<<@metamodern409 says : Uh guess what, Biden AND Bernie did it>> <<@f.c.6819 says : Everyone should get paid vacation that is separate from their paid sick leave.>> <<@Furiends says : Everyone should get 2 week paid vacation.>> <<@jackhaus5238 says : Biden didn't help them>> <<@tomtom9184 says : I want to go further and make sure exectutives have no sick pay for at least 10 years. Suck it up.>> <<@mnemosynevermont5524 says : They must hire back enough essential crew to cover for sick days.>> <<@coffeebuzzz says : Sounds like they need to strike.>> <<@User-ds6qv says : Damn and all they asked for was 15 days paid sick days per year... as for me, I’m a government employee for a provincial government in Canada 🇨🇦... I get a maximum of 10 paid sick days per year. If I don’t use any of those, it accumulates to the following year so year 2, I’ll get 20 paid sick days... as an employee for them for 9 years, I had a total of 90 paid sick days, last year I got hospitalized for about 3 weeks and I got paid for all those days I missed (15 days) and 7 days year before. That’s 22 paid sick days from my 90 total paid sick leave... I still have 68 paid sick days I can use if I happen to get injured or sick 😁😁😁>> <<@billconstantine7248 says : Four days? In Australia everyone gets 10 days.>> <<@gregallen4272 says : The cotton industry I work for has after the covid 19 pandemic now tied our vaccination and sick days together so if we take off for any reason we will lose vacation days And I have heart disease and have to go to the doctor in a different city live in small town and it is a all day trip just as well I graduated in 1980 and the asshat raygun instituted trickle down economics and the tevelangest loon a ticks got power and control and it has been a shit show in the southern states ever since so if you are for women's rights and health care and care about very young girls who have been raped or abused by someone then you are a target for them because they refuse to have any common feelings or compassion for females women who fall for their hee haw Taliban BS are being played because they don't want women to have any rights the hand maiden tale is there Dream of power and control over women thay want to make slaves of them and have there mother with benefits like in the dark ages when women were property and men could do anything to them>> <<@JennRicco says : We’re Not Even Asking For PAID Sick Leave. 🙄>> <<@ashleymarie6682 says : 4 days a year…. To cover all rest days, family emergencies, doctors appointments, 684 hours per month on call… 347 days they must be available per year around the clock at a moments notice, and they get exactly 4 days. Total. That’s it. Disgusting. The reason they havent given it to operating crew is because theyre still trying to reduce crew size from 1 to 2 and they need the numbers to keep pushing the self inflicted problem of short staffing.>> <<@rockerjim8045 says : it’s 2023 and we are still mentioning Sick Pay.>> <<@Quasita says : After the last election, I came away with a very distinct impression as to the strategy behind the scenes in regards to the Democratic party and how people consolidated behind Biden during the primaries. Something I found kind of interesting in the aftermath was how little I saw people talking about the fact that biden's administration ultimately absorbed At least four of his opponents in the primary. He took on Harris's the vice president, he appointed Bernie to a high value seat, he gave Pete Buttigieg his position, and unless I'm mistaken, Warren was at least brought into an advisory board kind of thing in the very beginning. Even Andrew Yang got to bend his ear a couple of times. I'm pretty bad with names so I don't remember the name of the guy who was kind of out of left field as a rich dude with a tiny vote margin, but even his presence in the primary came across to me as being a person included because of how vocal he was going to be in the debates, as it challenged and elicited responses from the other candidates in a way that highlighted things that I don't think would have worked as well if they depended on the individuals to bring up the topics through their plan talking points. It was reminiscent to me of when John McCain was given the Republican party nomination when he ran against Obama. I didn't think anybody expected John McCain to actually win the presidency, and I do think at the time at least they were trained to launch Palin into a national spotlight and just really overestimated her skills and ability. However, I think McCain was highlighted for that nomination because of the longevity of his service to the country not only in the military but also within Congress, and I don't think anybody can argue against the thought that nomination for presidency is effectively in honor even if you don't win. The impression I came away from John McCain's nomination was that they knew he wasn't going to win against Obama, but they wanted to give him the honor of the nomination. They were comfortable enough with it if he did actually win, but regardless, they kind of put the cap on the top of his