<<@FactsMatterRoman says : 🇺🇸Flash Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale>> <<@AlohakeAkua-v9e says : Hawaii constitution adopted by us requires fair market value and for him to protect the water. He is 200% un auditioning.>> <<@chicnwing4519 says : Its all part of the plan>> <<@lancesabin4114 says : LEAVE THEM ALONE~ITS THEIR LAND>> <<@wejoe5102 says : To those that give thousands away to people on the street, thank you. Please consider taking your generosity to another level, help the people of Lahaina to escape the land grabbers. This WOULD BE EPOCH INDEED! There are SO MANY of you Mr. Beast is a HUGE one, Please SHOW you're TRULY wanting to HELP those IN NEED... THIS is your chance to SHOW how TRULY GENEROUS you ALL are. ❤>> <<@desertpunk6705 says : Doesn’t the Constitution protect contract rights. So, the government can restrict private sale, and then the state comes in and buys it themselves? Smells fishy and wrong>> <<@meyatetana2973 says : wait if fake money is so worthless why does that company want it when they have real money? Also wouldn't all money be fake, honestly do not need it when you think about it, it's all fake money.>> <<@meyatetana2973 says : If it's not some rich asshole it's the state, to bad they all voted for this by voting in those people in their government I can't feel sorry for them when they asked for this by voting in such a way. Should really know who you are voting in. You have the power to change that>> <<@annfurlong7921 says : People should be allowed to sell their land if they want too.!>> <<@colinrowe7593 says : Are realtors an organised consortium, working on behalf of the elites? Worth checking this out>> <<@oshea2300 says : Have you been saved? If you died tonight are you 100% sure youd go to heaven? A. Admit/ accept. Your a sinner. Have you Ever realized you were lost, and Separated from God and going to hell.. because of your sin? Rom 3:10, [3:23 "for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" ] Rom 6:23 for the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. B. Believe. That you owe a penalty, but Jesus paid it for you: Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins according to the scriptures; and that he was buried, and rose again the third day, according to the scriptures. (Jesus Christ has the keys to death and hell. And heaven). 1 cor 15:3,4 Rom 5:8. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Though we are sinners, God proved his love to us. Sacrificing his only begotten son in our place for our sin. He was our substitute. Our sin was put on him and he shed his precious blood to make atonement for us. he paid our sin debt. C. Call on/ confess. You must accept by faith what Jesus Christ did for you, putting your full trust in his finished work on the cross and not your good works. Not your baptism, not your church membership or anything else. Want to go to heaven? Trust Jesus Christ. Want to go to hell? Do nothing or trust something else. Upon putting your trust in Jesus Christ his righteousness is applied to your account. The Bible says our righteousness is as filthy rags. We need the righteousness of God to get into heaven. Romans 10:13 for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Has there been a time in your life you can point your finger too, where you have asked Jesus Christ to forgive you and save you? (Trusting in his shed blood / finished work on the cross alone for your salvation, not your own works, not your baptism, not your church membership, but in him alone.. in the fact that he is God incarnate and that he paid for your sin on the cross) Nobody is saved just because they believe that Jesus Christ existed with head knowledge. James 2:19 says thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devil's also believe and tremble. Even the devil believes in God. Head knowledge is a start, but according to the Bible in Romans 10:9,10,13.. we must believe in our heart and receive him by calling on him to save us. What good is a gift unless you reach out and take it? You may be able to see that it's there, but unless you receive it.. it's not yours. You have to acknowledge that you need it and take it. If you have been saved, you will be able to point to an instance in your life where you have asked Jesus Christ to forgive you, and save you, and you have been born again. A time where the Holy Spirit has put you under conviction that you are a lost sinner and needed a Saviour. And at that time put your full trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross.>> <<@brandonkobrenski3422 says : I’d like to see every celebrity, pro athlete, and elites with millions of dollars at their disposal to step up and donate to these people. And I pray the insurance companies who are not paying out get sued!>> <<@donaldpesch309 says : Usually backed by large companies who don't want to be exposed as the greedy pigs they sre>> <<@bfields1448 says : 15 minute cities 2030 agenda>> <<@jaysoncody8716 says : 15 minute city>> <<@kenandbarbie-b6c says : Maui was once Dr. Sun Yat Sen’s stomping grounds! There is still a memorial park dedicated to him there & a museum in Lahaina had information of his life there. How things have changed. Either incompetence and/or corruption especially from government made the fire much worse than it should have been. Government has to do a lot more than $700 per family to get back credibility. At this point, they have lost the trust of citizenry. They rightly feel like they have been set up to fail intentionally. People trying to buy prime land cheaply by taking advantage of other people’s misery are CREEPS & deserve to be in that place with the much warmer climate in the afterlife.