<<@ProgrammingWIthRiley says : Lol I worked for this guy>> <<@TheFrumiousOne says : He’d feel less of a man without money, because he has a small pee pee.>> <<@jasonself783 says : Cardon is a lipless Scientologist grifter>> <<@jasonself783 says : Nobody stays in a 30 year mortgage to seriously payoff the mortgage, adding $$ to the monthly payment and paying bills weekly, or refinancing into a 10,15, 20 year term will help you expedite the payoff. Be aware that your fico score will drop significantly, even with a perfect pay history ,once you payoff your home. 30 year mortgage is specifically designed to make living in a home more affordable for the average consumer>> <<@jeanmas4197 says : Here's a golden rule for you all. Most of everything in life is very complex so don't believe a guy that tells you that everything is simple. In this case inflation is complex, so complex that no one saw it coming in advance, not even this idiot. But here he is explaining how it works and surprisingly, it's SO SIMPLE. So here's your clue, no it's not simple and you are an idiot and a liar, that on the other hand is simple to figure out. Btw, that's what Trump does too, telling everything is simple! Problems? it's the Mexicans! Still problems? It's the democrats. A rational thinking human cannot fall for that crap, things are simply rarely simple.>> <<@darlenejames4341 says : He sounds like a con artist. Why doesn't he advocate for a living wage if he is so concerned about people's income.>> <<@frankpalancio8471 says : This dude is just 'demonstrating ' which male species do instinctively. Like a gorilla pounding his chest. Very primal and primitive>> <<@dezerayb3980 says : My whole family would be out of debt if I made 2mil for even one year.>> <<@michaelmcdonald8877 says : I am embarrassed to be in the same universe as this ass wipe.>> <<@milycome says : Best road to certain wealth is to become a two faced, lying charlatan web financial influencer and speak your message towards the gullible masses.>> <<@margueritejansen2171 says : Love this take down of Cardone. I used to work in a car dealership and the young, cis male owners were drunk on his special brand of Kool-aid. I just thought that most of what Cardone blathered on about was BS. I remember one tip: In working - do the hard stuff first. That is such stupid advise for someone working a service orientated position. You do the easy stuff first, because there is someone waiting for it to get done and they will wonder what the fuck you are doing if you are not handling their simple request.>> <<@timberwolf5631 says : While investors may have invested their life savings into this fund, Grant Cardone has absolutely no obligation whatsoever to spend his time managing any of the Cardone funds. Although he has investor money under his control for ten years and these people cannot sue him, Grant Cardone is free to do whatever he wants with his time. Cardone’s social media activity; continual self-promotion; time spent at the gun range; and his several hours a day set aside for mandatory Scientology requirements as an OT VIII can and will take priority over managing investor money. - Thank you, Scientology Money Project.>> <<@nelsonnunez7149 says : They don’t talk about how they raised the price of these homes, also taxes, mortgages, and insurance. Now you can’t even , make money on an investment, without charging so much in rent. Soon the house of cards will crumble !>> <<@exscn9934 says : Grant Cardone is a militant Scientologist, and Scientology is one of the biggest scams in the world. He is one of David Miscavige's key henchmen. Grant and his wife, Elena Cardone, have donated over $30 million to Scientology's slush fund, which, in part, funds the harassment of people who Scientology deems to be a threat and enemy.>> <<@mikewilburn5884 says : 90 percent tax on everything over 5 million>> <<@sirakzewdie4711 says : won't be surprised if this snake oil salesman joins his pal Bernie Madoff soon>> <<@stephaniedavis9404 says : Sounds like he has a huge case of, small dick syndrome.>> <<@cinema104 says : Just buy his real estate course and you can be rich too.>> <<@machetealvarez says : 1:10- 1:15 🤦 The irony 🥴>> <<@Dan16673 says : Too many americans are poor by choice>> <<@hyojoonus says : I feel like this is a way of trolling the poor to make them dislike making money to keep them poor. I mean, is this the way people become when they become rich? Of course not, but it's disturbing to think there is. Nevermind, there's Trump and there are those worse than him.>> <<@lilymcnabb6621 says : i lean right, am more independent..... Grand Cardone is a JACK ASS. Rich but still a JACK ASS. Being rich doesn't make you a success. I own my house, no mortgage. If he said folks need to stop complaining and WORK, start a business, etc.... that is what it takes to get ahead. He is popular with the grift and greedy ilk of politican. And he is wrong about inflation. Our entire monetary system is fraud. The fed prints all currency in circulation. If they print $1 and want .01 in interest, where does the interest come from. Oh right, print more $$. Designed to fail.>> <<@mt9442 says : Slow down turbo - 400K - Give me a break w that kind of a pitch!