service within politics by providing him the nomination. When we saw the primary in which Biden was selected over all of the other candidates, even though I think regardless of polling, more than one of the other candidates had a more palatable and attractive presentation for the population on the whole... But I think you can argue the same kind of nomination honor that we saw with McCain go with Biden. When they had to make the decision as to who is going to win the nomination and who they were going to present is their candidate, I think there was a closed door meeting about which one of these people can appeal to a wider demographic including elderly individuals, and how can we incorporate the influence and ideas of these other people who are arguably popular with different sectors of the country in order to bolster the candidacy of Biden. I definitely had the impression that Biden was mostly being inserted as a figurehead and not necessarily as somebody who had grand plans... But when you recognize the fact that he absorbed the bulk of the Democratic party spread within the primary to be part of his presidency, I actually felt almost hopeful for his presidency at that time because by doing it that way, they were effectively bringing in the multitude of perspectives and ideas that were attractive about all of those candidates into one candidacy. I think it's shaking out to be not as great as it had the potential to be, A lot of things have been lacking, but I also think that this is facilitated a certain perspective for the American people as well. There were many of us that would have supported other candidates over Biden but we consolidated behind Biden because of him being against Trump in the finals... And in some ways, seeing the ineffectiveness of the other candidates in some of the roles that they take on within the Biden presidency makes it clear as to why we shouldn't support them for future presidencies. I feel this very strongly particularly in regards to Harris and Buttigieg. These two in particular because at least in the lead up to the primary debates and stuff, I heard different people taking stances of support from essentially identity politics perspectives, because we had a potential first woman-presenting person of color president, and we had the potential for our first openly gay president... But both of those people have been practically invisible in a lot of ways with the exception of the train derailment stuff, and these days I feel like Harris might as well not exist at all... Funny enough, I seriously considered both of these people as being good potential because I wanted to see someone younger in the presidency, I wanted to have somebody who was more progressively leaning and open about it, but I'm glad to have seen the way they handled their positions in these higher ranks during this presidency, because I don't think I would support them as candidates in the future, at least not until they've demonstrated fundamental change to the way they approach problems and criticism. So my point overall in saying this is that I think the conclusion that Bernie is acting in a strategic way is absolutely correct. If you review back over the presidency of Biden, of all the people that were absorbed into his cabinet that were in the primary against Biden, the one person you consistently see both challenging but also bolstering the presidency we currently have is Bernie. I think Bernie understands that he's not in a position to run for president again, so he's taking the opportunity he's been given to affect as much change as he can within the context of a heavily liberal democratic lien. I'm sure at times it's incredibly frustrating for him because you know he would like to do things that are more aggressive... But I think on some level he is full-throated behind Biden because they have partnered so consistently over the first presidential term, and presumably he would continue acting in his role in a second term. I can almost guarantee that behind the scenes, some of these shocking or unexpected movements we've seen from Biden, even the ones that didn't come to actual fruition, they came from a heavily influenced position through discussion with Bernie. I won't say that Biden is just a puppet head that's being organized by Bernie or anything like that, I don't run with that kind of conspiracy theory, but I think that the decision to allow Biden to be the face of things well regularly planning out how they can incorporate some of the agenda items that Bernie has been arguing for for a long time into the changes that they might make, I think it's hard to ignore the fact that it's a strategic relationship. For very long time now, when getting into conversations with people about people like Bernie, I often will refer back to when he regularly was on Thom Hartman's radio show to do brunch with Bernie. That was where I first became aware of who he was, that was my first steps into being at all politically active other than having supported Obama. Bernie always used to say the same thing because colors would call in and ask him to run for