<<@friedricengravy6646 says : In my opinion, every person involved should b held accountable at every level regardless which organization they worked for (government, pharma, medicine) but the most evil r the doctors. An anesthesiologist running a pain clinic was NOT swayed by a 28 year old attractive sales rep with a 4 year business degree. 🙄 Rolling in on a Friday with free lunch should not b enough to manipulate a medical professional with specialized education & 20 years experience practicing medicine. A lot of excuses r made for the wrong people. They knew better & failed to protect their patients. Greed.>> <<@sofiaruha1277 says : Half of wall street is in on this ,on June 5th 2023 when the debt ceiling is breached brace yourself to circumstances like no other or similar to a stockmarket crash.>> <<@markurbanski7134 says : I use oxcycotin everyday because I have severe back issues from my neck to my tailbone. My body was crushed from my chin to my legs. Oxcy is the only med that has helped with chronic pain.>> <<@IamPreacherMan says : White collar drug dealers good. Blue collar drug dealers bad. Pay to play or go to prison. American capitalism. ✊🏼 Smdh.>> <<@AdmiralBison says : Hyper Capitalism and the ultra-rich on top off it (in this example the Sackler family) are the root cause of most of the country's problems.>> <<@naomirouse-kugel7911 says : Goddammit>> <<@sadsul2691 says : You can buy anything in America, ethics and morals ......>> <<@melothrien6774 says : I don’t blame anyone for agreeing with you, but you’re adding to the problem. A. We need to quit targeting the Sacklers…they aren’t the only ones to blame but that’s all I hear. B. If it isn’t the Sacklers shaping policy, who should? Because right now the addiction industry is behind it all and the deaths just keep going up. How do we start listening to patients who need these meds desperately?>> <<@victoryfirst2878 says : IMAGINE THAT, OUR OWN GOVERNMENT SOLD US ALL OUT FOR THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR. THANKS FOR NOTHING DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS. TWO TRUE TURDLIESSS.>> <<@erikitter6773 says : Corruption destroys everything. Still third-party funding is usually believed to be a good thing. You need proper financing through taxes and pretty much everything else needs to be just illegal. That of course is very different from what we have -- as corruption works for the people paying.>> <<@elektrosonic says : and still Weed is ilegal>> <<@soluteemoji says : Disgusting manipulation of medical professionals>> <<@JCTrev13 says : First you take the opium, then you move a molecule, that's what it's all about.>> <<@stagehandbueno1725 says : I was on that drug for 20 years and my Dr told me that it wasn’t a drug that you could get addicted on. That was pushed hard back in the early 90s . I was on very high levels of OxyContin. I do have chronic pain due to a severe back injury. I still live in pain and have went off of the OxyContin six or seven years ago. I did it the hard way no rehab just sheer, willpower and weaning off that drug. I was sick for months as I weaned off. I had to stay off of all narcotics for four years so in my system would reset. I went through a living hell for four years. I need a narcotic because my blood pressure gets so high without it due to high pain levels. I was a stroke waiting to happen. I am on a very low-dose of narcotics now for my pain to keep my blood pressure in check. I don’t know if I could sue them but I sure should. I was told it wasn’t addictive and it was severely addictive.>> <<@Urban_King1 says : I wonder how long until Pfizer and Moderna get these reports written about them. They've been involved in numerous scandals.>> <<@thereisnosanctuary6184 says : I thought John Oxycontin III was the heir to the Oxycontin fortune.>> <<@willperryman4559 says : Talk about a F-ing Cartel, within our own government….😮😮 The Sacklers have caused more deaths than the Mexican Cartels, but paid off people in the senate and congress 😡😡😡😡😡>> <<@SP.007 says : 5:56 - that seems like a form of welfare, you'd think the republicans would hate that?>> <<@SP.007 says : Treat Oxycontin as one of those banned drugs. Easy, isn't it? Prescribe weed, and see where it goes from there.>> <<@seanmcdonald4686 says : I have a childhood friend named Jessica who’s sitting in prison for 5 years for selling 3 oxycodone. Turns out all she had to do was sell a few million more and she would’ve been fine.>> <<@hugodgranados4215 says : These mfers do not stop..........why do we as a country put up with all of this obviously blatant corruption .......when are we all gonna wake up from this lazy political stupor........WAKE UP AMERICA .....LETS TAKE BACK OUT COUNTRY FROM ALL OF THESE CROOKS>> <<@marialuisadavid4880 says : People in the USA government and regular citizens alike are frothing and ready to invade México because of the fentanyl crisis that was created and brought to you by the Sackler Family Cartel. The Sackler Family Cartel is the largest drug cartel on the planet.