<<@FactsMatterRoman says : 🇺🇸Flash Sale: https://ept.ms/44nEGJZ 🎬 Watch the Full Episode 👉🏻 https://ept.ms/SSCutRM 🍿 Watch Gotaways: The Hidden Border Crisis 👉🏻 https://ept.ms/3Kl9rXL 🧶 SUBSCRIBE for more videos 👍>> <<@clairelivefreeordie2551 says : What happens to someone who dies before reaching retirement age? They've paid into the system via FICA taxes but die before collecting & no survivors? Where does that money go?>> <<@armchairtin-kicker503 says : More mRNA and adenovirus vaccines will surely be the final solution to the social security shortfall.>> <<@kenhuffman9306 says : Congress must stop Joe Biden from sending billions of our money to his buddy Zelensky. The money should be here to to help Americans. Zelensky is a billionaire and he doesn't need our taxpayers money>> <<@joshprestigiacamo7551 says : Yup so when it's time for me to retire I'm fucked and I started my first job at 14. 🏴FJB🏴>> <<@starman2671 says : QUIT SENDING OPUR MONEY OVERDEAS ! EASY ! ! !>> <<@lowbudgetbob1155 says : If these damn politicians hadn't stole all the money from SS, we'd not be having this discussion. How can they decrease it $17K a year when I'd get less than that? I'd have to pay back in...F that! Freeze every politicians assets and stick that back into SS and let those jackwagons draw a peasley amount like I'm going to get...efn politicians anyways.>> <<@christopherfriend7402 says : Of course our benefits will be cut. After all, we have to pay for hotels for the migrants.>> <<@leslievey8453 says : Id rather not die but at my age its an option .....i dont think ill miss anything .>> <<@tembry6886 says : Oh my God! That's all i have in my 70s hope God calls me home soon!>> <<@catherinehart1565 says : SS should only go to those that pay into it.>> <<@Ronald-dc6me says : No one gonna bother your ssi>> <<@abiataabyssi6273 says : There is enough money - government just priorities themself and their interests - and their interests are not their slaves/citizens!>> <<@The1stDukeDroklar says : It's nothing but a ponzi scheme. The money paid in should've been invested in the private sector which would not only yield better results but would also help the economy grow.>> <<@sandynapier2883 says : I've heard about this concern for a long time. Baby boomers outnumber how much is coming in...it was predicted, but no one ever set aside partisan politics to do anything about it, while there was time.>> <<@True-history-24 says : China is worst off>> <<@jamesbarton1969 says : When social security started the average life expectancy was 65. Today it is 77. That is an extra twelve years the system was not designed to support. As full life expectancy increased the age for full retirement should have increased to keep the number of people working relative to those receiving social security about the same. The government didn't do it so yes we are kind of screwed. We could demand young people pay more, there are more of them than us. We could demand more from businesses which will make it more expensive to operate a business here. We could demand it from the rich but they will stop investing here and more their money outside of the country. We took full retirement at an age when most of us could have kept working, we did not vote for those who wanted to increase the retirement age. We could borrow even more, increasing inflation and no the COLAs don't actually keep up. Never mind what inflation does to the poor. Sorry the nation isn't racist, stupid yes. Now the money is running out and you want others to pay the difference. We are screwed and to be frank, we deserve it.>> <<@rockett9053 says : My grandfather, who passed away at the age of 95. Told me when he was 90-ish. That he made more money since he retired on Social Security then he was getting paid then he ever got paid working for the government. He retired in 1972.>> <<@hollyh8509 says : Stop giving it to illegals! And stealing for other programs .>> <<@Dpixtion says : One of the main reasons birth rates have a decline which is it’s too expensive to have children thus making Social Security less which means the older generation will not have anything for Social Security and then moving forward from there no one else will have money for Social Security because it all began cause to gosh darn expensive to raise a family.>> <<@deborahbozin6587 says : some years ago the government borrowed a Trillion dollars from that fund we want it back..........