>> <<@JohnnyNubs says : Roman!! Please do me a favor!! Look at what burnt and what SHOULD have burnt! This is crazy and no one wants to report on this crazy things going on. Not only was this a land grab but where are the children? They just dropped the count by 800 but never reported on finding any of them and did not bring up the fact they were found. This is sick!!!! This has to stop!>> <<@ScaryMary-7 says : Green wants to place them in cheap high rides 300 sq foot SmartCity towers... no balconies big power grab>> <<@ScaryMary-7 says : A 48 year experienced wildfire investigator/ arborist says with 2 others that this was a planned geo engineered by microwaves lazers fires as trees should of been stumps esp eucalyptus and palms with cars tires melted close by . Same with fire in California. And most homes are blackened not in white ashes.>> <<@ScaryMary-7 says : How did they call? No wifi, cell towers and land lines? No doors to knock? Where did they get in touch with their cellphones ? How did they charge up cells no power. Her post was days after>> <<@loren3160 says : Whoever buys up Lahaina...sue them>> <<@EndUser-yu7gg says : Any bets some of them are working for Hollywood elitists and other billionaires ... I am sure bill gates is in there...>> <<@HarupertBeagleton-dz5gw says : Seems wrong to tell someone they can’t sell their land or not allow free speech of a buyer to ask to purchase land. Just because some people are emotional, doesn’t mean they all are and need to be treated like children or old people having their property managed for them. The government is blocking it because they know it’ll be harder to take away from rich investors than regular people.>> <<@tinkerbrethauer2934 says : China wants it through different companies>> <<@amosweatherford249 says : Here in Abaco Bahamas after Hurricane Dorian investors did fly in looking for a good deal . Some did buy land cheap , but the prices soon got back to normal. Supply and Demand is normal . If people shame buyers or gov tries to stop them , then prices will drop even lower , alot more victims will get even lower prices . Some are going to leave , nothing can stop that , just help them get the most they can to start a new life somewhere else .>> <<@redhytech says : the ELITES tried to buy the land before the fire.. the RESIDENTS would NOT sell.>> <<@jasonrobinson9992 says : lol hahahahha heres your sign..>> <<@jeanetteshawredden5643 says : Predators who offer victims pennies for their land (after home burned) is such an insult. And STATE purchase is equally criminal.>> <<@Kevin-zk9tt says : This was a MURDEROUS LAND GRAB. !!!!!>> <<@davidschmidt9339 says : If I was Trump I would buy all of the property and deed it to the current owners, or give 0% interest loans so they can rebuild. I would like to see the DEMS scream about that. DO NOT LET THE GOVERNMENT BUY THE LAND.>> <<@erinnelson434 says : Gov Greene had best not even consider taking these victims' land through Eminent Domain. If he does it will be crystal clear that this was a long since premeditated plan and he is a co-conspirator in this murderous, thieving agenda.>> <<@robertorosales5774 says : Dam>> <<@mworld says : The people wanting the buy the land don't seem worried about rising ocean levels.>> <<@cbspring8911 says : Praise God! Keep going strong & be not naive. Don't give control. Don't sign over to any authority. Keep it in the families. God knows & helps Hawaiians with & on your lands.>> <<@afunk4770 says : Did Opera get hers yet?>> <<@truthimusmaximus says : Eminent Domain is the final say in American’s right to life, liberty and PROPERTY. This law should go the way of the dodo. Until it does, I feel this will continue. Especially as we move forward toward the WEF’s 2030 insanity and knowing many of our governors and federal “leaders” follow Klaus Schwab above all.>> <<@dawnt6791 says : So... the governor claims to be doing the moratorium to prevent land grabs (which will also prevent land owners selling their land of their own choosing), while he plans a state land grab. Yeah, nothing shady about that.>> <<@stev838 says : A proven criminal cabal. Edit Ashes and volcanic soil make a form of concrete>> <<@cherylfitch3183 says : That’s the homeowners property Wtf 😡>> <<@jamesevans3492 says : No Wild Fires, ( I.E. Weapons Fire ), From Above . . . ;-(>> <<@geoffreybudge3027 says : Could be Chinese shills trying to buy up the island>> <<@jjroseknows777 says : Lots of sickening stuff here... Gpd bless the good people who are suffering now.>> <<@acegear says : in the end those who wnats to land will win and turn thtat island into the new epstien island>> <<@jajatobi2749 says : STAND STRONG AND STICK TOGETHER! BUILD BACK!>> <<@2coolartsmusicmom572 says : TSHIRTS NEED TO BE SOLD 'SAVE Lahaina" all money needs to be donated to pay off their mortgages so they don't lose any land! Watch for this and buy T-shirts!>> <<@sledge1960 says : Strange all these catastrophic fires and the burnt out land gets bought up for the price of a bag of potato chips. But they'll vote for them all again next year.>> <<@Venomn1 says : I personally think this is a coup by Democrats to steal land and kidnap children>> <<@ladiecawthon7396 says : To buy it cheap, that’s why>> <<@davmac6148 says : How do we know if some of these so called investors didn't turned Maui into ashes just to make a profit ?>> <<@barbaraepley7032 says : So it is most likely that the "state" robs them of their land and then turn around and sells it to those same predators they were protecting the people from. Eminent domain is a predatory practice in and of itself.>>