<<@jeffreystasi2754 says : Love this woman……our president …..let’s be proud of our country!>> <<@jeffreystasi2754 says : And f@#$k obutta>> <<@osucowgirl2001 says : Yikes! She is CRAZY!! Wow!>> <<@flutieflambert says : The democrats would rather lose to Trump than win with Williamson.>> <<@lizadeeza says : Keep covering her! Fox did an even longer interview that was surprisingly good - https://youtu.be/L7lz2WlizFI>> <<@pauljung3534 says : "Kintsugi is a pottery technique. When something breaks, like a vase, they glue it back together with melted gold. Instead of making the cracks invisible, they make them beautiful. To celebrate the history of the object. What it's been through. And I was just... Thinking of us like that. My heart full of gold veins, instead of cracks."  ~ Leah Raeder "When we mend, we become whole. Amendment and unity - for self and humanity - is in hand."  ~ Paul Jung>> <<@pauljung3534 says : "Rise up... to bake, a new cake!"  ~ The United States Of America "A diehard no-nonsense matriarch -- with snap, crackle, pop & hutzpah -- is needed to sweep clean, this nation's household!"  ~ Mary Poppins>> <<@pichipachu says : Is This The Next Progressive Powerhouse? Duh, YES!>> <<@marryellenmonahan5585 says : You need to have her on again guys... she is making more sense than anyone else. Hello.>> <<@mikeyboy6482 says : I can get on board with this. Absolutely a starting point for BOTH sides.>> <<@JoseMendozaLifeLearner says : We need to have more people aware of complicated reasoning; which seems to be what is necessary to get past the mass marketing campaigns that corporations throw at the public.>> <<@Heretowatchstuff says : 1:07 because people like you get elected and seem to stop there. I hear all the right thing, but I’m tired of just hearing them.>> <<@JoeLancaster says : I wish you'd cover Marianne more. She's been killing it lately with the interviews vs conservatives.>> <<@johnstallings4049 says : BidenHarris2024! ❄️🌎❄️>> <<@brianr5356 says : I love what she's saying and I would vote for her in a heart beat. Only thing is, she'll be trying to fight a system that's built to knock people like her down. I wish her luck but I don't see her beating the system.>> <<@sydneyrobinson5107 says : She's the only real progressive standing in my opinion.The progressive wing of the Democratic Party has sold out. Bernie andthe squad included, When they endorsed Weak Ass Bidens reelection,without having any debates. Whatever happened to the party of democracy inclusion? I guess when you start making millions from selling books you get a little Is corporately corrupt. And the rest are just falling in line doing that they're told. They can go straight to h*** all of them. Marianne Williamson 2024, come on Gen Z, don't let them shove their favorite down your throats. Corporate America has a stranglehole on politicians we need to clean house she's dangerous to them and their pockets,the progressives as well.She's Exposing all the corruption in this country across-the-board.>> <<@andrewblackmon6251 says : Without the mainstream media it’ll be hard to get her there. I wish we had term limits on the house and senate also that will get rid of some of the corruption because they’re not trying to save their seat>> <<@kevinkey6771 says : Free free free free. Tax tax tax tax. That’s all I heard her say….>> <<@earthminus10 says : Republicans have been molding the American people for decades to be sick, dumb and poor. And then blame the American people for not being able to pull themselves up by their bootstraps which is a physical impossibility. Williamson is expressing herself different than she did the last run for president. I like everything she had to say before and I really love what she's saying now. I think she's changed your language a little bit or something but she's coming across now A+ She is not so tarot cardisch this go round. Which would, and did, turn people off. She got my vote>> <<@zeecalsdecals7482 says : Now put that on commercials ❤>> <<@WarsWorth says : She'd have my vote>> <<@barrylyndongurley says : No one should ever underestimate this brilliant, soulful woman. Regardless of whether or not she wins this time, her voice should be heard and heeded. As it's now constituted, our current system needs to collapse before we're likely to ever reconstitute it in a way that reflects her values. I once heard Marianne speak about 28 yrs ago at a Santa Barbara Museum, John Bradshaw event: she struck me as having the extremely rare quality known as " Duende.">> <<@universalspeck says : Even if she isn't the democratic nominee. Pencil her in ! Fk the narrative if enough of us stand up for what we believe things WILL improve. ❤>> <<@PeterFnPorker says : AMERICA IS OWNED AND OPERATED BY CORPORATIONS....... GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK DUMB AMERICAN SKULLS>> <<@steveochry4047 says : Yesanna every message that she says you agree with that's because you're a dumbass that's because you should be working at dairy Queen instead of tearing down us liberals and being our worst enemy>> <<@steveochry4047 says : And the worst part about it is you idiots you young turds will build her up we'll put her on a pedestal and try and split the Biden vote just like you did with Hillary you are our worst enemies young turds.