president all the time. He consistently said that he as a third party candidate was not going to run a presidency unless he had good reason to believe his donor's money would not go to waste, that he had a reasonable shot at the presidency. It was nearly 10 years after I first saw him speak on that and say stuff like that then he announced his intention to run for presidency and that was my emboldening moment in respect to political stuff. I worked for his campaign, I went and got to meet him briefly, I had not felt a hope for future like that pretty much ever before. It was really too bad that things didn't work out the way a lot of us would have liked but... I feel like I recognize his influence in a lot of the movements we see nowadays, and I'm far less harsh in my critical eye when it comes to how people interpret his general supportive statements regarding the Biden presidency.>> <<@dragoonzen says : money for the rich, slavery for the poor.>> <<@brandonyoung-kemkes1128 says : The small victories are sometimes all you can get. How much faith would people have in him if he went for the big Prize and failed? I think Bernie wants to have an affect even if it’s only a small one a big one would be nice but you work with what you got. Why this sentence seems phallic related I can’t say.>> <<@ryanmathis8286 says : They should of let the strike happen>> <<@robertboanes8409 says : IT'S CALLED POLITICS CENK....YOU'D BE HORRIBLE AT IT WITH YOU ALMOST MANIACAL INTRANSIGENCE.... WHEN YOUR LORDGOD BERNIE ISN'T ENOUGH FOR YOU WHO IS? AND PLEASE STOP WITH THE "BERNIE IS THE ONLY ONE" THIS AND THAT CRAP... IT'S ALMOST AS IRKSOME AS WHEN YOU APPLY IT TO YOURSELVES AD NAUSEUM.... AND I'M A TYT FAN OF THE MAJORITY OF YOUR CONTENT....>> <<@virginiachris80 says : Give the workers paid sick days. People get sick The corps can Incentive the workers with 2.5x pay for sick days not used.>> <<@poeticjustice1000 says : Bernie Sanders - One of the rare politicians with integrity in American politics.>> <<@fredericrike5974 says : OK, small bit of confusion here; I'm assuming that the railroads must pay time and a half overtime for those hours past 40 per week. If they don't, the Teamsters' Union needs a whole new Executive wing. On to my point; it is not economically viable to regularly schedule overtime work- just the payroll is eating your profit base alive. The high pay rates work for deep inshore and offshore oil, but they are paying through the nose every time they have a manpower change- it doesn't show up in the parking lot in the swamp of next to the offshore rigs- the oil companies have to hauls the manpower out- and pay for it. So how are the railroads telling this fairy tale? It shouldn't take a big financial trial to see and prove it. I also suspect you aren't really seeing to the 'quiet power game" Biden largely runs on. And sometimes those "gaffe" of his aren't really gaffes at all- they are polling points, they help get a quick fix on how people in the room react before somebody throws a game changer. I just wish he could get more of his judicial picks up and running- but Ms. Feinstein is still hors de combat and not present to serve her committee.>> <<@johngrissom9147 says : All these multi million and billion dollar companies should earned sick and annual leave, like the Civil service does !!!>> <<@votetocount1752 says : Trump cut rail regulations and he owns this accident! Responsible https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFEC3aBHtLU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smKC__p7MG0>> <<@scifirealism5943 says : This reveals something terrible and more constant about American politics. Our leaders are presented with a very simple choice. You can have worker solidarity exist or you can have poverty exist but you cannot have both. The defining moments of American politics are not about what we are willing to do. They are about where we draw the line. The truth of our values lies in the risks we refuse to take. The consequences we do not like to tolerate. The prices we are unwilling to pay. It is worker solidarity, not poverty, that our political and corporate leaders treat as the risk they refuse to allow.>> <<@ralphethridge8557 says : According to my sources (BNSF mechanical employees) the 4 days of sick leave granted to them still counts against their attendance records. If they take as little as 3 days of the leave they can be put up for investigation.>> <<@hertzeid says : Seen from the standards of European countries, these workers are getting crumbs. 4-5 days? Hah!>> <<@lindsayjohnston7465 says : Why can't DOT mandate hours of service limitations like in other industries?>> <<@3natey says : General strike. Thats the only way to get more and go further.>> <<@4bkb says : this is crumbs in comparison to Europe.>> <<@ireneroseart4858 says : Imagine if more than just Bernie would speak out!!!!! Could actually become something normal like 2 weeks vacation, 2 weeks sick days .>> <<@jamesegsmith says : How did congress actually prevent the strike though? If nobody showed up to work what would have happend?