>> <<@MacGyver2154 says : Yup, we're fucked>> <<@kevinmitchell8650 says : Lockdowns to create poverty. Poverty cures nothing.>> <<@richardmanginelli2624 says : Do you know how much money the Federal Government OWES the Social Security Trustfund ? YES SSI IS A TRUSTFUND ! ITS NOT AN ENTITLEMENT LIKE WELFARE & MEDICAID>> <<@jamesharrison6201 says : If Congress hadn't stolen the money from the SS escrow, BECAUSE THEY COULDN'T STAND IT SITTING THERE AND NOT BEING ABLE TO SPEND IT. THEY ILLEGALLY REMOVED IT AND REPLACED IT WITH AN IOU. THIS OCCURRED IN THE LATE 50s, early 60s. Then in the 70s Jimmy Carter started paying illegals age 65+ SS because they were retire age. Never had paid any SS but he paid them. Democrats have been destroying the USA since their inception.>> <<@larryjean45 says : This system was designed to eventually FAIL.>> <<@tachyon8317 says : Fun fact, according to socsec law, even though you are required to pay into it, the government is under NO obligation to pay it back to you. It was supposed to be a temporary measure during the great depression. But, there's nothing more permanent than a "temporary" government program.>> <<@Smiley_101 says : How much more do we the peoples have to suffer watching joe n Harris destroyed our democracy n country !>> <<@Smiley_101 says : Impeach clown 🤡 joe n Harris>> <<@googleuser3760 says : So what happened to all the money that all the boomers had to pay in during their entire working lives?>> <<@wishbone103 says : Ponzi scheme. We have a self serving Government. Its all about them. About us is a pretense.>> <<@pstoneking3418 says : Stop giving our tax dollars to illegal immigrants in the form of food, lodging, medical & education.>> <<@spena2786 says : You’d assume they’d give MORE to the future generation so they don’t lose hope and quit… but that’s what they want too…>> <<@yahshua873 says : There need to be a vote of no confidence in the government of the United States.>> <<@yodaz101 says : Already happening...My generation always gets fucked....>> <<@donnathompson8804 says : You are 100% correct. I work with several migrants that eventually brought their illegal , non english speaking parents here to the US. They get benefits, food stamps, $1.500 per month each for medical and other needs. The coworker that told me this gets about $9,000. per month for her household for her parents and in-laws that live in her new home They all drive expensive cars and wear the best clothing.>> <<@channingwilliams1307 says : Maybe the government should have left their greasy hands off of our money. They miss used it. Take their money. Oh crap, thats right. We pay them.>> <<@CaptCook999 says : They don't need to touch the amount you get. All they need to do is increase inflation so your money doesn't buy enough and they all become homeless and dependent on the government for food.>> <<@ginger6582 says : Watch the video, The truth always gets revealed. You will be glad you did. Share this video all across America.>> <<@justinmerrill3737 says : Shit just give it to Ukraine😂>> <<@justinmerrill3737 says : That’s all I was getting anyway😂>> <<@ginaglam1 says : Stop putting so much money on wars and weapons! Republicans don’t care about the little people!>> <<@samuelpringer3204 says : Joe Biden has been scheming how to cut benefits for years.>> <<@allenbyer1201 says : Homos and lesbian can’t make babies and this country is evidently full of them these days so I’m sure there’s less kids being born which is part of the plan>> <<@patsygroves3812 says : Your next video “ Elderly Dying at Horrific Rate !!” That Will be their answer -to kill us off !! Just ask Kamala !>> <<@ExceptTin says : YOU ARE SO RIGHT! Tax the rich again like the old days! Make America great again and go back to 1950s tax rates when many more people were prosperous. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻>> <<@amymakovy4189 says : TRUMP 2024🇺🇸>> <<@picklerickh8su says : Since I won't be receiving any, I'd like to stop paying in right phukin now and I'd like to be reimbursed for what I've paid so far. I earned that money with my sweat.>> <<@theresanix1840 says : Yet our government gives our social security money to people who have never worked a day in this country. Take their lavish retirement away.>> <<@melsafken764 says : Maybe everyone should be paying in to social security. Wealthy people dont pay in. So where does this figure into your chart?>>