<<@76ersALLDAY says : A year later, and nothing has changed. Hate Trump all you want. Pelosi is just as dangerous.>> <<@76ersALLDAY says : Nancy pelosi may be even more dangerous than Trump. Why, you might ask? Because she looks you in the eye, smiles, tells you she has your back as she puts the knife into it.trump just tells you to your face he's gonna stab you. πŸ˜‚>> <<@76ersALLDAY says : Gotta love Pelosi πŸ˜‚>> <<@marquigee says : This is why I value TYT - they call the BS on both sides...>> <<@soundconjurer4380 says : Democrat = Republican in corporate American. If Biden wins his primary, and he will, I won't be voting. I don't care anymore. The system is so rigged and broken, why even play anymore?>> <<@vokouhiunell1163 says : She received $544,877 from Health professionals and health packs.>> <<@duskeyowl2507 says : Until the U.s Media is forced to change the narrative Americans will die waiting for healthcare.>> <<@johndefalque5061 says : Trophy Wife! American Hospital Association-sounds so patriotic and hospitable. like Beetlejuice said to Howard Stern, "Congratulations boss, you just won a major award, the bad news is its the Adult Video news Award!">> <<@A.Rose.G says : How does this advance health care? They forgot to add "industry wealth" to the award description. This is kind of sick...>> <<@bartdoo5757 says : Nancy Pelosi received The Margaret Sanger award too. Sanger believed in Eugenics and extermination of blacks like weeds.>> <<@citizenenak says : Preach!>> <<@Dustyfogz says : Americans. Let me use this opportunity to give you another option of achieving health care for all. Because the present approach of progressives will not work until money is removed from politics or you can replace most of your lawmakers. First thing is you need to stop with the narrow minded focus on insurance. The present system can be kept partially intact for those who wish to pay for health services privately. What you can do is create a whole separate system where the government owns and runs a health care system providing emergency, preventative etc. Elective care and certain more expensive treatments can be covered privately. This is pretty much the system we have in my country, Barbados so a portion of our taxes go towards healthcare, education etc. It's not perfect but I'm sure that smarter people can work out better details for your situation but I think you need to be realistic. You have a capitalistic system so there is no way you are going to be able to demolish an entire insurance industry while they sit by and do nothing. Because they legally can, they will pay whatever they need to bribe the lawmakers since the option you are suggesting will put them out of business.>> <<@kitburns1665 says : Corruption is rampant. $$$$$$. Nancy designed to fail and deny care. Wonder how much it cost the lobbyists. 10 drugs can be negotiated. In 2026.>> <<@victoryfirst2878 says : Imagine that, THE OLD BAT GIVE THE FAT CATS MORE OPPORTUNITY TO STIFF THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA. THANKS FOR NOTHING OLD BAT DEMOCRAT. SHAME THE HAMMER MAN MISSED YOUR HEAD.>> <<@BlazingShackles says : Oh, Nancy, the BIGGEST corporatist Congressional Democrat from California.>> <<@PeterFnPorker says : All the Boomer in Politics should be put in Prison.... Boomers ruined the world>> <<@cxa011500 says : I'm sick of Pelosi 😑>> <<@soluteemoji says : Jesus>> <<@JayM- says : She is 80. What she gonna do with all that stolen money?>> <<@jlamm2223443 says : Pelosi deserves an aware for helping Pass the AHA that has saved my friend's life. She actually got something done rather that making the perfect the enemy of the possible>> <<@halfulford3081 says : Greed has destroyed America's government and most of the countries people.>> <<@gemcan54 says : PELOSI IN-LAWS DIRECTED RAY EPPS TO ORCHESTRATE THE JAN 6TH RIOT. PELOSI IS SUCH AN EVIL MAGGOT. PROUD BOYS WERE SET UP AND BLAMED. THE DEVIL HAS PELOSI'S SOUL.>> <<@TheSeeker225 says : Americans really need to learn how to protest. How blatant does it have to be ? An award for the worst health care system on the planet. πŸ˜‚>> <<@judydavis4715 says : And I thought she was for the people. I have always said insurance was the cause for the high price of health care. They pay what hospitals ask and just pass the buck to the insured plus a little more for themselves. The more hospitals charge the more profit the insurance companies make in the long run.>> <<@vineshnaidoo9402 says : Just evil...>> <<@80bbygrl says : But, we are not a socialist society, we are not Venezuela, we don't need Medicare for all... It hasn't worked out well in any other country I've seen. Canada, you have to wait YEARS.>> <<@80bbygrl says : What a brave, courageous woman.