>> <<@sumdude4281 says : Buying a home is like an investment account (House) you pay someone to actively manage (Interest Paid to the Bank) except you get to utilize the asset in real time. A return is not guaranteed but generally over 30 years the value of the home goes up and here is the important part you get the principal back when and if you sell. People OFTEN use the equity in their homes to start business including buying apartment buildings they will manage and maybe live in. DJT inherited his money. Everyday people do it the old fashion way. I was a CRE lender for community banks. This guy has no idea what he is talking about. The downside is once you buy its VERY HARD to sell and move anywhere you want to get a new job for example. Renting has that one advantage. You can move easily to where the jobs are.>> <<@KingAngel4Life says : Poor is a state of mind. Riches lives in one’s heart, and it’s not what you make but what you do with your money. A millionaire can be broke within a blink, and a poor man can be forever rich in his heart and mind. Greed is what’s wrong with so called humans. Never let anyone make you feel less than, and never be so greedy that you feel above all.>> <<@ShellsGhost1 says : Conservatives are subs who love the thought of being dominated by the holy spirit. Ann Rand was giving dominate me with that free hand great men. Control every aspect of my life for me.>> <<@mattheffner6831 says : He snorts an 8 ball a day. Guaranteed>> <<@abram2535 says : He is a scammer.>> <<@bhg123ful says : I’ve known people like this personally. They sound like they’re just trying to help people around them with advice. but they’re just showing how scheming they are. I know understood these finance/tech gurus obsession with never paying interest on a loan. I certainly want the banks to be regulated so that they collect as little interest as possible, and should avoid wasting money on interest, but paying interest on a car loan or a mortgage is no different than paying a business for any other good or service.>> <<@romanyel says : Good topic>> <<@roxie_the_rockmonster4892 says : I bought my condo for 98k, now could sell it for 307k. Not bad for 20 years.>> <<@robertchantry1981 says : The secret to financial freedom is to have enough money to not worry about money. Remember you are already rich. If you have a plane the eats 2.7 million a year you just made yourself a slave to money. Im a retired millionaire are i live like a king on 2 grand s month>> <<@kevinusher6388 says : Sometimes Anna goes off the rails>> <<@laurawilliams9672 says : What an absolute flatulating sphincter of avarice.>> <<@Daniel-qi3pf says : I'm a right winger but I can't stand that idiot either>> <<@horatiomh says : Crapola, if everyone is a business owner who's doing the work?>> <<@Motiahmed330 says : Owning a home is the best way to hedge your usually massive downpayment against inflation. You also in most cases get a 'rent' aka mortgage payment that does NOT go up with inflation once you lock in a rate ..that comes in really handy. Tldr - a house should be your first investment, then stocks and companies. I like it when I own companies and my biggest asset (house) is inflation protected. Build your base first.>> <<@jaybae2547 says : Uncle G helped me go from a 40k earner in wireless to a 150k earner in solar. He's extreme but his audience expects and knows this. The logic behind his view on homeownership is why don't you take that 10 percent down payment and start a business that creates income. That's how you build real wealth. You know kinda like how Cenk left msnbc and started the young turks.>> <<@pokerman9108 says : someone let her know the dollar is a losing investment. leaving it in the bank is a bad investment. you literally lose money doing so. that's his point, you can put that money in other places which make money vs losing money. Why is she sooo dumb... it's hard to watch sometimes.>> <<@philtronnn says : Milton Friedman said it awesomely. Home values go up with inflation. Home values increasing is part of the same game as interest to banks, fractional lending, company stores, etc. A house of cards is propping up gilded cages. Property value increases just make us feel like we’re getting rich. The scheme kinda works, but it’s still sneaky robbery once you see it.>> <<@viceverse11 says : Let's continue to shame successful men's mindsets. Is it brash, sure, but motivational speech tends to be.>> <<@FuturuzedBrain931 says : At 8:51 she completely missed his point. Hes saying that your money compounds in circulation versus sitting in checking or savings. She's talking about FDIC Insurance 😂😂 Programming>> <<@MissTiffanyCartier says : All that money 💰 and he get buy himself Lips 👄 🤷🏻‍♂️🥂>> <<@runoz2839 says : got on the size (extra medium jacket)... 😭>> <<@spoogtastic says : Grant cardone is a horrible person and a scam artist so who cares what this guy thinks.>> <<@2breal91 says : Pretty sure you never had a man card to lose bud, sorry to have to break it to you Jake.>> <<@surfnbacker84 says : I Am conservative. We do not want him. He is a massive fraud and will eventually go down.>> <<@seneca451 says : He is a scientologist, and his wife is just as insufferable.>> <<@Punk_Rock_Grrl_Dragon says : What a D. I gave some of my pandemic money to people who didn't get any, but should have, then I bought a new mattress for myself, which I needed.>> <<@MattSeven says : Cancer doesn't recognize itself as a problem.>>