>> <<@summerbrewster5555 says : Doctors are not prescribing opioids to people suffering from debilitating chronic pain who can barely survive. No they were prescribed to teenagers w/ minor injuries & hormonal headaches who then got addicted. Or for people in horrible accidents. Now bc of the policies changes my own grandmother is treated like an addict by kaiser when she needs pain management but kaiser is now over reacting bc they were the ones who over prescribed and created these addicts. These big hospitals created this problem and ignore those people who have chronic conditions that need help. I have suffered from chronic pain and not 1 doctor would ever give me an opiate bc I never had any insurance until now BUT every doctor is now scared to prescribe anything. Patients are truly suffering bc of big pharma & big hospitals and corrupt politicians.>> <<@dominiquedoeslife says : Please consider pain patients when you’re doing stories like these. I don’t care about the Sackler family, but I sure as hell care about being a pain patient during a moral panic over drugs that pain patients have nothing to do with. It is illegal, street made fentanyl and an abhorrent war on drugs policy, coupled with a for profit healthcare system causing the “opioid crisis,” not legitimately prescribed pain medication. Let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water here, and while we’re at it, let’s remember that it is the strict policies by the cdc, who, and dea keeping people using dangerous, street made fentanyl. Look no further than Switzerland to see what kind of policies work to offset addiction and substance abuse. Please reconsider stories like these in terms of how you are telling them.>> <<@garnetrose6162 says : All these drugs break down to morphine 🤓>> <<@garnetrose6162 says : #SacklersForPrison>> <<@PhilAndersonOutside says : They got a slap on the wrist last time, what makes anyone think they are going to jail this time? I ask this as a serious question.>> <<@GoddessMinerva333 says : Finally! The Sackler’s need to be in prison for racketeering and murder.>> <<@abraham990 says : This are the biggest drug dealers in America... they are the ones who made and kept Americans addicted to their pills. They should be In prison with el chapo>> <<@mrbrooklynite says : And think about Fentanyl and who its been killing the people that lose the insurance And ability to be big pharma custy buy from us or your dead if you think they don't work with the cartel to kill the ones cheating on em you don't know bout people like that. And think how much help the cartels been giving to repugs who you think financing the migrations in the 10s of thousands 🤔 how they eat how they get the intake of calories needed to walk from the other side of a Continent do you think they hunt? No its bank rolled they send people just to help repugs and the sackler we should stop this with our bare hands. I lost over 20 friends to oxy n now heroine. We must March on the rich but we won't cause we dumb>> <<@scottolsen5449 says : Right wing democrats taking money to addict american soccer moms that elected them…. lol…. keep propping up a two party system you get what you deserve.>> <<@sberryscake says : Corruption aside, and there is LOTS, the government needs to get OUT OF MY HEALTHCARE. For the last 20 years, the government has made it HARDER for people who legit need this medication and many others, NOT EASIER. With the slave labor and slumployers, more people are living and working in lots of pain and some cannot afford to even see a doctor, much less 2. A PCP, AND a pain dr. (Because the government made it this way). A huge number are perminantly injured to the point of being diabled, and live in pain. Then you have the majority of doctors who automatically look at anyone who tells them they have pain and ignore it, and assume they are pill seekers. The government needs to butt out of ALL drugs. Fund support and community so those who just want to get high, wont need to. Those who NEED this medication shouldnt be punished because the government decided something was needing to be so regulated that doctors have completely stopped prescribing legit meds for legit patients who need it. (Not even pain killers) just because it has a street value. There should be regulations on safety and cost, but not who and how medication is prescribed. At that point the DOCTOR is at fault for prescribing it. They should make laws against being "pill pushers", aka pharma reps, and kickbacks for drs. But as to who that doctor prescribes it for, and how many, thats between the patient and their doctor. Things like chiropractic and physical therapy could solve a large portion of pain sufferers problems. But the healthcare sucks in the U.S. and it makes those two much more expensive than a bottle of pills each month to make it so you can work again tomorrow. Its an entire rotten system, but regulating peoples healthcare to the point of not being able to get it at all, or so they have to suffer, isnt the solution. Drugs won the war on drugs, why are people still trying to fight it? 🤷‍♀️ Just like abortion and birth control. Stay the hell out of my healthcare.>> <<@rollinscossingtonjr.1025 says : im in end of life care and oxycontin is a god send for me .......with all the media coverage concerning opioids being so bad , the media has became responsible to those that really need strong pain meds and cant get them or its harder for legit pain patients to get these type of meds.....suffering is no joke !!!......people went to heroin because doctors stopped in their tracks writing prescriptions for opioids .....