<<@lauren92355 says : It’s horrible what they did to this hospital and I know this place well because this is the town that I’m from. I was born in this hospital,so were my 2 siblings. There are 2 high schools that on both sides of this hospital and I went to them both the public high school (UDHS) is where Tina Fey graduated from. My mother-in-law worked there for about a decade too. I have so many memories of this hospital and it breaks my heart to see what these soulless ghouls did!>> <<@henlohenlo689 says : news outlet saying "it is legal". like no its not, tell us how its legal? this is antitrust in a nutshell breaks alot of business codes antitrust laws. this is an anticompetitive market that relied heavily on the hospital and it shut down not only harms customers but also workers . this is why antitrust laws exist is preventatory rich people from doing antitrust to reck communities at will.>> <<@healingsoul13 says : What capitalism hasn't already eaten private equity firms will consume. America is not the country it claims to be.>> <<@mythiccdxx says : Maybe we should form a government to watch out for stuff like this.>> <<@sylodui8896 says : If it was truly about patients not paying their bill, why would they continue to buy hospitals? Too many have closed under their watch to blame on patients.>> <<@damspachercomedy says : Capitalism is immoral. I've sort of known this even as a young kid. It's not nice or kind. It doesn't share and it doesn't care. I wish we will evolve away from this resource distribution soon.>> <<@glenbateman5960 says : Makes perfect sense, from a Capitalist perspective. In America, medicine is all about building and maintaining wealth, not health. It only makes sense that vulture capitalists would want to get their share of that.>> <<@stampandscrap7494 says : This is hapening in Uk too>> <<@Rascuache86 says : For profit healthcare is an oxymoron, but Americans have swallowed so much MaCarthyist bullshit that they believe some day the "free market" will grow a conscience and do what's right for our communities.>> <<@rationalbasis2172 says : The good news is that hyper-vulture-capitalism is also demilitarizing the United States. They are doing to hospitals only what they have done and continue to do to the nation's defense capability. Not only is the military being gouged paying $10,000 for a small $300 pump, the vultures are also retaining control of the data needed to repair hardware. Everytime a piece of machinery needs even simple maintenance, repair or part replacement, the vultures charge 700% more than the cost. If you need 100 bullets, but if 1 bullet costs as much as 100 bullets, you get one bullet. That's not a military that can fight, but it is a military which can be a cash cow for vultures.>> <<@AdmiralBison says : The point is going to have to eventually sink into the majority of Americans sooner or later, with some only in denial. The United State's hyper-Capitalism and the ultra-rich on top of it is at root cause of most of society's problems.>> <<@Daedalus_Dragon says : This country is such a joke.>> <<@HypeBeast764 says : Oh no who could have predicted capitalism would do this?!!!!>> <<@EXMORr says : Legalized Racketeering !! The Real Problem is The Politicians Who Are Allowing This To Happen . I Wonder Who's Campaigns These People Are Contributing To ?? Follow The Money It Will Lead You Right to The Source !!>> <<@kenelliott8944 says : That pink strap dress is completely inappropriate for public viewing! What are you trying to sell here???>> <<@hegiratc says : How are they doing this. Our government is failing us. They to busy trying to keep there jobs and make money. Democrats and republicans.>> <<@hegiratc says : Never mind getting a medical degree I'll do what the admin guy is doing and swindle the government and swindle the people in the community win for me.>> <<@erikitter6773 says : Capitalism is for innovation in non-essentials, not for anything essential. And even that only works with regulations, including consumer protection and anti-trust measures.>> <<@michaelcook488 says : Step 1, Hoard all the money & assets Step 2, thin out the population, Step 3 repeat.>> <<@dwadedunkedkobe says : Or it could be, you know, nurses no longer working like they used to and billing absurd amounts for their low quality labor.>> <<@FrankHeuvelman says : Increase demand and you'll increase profits. It's the oldest trick in the book. This is just the start of a whole new economic ball game that won't end as long as people get sick and are willing to kiss anyone's ass to get medical treatment. And given the absurdly high prizes of pharmaceutical drugs Americans are willing to pay this will end badly. Very, very badly.>> <<@laurajean7046 says : One of their hospitals are storing hazardous waste on a unit because they owe the trash removal service millions. That’s gotta be bad for our health !😢>> <<@annereuter2630 says : None of these law makers will ever feel the effec ts of these hospital closures. So the March continues on the rich making the rich even richer..>> <<@ChaoSMyth... says : I love how these types of people call unemployed people lazy. When they literally steal money using money, then pat themselves on the back like their business saviness makes great return on investment.>> <<@MF-ty2zn says : Call your representatives and senators in Congress. Stop the private equity firms. These problems all came from the deregulation of private equity firms by Republican elected officials.>> <<@vanessawilliams4432 says : This country is pathetically getting out of hand an every last one of them knew! I bet they're families are covered, that's the main reason they don't give a dam!!!!