<<@Roboticdoughbull3k says : Are these people intentionally just retarded and communistic or are they just Jtrig ops in msm?>> <<@PappyNakamoto says : Shame on Dorsey lol>> <<@Fuliginosus says : Cenk is good, but Ana is my favorite.>> <<@PeapodCenters says : Get me in touch with Jack Dorsey!!!! I spent 16,000 hours designing a social media site that will end homelessness. I need start up money so I can contract great minds…. I don’t want his money. I want his talent.>> <<@twincast2005 says : Jack Dorsey was co-founder of the company and its CEO for most of its life. Noah Glass was Twitter's actual creator. In other words, Dorsey is to Twitter what Musk is to Tesla. Screw 'em both.>> <<@Al-oe8ib says : At least the world now knows where musk stands and what he supports>> <<@lorrainedelgado8991 says : Where’s Maye? Elons mom. She needs to give him a timeout lol>> <<@michaeldpa1333 says : Musk wanted to turn Twitter into Truth Social. He well down that road. As a CEO Musk should have stayed out of politics. Without Government subsidies and grants he never would gotten his business's started. Typically Billionaire. Self Righteousness, Egotistical and Ungrateful.>> <<@motthepapa says : I have never used Twitter...in what way is it worse since Elon Musk bought it?>> <<@wheelsofafrica says : Elon Musk > Jack Dorsey. Elephant > ant! And in general critics are infinitely less capable than those they criticize, and this is particularly true of this post. One of Elon's main motives for buying Twitter was to allow free speech, and IMO that is an extremely noble motive. Twitter was losing money; now it is breaking even. This is normal teething problems, when you take on a new enterprise. GO, ELON! and may God bless you.>> <<@bibeksubedi4377 says : You don't need investigation, if you look at the eye you know everything about a person>> <<@saneman751 says : He is smart enough to fool millions of people who still are tweeting.>> <<@aasta5118 says : Idk if it was always trashy over there, but the people are super gross. I hope it is not actually representative of society.>> <<@ainsleymalcolm6809 says : Dorsey was just damn greedy he didn't need to do this deal he should have fight the board over this deal he fuck up majorly because now they all see that Musk is a full time ass Musk is not a genius he is a liar and a thief and the truth about him is coming out more and more . All this is on Dorseys head he should have fought harder for Twitter>> <<@aadityachourasia2124 says : What like 6 months still imploding ?>> <<@bijness2000 says : He prefers twitter staff to be 50% cia and fbi>> <<@BuenaventuraAventurado-gc4fr says : For me,u idiot why you sale your company to that guy now you complaining,😂>> <<@cboyle707 says : Diagnosis: High functioning Assburgers.>> <<@maggiebannenberkowitz9254 says : Than creator's, LOOK into who you are Selling Out To!!>> <<@pop5678eye says : Musk should stick to the things he's good at: marketing and scamming the government (read you the tax payer) for subsidies. Everywhere else he interferes goes to shit. He should let the experts do their jobs. That's why they were hired.>> <<@JockMan8979 says : Musk is getting musty and more & more a mask made of MOOP 💩🗑>> <<@zsa5692 says : He sold the company to musk, so Dorsey can shut the fuck up and disappear.>> <<@steveochry4047 says : Anna why do you give two rats turds about what high tech gurus think of Elon musk in Twitter nobody cares I hate to tell you that what you should be doing and what you want be doing because you were duplicitous jealous fraud is a story on how Ukraine is being saved by starlink internet service that Elon musk essentially the Einstein of our times developed and deployed and is giving to Ukraine to win the war now that's a story when a fraud like the young turds will never do that story right girl>> <<@Kiki-en9vm says : Ijust need another platform that is not twitter,is overruned now by nazi's and right wing folks. They are there now fighting culture wars,not a healthy place anymore.>> <<@Kiki-en9vm says : More and more people are looking for a way out of twitter,musk has make a mess of it cos of pushi g right wing agenda.>> <<@Mollikar says : It was already wrecked because of the Truth and Safety council post 2016 however Censorship in favor of the left is now just as bad as before, I really dont see the difference. I gave it a shot and deleted my account again. The only real moderate place to go is Minds the other platforms are ultra right wing and Minds is a deadzone so, whatever I guess. I just hope Twitter dies a terrible death at this point it literally serves no purpose anymore.>> <<@gabrielmihai7162 says : Hello Cenk. I subscribed to your channel long before Ana had his nose fixed and gained a little more confidence from that, and I still like listening to you from time to time even if I don't agree with everything you're saying.>> <<@dhritikapoor2897 says : You keep saying Twitter has declined or deteriorated but you never explain how. It’s still the same . You tweet , you reply , rant, cry etc . What has deteriorated with the coming of elon ? He has fired most of the employees and Twitter still remains the same cesspool of hyper people .>> <<@patrick111390 says : Musk made it better.>> <<@videoettaceo8900 says : Musk is grade A magat puke.