<<@ivormectin.3046 says : Disgusting pervert deviant churchy types disgust me..>> <<@meredithisme3752 says : Sorry no interest in your pretend business O'Keefe for me>> <<@MEGHANKARMAOXLEY says : Awesome job guys❤ point them out every chance u get push them over to California it's gonna fall off soon anyways>> <<@rawa7417 says : You guys are despicable for still going after James>> <<@slayermill8621 says : Project Veritas, the place where if you expose too much truth they will sue and defame you and try to ruin your life. Your company is absolute trash now without James.>> <<@andylaauk says : Project Who?🤣>> <<@treytison1444 says : Lols a "reverend" swearing, drinking, being openly gay, and grooming kids. Why even pretend to be religious, just open a gay bar.>> <<@budmike81 says : Oh y’all still make videos?>> <<@748tech says : oh look project veritas are looking inwards again.>> <<@Truthpatriot62 says : I called look how many people are already acting like the james drama didnt happen just like they did with fox news why is our side so fucking stupid>> <<@AdblockWillWin7853 says : Nice video. Am I supposed to be impressed? Should I shill out some dough for your corrupt board members so you fire someone else who was "bEiNg MeAn"? Nah. You don't get a stinking cent from me, Project Veritas. James O'Keefe gets some of my money. I will be personally donating to his legal fund so that he can mirk your sorry asses in court.>> <<@jordazmo19 says : Totally satanic and depraved. He very clearly DOES prey on children, whether $exually or not is up for debate/investigation, but he's DEFINITELY a child predator and he's admitted it.>> <<@garyharper4826 says : I would bet that churches have the highest percentage of pedophiles. What better place to hide. Don't trust any adults with your kids.>> <<@darthrevan2081 says : No James no Veritas you should rename and leave him alone and move on.>> <<@linnybug719 says : THESE LOSERS ARE SUING OKEEFE FOR DOING WHAT HE HAS ALWAYS DONE AND THEY WANT TO SILENCE HIM AND BE THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN. HOW ANYONE CAN SUPPORT THIS GARBAGE IS BEYOND ME. THEY ARE DOING EXACTLY WHAT PEOPLE THEY INVESTIGATE DO. THEY ARE FULL OF CRAP.>> <<@Dehzee says : You people, and I use that term to not get banned for hate speech, are suing James? What's the matter? Have nothing else to do with your completely useless lives? Sold your douls to China, hey? Invested in ruining the future for everyone, hey? How's that working out for you?>> <<@capt.stubby245 says : So, you kick James out and now you file suit against him? So glad I've completely left this group and had to come find you to leave this message. I do not follow you on any platform and of course you've gotten your last dime out of me. The folks at the top of your organization are the definition of scumbags. I wish you nothing but failure. I've since doubled my contributions to James.>> <<@farqueueman says : awwww, viewership down huh? good. suck it.>> <<@PuppyLuvU2 says : Hate this veratas without James and they are even suing him right now to try and repress him from being able to expose corruption wtf. Sure they are still doijg good things but i just feel like they have an agenda behind it now.>> <<@diamondvikingcrypto5369 says : Hey is Project Veritas admitting it so bitch soft and garbage without Okeefe at helm, by suing him? Seems, in my opinion,like something a sissy bitch with no balls, no value would do. Ill go to videos when it suits me and ask a similar question till someone fro PV answes me to my satisfaction and i think it isnt a lie. Thanks.>> <<@flyinggeng says : This is weak sauce compared to what PV was under James. This is much smaller in scope than pfizer. If you can't match what PV was under James then it really looks like board prioritized personal agendas and feelings over the mission.>> <<@88badstang says : Just came here to unsubscribe.>> <<@jaygubecka3057 says : Ah you sub humans>> <<@op12studio says : Forgot to unsub in February. Thanks for this video but I was here for James. im not going to watch PV become yet another victim to the woke mind virus.>> <<@Jeremy-th5pt says : A company needs a leader. PV feels weak now. Even the voice-over sounds wimpy.>> <<@WokeBegone says : You're not Project Veritas, you're just not. RIP PV.>> <<@borneandayak6725 says : This channel is disgusting!