<<@jessbess394 says : Anyone still voting for Biden have NOT done their research! He’s a liar, racist, too old to function independently; a bought and paid for puppet. If he’s elected again, America has no hope in ww3, and yes he will lead us into war at the rate! Make America great again, at least for the next 4 years.>> <<@peterdebrie says : I take no pleasure to say that most Republicans and democrats will go to hel. God will judge>> <<@johnnyquest9519 says : I’m a Trump supporter and there are a few nice friendly people can say about Biden>> <<@123bojac says : I have never blamed TD for his actions or statements as President. I blame those who supported and voted for him. I knew what he was about before his TV show. I really didn’t think it was a good idea for Hillary Clinton to call his supporters “a basket of deplorables” however, now I understand why she said it.>> <<@Thorboy156 says : 😳😳😳 unbelievable that people can think that way.>> <<@he6699 says : The majority of Trump's supporters seem to be those who think chocolate milk comes from brown cows. The Trump farce is absurd. It is like a tragicomic play unfolding. Russia, China, Iran, and other rogue states are cheering. The rest of us around the world keep our fingers crossed for an America without this selfish, bitter and vindictive man who failed to produce nothing but hate…..>> <<@Ali-cf5lm says : my god, I cannot believe how dumb these people are. She thinks Trump worships to God but Biden worships to Devil. This is one of the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life. Trump for sure worships to something but it's definitely not god but it's money and porn stars>> <<@darkknightdelta2880 says : I can't think of anything nice to say about him either and I try to have an open mind. I don't believe what Trump tells me to believe but I believe what I see and I see a weak, feeble, decrepit old man with dementia who should be in a retirement home instead being the president of the greatest country on earth. He embarrasses us every day on TV by tripping on steps, forgetting everyone's names and addressing leaders by the wrong name, thinking dead people are still alive, calling VP Harris "President Harris", stumbling over word after word when giving speeches, needing notes telling him what to do, I could go on. That being said, I also can't really say anything nice about Trump other than I like his policies because they actually worked. I do not believe Trump is a very nice person but I would prefer him over Biden any day. At least Trump has ideas of his own that sometimes aren't bad and isn't like Biden who has to be told what to say, not having the mental clarity to understand things that are happening around him. When Biden is of mind, after they've injected him with steroids, he says very hateful things and belittles half the country. He's the most divisive president ever who after promising to bring unity to the country goes out of his way to divide us and make us hate each other. The country has never been so divided and he and his administration thrive on it. We shouldn't hate each other because of who we voted for but that's what they're trying to make us do. Trump never did any of that so I can give that one to him. Liberal or conservative, democrat or republican, we all have our right to believe in what we want to believe. That's what makes this country so great is that we have the freedom to believe what we want and do what we want. I believe in the Constitution and what it gives us the right to do and say. The government doesn't tell us what to do. We have freedom and liberty and they want to take it from us and by they I mean all of them, democrats and republicans. I'm here to say to anyone who will listen that we (the American people) are the ones in charge, not them. It doesn't matter what color you are, it doesn't matter what faith you do or don't have, we're all the same and we shouldn't let people like Joe Biden tell us otherwise. Black people are being taken advantage of the most. They tell them that they're victims and that they're nothing without them. Since when has getting a voter ID been racist? Are they implying that black people are too stupid to know how to get one? Nobody is a victim of anything. White, black, Asian, Hispanic, it doesn't matter who or what you are. It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman or whatever you want to be. It doesn't matter if you're gay or straight, you be you. Don't ever let anybody tell you what to think and how to think. I am proud to be an American but I am ashamed of my government.>> <<@miket5057 says : Gullible idiots like this are why DT got elected. All he had to do was spew the sh!t they believe and they loved him. Classic demogouge.>> <<@albertmoore4445 says : No!! (stamping foot and pouting) I won't, and I will tell Momma, if you ask again!>> <<@pisces363 says : It’s not that they don’t like Biden. They like conspiracy theories that tell them not to like Biden.>> <<@Goodolmemes1 says : These stupid Trumpers should team Up with stupid TYT, therefore double the ignorance>> <<@lisaowen7617 says : I'll pass on Biden, thanks.>> <<@titusthegreat7434 says : Hate to say it but they’re right. There is nothing deprave you can’t get a democrat to endorse. They just rename sh!t like turn pedoph!le to Minor attracted people and put their demonic stamp of approval on it.>> <<@Fujin1111 says : Hate to love, love to hate.....