>> <<@raoul_duke7253 says : It’s the Ayn Rand thing… the rest of us are here to hold these giants on our shoulders…. It’s high school/ college freshman bullshit at the age you think you might be one of them… when frankly when they finally make the origin movie you see it’s mostly ruthlessness and luck.😊>> <<@EdKaine says : I don’t understand how this channel is so Anti-Elon. It’s really fishing to put up everything his company does and make it all bad. If 9 million people watched a thing shared on the Twitter platform it kinda proves people are using it… and was it shared anywhere else? SpaceX saves the taxpayers billions. Tesla makes the safest cars. OpenAI is amazing… unfortunately Microsoft owns it now. Neurolink may help paralyzed people.>> <<@kJack8420 says : He only bought Telsa...he did not build it.. he just enhanced the already build Technology/Car...Guess he thought it'd go the same with Tweeter..🥬😒>> <<@JohnBarron-nk7pe says : It is better to be silent and thought a fool then to speak and remove all doubt! A Lesson Elon musk never learned.😮 Big Don says go to truth social The only platform that has to tell you that what they're saying is true because...well because its BS.>> <<@sueedwards9334 says : Not biased at all.>> <<@aaronmillon3620 says : A white south African arrived in this country of Ultra Supremacy.>> <<@DominiqueThanhNguyen says : if you are not sure that Elon Musk is not a genius, then you are sure that you have eyes without eye-balls then(to commentator)>> <<@tsunami2447 says : Oh, Twitter is his baby huh? If you put your baby up for adoption, you need to stfu about how the parent who adopted your baby is raising it. Buy it back Dorsey, if you believe what you believe. Hey Cenk....in what way are you smart?>> <<@robincobb8611 says : Please stop the hero worship. He’s just a man like anybody else. There are no special people.>> <<@JamesSmith-ts7mu says : They, the rich and powerful, don't care if the platform crashes. The model has been short-term profits over sustainability. Fact.>> <<@MillionsofMax.s says : Proof that white entitlement exist, Elon musk apologist⬇️>> <<@eattherich9215 says : Boo, hoo Muskrat has broken Dorsey's toy. Pfft.>> <<@CyanideSublime says : Jack Dorsey is just as guilty. He took Elon's money and ran and allowed it to become crap. Money ruins everything. Don't buy it.>> <<@bradhayes8294 says : Elon Musk is and always has been a flim-flam man. Like a carnival barker or snake oil salesman, he attracts and excites a crowd, whipping them up into an ecstatic frenzy of anxious anticipation. Anticipation of seeing his extraordinary claims and promises come to fruition, as they willingly empty their wallets. Only later, after he's skipped town, do they realize they've been duped. Elon Musk is the personification of "bait and switch". He really doesn't seem to be very smart either. Who overpays $44 billion for Twitter, and then only nine days later, fires 3,700 employees. And then goes on to issue his infamous old school, shoot from the hip, ultimatum to the remaining employees to either agree "to become more hardcore and work long hours at high intensity", or leave the company with three months severance pay. After which, unsurprisingly, 75% of the remaining 3,700 employees quit. Can you imagine being one of the few remaining employees expected to live up to such an unrealistic and unsustainable standard? It's not exactly the best way to boost morale and foster creativity, I'd think. It's one thing for him to say he supposedly did it once at Tesla. It's quite another thing to mandatorily impose it onto his remaining few Twitter employees. The difference is he owned Tesla and did it to save his company and that's fine. His remaining Twitter employees don't own the company and aren't doing it voluntarily, I'm sure. As such, they don't have near the vested interest in Twitter that he had at Tesla. They can and should quit and go elsewhere where they won't be subjected to the abuse and constant fear of knowing they're in Musk's crosshairs. Now, if any Twitter employees want to do so voluntarily, that's fine also. It just goes to show that Musk seems to lack any real social or "people" skills. I'm not a psychologist, but he appears to exhibit antisocial tendencies. It's not surprising though, since I seriously doubt whether Musk has spent much time actually being someone else's employee. For the sake of his poor remaining employees, I hope he steps down as CEO. I'm sure they feel that the best Elon Musk at Twitter is no Elon Musk at Twitter.>> <<@trulahn says : Twitter board did absolutely the RIGHT THING forcing Musk to buy Twitter. They had a responsibility to their share holders and at the price Musk offered to buy Twitter, they would have been criminally negligent to not do everything in their power to ensure every Twitter investors at that time make off with a BUTT LOAD of money selling their Twitter stocks to Musk. I would have totally voted to sell too if given that choice. Share holders are far more important to the board of directors than customers.>> <<@4OHz says : 2:56 So was the anti-Semite, sociology dept., Henry Ford.>> <<@4OHz says : As a director stating that much money in the face - what would you do / the greater good of society-just like Dominion should have kept after Fox - yeah right.>> <<@malcolmxpanther says : Jack Dorsey calls his new site Bluesky lol. Too on the nose lol>> <<@malcolmxpanther says : Easy for Dorsey to say after he received 2 billion from the Twitter deal>> <<@jbarlak says : Jack got his money. Funny he has an opinion now that’s negative>>