<<@mellio9077 says : obviously Cenk has never had a deep connection with a dog before. He’s missing out! Ana is so on point here>> <<@mellio9077 says : I just love Ana here! yes of course the dog knows !!!🤩 🤩>> <<@jaimeduncan6167 says : Ana's pictures with the dog are so beautifull. They seem very happy toguether and both are photogenic as we used to said in the olden days.>> <<@guitary says : My dog travels all the time. But passing the dog park, she looks, turns her body and then looks at me like, WTF? Uh why are we passing by?😅>> <<@patriciaoffer9585 says : TYT HATES DOGS.........!!!!!>> <<@karl-niclas_burner says : Would rather eat food surrounded by dogs than surronded by kids.>> <<@dallasdandigitalproduction393 says : I like the TYT animal social day idea. What about an animal meet up at a dog park? You could invite fans to come and meet you all, and have a barbeque and a mobile animal adoption set up? You can sell steak tartare for $75 if you wanted,lol>> <<@HaleyMary says : My mom often gives her cat Friskies treats so she knows the crinkle sound of the package and whenever she hears a plastic bag opening she thinks it's for her even though it's sometimes chips, chocolate bar, crackers or something else wrapped in a plastic.>> <<@HaleyMary says : Cats are very smart. I used to have a main coon/tabby cross who has since died, but when Marty was alive, he knew the word "outside" so every time I said that word and shook the harness and leash, he would run to the back door because he knew I was taking him out to the back yard. My current cat Blue is also very smart, but isn't as sociable as Marty.>> <<@enevitableparadox3735 says : We should legally be allowed to slap anyone who uses the term "fur baby".>> <<@joshbateman4230 says : I give my dawg our left overs>> <<@JCTrev13 says : For some strange reason, Anna was really upset by the horse comment.>> <<@blueeyed5074 says : Hah. Invest in dog food, people. And cat food. Single women will be your top costumers.>> <<@trippy6183 says : If you do things like this, enjoy, but please stay away from me.>> <<@BorganBorgan says : This is the greatest debate of our time. I have never been more invested in any debate than I am right now.>> <<@ItsYaBoi888 says : That dog in the still image for thebvideo tho 😅>> <<@hope4now says : This is a “ it’s too dangerous to have children in America” thing.” Getting pregnant could be a death sentence for the mother. And going to school could be a death sentence for a child. Better off staying single and getting a dog. Can’t afford kids anymore anyway — and why would you want to bring a child on to a planet that we are actively destroying. Yeah— get a dog and move to Canada.>> <<@spencerercanbrack5534 says : They even sell dog ice cream at the Safeway where I live in Washington, about $9 a pint, such a joke.>> <<@spencerercanbrack5534 says : Ya, I know a lot of barely middle class LGBTQ people that would love a dog menu like that for their own.>> <<@MarvelTheDefenders says : I think I feel guilty looking at Ana ☺️🕊😆>> <<@Dream-Catcher_69 says : Cenk should be ok with this, since he openly supports beastiality.>> <<@__-nd5qi says : Gross imagine eating with animals>> <<@datdude50036 says : There are real people out here starving, and this is what you wanted me to spend my time watching? Noted.>> <<@catherinethompson837 says : When I parked near a McDonalds my dog Buster got excited because he knew he was going to get a burger with nothing on it.>> <<@almiller1470 says : Cenk is wrong 😢>> <<@gingerhickerson5792 says : My dogs sunshine also knows when I wake up and I hadn’t even moved in. She can’t see my face, but she’s in tune with my breathing when you wake up sometimes you take like a deeper breath. Immediately she begins wagging her tail next to me and is so happy that I am awake, but never saw me, just knows every little thing about her one and only momma! I have two grown children, who were raised with a flat coat retriever, a golden retriever and a huge yellow lab! My daughter and hubby just added a male Bernese puppy with their 2 yr old female Berner. Dogs are the best of everything that is great in life!!!!>> <<@gingerhickerson5792 says : I have been a full-time pet sitter in my home for 7 1/2 years and I have a little hungry are usually head over $50 that I have watched have passed away over the years. I am on my 14th dog as a 64 year old, single human And my dog sunshine knows when my last dog leaves from a week or two weeks day and all the other dogs left. She knows that I am going to take her out for a long walk so as soon as that dog leaves, she starts acting a certain way, and it’s because she wants me to take her for the long walk. She’ll grab my slippers she actually smiles and wiggles and prances!! And I’ll tell her the names of the dogs that are coming that day and with each mean she wags her tail and she knows who they are!!!>> <<@thesilvasavage4376 says : Eat the rich and thier dogs!