>> <<@brookestephen says : If #FascistRepublicans have their way, they'll rule EMPTY states...>> <<@Galimah says : Be done with Capitalism already!!! We want N.W.O NOW!!>> <<@arlinchaapel4616 says : Damn corrupt bastards>> <<@silvertortoise3776 says : America is such a stupid country ran by morons.>> <<@katieb0ness says : I was born at this hospital, and went there for yearly appointments up until last year. they kept shutting everything down one by one>> <<@matgrays737 says : Crafting counsel>> <<@thepolkster46 says : This has been going on since the 70's , a direct result of GOP generated inflation, the same inflation that Republicans use to maintain their illusion of entitlement and superiority. This was a contrived plot , called the Powell memorandum in 1971 thanks to greedy Republicans it has devolved the United States of America into two camps, the learned and the ill informed, just what they wanted while they continue to pilfer the wealth and treasure of the middle class right under your eyes..........Since the end of WWII, the government increased wages every year to keep up with inflation. It was a rare year that the government didn't raise wages because of fears of deflation/stagflation. It was one reason we were able to weather the DECADE of double-digit inflation in the 1970s, caused by the Vietnam War and geopolitical embargoes and upheavals in the Middle East. Almost ten years of inflation that climbed over 14%. And Americans are whining over eight months of 8.2% inflation. I can understand why.....! In 1980, Republicans entered with trickle-down economics and filibustered yearly wage increases. We've only had SEVEN wage increases in 42 years and just one in 13 years. Meanwhile, Republicans have given corporations and the mega rich three massive tax cuts, bailed out Wall Street and corporations TWICE using tens of trillions of taxpayer dollars, given corporations over-generous subsidies and cut estate taxes for the wealthy. Republicans have transferred 38 trillion from the middle class and the poor to corporations and the Uber wealthy in the last four decades. That's why Americans can't buy homes these days and why a piddling 8.2% inflation rate is driving people to their knees. This should be the last time a Republican runs for anything, this cancer is about to eat itself !. RUN the Republicans completely out of American Politics, they have earned nothing and stole the American Dream from all of us ! REPUBLICANS cause inflation , that is all they have to bring to the table, create inflation, freeze COLA, reduce services and then reap the profits, while making the quality of life vaporize in front of the people who keep voting for REPUBLICANS. The quality of life in America is polarized, the haves ,have no sympathy for the have nots, while knowing they created this disparity. You have no idea what wealth has been stolen from the Middle class since the Nixon Era , here is a clue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPKKQnijnsM>> <<@Johnnywalleye1 says : This is what happened to Fairmont Regional, Ohio valley medical and East Ohio regional. Alecto health care sold to Medical properties trust . Then closed all 3 hospitals. BLAMED high cost of labor and supplies. Not the absorbent amount of rent.>> <<@zacharybils9182 says : And these CEOs want to blame us travel nurses for hospitals losing money. Give me a break>> <<@kimobrien. says : Is their a capitalist who is not a vulture?>> <<@david4096 says : Why they leting fashist buy Hospitals?>> <<@yatespeare5230 says : I'm a resident at a medical long term rehab facility in Lynnwood, Washington for last two years. Limited food, no snacks and no deserts. That is not a medical example but shows the atmosphere.>> <<@NA_49erFan says : Medera California only hospital shut down due to private equity>> <<@theworldreportbydr.rothschild says : Parasites.>> <<@DimaRakesah says : I don't understand how this is even sustainable. Housing, wages, small businesses, groceries, healthcare... everything is being bought up and prices skyrocket for profits for a select few and no one can afford anything anymore. At what point does it all just collapse? If people have mo money to spend on anything how will the economy stay afloat??>> <<@sky6248 says : This is also back for people in need in NYC because ambulance is also a paitaint cost. This should not be allowed in big cities or any city. The USA is still the only country that doesn't give medical for free. This needs to change... These are the things that the president needs to step in and make changes or demand changes. They say they care about lives, but this is not caring for care.>> <<@iretaylor9068 says : Capitalism is totally heartless. Can’t have both.>> <<@ambulocetusnatans says : I will never understand why, if you have more money than you can ever spend, why do you still want more? Is it like points in a video game? That's ridiculous.>> <<@SuperMBARutgers2013 says : aMERICA... Are we becoming a 3rd world country? #2 Is democracy antithetical to pure capitalism?>> <<@jessicabixler1658 says : Tax the hell out of the rich...or they will use that money to own you.>> <<@dianecrowder4971 says : This has been going on in New York for decades. So many hospitals are closed in Queens alone!🙄😡🤬😤🤷🏾‍♀️😎>> <<@Masterche18 says : This is actually evil>> <<@tonysmith5052 says : This is a perfect example why we have a government. So rich people can't do whatever they want to do!!!! So be careful when you say there's too much government, if you're not rich...>> <<@SuperMBARutgers2013 says : We need legislation. Less talk, more doing!>>