and taxes. System administration is corrupted.>> <<@shirleyolivas1228 says : Social Security Funds are given to illegal immigrants for Aid to Dependent Children. President Johnson raided it for Vietnam War. Of course it will run out if Politicians keep giving it away to those who never paid in. 😢>> <<@257shooter9 says : SSA has only been able to invest in T-Bills since 1964. George Bush the second tried to change that. The Democrats had a temper tantrum. Investing in Wall Street was was compared to a casino. At the same time the very blue state I lived in was condemning Bush and investing my state retirement savings in the Wall Street casino. (I was a state employee)>> <<@acmeallpurpose4974 says : The government knew for decades that when the boomer generation retired and came to a certain age the would be the issue!!! This is not new>> <<@ladyofthelake6957 says : Social Security Trust Fund/🤷🏻‍♀️#Stolen/PutintoGeneralFund #GovernmentThieves #Misappropriations #StopGivingCountriesAmericas #SocialSecurityFunding #PeoplesMoney>> <<@lyndelf says : Screw around with Social Security and Medicare and find out what happens.......These comments tell me that Americans are wide awake and see what the Gov't has done with taxpayer dollars.>> <<@tijer49 says : 😡>> <<@vodkarage8227 says : We shouldn't be paying social security to begin with. Of if forced to pay it, pay it into a private account that the government cannot touch or give away to other people.>> <<@bobmatt9742 says : Bullshit the government has stolen 283+ billion dollar's from social security !!!!!!>> <<@iknowaguy9677 says : Republicans must be out before they ruin America>> <<@garyblack8717 says : Yeah, I knew there wouldn't be anything left when I retire. It was just another tax all along.>> <<@Safe-and-effective says : Yet another reason why they are hell bent (pun intended) in bringing about Agenda 2030/Great Reset. "We'll own everything and you will be happy...or else">> <<@TUCOtheratt says : SS is a ponzi scheme>> <<@matthewf4020 says : Lol these idiots voted on this>> <<@BooDamnHoo says : Funny. Money to Ukraine will likely increase by 23%. Social Security is always on the brink of insolvency but welfare, money for war, and money for illegals is never running out, only increases.>> <<@anthonybeasley3531 says : That is TERRIFYING!>> <<@user-st6nt4ou6f says : Is it true rhat a substsntial amount if money was " borrowed" by Congress or whatever legal entity could do so, and it was never paid back,? This i learned many years ago but no one of late speaks of this>> <<@joeweidi4874 says : Dumbassocrats started stealing it... like Obamas 2billion $$ cash sent to "iran" on planes nobody ever seen again...>> <<@nomad57-u3x says : hey joe where is my social security if you can forgive 39 billion in student debt you can afford to give me my 1800 a month for social security...>> <<@nickv1008 says : The government borrows from social security, but never pays it back, the only pay me half of what their letters claimed they would, lost my EKG and x-rays, drag their feet. Screwing us old folk, send billions to fight wars all over the world, let inflation kill us.>> <<@jeannetteizquierdo215 says : So what happened to all those senior citizens they killed in the nursing homes from Covid ?? What happened to that money? Or is it they are sending it to Ukraine for the phony war.>> <<@petersparrow1518 says : Complete right wing lies.>> <<@devinrussell2303 says : The "trust fund" is just a bunch of IOU's. The SS money comes in and gets immediately paid out. When there was a surplus, the feds just spent it and put an IOU in the trust fund.>> <<@machwind3266 says : Maybe, just maybe, we should like......stop giving OUR money to other countries that give a damn about us? We would find out real quick who cares about the US if we just no longer out flowed money like water. Ukraine. Thats one.>> <<@880yrun says : Didn't congress take the money n not paid back>> <<@dodgeman4360 says : Not so fast there fella you're not accurate in your claim...... As a result of changes to Social Security enacted in 1983, benefits are now expected to be payable in full on a timely basis until 2037, when the trust fund reserves are projected to become exhausted.1 At the point where the reserves are used up, continuing taxes are expected to be enough to pay 76 percent of scheduled benefits. Thus, the Congress will need to make changes to the scheduled benefits and revenue sources for the program in the future. The Social Security Board of Trustees project that changes equivalent to an immediate reduction in benefits of about 13 percent, or an immediate increase in the combined payroll tax rate from 12.4 percent to 14.4 percent, or some combination of these changes, would be sufficient to allow full payment of the scheduled benefits for the next 75 years.>> <<@gradydorn4431 says : Where's the money stolen by the Congressional departments back in the 70s & 80s. NOT INVESTED!>> <<@karenleavitt7241 says : Quit taking money from SS and this wouldn’t happen!>> <<@markcarey5673 says : Missed the part where starting with Reagan the US government has been raiding the Social Security trust fund to fill in the gaps in their budget. Don't fault the system, which works perfectly when it's allowed to, when the problem is that it's being plundered.>> <<@tsipher says : So the SSA was losing money and in order to stop the losses, they increased the interest of what they were getting and paid that interest increase out? How was the SSA losing money in the first place, it’s not like the were re-allocating that money?>> <<@tammystewart7429 says : Social security is a ponzi scheme. They can always pay it. They just need to budget the money. No more helping other countries, no more stupid wages for government employees including congress. We need to take back our money and invest it ourselves. They dictate ehat age we can have it and when we die we dont get the remaining amount, the government keeps it. That is so ridiculous.>> <<@tedgaines1863 says : The problem is the government kept borrowing money to do all these welfare social services.>> <<@I_Am_Empyrean says : It's almost like the boomers failed to pass on the prosperity they enjoyed to their kids. Or rather, often times, have kids at all. lmfao.>> <<@Mrs.R.D.Oviatt1776 says : Why does everyone forget about Prez BUSH SEND OUT SURPLUS CHECKS FROM SSA MONEY BECAUSE OF SURPLUS FUNDS. ****REMEMBER****>> <<@richardfarrar1801 says : Wasn't a problem until President Obama took Trust Fund monies to advance fund "Obama CARE"!>> <<@richardfreeman8458 says : GOVERNMENT THEFT!>> <<@mouserr says : no, i refuse, now that i know you are part of the epoch times staff ill never listen to you again. i got no use for a company so greedy you have to cross a paywall for any of their content>> <<@danpeterson8040 says : WAKE UP EVERYBODY!!!!! BILL CLINTON, AS PRESIDENT, STOLE 3 TRILLION DOLLARS FROM THE SSI TRUST FUND!!!! NOW WHY DO YOU THINK THE SSI FUND IS FEELING A LITTLE BROKE????!!! COME ON MAN!!!!!>> <<@juju5000 says : Socialism doesn't work for any service, including management of retirement finds. Duh.>>