>> <<@1956builder says : 5 time Vietnam draft dodger Joe claimed he had asthma coward in thief>> <<@ericbiggar3975 says : Saving America 😃 from cov 19 ❤>> <<@KathyBourdon says : These people are so ignorant it is on real>> <<@rafaelsale6364 says : I don't have one nice thing to say about Biden and I'm not even a Trump supporter. By the way, the worst thing of Biden has done as President is pulling our troops out of Afghanistan letting the Taliban take over the country.>> <<@FierroDuroRails says : Biden es un pendejo... My 70 year old mother who barely speaks english can run this country better than those idiot democrats.>> <<@peterbruno657 says : Trump is king of insuecure men and the menopausal women that pretend to love them.>> <<@DahliaLegacy says : I can at least say one good thing about trump and I HATE trump. He's a great con artist, he's duping many low-income people to donate money to him when they barely have enough to survive, yet he claims that he's so rich... Then what does he need with their money? Who knows. lol Like I said, great con artist.>> <<@flibble89 says : There is nothing good about biden>> <<@Lach1234 says : Its funny because Trump wouldn't dare share a table with these subhumans.>> <<@nazimhaxha5491 says : Wow!!!Stupid Reps.>> <<@Buzz_Kill71 says : You'd think they would spread the word through the crazy Trump world to stop doing these interviews, but no. Each crazy person seeks out the mic!>> <<@usmcchrisg says : The people are just hilariously stupid. Thank god I dont live where any of them are in charge.>> <<@bwmcelya says : This foul smelling trash heap of crazies has but one place to go. Downhill. The stern truth is that IQ levels this low have no shot at a decent life.>> <<@bobwelch351 says : Trump is a traitor to the United States>> <<@joycebeckford1700 says : These are the most stupidest people in America. If Joe take a cognitive test against them they all would fail. It’s a damn shame to show that people as stupid as them living in America what does it say about America i laught so hard I cried because looking at these ignorant from my country I was shocked to know that people in America are still so stupid.>> <<@louiseasmith1336 says : Shit for brains magats.>> <<@orlandoyero7151 says : Put a sentence that Joe biden said>> <<@oscarbenigsen4538 says : I have one good thing to say about Biden. He is so old and cadaverous that he is nearly dead. I have another good thing to say about Biden. He tried to force everyone to take an experimental needle by taking away their jobs, which is the means by which they feed their children. And he mostly failed. I have even another good thing to say about Biden. He tried to give almost $500,000 to each illegal immigrant separated from their family at the border - the border they were crossing illegally. He backed down once his aim became known publicly. One more good thing about Biden. He is so old and senile that he often does hilarious things.>> <<@otiemanning3821 says : Now post a video of Biden saying a single coherent sentence 🤡>> <<@louiseclark9944 says : OMG I cannot even believe what I just heard on that tape those people are absolutely off the nut Joe Biden is the devil or worships the devil what did they freaking nuts Trump's never going to church except for when he was young when his parents made him go he's also an atheist which he announced at a meeting at Trump's Castle when he owned it and I was an employee there he is the most disgusting man on the Earth those rednecks are calling by the devil or worships the devil they don't even know what they're talkin about their they're the most disgusting people on most I've seen they should be ashamed and then they need to go to a doctor and have their head fixed>> <<@jeankaleb says : How much of an ignorant Red-Throat/Red-Neck do you have to be to believe these inbred fools. Common sense was lost on them at conception. Still remains true that: "You cannot fix stupid. Stupid is forever." A nation that classifies itself as: "One nation under God." They still have a long journey ahead in all aspects of life.>> <<@tinicumdad648 says : Scumpsters are insane. I can only imagine they're smoking meth.>> <<@showdown7512 says : All the morons that voted for Biden. He's an idiot>> <<@JoseLopez-ob8th says : Look at these fools.. racist buttheads>> <<@firewings4742 says : Talk about cognitive impairment, these trumpers are prime examples of cognitive impairment 😳>> <<@WhatTheFuckIsWrongWithPeople says : These folks can't even come up with valid arguments>> <<@UpursLoser says : Trump is corrupt and a danger to our country and the American people.>> <<@davidschlaifer9373 says : The lack of specific details is staggering, but the bounty of "You knows" and "They dids" is disturbing. When ignorant people think they know something but have a hard time trying to actually tell you what they know. Tough to watch, tougher to be them.>> <<@raymondbendall6935 says : Fug!>> <<@jamesgomez9151 says : What a bunch of filthy animals. They truly are $h!t people.>> <<@barbiedahl says : Some of the stupidest f****** people I have ever had the displeasure to hear.>> <<@barbiedahl says : They can't do it because they are binary thinkers. You know, morons.>> <<@arbiterofperil says : These folks are brain dead>> <<@benthusa4416 says : Why you ask these RAC.ISTS such questions?! Stop steering this Country into DOOM DAY!!!!>> <<@Khris_Man says : Trump’s ppl are Patrick stars in real life.>>