>> <<@nicholausbuthmann1421 says : "Starlight Proceedings", I see where they won't allow legit Journalists like The Lever to cover and critique such, huh ?!.....Personally if I was the Marriott's Manager I wouldn't care if a Journalist(s) wanted to embarrass some Lobbyists and Politicians, I truly wouldnt care !>> <<@rbj5767 says : πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘Žβ€ΌοΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ’”πŸ’’β€ΌοΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ’”πŸ’’β€ΌοΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ’”πŸ’’πŸ€‘πŸ’ΈπŸ˜“πŸ€’πŸ€’πŸ€’>> <<@gemcan54 says : PELOSI HAS DESTROYED SAN FRANCISCO. PEOPLE ARE DYING IN SAN FRANCISCO AND SHE DOESN'T GIVE A CRAP. SHE WILL BE KNOWN AS A LOVER OF MS-13 CARTELS, CHILD TRAFFICKERS BECAUSE SHE WANTED TO BE A BIDEN BUTT LICKER JUST LIKE TYT.>> <<@melodiephillips3514 says : All those people saying derogatory comments towards Nancy Pelosi, JEALOUS MUCH! Kevin McCarthy is the weakest and most hypocritical speaker EVER! He won’t last long!!!!!>> <<@raylewis2121 says : Liar>> <<@randygeyer7673 says : I LOVE AMERICA! LAND THAT I LOVE! STAND BESIDE HER AND…>> <<@duanecrockett4086 says : Momma done told m got nothing nice to say don't say anything at all ! But I rarely abided by mom advice ! If it bulwarked WE THE PEOPLE'S WILL FOR THE GOOD !>> <<@samuraichampionz says : The AHA, The Health Insurance Industry, and The Pharmaceutical Industry is an Oligopoly all working with each other. This is because of The Buckley's Decision, The Reagan Revolution, Citizen’s United, and Super Pacs.>> <<@samuraichampionz says : These people involved in this are pieces of shit.>> <<@artvanderlay6974 says : A testament to how bad the GOP is when someone like Pelosi seems like a credible choice.>> <<@hannamakela6989 says : Remember snorting when hearing Pelosi say (in an anti-Squad context) that "I'M a progressive!". Well, that snort just became a very loud laugh, indeed. Pelosi is not even a centrist, let alone a leftist. She is a fiscally conservative right-winger. And the same goes for the majority of her party.>> <<@jerzwest says : You do realize Nancy didn’t bring anything to the floor without the votes to pass-right?>> <<@Fourtondragon says : Wow, great points>> <<@mirgrande7683 says : I NEVER thought I'd say this in a zillion years. She is starting to make Trump look like Mary Poppins. I am not American but loathe back stabbing, hypocritical trash wherever they are.>> <<@mirgrande7683 says : She is an old hag on her last legs. One foot in the grave where her millions will do her absolutely no good. I bet she buys donor transplants from vulnerable people around the world and blood tranfusions galore. But she will die soon enough. Evil b.itch.>> <<@america_is_a_myth says : Ive been saying it fir years ..Nancy is a part of the problem....shes a multimillionaire ffs..😑😑>> <<@globalwarming382 says : So that's why the guy that attacked her husband. I thought it was trump related.>> <<@eltoppdog says : I live in Pelosi's district. I can't ever get through to her office. I get dismissed on the rare occasion I do. Senate Dems and establishment insiders are completely corrupt and will respond to nothing short of massive and severely disruptive protesting. Fill the streets and withhold your labor.>> <<@byrdiegrow7991 says : Money talks and the citizens can't walk as there is no help from political millionaire's and Billionaire Donors?>> <<@jenniferschmicher5945 says : Yea, Nancy>> <<@hashupasshole says : Give me one reason why its better to vote for the Democratic nominee over a Republican nominee when they are not doing anything for the people?>> <<@75Froggie says : Nancy Pelosi agrees with all of us here on the desirability of Medicare for All (or for All Who Want It), but she also notoriously, (1) knew as Speaker how to count votes and (2) knew how to unify a narrow Democratic majority and give its members from crucial purple districts the best opportunity to hold their seats in the next election. It's easy to throw stones at "corporate Democrats" but hard to see the bigger picture and optimize results in the real political system we have to work with. I love AOC, The Squad, and other members of the Progressive Caucus and would vote for them over moderate Democrats in a primary if I had that opportunity where I live, but compare how Pelosi held her caucus together and kept the loyalty of the Progressive Caucus with how Kevin McCarthy does with the Freedom Caucus. Enough with the idiocy of the circular firing squad.>> <<@thephantomchannel5368 says : Did you guys just wake up and crawl out of your cave ? Some of us have been calling these people out for decades and some of you defend these inhuman monsters, I'm looking at you TYT. Do you get it now ?>>