<<@SomeBlackGuy says : I guarantee you I'm the only one with a reasonable take on this situation. Set all biases aside and watch me make sense!>> <<@CodMaplekiller says : No reason needed to kick off Froggy, that dude is a joke and anyone who relates to Sam Hyde willingly should be blocked from public spaces - Epic Meal Guy included>> <<@en--ev says : The further I scroll down in this comment section the more and more replies I'm finding that have been shadowbanned... Might honestly just be youtube, so many comments get automatically blacklisted on all sorts of videos. It's just so frustrating that this straight up isn't a site where discussion can be had anymore. I've seen multiple instances in this comment section alone where people have replied to other replies that are no longer visible.>> <<@en--ev says : It's almost like making sweeping generalizations towards millions of people simultaneously inevitably leads to massive backlash... but no... that couldn't possibly be why people are mad. " People are just hating on them, *no matter what they do.* " Ya that makes a lot more sense. There definitely aren’t any specific prejudiced actions or statements that tenths of thousands of people have been collectively pointing towards. None at all. Ian made his bed, and now he’s sleeping in it. His own statements and actions led to what is happening now, and it is completely deserved. What the hell do you expect when someone turns towards the millions of people that used to follow them for a very specific personality and set of ideals, not only does a one-eighty, but also goes out of their way to actively demonize everyone who still appreciates their old persona and ideals. Ian used to make fun of people who threw around words like sexist, racist, and homophobic as if they had no meaning, not only is he doing that himself now, but he’s specifically targeting the millions of fucking people who got him to the point where he is even able to say that about them. How the fuck is this hard for so many people to understand? It still pisses me off how so many people refuse to acknowledge the basic facts of this situation, and the inevitable outcome that they had.>> <<@kinuorthel8096 says : Publicly disrespecting someone's family is over the line for most people, I would think. If Ian was going around telling that Froggy's mother is a stupid whore, he might not like it.>> <<@sisuhayha says : Are you in an attic or something?>> <<@mohannadalshamrani199gmail says : I think the bill burr's situation was understandable because his wife is not controversial like idubbbz wife>> <<@c1a2t3a4p5i6l7l8a9r says : Sorry Derek iddubs sucks now. It's not 2016 anymore and whatever he had it's fine now. I've heard more about idubbbz recently then ever before and he couldn't be less relevant.>> <<@Slypooch says : His text chain to froggy wasn’t clear at all he could have told froggy straight up to not associate with him. The bill burr thing isn’t even relevant to this situation. Im sure bill burr was much more direct in telling the guy to fuck off where as the froggy situation idubbbz was timid af. You think it’s reasonable to be able to control other peoples friendship circles? Froggy even asked if i train with sam will that get me banned from the event and ian never gave him a straight answer. Ian even said you can make content with him just wait till after the event to release it. What happened to you man? Bill burr isn’t a pussy because he was more direct where you couldn’t get a straight answer out of ian. Im with idubbbz banning sam hyde not froggy. If he was more clear about it froggy wouldn’t have trained with him if he knew he’d get banned. And bill burr and idubbbz situation are different.>> <<@Dr.Trustmeonthisone says : You gotta check the facts, the shit talking about Anisa by Sam and the event by Froggy (which was used as material to justify kicking Froggy for associating with Sam) happened AFTER Froggy was contacted that he was not welcome to fight. Ian is being deceptive and probably on purpose (could also be a case of head injury), hence the gigahate>> <<@thedude5616 says : It wasn’t that he kicked Froggy. It’s that he’s lying about why he was kicked. He’s lied about it all>> <<@NicoTown says : Anthony Cumia has always been super racist and has always admited to it, Patrice was the reason he wasnt cancelled i feel like, seeing as they where such good friends and an actual hilarious duo, but after we lost Patrice, Cumia just hangs with other racists and the counterbalance isnt there to make humor out of it anymore.