🤬>> <<@theSoftScenter says : Actually, Ana, horse meat is delicious. When I was a kid, my mom used to get it on a regular basis for her low blood pressure. Unfortunately, North-Americans have the same reaction to the idea of eating horse meat that they do dog meat, which is considered normal in many foreign countries. Fair enough. But the countries that prize it end up getting the best cuts, so these get packed and shipped to France and we're left with the lesser cuts. I'm curious to find out what the best cuts taste like. One thing I do know is that it is more blood-rich and leaner than beef and so really helps to regulate low blood pressure for those who suffer from that, without resorting to medication. As for what @Fools Def Music had to say, his handle says it all. He IS quite the FOOL. And he's not a regular or he would already know that Ana's married, and to whom. But he's just a troll and so has no interest in facts, so he can't be bothered to do even the most cursory research into the people he's trying to debase. He even sent the same message twice. Methinks, like so many right-wingers these days, that there's a huge amount of projection going on there. The fact is that that is where HIS mind went. I wish you could block those sick people from posting their sexual fantasies on your thread. This isn't the place for it. On the other hand, the possibility that this sicko might escalate from this to something IRL is rather frightening. Can you not report this to the cops ? You need to know who this individual is and have a restraining order put on him. Or, at the very least sue him for defamation! Nip this in the bud before it escalates. Words need to have consequences. On another note, Charlie is DARLING! He's the cutest, sweetest looking little ball of sheer joy and I for one am thankful for every picture and remind John that we haven't seen his doggies in a while, nor Cenk's cat either. Every day should be bring your pet to work day. Employees' work satisfaction and productivity could very well go way up. Just a thought.>> <<@bpdmf2798 says : Your littler dog in the thumbnail looks like a small version of my Little Ricky, a shetland sheep dog. He even has the same eyes looking sideways at the camera.>> <<@SoundsDefinition says : Beware many of these women that are so much in love with their dogs also make love or have sex with their dogs. Also, many of these women with dogs are not in relationships because they put the dog life first before their partners. You see, she doesn’t have kid and probably no man. You hear, she said she will save her dog before she save herself. So the dog comes first before her. Therefore her relationship with her dog is more important that relationship with human. With respect, she sounds as if she’s having sex with her dog. I won’t be surprised.>> <<@SoundsDefinition says : Beware many of these women that are so much in love with their dogs also make love or have sex with their dogs. Also, many of these women with dogs are not in relationships because they put the dog life first before their partners. You see, she doesn’t have kid and probably no man. You hear, she said she will save her dog before she save herself. So the dog comes first before her. Therefore her relationship with her dog is more important that relationship with human. With respect, she sounds as if she’s having sex with her dog. I won’t be surprised.>> <<@linrook6459 says : My husband and I are healthier since we’ve had dogs in our lives. The more places we can go with them, the better. 😁>> <<@ARTPROBLEMS says : I'm on CENK'S SIDE.... all of these parties are for the owners, just like baby showers are for the new parents(who regret not using contraception)>> <<@ARTPROBLEMS says : Do the owners get to eat too??? JESUS!!>> <<@bencerwinske559 says : I don't have kids of my own, but I've worked in childcare/education for about 20 years. I understand the desire to think of someone/something as your child. These kids are the closest thing I have to my own kids and I make a substantial investment in their lives. But they are not my kids. Pets are not your kids either. By all means take good care of them, but comparing them to children is apples and oranges.>> <<@gordontall2441 says : Where I am dogs are for protecting and to alarm me if a bear or wolf comes close to the house. They eat whatever scraps I can afford to give them but they don't starve. If one dies I guess it's sad but they are just animals that I use for a purpose. That's why I don't name them>> <<@idontwantcorporateretaliat6301 says : My dog never eats better than me, I give money to soup kitchen #TeamHuman>> <<@t-man5196 says : Anthropomorphizing Ana>> <<@euroyankee2003 says : I picture people going to a dog restaurant wearing fedoras for no reason>> <<@OFP_TODAY says : I LOVE CHARLIE>> <<@lbwlawyer says : I love the Doggo deck options, for restaurants that have outside sections>> <<@Llynnyia says : No it's not hygienic to eat at a restaurant with dogs inside. That's why the FDA doesn't allow it. If you see it . Report the restaurant to the health department the only dog that should be inside are service animals.>> <<@Yanquetino says : Love to see this! When we took our dog with us overseas, we found that it's the norm in Europe, even in indoor restaurants: the first thing waiters do is bring a bowl of water for your doggy.>> <<@martinvalerocasas451 says : I remember when i started watching tyt there used to be a lot more lighthearted segments like this. Unfortunate that we can't have more of these now whit the hell scape we live in now haha>> <<@imaginaryfriend4512 says : Or parents who buy $300 shoes for toddlers...>> <<@think2023 says : GREAT thumbnail! (But from facial expression.... dog has reservations ...pun intended)>> <<@Butterfieldowl says : I mean real bones or bully stix for dogs are pretty expensive.>> <<@Butterfieldowl says : I get spoiling pets, cuz youre their whole world and they get no say. But yea im not throwing a dog birthday party 😂>> <<@circejanuary says : Kid menu should not exist to begin with, It is not a thing outside of fast food places. Children should eat normal food. But also let people spend their money as they please. The reason why people are so attached to their pet is because in this economy, in the environment many people* feel it would be irrespondible to bring a child into this life. Let people be happy in their life. My dog is my girl, she is an animal but I love her, yeah I bring her to restaurant and café near my house, she comes she lay down, I eat and then we go home, I even go to the butcher to get her meat. It's my money why do you care ?>>