>> <<@corvette9675 says : You are now suing O’Keefe? What a bunch of assholes. What you did to him is why I don’t follow you or care what you do.>> <<@LauraB12k says : GFY for suing O'Keefe. Unsubbed and y'all are dead to me.>> <<@StrengthJourney says : Lmao 12k views ? You guys fell off BAD>> <<@jiayouchinese says : I fully support Project Veritas as they are shining a light in the darkness to deeply evil things going on in this world. It's about exposing evil in the world, not about James.>> <<@hahaha8697 says : This is the hand of rusia an china... same tactics to destabilize the country! Make everyone lie to each other until the lie becomes truth!>> <<@missmaggie5509 says : What is this sicko a “pastor” of?!>> <<@conniepitts8392 says : He is a pxxx and gxxxxxx>> <<@mouseandthemule says : God bless you>> <<@party4keeps28 says : I laugh when these people try to discredit PV videos by claiming they're highly edited, as though there's a context where their statements would be acceptable.>> <<@kathyh4804 says : He is not a true pastor ….. definitely not a follower of Jesus! A pastor of grooming children yes, but not a preacher of the Word. Leave hangs off children! Do what YOU want as an adult with other ADULTS….. as long as you aren’t hurting anyone. But acting like he is so concerned about CHILDREN is sick!>> <<@kingdomofhope3371 says : Imagine someone knocking at your door. He says he wants to have sex with your children. He says, "Hand over your children, its my right to have sex with them any time I want." You can't do that with anyone. If this same man said, "I want to have sex with your wife when and where I want to." How many seconds would it take to deck this guy and kick him to the curb? Just saying..>> <<@iwanttobelieve9496 says : This is why religion needs to be completely, 100% outlawed, but especially around children. #religionischildabuse>> <<@Rejectsocialism says : Any person who supports taking away a parent’s rights is not a man of god. He’s an activist who wants to control your child for nefarious reasons.>> <<@zedhiro6131 says : This seems like a really safe investigation, make no mistake it needs to be done and exposed. It seems very safe and very local. How about about asking the UCC about this grooming “pastor,” what is that church body’s opinion of it.>> <<@tupacthuggrmx841 says : Needs some type of jail time and a ban from being around children.>> <<@tfurgztypa4645 says : i do not think that parents should mistreat or abuse their children. i dont think that you can slander someone and call them a groomer for no reason. also it looks like the person is saying that if the lgbt indiviual is under 18 but experiencing abuse or hardship at home that they will call cps. doesnt sound crazy to me if a child under 18 is asking for that. none of you ever saw a person in highschool who knew they were any form of lgbt? would you like them to what? disapear? whats wrong with this position? where you dont tell the full truth and discuss the topic openly. there are and will always be queer individuals amongst you. and all proclaim how they knew and when they knew. typically under 18. but parents want to strangle the life out of their children and dont give them room to be who they are, this is truly sad. that you will buy into your wack culture, and you bs religion that you dont even actually practice or whatever the fk, while you torture your own family and those around you who just want to be free.>> <<@TimGrahamgrahambo9 says : I give Project Veritas a 1000 thumbs up!>> <<@TimGrahamgrahambo9 says : That's what a Closet Communist looks and sounds like!>> <<@norandavis856 says : “Reverend”? More like reprobate.>> <<@realbarrylipscombjr says : Fake reverend. Wolf 🐺 in 🐑 sheeps clothing. 🐑>> <<@MamaKalash says : Fake, narcissist "reverend".....who's as g@y as Paris in the spring.>> <<@joekraft5913 says : I confronted these people, they are evil, they want children defenseless and vulnerable, they are disgusting and we protested them in front of their church.. the WORLD IS WATCHING YOUR WICKED DEEDS! These are SICK people!>> <<@josejaquez4100 says : It's obviously edited and calling cps is the correct choice. That way he steps away from the situation and cps decides wether there is an issue or not. I understand it can be annoying, inconvenient, embarrassing, but in the end it's in the interest of all involved.>>