>> <<@Beyblade_worrior says : Turns out my morals are better than idubbz and bill burrs thanks for the confirmation>> <<@Beyblade_worrior says : I don’t believe in rehabilitation, once a criminal always a criminal>> <<@Beyblade_worrior says : I’m not on bill burrs side him and idubbz are cucked>> <<@Beyblade_worrior says : I’m not immature another to care about who an employee hangs out with>> <<@Beyblade_worrior says : Ian jomba is a hypocrite>> <<@Beyblade_worrior says : Nah bill bud and iddubz are soft, no respect for Ian froggy isn’t Sam dude>> <<@MaximumAaron says : I didn't even know someone trashed Bill Burr's wife and got banned from a thing. Who could trash Nia? Bill Burr is my favorite comedian of all time, and I probably like her more than him, due entirely to her appearances on his podcast. Seriously, she's awesome, hilarious, and takes absolutely none of her husband's shit. They are PERFECT for each other.>> <<@bindithorne6446 says : Thank you, I subbed to you like 7 years ago. and just came across you now because this dramas filling my feed. Theres a lot of homoerotic parasocial jealousy and heartbreak about idubbz and anisa, and froggy fresh. Its idubbz event, he can do what he wants. Seems kinda gay to be butt hurt over it..>> <<@thecolt6580 says : Hey Bill, Bert said yeah you can make fun of my wife anytime you want in a video and then comes back out and says I don’t want anybody to make fun of my wife and me doing sex work me and how would you feel if your wife who is fuck in other names for basically nine bucks or 10 bucks>> <<@SuperGiovanniSantos says : he only said that after he got kicked out fam>> <<@mikewehr7887 says : Imagine thinking a disloyal wife deserves the same respect as a actual wife . If my wife cheated like will smith or made me look like a idiot by stripping and showing everyone for money best believe I’d let someone make fun of that bitch . You know besides the fact I’d never tolerate that in the first place>> <<@Section8dc says : Bad take, bad analogy>> <<@punklover99 says : Ian dug his own grave this time>> <<@antonydrossos5719 says : I really don’t follow iDubbz. I only heard of him because of reaction videos about him, and I’ve been following videos like this ever since. Side note: They came for me on the Patrice O’Neal subreddit when I spoke out on Anthony Cumia, but F$&K Anthony Cumia! He was NEVER a real friend to Patrice, and blatantly ignored Patrice’s advice when it was given to him personally. His success was a fluke, and the writing was on the wall when Patrice died. Even if Bill Burr wasn’t married to Nia, he would likely still distance himself from Cumia out of common decency>> <<@_bluegoodin2227 says : Yeah I would say you've gone woke dude. I can not believe you actually defended this bullshit. From the same guy who Makes a Twitter trash series.>> <<@V3v15c3r8 says : This is a fucking terrible take and can tell you are going by feelings since you are closer to the people involved. Who Chris Ray Gun? No outrage for the dude he was matched up with and could be hurt because idubbbz pussy got hurt from Sam Hyde hanging with Froggy?>> <<@manfredlundmark3267 says : This is the worse fucking take this year. 😊>> <<@KnightLightXL says : I wont claim to be a expert on this whole situation but this still seems pretty off the ball>> <<@DinaraMars says : Based take, dont mind the hater dominating the comments its what they do now on every idubbz and froggy video outthere, the're 100% biased.. its insane to even deffend froggy in this 🤦>> <<@uonecar says : Sam Hyde said stuff about idubbbz wife not foggy the bill burr makes no sense>> <<@Beefy-Canvas says : The problem isn’t idubbz hating Sam Hyde the problem is him controlling other people from hanging with him even though it has nothing to do with him and if you look at the creator clash perspective Chris Raygun was supposed to be against Froggy but because he was kicked out Chris was heavily outmatched against a real boxer and that is just not fair because Ian’s beef with Sam is effecting everyone around him now>> <<@MdtFenrir says : Omg This isn't it cheif. Communication is key. What do you mean: It depends completely on the people involved. Nah it's not like it this. Follow the timeline. Yeah "the connection" that's why it matters who it is that's involved, you said it exactly...>> <<@spookwagen-thegreat1350 says : Here's the difference between Bill Burr's wife and Anisa: Anisa is a personality of her own right, she is not a private person, Bill Burr's wife is not in the game so it's out of pocket to bring her up>> <<@AnnalinaSR21 says : Icuckzzz>> <<@bearythebear69 says : Disagree not the same>> <<@nosliwyelir says : #SamgatefeverdreamintheotherroomwhileAnissagetsrailed>> <<@campfiresedge9395 says : You are on the wrong side of this.>> <<@doggyfresh123456 says : i think people are just mad at how he went about it. He wasnt upfront and his response to froggy . He said that froggy was trashing the event and posted clips of him after he was thrown. Also, people are upset at how he just trashes his old fanbase, the people who supported idubbbz. I under ppl change and grow but come on. And i bet the next content cop he teased will be about his content probably bash his old fans.