<<@FactsMatterRoman says : 🚨I published a SUPER SPICY episode of Facts Matter, exposing how there are THOUSANDS of food items on our store shelves that contain ingredients made using nanotechnology (Certain unmentionable pharmaceutical products have them too...) And the reason that they're hidden, is because (for over 20 years now) the FDA has not required companies to list these nanoparticles on their ingredients labels — even though there are no long term studies showing their effects to our health. Watch it here: https://ept.ms/3VmzaDr>> <<@PhilTrager says : Politicians try to manipulate with words. Trust suffers immeasurably>> <<@craigmignone2863 says : Blinkin was and is a defacto employee of the Communist Chinese at the Penn Biden Center and therefore trader....>> <<@edwardamina4644 says : Just Like All Democrats Said No One Is Above The Law ??? But The way Things Look 👀 Like They Are Above The Law And That’s Wrong ………..>> <<@edwardamina4644 says : Antony Blinken Is Not Above The Law neither Is Joe Biden>> <<@kgmanomglovesu5630 says : Lying isn’t something that he invented. It’s something that all people in the government do to protect themselves and their issues from being exposed. Wars are started with lies. Presidents lie about everything. They have their own narrative to give the illusion that supports their agenda Don’t be surprised. Every single country has propaganda departments working to advance their interests.>> <<@liamlynch2115 says : It’s sad that we have such a sham federal government. They don’t care. Nothing will happen to them.>> <<@eldridgejones8871 says : Well. Whatare going to do to him? Nothing.>> <<@robertfeinberg748 says : What would the Kremlin have against Biden? He provides a window of opportunity for invasions.>> <<@capnmikes says : " Federal law makes it a crime to “knowingly and willfully” give “materially” false statements to Congress, even if unsworn"...so arrest this treasonous rat already!!!>> <<@oprrrah3498 says : IF he ever told the truth... THAT would be news.>> <<@briankepner7569 says : Well he had to be rewarded for his work effort! He also couldn't be let too far away from the corral so to speak.>> <<@luisoquinones4634 says : THEY SHOULD GO TO JAIL FOR TREASON.>> <<@seanscullion2178 says : So these 51 are going to be Arrested for taking part in a Coup and Insurrection ??>> <<@DD-bn2mx says : and they lie to congress and then just walk away with a pension at worse?>> <<@DD-bn2mx says : cannot he be arrested and prosecuted for lying?>> <<@rvandy5728 says : You watch this and just want to go take a long hot shower. Scum, all of them.>> <<@NAMLLLC says : Democraps have always been the source of misinformation.>> <<@anthonypanepinto9685 says : How much more proof does people need to realize that the Deep State is real in DC? Corruption within all Dept. In Washington is America's biggest problem.>> <<@anthonypanepinto9685 says : After Hillary's lies to congress politicians learned there is no consequeces for lying.>> <<@raindustbowl says : When corruption rules, peoples suffer from undue, unequal burdens as darkness, lies, and folly take root.>> <<@Bobcagon says : Epoch News: Why are the players in this story still employed by the USA taxpayer? They have been revealed to be liars yet still in their positions… How CAN THIS BE?>> <<@johnh4719 says : Name the 51 so "we the people" dont get duked again.>> <<@Censorthisbananahamock says : The people need to demand accountability on these scumbags, none of them should be allowed to walk away and most of then should face the guillotine.>> <<@charlieo3150 says : Isn't it amazing and not in a good way how the luciferians who make up YouTube have demonitized Roman Balmakov for simply speaking the truth? However the luciferian reptilian devil worshippers of YouTube STILL will not allow anyone to speak on Anthony Fauci and Xi Jinping's Wuhan Virus!!>> <<@TheFlwildman says : I bet many of you believed them when the fbi told everyone the mafia was over>> <<@TheFlwildman says : if you still have ANY faith in government, you need to turn yourself in, and get the help you desperately need>> <<@rexxer2792 says : This needs more views... No cap ...>> <<@edschelich1271 says : Welll worth watching. Good job ET>> <<@claytonwilliams4303 says : No matter what evidence was against the bidans that would convict anyone else they still would have one because of all the fraud with the voting machines. Protect the vote = a winning succes>> <<@tedberwick3186 says : WOW>> <<@tedberwick3186 says : Pray hard!>> <<@tedberwick3186 says : Ty>> <<@adonaiblackwood says : So they’re liars & they can get away with it - why again? Why are our leaders so corrupt?! 😭>> <<@Polite-c7r says : Corrupt corrupt corrupt. Dispicable, illegal, criminally liable.>> <<@michaeltribble9160 says : Being lied to is one thing, being lied to with impunity, is a harshness harder to bare.>> <<@thegreatpanch2010 says : THANKS ROMAN AND FACTS MATTER YOU GREAT NEWS IS TRUTH AND REVEALING.....We the PEOPLE , THANK YOU!!!!!!❤❤❤>> <<@johngacsi7000 says : BLINKEN. , + ALL. HIS. EVIL. BUDDYS. ,, DESERVE. - NO. LESS. THEN. THE. ROPE. !!!!!!! .>> <<@bobbyg9662 says : If anyone need someone to go on media and do some lying call Adam Schiff!>> <<@jimwatson4513 says : When are all these lie going to face consequences , under oath ?? This is crime of its own !!!>> <<@amtcruiser says : Isn't this a conspiracy??? Isn't this prosecutable???? When will we see real justice?????>> <<@johnstiles7709 says : Hunter, who doesn’t even have a job, is surrounded by a squad of Secret Service agents guarding him and his $20,000 a month mansion in Malibu, Calif. The Secret Service detail protecting Hunter Biden pays more than $30,000 a month in rent for the property next door to Biden’s Malibu mansion. That Secret Service rental has six bedrooms, six bathrooms, a gym, a pool and a spa.>> <<@johnstiles7709 says : Question: Why is everyone SO AFRAID of Donald Trump? Did HE order everyone to roll up their sleeves for an injection of a experimental medicine? I don't remember it that way at all . . .>> <<@debbiemcdowell849 says : And what do you think will happen to any of these criminals, I ASK YOU!*** Absolutely NOTHING, IM SO SICK OF THIS>> <<@cjm3122 says : The word FIRED should be officially stated 51 times ON AN IMMEDIATE BASIS, followed by 51 arrests AND imprisonments. Talk about classic earmarks.>> <<@kenhansew7892 says : When will a single one of these traitorous, lying, law- breaking, corruptoids face some well-earned justice?!?! Surely the majority of us is still interested in truth?! In fairness? In the rule of law?>> <<@Edgar-kl6us says : Criminalize the immunity rights that the Secretary of State can have, … and to answer for his crimes, …>> <<@ralphvalkenhoff2887 says : We all knew this for years yet why isn’t anyone Blinken not under investigation? This is why we need president Trump back to get this establishment out. I have my doubts about DeSantis.>> <<@MrMSScott says : Why are people that lie so much about things that effect our entire country are not arrested or at the very least fired and lose all retirement! They get paid to lie to us?? I have yet to see a single one of these people to be heald accountable for all of this.>> <<@charmainemorales3799 says : On that free silver. They never gave that to me. You have to have over hundred million to get that free money.>>