>> <<@steveochry4047 says : She let me think about that is this women the next progressive powerhouse know this dumbass is not the next powerhouse she's just another Donald Trump on the left hand side she's Bernie Sanders on steroids the liberal party the Democratic party does not need this a-hole as a liberal I stand by this>> <<@theonetruetim says : YUSS!!!!>> <<@M_M_B_ says : I would like to start a march to urge the DNC to take our voices seriously and at the very least have a debate between the primary candidates so voters can decide…. Please if anyone is interested reach out! #MarchForMarianne>> <<@AndreaSimone57 says : She's telling it like it is! If i didn't have to pay my health ins premiums i could afford everything else. But instead inhave to use credit cards for groceries. Ridiculous>> <<@TheRealReVeLaTioN says : If she runs as an Independent, she has my vote. If she runs as a democratic, I’ll change my registration to democrat so I can vote for her in the primaries. Progressives should stop running as democrats and just become the progressive party. Only problem is a lot of progressives don’t want Black Americans to be equal to them also, hence why they don’t demand police reform or support Black Americans getting reparations like Jews, Asians, and the families of slave owners got/get.>> <<@marksauck3399 says : After listening to so many moronic women from the democrat party, I wouldn’t trust a woman as president, ever.>> <<@marksauck3399 says : Hey stupid. This richest country in the world is about to go bankrupt. You politicians and your elite friends don’t have enough to bale us out of this mess you progressives made for us.>> <<@ol48spring says : Trickle up? No! Dems got to fight back now!>> <<@rw1226 says : T Y T SUCKS.. THEY LOVE DEMOCRATS..THATS WHERE THEY RE FUNDING IS..ASK CENK>> <<@rw1226 says : Maryanne Williamson is Weak and has No answers>> <<@lpk6372 says : Sure vote for her in the primaries give the dem establishment a scare so they will adopt even more leftist ideas>> <<@markwesselmann9237 says : Progressives are communists. Fkg garbage>> <<@evensteven1950 says : So she's Elizabeth Warren 2.0. She even sounds like her. She's got no shot lol>> <<@jimsanders-rx5ng says : No she's not because she's not serious about reparations for the descendants of the American Freedman!!! She nothing but Bernie Sanders mini me!!! GTFOH 🖕🖕🖕>> <<@peachscentedskulls says : ^>> <<@jonthebru says : I say no. She is a one off and other than rhetorical statements she simply doesn't have any actual movement behind her. If by fate she gets elected there is no way she would be prepared to actually govern. I suggest she would be worse at governing than the disgraced, indicted former guy.>> <<@chensexpress9668 says : yes.>> <<@chuckkarges3819 says : Been saying this my whole life but that all needs done f the rich pigs bleeding the poor>> <<@fazbell says : I respect Marianne Williamson.>> <<@willperryman4559 says : I’m totally open to this type of leadership, but she’s got to raise a billion dollars to fight against the corporate entities who own the Repuklicons and some of the democrats……. I would definitely donate more than I already have 🗳️✊👏👏👏👏💯>> <<@NellaArdnassac says : WHAT IS EVERYONE WHO IS TRYING TO TALK AGAINST HER IN THESE COMMENTS ACTUALLY SAYING!???? No negative points are valid. NOTHING She said was wrong or a weak campaign point. SHE IS THE ABSOLUTE BEST OPTION THE US HAS AS A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE (.) You Americans better not screw this up and lose this opportunity to finally vote for a fully competent, fearless, moral, and powerful leader like this one that God is clearly attempting to bless, redeem, and protect you (and the rest of the impacted world) with.>> <<@green-user8348 says : There's nothing about her that I trust.>> <<@JustMe-ec2ph says : Too many serious issues that I have NOT heard Marianne talk about! Digital currency, mandates, and we know she's not anti war. Has TYT even talked about the other candidate running against Biden? LOL Maybe so and I just missed seeing it.>> <<@vidk1dd96 says : If she shows promise and action, she'll get my vote.>>