>> <<@hamez1740 says : There's no way you can compare the 2 situations Anthony said some wild shit about bills wife And froggy made a light hearted joke And dared to associate with the evil sam hyde Plus bill handled the situation well, the same cant be said for ian>> <<@DonMon69 says : Bro Ian’s texts to Froggy regarding Sam weren’t even clear enough to specifically state that he would be kicked for associating w Sam. For a grown adult running a charity even, Ian lacks the most basic ability to communicate. When it comes to kicking out a dude who has trained to fight for 9 months, completely under unclear terms, that’s just insanely deceptive. BE CLEAR WITH THE POSSIBLE OUTCOME WITH FROGGY. BE A FUCKING MAN AND PICK UP THE PHONE AND LAY OUT THE MOST BASIC SET OF GROUNDRULES. Ian’s texts that he showed in his own video show this dude has absolutely no ability to communicate effectively with someone who is essentially putting their life at risk for his own event>> <<@shibaos says : why nobody talking about how idubbbz started all this by trying to make a hitpiece on sam but it heavily backfired and he is still salty about it>> <<@spookshow6999 says : There is a huge difference Anisa talked trash about Sam first, and Idubbbz tried to do a hit piece on him. Then he stands up and supports sex work for young girls, and women. Then calls us outdated if we dont support sex work. They brought this on themselves.>> <<@vekuruz says : "They're hating on Idubbbz, and Anisa no matter what they do." No my dude, they're hating on them *because* of what they do. Idubbbz handled this situation poorly, Froggy was upset afterwards said awful things afterwards. The OF joke was nothing. The joke was literally that Chris was a podcast host with Anisa, and that the fans always thought they were dating. So the joke is he was supporting Chris's girlfriend as the joke was entirely based off the rumor, and it was a dig at Chris, not at Idubbbz even though it was Idubbbz wife. Also, after all the terrible things Idubbbz has said on the internet that little minor joke, and dig at his wife is all it took to make him not want to associate with Froggyfresh? Him training with Sam Hyde didn't matter, it's just Idubbbz being paranoid. Sam still would have been banned from the event regardless. Saying you don't have freedom of association comes across a lot like a girlfriend saying you can't be friends on facebook with your ex. It's a bit unhinged. If he'd have said in the text point blank, "If you train with Sam, I can't have you on my card." I'd have a lot more respect. He tried to weasel and guilt him into doing 'the right thing' rather than being firm, and setting boundaries. The entire text message came across like a jealous girlfriend that doesn't want you to delete your ex off your facebook because she told you to, but because *you want to*. It wasn't just enough for Idubbbz that Froggy not associate with Sam, he wanted Froggy to 'understand' and 'want' to not associate with him. Guess what, if my wife was getting trashed, I'd make a point before the event to explain, "Yeah this guys not on the card, he trashed my wife, and I'm not dealing with it." IDubbbz didn't do that. He didn't want it to 'risk his event' is his reasoning, but the truth was he just sucks at being firm ,and setting proper expectations. He could have set the expectations to not train with Sam from the get go, or on the text message, but instead it's literally something he himself drew out, and made worse rather than just being firm, and putting his foot down. Sam Hyde trashes his wife nonstop because he's a risque comedian who says awful things non-stop. Fair enough, don't want him related to Sam Hyde.... THEN SET THE EXPECTATION! It's again, still on Idubbbz because of the way he handled it, and the timing that he handled it. It's not what you say, but how you say it, and when you say it oftentimes, and Idubbbz stumbled at both the timing, and how he went about it. I hope you can recognize that the issue with Idubbbz isn't that he didn't want people associated with Sam, but that he delivered that feedback to Froggyfresh far too late, and in a weasely manner. Read the text messages. I've had ex-girlfriends that have pulled this crap too often with the "I want you to do X because you want to do it, not because I told you to do it." Setting proper expectations, and boundaries is something that Idubbbz needs to work on because it's something that's continually getting him in trouble. "Isn't it insane to bring drama to the event at all if it's for charity?" No, because pro wrestling works in that someone makes a heel of themselves so that people wanna pay for the fight to watch them get whipped. UFC, and boxing both do this now because heat generates an audience. Froggyfresh's 'joke' was so mild that I didn't take it seriously, and was actually shocked that Idubbbz took it personally. And hey, if charity