>> <<@shannonfergusson978 says : They played with the lives of disabled, people with serious injuries and pain conditions, etc. As well as causing addictions to so many people. Just think of all the lives they've messed up, altered, destroyed etc. They really need to be held accountable for the damage they have caused>> <<@QAnnon-hk9ry says : 33:777 I am 68 and was a real hot dog in my younger years. I take 45 mg a day and have no problem. How much do cigarette company lobbyists spend, or coke and Pepsi. They are worse imo. Just my opinion . Love your show. Dude. Your are great the way you express yourself. I agree with you all 😂🤣😁🧘🏻‍♀️🧘‍♂️☯️🎃🌌🛸🌹🐝✌👌💚😀😸🦄🐈🙏🦘🦘🌷💐⚘🐞>> <<@markbishop1138 says : This is BS they did this because policymakers were but MONEY in theirs pockets and This is the largest Cartel in America. How can the America government sold out and murdered the American citizens.>> <<@RotGodKing says : I know three people who started with pills and moved to heroin. They couldnt spend 2k a month on pills anymore. One managed to kick it but the others are still deep in their addition.>> <<@shericlarry7785 says : This is whose buying up all new builds & creating “ghost” apartments ( housing crisis)?)>> <<@nunnaurbiznez8815 says : More Americans are dying now from street fentanyl and kidney disease from too much Tylenol and Ibuprofen. Not to mention the pain and suicide of untreated pain patients. We can't get the opioid meds that keep us functional. We never deviated from our scripts and low dose meds don't work. There is no good replacement.>> <<@nunnaurbiznez8815 says : What makes you people think that big pharma isnt doing the same thing with other drugs by replacing that one drug that worked with Gabapentin and Suboxone. Just research who is making money on those drugs now. The same people!!!!>> <<@nunnaurbiznez8815 says : You people need to educate yourselves about what is going on. REAL PAIN PATIENTS ARE BEING FORCED ONTO DRUGS THAT DONT WORK AND BIG PHARMA IS MAKING EVEN MORE $$$ NOW.>> <<@nunnaurbiznez8815 says : They are now paying doctors to prescribe drugs that are not even used for pain. Instead they are giving 8 or 9 other presciptions used for seizures, anti depressants and Suboxone which are far worse for your body. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO GET ANY OPIOID IN AN AMOUNT THAT GIVES RELIEF ANYMORE.>> <<@janellevans878 says : And now people with pain can't get meds they need, because good doctors are afraid to prescribe. 😢😢>> <<@rufusdean-el8336 says : Wow....good work TYT!!>> <<@TheRealReVeLaTioN says : I’m diagnosed with chronic pain and doctors only want to give me pain medication that actually works when I’m forced to go to the emergency room. Not to mention a pain clinic doctor telling me that “people like me” don’t feel pain like “people like her”. Which was said recently and why I’ve started going to a private practice instead of a government run facility.>> <<@CarsCatAliens says : I always cant help when i see high position pharma people get charged and sentenced with a slap on the wrist. A guy who supplied pharmacies with their drugs broke all sorts of laws and got 3 years... Think at the amount of deaths he facilited indirectly.. someone who sells 2 pills to someone out of thwir kwn stuff would get 7 to 10 for strick liability for a drug death plus possession with intent... Its backwards>> <<@DoobieKeebler says : I want to say FUCK the FDA or whoever for forcing everyone to taper becauce of some "bbad eggs" that miss used it. You forced people on to heroin & fentanyl that were never abusing drugs. And now the ff××king ACA is trying to force everyone onto suboxone, which is way worse than opiates, studies show it doesnt help long term & now the suboxone makers are paying out a class acxtion lawsuit they lost, for the damage it did to people. Shome people just had pain & had something that worked. I personally think people who don't have chronic pain. Should not be able to give their opinion on thi s policy because they have no idea. I wouldn't begin to know about pregnancy & abortion, being a man, but I've known women that had 5+ abortions and could come up with some cockamaime bulls××t about how now abortion shouldn't be allowed unless women get consent from the father & can only ever get 2. .9😊popping 000⁰000⁰09⁰0⁰ⁿ😊😊😊0⁹0>> <<@lakitawright6003 says : If this one family has been controlling the opioid policy how is it that you DO NOT BELIEVE the Phyzer & J&J have no influence over covid vaxxes?>> <<@ClassicRuby says : 100% agree EXCEPT for where you take any and all possible accountability or blame for playing with folks away from the guy that dated both women at the same time... No matter how normal you mount think that is, the thing is we all know that folks playing the field are less than upfront and honest and create these types of toxic narratives and situations by lying to multiple women at the same time to get what they want outta them. And then don't feel bad and say charge it to the game or some such nonsense. We gotta add some blame to him, cuz the fact that this crazy woman didn't play nice and be a good little jump off like the man was OWED that and that his behavior did not also have foreseeable consequences is a bit ain't ish enabling on that count. But as I said I agree with everything else and I hope they throw that woman under the jail for life and then some>> <<@cyphrTube says : 19 million is CHEAP compared to the lives in MY LIFE ALONE that have been lost. Friends, family, and even a fiance. (not the addiction, the expense of the suboxone cure)>>