>> <<@AnthonyPinkerton-d7p says : Actually, Cenk and Ana, Bernie's deal is showing that Bernie's a threat to Biden's re-election chances. I used to be an independent contractor for the Railroad Industry; the biggest issue during the National Railroad Strike threat wasn't the pay, as you've both stated it was sick leave! Engineer's and Brakemen, are forbidden to take even a single day off! The only thing that the Engineer's and Brakemen wanted was; minimum of two weeks off per year!>> <<@kimkristensen2816 says : In Denmark it is 120 days, yet have no more sick days than the US>> <<@andreasbyczkowski3435 says : Cenk’s analysis, raw intuition and second-guessing about the ACTUAL motives, background and intents of these RR CEO actions is DEAD-ON ACCURATE!!! Corporations are still bathing in 5-7 decades of obscene perks that assist them in running rough shod over the rest of civic society; compliments of their incessantly bribed bellhop legislators. Yubetcha!>> <<@TheDualHero15 says : EVERY politician needs to be criticized! No exceptions.>> <<@rayfiedler9482 says : I think it's about time you clowns bought a saddle. Your fat arses must be getting painful after riding Biden for so long.>> <<@cliffh8486 says : Sitting on a train sick right now. They hired employees but keep extra boards at a bare minimum and started talking the “furlough” rumor. I can’t imagine why no one wants this job.>> <<@Theghostdogmadderkayne says : Greed monger corporations are killing this country and don't seem to care. It's about time to start taking these greedy jackwagons to the freaking wall>> <<@jonathangrunstein-ks2dz says : 4 days of sick leave? Hahahahahahahahaha. America is in a total state of decline. You can't blame the government. Why? Because the people ARE the government. They VOTE these clowns into office. In other words, the average American has become so brainwashed that they are literally destroying themselves. Very sad. Most other advanced economies have weeks of sick leave, and several weeks of annual paid leave, and universal healthcare. The reason the US doesn't have these things is because the collective mindset of Americans is that they're sleepwalking. They're literally asleep. That's why you need a Marianne-type actor. She's a much more powerful speaker than Bernie and she's not "friends with Biden". She'll awaken people. Bernie was great, but fundamentally weak using his power like the squad. Marianne or bust for me.>> <<@cliffh8486 says : Engineers and conductors on the union pacific still don’t have it. Thanks lance.>> <<@rabbott9938 says : right- and they dont give workers an inch bc they want to hold them back as much as possible. Like slave holders basically>> <<@rabbott9938 says : How many paid days off do congress and senate members get? How many sick days do the CEOs get?>> <<@aaronsande says : So this is what I think about when people tell me Bernie wouldn't be able to get anything done.>> <<@stecky87 says : If the train doesn't run when *ONE* person calls in sick, then you need to hire more people, not deny sick leave. What happens if that sick conductor makes a mistake & people die? The rail company isn't going to take responsibility for that, we're going to have to pay that cost>> <<@grahamjones5400 says : Dont forget Dark Brandon threatened to use government physical force to stop any rail workers from striking. And thats the guy tyt hosts support .>> <<@karllaur3866 says : Everyone in UK gets up to 28 days of sick leave a year.>> <<@danjohnston9037 says : Derailments also tell you something needs changing>> <<@SocialistDog says : I want to run for president but I'm pretty sure I'd get JFKed>> <<@janusatthegate6201 says : I'm sure Bernie resents Joe's lies and failures but he knows strategy to keep things going. If only he was eligible in peoples' stupid minds. He would be the best leader ever.>> <<@finestkindmedicinal5967 says : To be clear the Railroad companies didnt CHANGE their minds. Rather they were FORCED to make a different decision. Years & years of alcohol abuse can change the way human brains function. Years of drug abuse can change the synapses in the human brain. Years of emotional, physical & verbal abuse has been shown to highlight differently in PET scans of human brains than those of human brains not exposed to these abuses. We need to start the discussion that the rich have a mental illness & or faulty brain wiring brought on by years of exposure to riches & privileges beyond their wildest dreams. They go from ' ive worked so hard & i am going to enjoy this' TO ' I deserve it all, want it all, need it all and NO ONE deserves any of it'. Just as cocaine races through the brain telling the user they are strong & invincible but needing the next 'bump' more frequently with greater use - the same happens to the human brain when its rewarded with the best view- the best room- the best yacht- the best wagu beef - they need more & more 'bumps' to get the same high they got from yesterdays outrageous acquisitions. These are sick greedy mentally ill individuals that need regulation. Tax the rich into oblivian or into humanity. Its us against these parasites.>>