matters, you've just built up the card for Creator Clash 3. Everyone is invested in this drama. Idubbbz vs. Froggyfresh would make a lot of money. I'd pay to see it. That's the way heat works. I understand that Idubbbz might not want anything to do with Froggy going forward, but I'm saying that's the way heat works. You build up a beef, and a drama, and usually both sides realize they're just doing it for advertisement, and don't take it personally. "it's about Froggyfresh meeting someone he reveres." Maybe, not sure. I think it was a perk for sure. But this again comes back to Ian's responsibility to set the proper expectation early rather than waiting until the man's trained for weeks, and then "Oh yeah, but if you talk to that guy, we might have a problem, he causes a lot of drama..." and hinting around it instead of being firm. Still goes to Idubbbz not being firm in his expectations. "It has nothing to do with Idubbbz and Anisa for me." It has to do with how they handle their business, and nothing else. I respect not wanting to have someone who's insulted your wife associated with your event. But be open, transparent, and direct about your expectations rather than waiting until right before the event to have all that drama unfold just because you're insecure about a guy going to visit a dude you depise. Bill handled his business, and was 100% upfront about it. Idubbbz wasn't upfront. "You're exposed, you have a problem with Idubbbz and Anisa!" No, I just find the way they handled this to be poor. "Why do they paint him as an absolute villain?" Because he was a hero to many, and he painted himself a particular way. Over the years he's changed, and evolved his character. I'm not here to discuss if it's better or worse, but he's now a faint imitation of who he was before, and that disappoints people so they naturally get upset. When he tells people he's upset about his prior content they take it personally. I don't, and I don't care. I hope him nothing but happiness, and success. But handle your business in a straight forward way, and stop being weasely because it reminds me of the people he *used* to critique. "I don't see this as a downfall for the guy." Correct, it's whatever he chooses for it to be. If he's where he wants to be cool. But he disappointed a lot of his fans, and upset people. Maybe he cares, maybe he doesn't. "This isn't in defense of Idubbbz, and Anisa." Be honest. It is. You don't like how they're being treated online. I understand. I don't like it either, but neither do I like how they're acting, and how they've treated anyone who's had any sort of criticism for them. Every person with a criticism is labeled as a hater. It's not the case. "This is just absolute logic right here." I don't know that it's logic, I'd argue it's more a mix of ethos, and pathos. And I don't disagree with the points you're raising that he shouldn't have to have people associated with Sam Hyde who dissed his wife on his event card. The issue is how he handled his business pure and simple, and he handled it poorly.>> <<@calvinheiser says : Honestly given the shit that Sam says about his wife, I don't think it's surprising or wrong to blacklist him and his friends. If someone said that about a partner of mine, I wouldn't want them or any of their friends at any of my events.>> <<@hhhggbg3000 says : Idubbbz makes a video, uses clips made after Froggy was kicked as an excuse for why he was kicked, has said repeatedly he didn’t care if people made fun of him and his wife, then use clips of them being made fun of as reason for why Froggy was kicked. Shows messages proving he did not make it clear who people were and were not allowed to associate with. It’s insane that people think idubbbz is at all in the right or being reasonable.>> <<@FoulMouthActual says : Interesting video... Why didnt you mention the fact that Epic Meal Time dude wasn't banned from the event when he fought?>> <<@White_Recluse says : I get not wanting Sam Hyde at the event, but I’m not entirely sure it’s fair to apply that to Froggy Fresh as well. From what I’ve heard, there had been another boxer at a previous creator clash event that was also trained by Sam Hyde.>> <<@ecceignarus3600 says : It is not just Sam Hyde constantly attacking Idubbbz's wife that led to this situation. What becomes clear when reading the text messages that Idubbbz showed in his response video, is that Idubbbz was afraid that by training with Sam Hyde Froggy Fresh would attract a lot of people who would harass not just Idubbbz and his wife, but also disrupt Creater Clash 2. His biggest fear seems to have been that Sam Hyde would use his connection to Froggy to show up at the event and ruin it. Thus, Idubbbz viewed the Froggy's assocation with Sam Hyde and refusal to distance himself, at least temporarily, from Hyde not just as disresprectful to himself, but also as a potential danger to the charity event.>>